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Rebel Bear (Aloha Shifters: Pearls of Desire Book 2) by Anna Lowe (21)

Chapter Twenty-One

Tim woke slowly, smiling before he even opened his eyes. His bear hummed lazily, still celebrating the experiences of the previous night. He tightened his arms and hugged Hailey closer, but she’d slipped out of his grasp. So he reached a little farther and opened his eyes.

Rays of golden morning light sliced through cracks in the weathered cabin walls, illuminating everything but Hailey. The kettle on the stove shone, begging to be put to use. Sunlight glinted off the copper plate of the old-fashioned coffee grinder, and the brown-and-purple colors of the braided rug on the floor were richer than ever.

But Hailey was nowhere in sight.

He closed his eyes and twitched his nose, engaging his keen bear sense of smell. Still no Hailey.

His eyes snapped open, and his heart revved. Where was she?

He stood quickly and pulled on the jeans he’d discarded the night before. It couldn’t take long to find Hailey. Then he could sit her down with a mug of coffee and finally spill all. He had to, because there was no way he could let her go without trying to explain.

Outside, the air was still, the plantation quiet.

“Hailey?” he called softly.

Had she gone to the beach? He sniffed again. Hailey’s honeysuckle scent hung in the air, but intertwined with it was…fear?

He froze, concentrating on his nose, teasing apart the thousand different scents in the air.

“Hailey,” he whispered, looking around.

Panic was an unfamiliar emotion, and it rose in him like a wave, making it hard to think.

There were two scent trails that matched Hailey. One led toward to the beach and felt calm. The other was tinged with fear and headed uphill. He forced himself to walk slowly, looking at the ground.


He stared at his own footprint — a grizzly print, clear as day in the soft soil around the water pump. He hadn’t thought of that the previous night when he’d gone out. His bear had been so excited about having Hailey close that he’d had to shift and amble around, satisfying the urge to rub up against every stump and fencepost, marking his turf and everything in it — including Hailey — as his.

Not far from the huge grizzly print were the marks of Hailey’s flip-flops. The angle and impression showed that she’d gone from strolling to stopping to…

He looked up, feeling sick. She’d started running for her life.

“Hailey.” He wanted to call for her, but it came out a choked whisper instead.

Seconds later, he raced up the hill and into the barn, where he screeched to a stop. The pickup was gone. Hailey was gone.

His first instinct was to race after her. The second was utter defeat. If she had figured out he was a shifter, there was no way she would ever trust him again.

I told you to explain to her before, his bear cried.

Before meant before sleeping with her, and his soul ached, knowing he’d never get to go to bed or wake up with her again. He stared out the open doors of the barn, ready to drop to his knees and yell. Or better yet, to drop and die. Why live if he couldn’t have his mate?

He tried pulling a curtain over his mind to shutter away the emotions. Logic was better, and it didn’t hurt. And for a short time, he even succeeded. But then his bear piped up.

Can’t let her go.

All the pain rushed back in, and he really did drop to his knees.

But what was he going to do — chase after Hailey and force her to stay? That would make him no better than Jonathan.

Which was when it hit him that Jonathan was still out there. Lamar, too. Would they pressure Hailey when they discovered she was no longer under the protection of the Hoving clan?

Anger welled up in him, overriding the pain, and he sprinted for Connor’s motorcycle. Even if he couldn’t have Hailey, he had to keep her safe. Seconds later, he was racing down the road, doubling the speed limit, desperate to track her down before she left the safety of Maui.

He headed for the airport, because that seemed like the logical place for her to go. And that felt right, too, up until the last turnoff, where his inner compass pointed onward.

Focus, damn it, he told himself. The airport made more sense.

But his inner compass insisted, and at the last second, he swerved back onto the main road. Soon, he was on Highway 36, the road to Hana. A mile or two later, he pulled over, ready to roar in frustration. It made no sense. Why would Hailey go that way? All that lay in that direction was the house at Pu’u Pu’eo.

His insides twisted. Turning back to the airport was the logical thing, but instinct kept insisting he should follow the coastal road.

Logic, his mind insisted. Less painful that way.

But a little voice kept begging him to listen. That way. Trust me.

That inner battle, that push-pull, was something he’d never experienced before. Not even in the most desperate moments of his military career or the most lethal shifter fights he’d been dragged into. Why was it happening now?

Because she’s our mate, you fool. Our destiny, his bear cried.

If he could have reached out and kicked destiny, he would have. What was the point of finding his mate only to lose her?

