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Rebel Dragon (Aloha Shifters: Pearls of Desire Book 1) by Anna Lowe (22)

Chapter Twenty-Two

Connor ran along the edge of the ledge, hollering at the top of his lungs. One minute, Jenna had been down there in the water, beaming and waving like she’d found pirate gold, and the next…

She was gone.

“Jenna!” he yelled.

He’d slept peacefully all night — the kind of soul-deep peace he hadn’t felt in years — until jolting awake with an out-of-nowhere sense of doom. Of some terrible enemy not just lurking, but rushing in to attack. And when he looked down—

“Jenna!” he screamed at the sight of a huge something barreling at her from the depths. It was too deep to see clearly, but the line of white trailing behind showed how fast it was.

“Get out!” he yelled. “Get out!”

God, hadn’t Jenna sensed that creature coming? Hadn’t she seen him waving her away?

He stared as the long line of froth zipped along, just breaking the surface, making a beeline for Jenna. A horrifying look of realization had come over her too late. Then there was a huge splash and a muffled cry he felt more than heard.

“Jenna!” he bellowed.

It came out deep and throaty, because his dragon was already struggling to emerge. But he was so rushed and frantic that his two sides tangled, and he couldn’t shift.

Damn it, hurry! he ordered his dragon. That monster was dragging Jenna away.

You hurry! it shot back.

Connor’s anger mounted higher and higher until he very nearly gave in to it, exactly as he’d done so many other times in his life. It was only when he pictured Jenna touching his arm that the fury cooled enough to let him think.

Stop, he barked at his dragon. Think!

Every time he’d messed up in his life — and Lord knew there’d been plenty — it had been at a time like this, when anger or frustration led the way.

No time for that! his dragon roared back, because dragons acted. They didn’t hang around thinking. Not at times like these.

A dozen competing voices filled his mind. His mother. Commanding officers he’d served under. Even his father, the few times he’d come around.

Think, boy.

Look before you leap.

You’d make a great officer if only you used your head.

What the hell were you thinking?

He closed his eyes. Precious seconds were slipping away.

Fly! We must fly! his dragon roared.

Connor shook his head and looked straight down. The swell crashed into the base of the cliff under his feet, churning and frothing.

You could dive right in from here, Jenna had said. If you hit that spot just right…

He stared. That spot between two rocks?

You mean, if you were nuts, he’d said.

Well, he was out of his mind with fear. Maybe that counted.

The old Hawaiian kings jumped off cliffs, you know. To prove themselves.

Connor stared at the water. It would be so, so easy to launch into the air and fly, but that wouldn’t help Jenna. She was underwater, and with the sun glinting off the surface, he wouldn’t be able to see a thing from above. Which meant…

He took a deep breath. He had to get down there to help her. Now. And down that cliff was the fastest way.

No, a little voice cried in his head. His own voice, but from way back when he was a little kid. Please, no.

The water swirled and splashed, taunting him. Scared, are you?

Yeah, he was scared. Coming close to drowning as a little kid could do that to you. And it wasn’t just him. Most dragons hated water. They hated diving. Why struggle through the water when you could soar through the air?

Because Jenna is down there, he barked at his dragon, pushing off from the cliff at the same time.

He’d launched off that cliff dozens of times, but launching wasn’t diving, because one ended in flying, while the other ended in…

Certain death, his dragon yelped.

The wind whipped his eyes, making his vision blur as he plummeted toward the rocks.

Fly, his dragon screamed.

His shoulders stretched as his wings began to emerge, too late to catch any air. He was falling too quickly, and he knew it. If he opened his wings, they’d be stretched at their widest — and most vulnerable — when he struck the surface. They’d be twisted and broken, and even rapid shifter healing wouldn’t be fast enough to help.

So he clenched his jaw and folded his wings along his sides for a smooth entry, sticking with his suicidal plan. But, crap. Was he aiming at the right place?

He squinted as he dropped, keeping his nose on target. His tail stretched out behind, and he kept it ramrod straight, trying to line up for a streamlined dive.

Jenna, he wanted to scream. Hang on.

The surf spun and foamed beneath him like a rabid animal waiting for its prey.


The surface of the water was a brick wall that knocked the air out of him. Everything was a white, foamy blur. Salt water filled his mouth and nose, and his eyes burned, making forgotten memories flood back in. Memories of gulping water, crying for help. Getting swept deeper no matter what he tried.

Damn it, keep it together, his dragon ordered. Jenna needs us.

