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Sassy Ever After: Sass This (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Aliyah Burke (4)


She wanted him. His cat growled low and raked his nails against him, wanting his mate. Her scent was powerful nearly taking him to the knees. He wanted more. Longed to bury his head between her legs and allow it to seep into him.

His fangs lowered as he fought his beast to keep him in control.

“Cee Cee.” He’d wanted to hear her speak her name but took anything of her voice she was willing to give.


Deep and throaty her voice ran along his cock, sure as if she’d reached out and dragged her fingers over his shaft. He pulsed and jerked in his pants. No way, could he get up now without her seeing the very definite ridge in his pants.

He didn’t care and pushed up.

Her whimper went through his blood like flowing lava, burning him completely. She captured her lower lip in her teeth and he wanted to replace it with his own.

Her fingers flexed on her camera and she moved it to her lap, as if it were a shield to protect her. Cee Cee moved her focus from his crotch down his legs until she finally dragged her gaze back up to meet his.

The intensity of need shining there almost shattered his resolve like china breaking on a marble floor. “Fuck.”

She cocked an eyebrow and he reached for her, yanking her to her feet and slamming his mouth down over hers. Taking what had been tempting him since she’d first come into his life.

Cee Cee gasped but didn’t pull away. However, it wasn’t until she splayed her fingers along his chest and angled her head slightly to the right that he felt her surrender. That thing that had held her back at the start vanished.

She pushed closer, twining her arms around his neck, surrounding him with the fresh scent of sunlight. He hadn’t any other way to explain it. That’s what she smelled like to him.

Skimming his hands down her pants, he cupped her ass, drawing her nearer as he bucked his hips, making it very clear what she did to him. When she purred, he nearly shot his load right then.

She couldn’t have sounded more cheetah had she tried. His cat fought him for dominance but he restrained the beast. He would have her first the cat could and would have to wait. Lifting her, he moved until the tabletop was beneath her ass. She didn’t pull away, in fact, she wrapped her legs around him as well.

Fuck, I love how strong she’s holding me.

His phone rang and they both froze. He breathed hard, panting as he buried his face in her soft hair. The brutal ringing made him wince. Only one person had that tone and it was his former commanding officer. For once in as long as he could recall, he wanted to forget he owed that man anything.

“Don’t move,” he rasped before nipping her earlobe. “I’ll be right back.”

Reluctantly, he stepped away from her and headed in to swipe the phone off the kitchen counter where he’d left it so he wouldn’t be interrupted.

Next time, he’d shut off the damn thing.

“What?” he snarled into the phone, his beast lingering in his voice as his frustration overflowed.

“Need you in the air in fifteen minutes.”

General Reginald Varitus had earned his respect during the years Kent had served in the military. The man had discovered his secret and hadn’t told a soul.

“Sorry, General. No can do. I have an injured woman here, a cheetah bite, and some poachers after her.”

If scowls could be heard over phone lines, this was the man to make it happen. Kent knew his former boss had one plastered on his weathered face.

“Dammit Ziggs. I need you for this mission.”

“I won’t leave her alone.”

“I notice you didn’t say can’t. She must be something special to you. Typically you have someone there, you pass them off to the authorities as soon as you can.”

Her importance to him wasn’t anyone else’s business, especially since he’d not even told her they were mates yet, so he didn’t speak, just let his silence do it for him.

“Keep her safe,” the man barked and was gone. At least Varitus knew when he couldn’t win and didn’t even bother arguing.

This time, Kent did shut off his cell phone and shoved it in his pocket. He didn’t want any other interruptions. He had a woman to taste, explore, claim.

Striding swiftly through his house, he stopped at the bedroom’s sliding door and narrowed his eyes in displeasure. She was gone. Anger swiftly rose and consumed him but that wasn’t all, concern and fear for her was close on its heels.

He shifted and scented the air, latching immediately onto her unique smell that had been imprinted onto his soul the moment she walked into his life. The predators were out, the heavy heat of the day had faded a bit allowing them to wake and move around.

She didn’t need to be out there without any protection nearby. Night was a hundred times more dangerous than day and it was fucking scary out here even during the daylight hours. He picked up his pace, lengthening his stride as her scent grew stronger.

Damn, she’d moved fast and had covered a fair distance in the short time he’d been on the phone. He panted, allowing her scent in as he watched her hurry along, shoulder pack on, moving with her. Again, he got a whiff of wolf and had a moment of wondering if that what’s moved her so fast.

His cat wanted to tackle her and make her realize it wasn’t good to run. He tracked her, nearing her as she continued, watching her through the tall blades of dry grass.

She stopped and looked directly at him.

Ziggs froze.

She narrowed her eyes then shook her head.

She knows a predator is watching her. She’s just not sure which one it is.

He knew his property and understood if she continued in her current direction. she would come to a watering hole and that could prove deadly for her. Generally, a place of truce, she would automatically be the weakest there and the easiest prey.

He chirped and she canted her head to the side, swinging her gaze over him once more.

That’s right, baby. I’m right here. Find me.

She didn’t reach for the rifle, no, she went for the camera even though her rifle was easily accessible. “I know you’re there,” she said in a low tone. “I’ll find out where. But I do know you’re there.”

The bark of a hyena began a chorus of them and she grew wary.

As did he. He hated those things.

The wind shifted and brought with it another scent. Lion. This was a male and while he was alone, the threat was just too great to her. Still not letting her know he was there, he moved to put himself between her and the lion.

Perhaps the cat would keep moving but he wasn’t taking the chance. Lighter chirps reached him and the two young males parted through the grass to his side. Touching heads with them, he made his directions clear and they melted away once more, widening the perimeter around Cee Cee.

Then he shifted and clothed himself. “Cee Cee.”

She jumped and gave a sharp eek. Whirling around, hand on the rifle, she lifted it in his direction. “Oh it’s you.”

“Are you going to pull the trigger?”

She blinked as she stared at him. “Fuck, you’re not wearing a shirt.” Cee Cee gulped and shook her head. “What?”

He strode toward her, eyes lasering into her. “Are you planning on putting a bullet in me?” Kent stopped when the muzzle rested against his chest.

“N-no. Unless you plan on trying to hurt me.”

“Then point that fucking thing away from me.”

Flames flickered in her pale gaze. “You’re the one who snuck up on me, not the other way around. It’s not like I’m in a small-town park. I’ve faced cheetahs, poachers, and more today so how the hell was I supposed to know it was you?”

“You knew,” he said with confidence.

She ignored him. “Plus, there’s something out there watching me. I don’t know where he is but it’s there.”

He ran his gaze over her and pushed the rifle away. “I am watching you. Why did you leave? I told you not to go.”

She shook her head and snorted. “It may have been a while but I don’t need a pity fuck from someone who wants it as payment for saving me from whatever. We both know the only reason you had that hardon is because it was the thought of available pussy.”

He narrowed his eyes. Is that really how she views it? “Are you—”


Well, that was a new one on him. He’d not been shushed before. He listened hard and waited as she handed him the rifle and brought the camera up to her eye.


Impressive. She’d picked up on one of the boys.

“How do you know?”

She ignored him and headed off into the weeds. “Coming?” she asked, turning back to him.

He’d been relegated to safari guide and protector. He should take her back and get her inside before night fell. But the gleam in those eyes and the excitement that hummed through her, had him countering that and following like an obedient pup.