With a curse, he peeled off again, racing down the coastal highway instead of turning back to the airport. It would kill him to find out his hunch had been wrong, but hell. He leaned into every curve, driving at breakneck speed. Then the inner compass twitched again, and he eased off the throttle. Pu’u Pu’eo was another couple of miles down the road, but the compass pointed toward the coast.

An unmarked road with a Do Not Enter sign flashed by on the left, and he whipped his head around. The side road was fifty yards behind him before he recognized the scent carried by the wind.

Wolf shifter. And not Chase, nor their friend Boone.

“Lamar,” he grunted.

Throwing his left foot down, he dragged the motorcycle through a skidding 180-degree turn and raced back the way he’d come. With every sense on high alert, he bumped down the side road. Beneath the Do Not Enter sign was a smaller sign marked with an ominous, Dangerous surf. Beach closed. Lamar was out there, and so was Hailey. He could tell by the scent. Jonathan, too.

Tim’s heart leaped into his throat when he spotted his pickup standing with its door open, surrounded by three SUVs. The driver’s side showed several huge dents, and his pulse soared. What had those bastards done to Hailey?

He jumped off the bike, letting it drop as he took off on foot through the trees. Fast at first and then slower, with his shoulders hunched to remain concealed. The onshore wind was in his favor, keeping his scent from the other shifters, but it also brought him the acrid scent of Hailey’s fear.

He snuck over the last few yards and peered out from behind the last tree. Before him, the dunes dropped off to the beach. Lamar and Jonathan were there, boxing Hailey in.

Those two are about to die, his bear growled.

Tim fought off the urge to sprint in and let his grizzly rampage. Hailey would think him a monster, and there were at least four other shifters to consider — three wolves and a bear, if his nose was right. They must have flown in to Maui covertly that very morning, because they certainly hadn’t been on the island last night.

Wait. Think. Plan this out, he ordered himself. Hailey was unharmed — for now. He had to turn off the emotions roiling around his gut and think.

To his surprise, his frantic bear — the beast who always rebelled when it came to matters of the heart — quieted and let him organize his mind.

Hailey. Four shifters plus one human. Basically, the kind of hostage situation he’d trained for, and he had the element of surprise.

Connor, he called through his mind.

His brother was miles away, across the island, but Connor’s deep dragon growl sounded in his head.

What the hell is going on? Why did you rush off? And where the hell is my bike?

Tim didn’t bother to answer. Lamar and a couple of his cronies have Hailey cornered out here. I need backup. Fast.

He couldn’t name the location, but Connor would be able to track him as clearly as Tim had been able to track Hailey down.

Crap. Hold your position, Connor ordered. We’re on our way.

Tim gnashed his teeth and crept closer. Normally, bears were among the most patient shifters, but that was Hailey out there, and his world was upside down.

“No, I did not miss you, you jerk,” Hailey barked at Jonathan.

Her face was a patchy color, showing the white of fear and red of anger. Tim forced himself to take in other details of the scene — the position of each man, the angle of a long-abandoned lifeguard tower, and the distance to each end of the deserted beach that terminated in rocky outcrops. Lamar was clearly alpha among the four shifters, and the others were on edge, watching for some cue from their boss.

Jonathan tsked and touched Hailey’s hair, but she smacked his hand away.

“I told you you’d regret leaving me,” he said, oh so casually.

Every muscle in Tim’s body coiled.

“And I told you my only regret is ever meeting you,” she snapped. Then she looked around, worried. “Where’s my mother? What have you done to her?”

Jonathan smirked. “So sweet of you to think of the old bitch. Don’t worry. She’s happily shopping in Waikiki. At least, for now.” His voice dropped in a clear threat.

“For now?” Hailey stuck her hands on her hips.

Jonathan laughed — the ass — and smiled. “Last chance, baby.”

Hailey shook her head. “What’s so hard to understand about no? I don’t love you, Jonathan. I never will.”

Jonathan sighed. “I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of that.”

Tim’s bear growled. Love is everything.

Before he’d met Hailey, he hadn’t understood that. But she’d opened the door to a hidden part of his soul and changed everything.

“I’ll give you everything. I’ll take good care of you,” Jonathan went on. “Like a princess.”

Hailey snorted. “What if I don’t want to be a princess?”

Jonathan went on as if he hadn’t heard. “All you have to do is follow my lead.”

Tim scowled. Did Jonathan really think that was all a woman might desire?

“No.” Hailey turned to stride away, but one of the others stepped forward, cutting her off. She spun back to Jonathan, furious. “You can’t force me to go with you.”