He flicked his tail, desperate to gain some control in that muted tangle of bubbles. His tail didn’t have half the effect it did in the air, but a sense of balance rushed back to his inner ear.

Swim, damn it. Swim!

The surf was pulling him toward the rocks. He had to get out into the clear.

So he kicked and beat his wings, battling the current that tugged him toward the rocks. Inch by inch, he clawed forward until he emerged into blue water instead of white.

Jenna! he roared in a muffled underwater cry. Where was she?

The ocean stretched out in front of him. An endless blue universe pierced by rays of sunshine that filtered in from above, making depth and distance impossible to judge. It was all eerily void of sound other than faint, taunting laughter.

He jerked his head left and right, growing desperate. How would he ever find Jenna this way?

Then something moved in the corner of his eye, and he saw Jenna being dragged along by her leg. She was bent at the waist, flailing and pounding at her attacker.


He kicked madly and beat his wings, taking off in pursuit. Discovering that childhood demons weren’t so hard to overcome, at least when the woman he loved was at risk. But, shit. Dragons commanded the skies, not the oceans, and the distance to Jenna took an eternity to close. It was a miracle she was still conscious, having been under that long. How much longer could she hold out? His lungs were already burning, and it was hard to imagine Jenna hanging on much longer before blacking out.

By the time Connor swam within fire-spitting range — not that that weapon did him much good underwater — he was dizzy for lack of oxygen. His lungs screamed, and no matter how hard he clenched his teeth, he couldn’t fight instinct any more. So he rushed to the surface, gulped a couple of lungfuls of air, then dove again.

The creature that was making off with Jenna was much faster than him, but she was doing a damn good job slowing it down. Which shouldn’t have been possible, considering how long she’d been underwater, but hell. Her hair fanned out around her head and shone in the eerie ocean light, exactly like a mermaid’s. A warrior mermaid who refused to give in.

Connor powered forward, determined to free her this time. That shark or squid or whatever it was had targeted the wrong woman, and it would pay with its life.

Inch by inch, he closed in on the beast, intent on figuring out what it was. It was too big for a shark, too small for a whale. Its movements were quick and strangely elegant. A long, pointed appendage flicked in and out of his view — a tentacle? Or was that a tail?

His frantic mind couldn’t make sense of it. What kind of sea creature had a long, thin tail?

Jenna twisted in another attempt to get free, and her eyes went wide when she caught sight of him.

Connor! He could hear her cry in his head.

Hang on! He pushed the thought toward her mind, hoping she could hear him.

The creature who had her in its grip twisted around for a look, and Connor froze in recognition. That wasn’t a shark, a squid, or some kind of high-tech submarine. The powerful body did taper off into a tail, but what he’d taken to be fins were wings.


It was a dragon, yet nothing like him. The wings were stubby. The tail longer. The body armor an ugly, seaweed brown.

Mr. Hoving, it spat in disdain. The words thundered through the water and into his mind.


The arrogant tone and haughty eyes gave the shifter away, but Connor’s mind still spun. What did Draig want with Jenna?

What does every sea dragon want? Draig chuckled, reading his mind.

Sea dragon? Connor did a double take. Jesus. Did he have to learn everything the hard way?

He glared at the bearded sea dragon and flexed his claws. What the hell do I know about what you want? His words were part vibration, part garbled sound, but like Draig’s, every word made sense to his dragon mind.

I’m an old man, the sea dragon sighed. Ready to retire. All I need is a comfortable lair at the bottom of the sea and a nice little female to amuse myself with.

Jenna fluttered and flailed. Connor exploded with fury and darted forward. But Draig maneuvered away with a quick flap of his stunted wings, pulling Jenna out of reach.

Oh, no. This fine prize is mine, Draig crooned. I claimed her first, so she is mine.

Connor snapped at him, but Draig avoided him with another lightning-fast lurch. The bastard might be centuries old, but water was his element, and it showed.

Imagine my surprise when rumors first started of a mermaid that had survived to this dreary day and age, Draig said.

A part-blood mermaid, Connor wanted to say. But, hell. She sure seemed to be able to survive underwater a long time, and thank goodness for that.

I’ve had my eye on her for quite some time, Draig chuckled, swaying from side to side, daring Connor to attack. Then the aging dragon’s voice dripped with malice. But she didn’t accept my invitation, which left me no choice but to come after her myself. One of his wings wrapped around Jenna. She is lovely, isn’t she? Not a redhead, but the next best thing.

