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Reborn for the Dragon (Banished Dragons) by Leela Ash (12)



“Master Kin, now is the time, isn’t it?”

Little did the party of Dragon shifters know, all of them were being observed. It was all part of the master plan, as far as Kin was concerned. Everything was happening exactly as he had hoped it would. Now, all he had to do was pull the final string and enjoy the show as chaos began to unfold around them.

“Yes, this is it,” Kin agreed, smiling to himself as he watched Norris and the descendent hitting it off at the booth they had chosen. “We have to alert them to the danger now. I have a feeling that the intellectual one is going to step outside for some fresh air before any of the others do. When he does, I want you to send the control group out.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Once they have started causing trouble within sight of the Dragon shifters, they are going to follow them. We already know they have the base mapped out. That’s the first place they’re going to go. After stashing their women in a safe place. And what place is safer for them than where they store all of their ancient technologies?”

Yes, this plan seemed relatively foolproof. He was excited to finally begin to see the efforts he had been making for so many years come to fruition. And on top of it, he was going to be rid of all of his excessive underlings. He really shouldn’t have brought so many to Earth with him. But what can be done about it now? He had learned his lesson. That was really all he could do about it.

“Oh look, you’re right. He’s already out there. He’s looking out at the stars, probably thinking about how obnoxious the music is. Really, did we have to choose this soundtrack? It’s terrible.”

“Silence!” Ken demanded. “I’m not going to tolerate any of your insubordination. Now, go fetch the control group and follow them to the base. Everything is going to happen properly from there. Go on now. You are going to irritate me if you wait around any longer.”

The little minion nodded agreeably and headed outside, prepared to execute the second to last round of his plan.

Kin smirked in satisfaction when he heard the signal though, and there was a startled shriek as one of the underlings began their attack on one of the innocent women standing outside.

Just as predicted, the minor threat was abolished, and soon after Gavin had defeated the first, he rushed inside breathlessly and gathered up the rest of the Dragon shifters.

This is the part where it got truly interesting, as far as Kin was concerned. What was it that they were going to do in response to the attack? Where were they going to go? He knew they were planning a raid. Ken had already overheard them. Now, were they going to execute it early? The little details and variables are fascinating, and Kin sat back in his booth, watching with his dark eyes glowing in amusement.

“We have to go now,” Gavin was saying, his face still flushed from the attack. “They know we are here. There is something strange about this place. I don’t feel right. Nothing about this feels right. We have to go.”

The other Dragon shifters seemed to trust Gavin’s intuition, and soon, they were all piling back into the moving van. The regular humans at the club had been completely oblivious to the threat, as it had been executed in a very private area.

Kin watched, his eyes following the group as they went on their way. He probably shouldn’t have gotten rid of his underling so soon, but that was of no consequence any longer. He had been irritating. Now, the real fun was going to begin, and he wasn’t going to let anything distract him from the final phase. Not even Chaos himself.