“Oh, but I can. You’re the perfect wife, and I want you.”

He might as well have said, That’s the perfect Mercedes-Benz or I want that Armani suit. As if Hailey were just another accessory he needed to achieve his ambitions.

“You have a choice, Hailey. Two easy options.” Jonathan grinned. “Option one, you marry me and live happily ever after. I’m going places, baby, and I’ll make you the most glamorous First Lady since Jackie O.”

Hailey scowled. “Why not the most glamorous First Lady ever, while you’re at it?”

Tim hid a snort. Hailey could certainly do glamorous — he’d seen the magazine spreads. But that wasn’t who she really was. Why couldn’t Jonathan understand?

“Option two,” Jonathan went on. “And let me warn you — you really need to consider this from my perspective. The next best thing to a Senate candidate with perfect credentials and a beautiful wife is a Senate candidate whose true love died tragically, leaving him mourning and alone, ready to serve the public in loving memory of his fiancée.”

Hailey stared, and Tim’s pulse went through the roof.

Connor, he growled.

We’re on our way, man, his brother replied.

On the way was good, but the distance was such that his backup wouldn’t arrive anytime soon. Tim wouldn’t mind taking on Lamar and the other shifters, but that increased the risk to Hailey. His feet twitched, but he forced himself to watch and wait.

Hailey glared at Jonathan. “Your true love dying tragically?”

He made a face. “Yes, I like the first option better, too. The choice is yours.”

“You’re crazy.”

Jonathan sighed. “Option two. Such a pity.” He reached into his coat pocket, drew out a sheaf of papers, and clicked a ballpoint pen. “I’ll need you to sign this, of course.”

Hailey’s jaw dropped, and Tim’s did too. Jonathan expected Hailey to sign some kind of agreement before he murdered her?

Hailey smacked the papers away. “What the hell is that?”

“The instructions to your lawyer to turn your property over to your beloved fiancé without further delay.”

Hailey’s face went blank. “What property? I rent my condo and—” Her expression changed, and she whispered, “You want my grandparents’ place?

Jonathan tut-tutted. “You really should have signed this over before.”

Lamar scowled. “That stubborn old man should have signed it over while he had a chance. See if you’re any smarter, Ms. Crusak,” he said, drawing out her legal name.

Tim’s mind spun. What did that mean? Why had Hailey suddenly gone so pale?

Then he remembered what she’d said that day they’d rushed over to Koakea after running into Lamar.

My grandfather was mauled to death by wolves.

Wolves — or shifters?

Lamar’s evil grin stretched.

Hailey covered her mouth and whispered, “You killed my grandfather.”

She whirled, ready to bolt, but Jonathan caught her arm. She twisted away, glaring at him. “You want to kill me, but you want me to sign over the deed first?”

Jonathan nodded, all matter-of-fact. “Easier that way.”

“And if I don’t?”

He grinned — really grinned, like that was the best part of his diabolical plan.

Hailey read his expression before Tim could, and she blanched. “You’ll kill my mother if I don’t.”

Jonathan shook his head. “Oh, I won’t kill her. Lamar will.”

Lamar nodded and showed the points of his teeth. “With pleasure.”

The last of the blood drained from Hailey’s face, and she swayed on her feet.

“Either way, that property will be mine,” Jonathan crowed.

One of the security guards shot a knowing smirk to another, making Tim do a double take. What exactly did they have planned?

“Sign the land over to me, and nothing will happen to your mother,” Jonathan said. “If you don’t, you still die, and the land goes to her. She will sign it over to me, and then she will die.” Jonathan waved to the pounding surf. “It’s easy to stage a drowning, especially in a place like this. Another wouldn’t be hard. Or maybe a tragic fall…”

Lamar shook his head. “Something slow and painful.”

Hailey stared. “You’re ready to kill for a godforsaken piece of land?”

Jonathan snorted. “That godforsaken piece of land is sitting on one of the biggest virgin oil fields in the lower forty-eight.” Then his lips curled into a wolfish grin. “I wouldn’t have minded screwing your sweet ass either. Oh, wait. Maybe I still will. Second thoughts, baby? Option one is still open, you know.”

“Just get moving,” Lamar growled.

“Now, Lamar, don’t get greedy,” Jonathan chided.

Lamar’s face flushed. Like any alpha wolf, he hated to take orders. When Jonathan turned to Hailey, Lamar gave his men a curt nod. They fanned out to new positions, surrounding Jonathan.

Tim’s heart pounded faster. The shit was about to hit the fan, and Hailey was standing at ground zero. He calculated which of the men he’d have to kill and which he’d have to settle for merely knocking aside when he ran in for Hailey.