Connor felt sick. Then he nearly cheered, because Jenna wound up for a punch and landed it right on Draig’s snout. The old dragon shook in surprise, letting her go.

Connor would have loved to savor the moment, but he didn’t have time. He powered forward and battered Draig in the chest with the thickest part of his skull. Then he opened his jaws wide for a crushing bite and—

Connor reeled from an out-of-nowhere blow, and Draig roared in triumph.

You think you can best me, boy?

Stars filled Connor’s vision, and his head spun. He’d failed to see Draig’s spiked tail whipping at him and had paid the price.

You think you can best the mightiest sea dragon of the Draig clan? The sea dragon cackled. You’re a nobody, a nothing.

Connor’s nostrils flared, and his dragon snarled.

Jenna, meanwhile, kicked toward the surface, getting away.

Draig sighed and went on. Of course, these days, many of the old bloodlines have allowed themselves to be diluted. Even the Llewellyns have claimed common brides. But I shall take the ultimate prize — a mermaid. Who better to carry the next generation of sea dragon blood?

Connor snapped at Draig’s neck, missing by a hair. Then he slashed at Draig’s chest, but the armor plates were so thick, his claws raked along the surface and bounced off.

Try me, boy. Try again and again. No one can defeat me, the king of the sea. And no one shall steal my queen from me.

Suddenly, it all made sense — Draig’s Neptune looks. The aquarium on his yacht. The mysterious sea creature splashing around the vessel that night.

I like the occasional swim when the water is warm enough, Draig had once said. But sadly, these old bones are not up to flying any more…

You bastard, Connor’s dragon roared.

But Draig just went on in the same victorious tone. I am a rich man, and now I shall have my final treasure. A mate — a very special one. She shall bear me the heir I’ve always wished for. Not a relative’s son, like that lazy Anton. No. My queen shall bear me a son of my own flesh and blood. And he will be a mighty dragon — a sea dragon to carry on my line.

Draig looked around for Jenna, and Connor rammed him again, landing a better blow this time. Spitting fire didn’t work underwater, but his dragon tried it all the same. The water sizzled and frothed, and even Draig looked momentarily taken aback. So Connor did it again. The sea dragon’s eyes glowed with fury, but he didn’t spit back.

Can’t spit back, Connor’s dragon murmured.

He hung on to that tidbit. If sea dragons couldn’t spit fire, and if he managed to lure Draig up to the surface…

Of course, the old dragon was too wily to be tricked. Connor’s mind spun with ideas — vague, disjointed ideas, because his oxygen levels were dipping into the red again. He had to get to the surface, fast.

Draig’s laugh followed him. You didn’t actually think yourself worthy of such a prize, did you?

Connor gritted his teeth as he tried to take stock of the situation. Jenna had already made it to the surface and was swimming for shore. He followed, acutely aware of the danger that put Jenna in. Draig could dart up anytime and drag her under again. So Connor raced to the surface, grabbed one gulp of air, and dove just in time to slam Draig away from Jenna.

You will not have her! he roared, grappling with the sea dragon.

She is already mine, Draig thundered.

Connor had fought plenty of shifters in his time, including dragons. But a sea dragon? That was totally different. Draig didn’t swoop, spit fire, or spin the way dragons did in aerial fights. He snuck in close and tried to latch on to Connor’s back.

What the—

Connor twisted and roared the first time Draig did that, catching him by surprise. The sea dragon wrapped his stubby wings around Connor’s like a goddamn python and dove deeper still. The pressure in Connor’s ears tripled, and his vision blurred.

She’s mine, Draig grunted as they whirled in circles, plunging deeper all the time.

It was just like that awful dream he’d had about hurtling through the air with Jenna, except it wasn’t hurricane force winds that tugged at him, but the force of the water.

She’s mine, Draig taunted.

She’s mine, Connor roared back, but his voice was uneven and weak.

With a desperate swipe of his tail, he broke free and climbed toward the surface again. Once there, he snatched another all-too-brief gulp of air before diving to keep Draig safely in sight.

Back for some more fun? Draig grinned. I’m rather enjoying this myself. Someday I will tell my heirs how I battled for their mother, and she will love me all the more.

It made Connor sick, hearing Draig’s mad plans. And it made him furious that Draig had the upper hand, not himself. He was younger. Faster. Stronger — but only in the air. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t wear Draig down. On the contrary, he was the one battling fatigue — fast.

Which was when it dawned on him that this might be the first battle he couldn’t win. His first and his last.

His soul screamed, not in fear of death but for Jenna. If he lost, Jenna would be abducted by Draig.

Not abducted, Draig tsked. Taken home.

Not happening, his dragon roared.

He hissed and clawed at his opponent, desperate for some new hope. But Draig played by a whole different rulebook — the story of Connor’s life — and the ocean seemed to be on the sea dragon’s side. No matter what he tried, the sea dragon countered.

Then it hit Connor that he didn’t have to win. All he had to do was buy Jenna time to get away. Sooner or later, she’d make it to shore and alert the others. Kai would round up his combined shifter forces and come down on Draig, and Jenna would be safe.

His heart ached. Sacrificing himself for Jenna was fine. But, damn. They’d only just found each other. They’d only shared one night.

His thoughts skipped to Tim, Chase, and Dell. They would soldier on without him, but damn. It was hard to picture how that would go. And, crap. He’d miss them, and they’d miss him. Which sucked, because they’d already experienced far too many losses over the years. He didn’t want to add another scar to their wounded soldier’s hearts.

But a man did what he had to do, right?

Connor rallied the last of his strength and roared his loudest roar, putting all his frustration into it. The deck had been stacked against him from the start, but okay. He’d long since accepted that as his norm. And death, well — he’d dodged fate often enough not to argue this time. As long as Jenna lived, it was worth it.

He grinned a little madly. At least he’d die a hero. And no dragon — no matter how elitist or arrogant — could ever take that from him.

Ready? he dared his dragon.

Ready, it growled.

He spun in Draig’s grip, snarled in the sea dragon’s startled face, and slapped his wings over Draig’s.

How dare you? Draig bellowed.

Connor laughed. He was about to write his own rulebook, and the sea dragon would have no choice but to comply.

Now what will you do, you old bastard? he snarled, smothering any motion Draig attempted. He hung on tight and straightened his tail, making them both sink deeper into the abyss.

This is my element, you fool, Draig growled, still struggling.

Well, maybe, but Connor finally had the upper hand. His wings were bigger, for one thing, and his body heavier. He was about to retort as much when an even better plan hit him. He could do better than simply delaying Draig. He could kill the sea dragon. Of course, he’d die in the process, but still. A victory was a victory. He could finish off the old bastard, save Kai the trouble, and maybe even win himself the respect he’d always craved.

That was the theory. In reality…

His lungs begged for air. Water flooded his mouth, nose, and ears. Every muscle screamed for fuel. His vision grew spotty again, and he saw two Draigs.

Agony. It was sheer agony. Still, Connor clamped his teeth together and rallied all his willpower as his world dimmed.

Jenna, he called, trying to reach her mind. Remember me. Please. Remember me.


I love you, he said.

No, Connor! Don’t!

Her anguished cry struck one last, desperate nerve.

Don’t you dare! she screamed.

Which put him in a conundrum. To carry out his suicidal plan or obey Jenna?

The woman is always right, brah, that guy in Lahaina had joked.

Sure, that had only been a joke, but something told him to trust Jenna on this one. So he heaved Draig aside and snapped at his enemy’s neck with his long dragon fangs, hoping that might end his foe. Then instinct took over, making him hurtle toward the surface, though it was the last thing he wanted to do.

For the first crazed moment of his ascent, Connor thought he’d succeeded in killing Draig. But the water below him vibrated a moment later, and his hopes sank. Draig was chasing him, gaining ground on Jenna, screaming, Come back to me, my pet.

New plan, his dragon grunted. We’ll lure him into the air. Burn the bastard to bits.

Tears streamed from his eyes, both from the burn of salt water and the emotions roiling inside.

Concentrate, he barked at himself, trying to pull together a Plan A and B. One of them involved roasting Draig in the open air, and the other called for drowning the bastard. But his mind was dull and foggy, and everything kept getting mixed up.

So close, Draig hummed, seeing Jenna churn the water above.

Connor was rocketing toward the surface in desperation, but the sea dragon undulated smoothly, rapidly catching up. The sun shone, growing brighter all the time.

Connor gritted his teeth. This was it. His last chance. Possibly his only chance, because failure only left the suicidal option of drowning along with Draig.

Hero, he reminded himself.

Dead hero, his dragon grumbled.

Connor clenched his teeth and rushed to the left, willing Draig to follow. This was it. His final test.

I shall return to you shortly, my pet, Draig cackled, nipping at his heels.

Over my dead body, Connor bellowed.

But Draig just laughed. Just what I had in mind, boy. Just what I had in mind.




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