“Just sign it already,” Lamar barked at Hailey.

Jonathan’s face clouded. “You stick to your job, Lamar, and I’ll stick to mine.”

Hailey looked from one to the other and slowly backed away.

Yes. That way, Tim wanted to whisper to her. Get over toward the guy on your left. He looks like the slowest of the bunch.

But Hailey edged closer to another man instead. Tim wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. If only he could speak into Hailey’s mind the way he could talk to Connor or Chase.

Still, Hailey was his mate, so it had to be possible. Tim mustered all his concentration and pushed an image toward Hailey’s mind. The other way. Go toward that other guy.

She halted, looking around in confusion. Then she spotted the tiny opening to her left and edged toward it.

Yes! That way. Slowly. Keep going, he wanted to yell.

“I’m the one who put all this together for you,” Lamar barked.

Jonathan snorted. “You told me about the land, yes. But you wanted to kill Hailey outright. My plan was much better.”

Tim felt sick. Was Jonathan talking about his plan to woo Hailey and make her the last accessory he needed for a perfect political career?

Jonathan laughed, apparently unaware of Lamar’s growing anger. Did he even know the man was a shifter? Tim doubted it.

“Besides,” Jonathan scoffed. “You have no capital, no connections. You knew about the oil under that land, but you couldn’t do anything about it. Which is why you need me. Don’t forget that, Lamar.”

“You need me,” Lamar growled.

Jonathan made a face. “Yes, I do need you. I also pay you, Lamar. Like I said, don’t get greedy. This is just one step on a long road. I’ll make you even richer someday, you know.”

Lamar didn’t look like he wanted to wait for someday, and Tim crouched, ready to run in.

“You’re the one who can’t control one stupid woman,” Lamar snapped.

Tim nearly growled out loud. Hailey wasn’t stupid, and she hadn’t been put on earth to be controlled.

Jonathan ignored Lamar and turned back to Hailey. “Like I said, baby. Last chance.”

“How long do you really think she’ll play along for?” Lamar cut in. “Only one way to keep a woman quiet.”

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll come to see the light.” Jonathan grinned, looking Hailey up and down. “And you,” he said, turning to Lamar. “Don’t lose your head. I’ve got this under control.”

It sure didn’t look like it, not from Tim’s vantage point. The security guards had all taken a step closer, and like any good betas, their allegiance would lie with Lamar, not their human boss.

“Lose my head?” Lamar turned bright red. “Lose my head?”

The air shimmered around Lamar’s shoulders, signaling an imminent shift. Tim took a deep breath, ready to barrel forward.

“Maybe you’re the one who needs to know about losing for a change,” Lamar snapped.

“Uh, boss…” one of his men murmured, trying to calm him down.

The others looked on nervously. Whatever their plan had been, Lamar was about to blow it to bits. Even Hailey patted the air with her hand, signaling for Jonathan to back down.

But Jonathan just laughed. “Lose? I never lose.”

Lamar clenched one fist, and Tim watched as wolf claws extended from Lamar’s hand.

“You will this time,” Lamar growled.

Jonathan snorted and turned to Hailey, putting his back to Lamar. A fatal mistake Tim could see coming from a mile away. He shot forward, racing toward the huddled group. Not to save Jonathan’s sorry ass — too late for that anyway — but to save Hailey.

“No!” Hailey shrieked as Lamar raised his arm.

Jonathan didn’t even look over his shoulder. “Don’t mind him, Hailey. All bark and no bi—”

The word bite turned into a shocked gasp as Lamar lay his claws across Jonathan’s neck and ripped savagely to the side. Jonathan dropped, clutching his throat, making horrific gurgling sounds.

“Jonathan!” Hailey cried.

Lamar pushed away the nearest of his men. “Either way, she has to die. And either way, the profit is all ours. We’ll get that bounty Moira offered — and the oil field, too.”

Moira? Tim narrowed his eyes as he ran. What did that scheming she-dragon have to do with all this?

“You beast!” Hailey screamed at Lamar.

The words filled Tim’s mind as he ran down the dune. He shifted in mid-sprint, wincing at the thought of what Hailey would see. She’d cringe at the sight of a huge grizzly with its jaws held wide, ready to rip Lamar and his men limb from limb. To her, he’d be another murdering shifter she would never be able to face. A beast.

I love you, Hailey, he whispered, wishing she could understand.

Then he steeled his nerves and bared his teeth, ready to take out the shifters who dared threaten his mate.




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