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Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori): BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5) by Ariana Hawkes (18)


Adaira McKenzie was leaning over the balcony of one of the many guestrooms in her cousin Tamika’s opulent house. The view over Hope Valley was breathtaking. The whole town stretched in front of her, the morning sunlight glinting off rooftops and windows. The houses were pretty and harmoniously built, with lots of green space around them. Many of them had outdoor pools – a rarity in her native Scotland. To the west was a large forest, at least as big as the town itself. She couldn’t wait to go explore it. Beyond the town, a mountain stretched into the clouds, majestic and misty peaked.

“Wow. Just wow,” she muttered to herself. It was her first time in Hope Valley, and so far, it had surpassed all her expectations of a pretty American small town.

“Hello?” came a voice in the distance, accompanied by the sound of tapping. Adaira stepped through the French windows, strode across her huge bedroom and flung the door open.

“Good morning!” she trilled.

“Good morning, yourself!” Tamika replied, hugging her. “I was worried I’d wake you, but it looks like you’re already up and about.”

“I’ve always been a morning person. No point wasting the best part of the day.”

“That’s the spirit! I was just about to have breakfast. Would you like to join me downstairs?”

“I’d love to!” Adaira replied.

Adaira followed Tamika along a winding corridor and down a flight of marble stairs. I’d probably have gotten lost if I had to make it here by myself, she thought, gazing at the understated opulence of Tamika’s place. Two places were laid out at a table on a balcony that faced in the same direction as Adaira’s room.

To Adaira’s surprise, a waiter appeared at her elbow. He was a strikingly good-looking man in his late teens or early twenties, with intelligent, black eyes and floppy black hair.

“What would you like for breakfast, ma’am?” he asked.

“Errmm, what are the options?”

“I’m sorry?” he said, leaning closer.

“She said ‘what are the options?’” Tamika repeated with a smile. “Brett, Adaira is from Scotland, so her accent might take a little getting used to.” His cheek warmed, which made Adaira blush too, but with her porcelain skin, the effect was far more noticeable.

“Oh, pardon me, ma’am,” he said. “I’ll pay more attention next time. And, in answer to your question, you can have anything you like, pretty much.” Adaira hesitated, overwhelmed.

“How about a full English breakfast?” Tamika suggested. “And I was planning on having a Bloody Mary. I’ve got rather a headache after yesterday’s shenanigans, I’m afraid.”

“That sounds great,” Adaira said hurriedly. Brett nodded and walked away.

“Are you sure you don’t want some of those ‘neep’ things?” Tamika asked, looking concerned. Adaira frowned, then burst out laughing.

“You mean neeps and tatties?” She laughed again, and kept laughing until her eyes teared up. “No, they’re not for breakfast. They go with haggis. And, before you ask, I don’t want any haggis either, thanks. Although I would be impressed if you could find it in Hope Valley at short notice!” Tamika laughed too, throwing her head back, and giving in to a long belly laugh.

“I am sorry, dear. I guess I was stereotyping you.”

“Aye, you were. But I wouldn’t say no to a nice cup of tea,” Adaira said, mimicking Tamika’s posh English accent.

The Bloody Marys arrived, and they each took a long sip.

“I’ve got a bit of a headache myself to be honest. The end of the night was a little blurry,” Adaira said.

“Did you have fun at the weddings?”

“Aye, best day I’ve had in a long time. The brides were beautiful, as were the grooms. Actually, I don’t think I’ve seen as many good-looking men in my life as I saw yesterday!” Tamika grinned.

“Hope Valley has quite a few of them, it’s true. Now, we didn’t get to talk much yesterday, as I was busy hosting – ”

“And I turned up in the middle of the party and gatecrashed it,” Adaira cut in. “I’m really sorry about that. I wanted to surprise you, and I’d been in touch with Kyle, who advised me to come two days ago, but all the airports were shut in Scotland because of bad weather, so I got delayed.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for,” Tamika said, her voice full of warmth. “I’m delighted to see you! You can gatecrash my parties anytime.”

Brett brought two fully laden plates over. There were sausages, rashers of bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding and fried bread, and little dishes of brown sauce and tomato ketchup. Both women poured huge dollops of brown sauce onto their plates.

“I’m so glad you like brown sauce,” Tamika said. “Kyle and all my friends here think it’s disgusting.”

“That’s tragic,” Adaira said, dunking one of her sausages in it, and taking a big bite.

“So, I was trying to ask you what made you finally come and visit me in Hope Valley? I’ve been trying to get you over here for ages, and now here you are at last!”

“Well,” Adaira began, then hesitated. Tamika raised a questioning eyebrow, unused to her fire-haired cousin being anything other than forthright.

“Adaira, are you ok?”

“Aye, never better. Except that – ” She took a deep breath, her lip trembling a little. “Dad’s been telling me all about your dating site, and I was – I was wondering if you could maybe put me on it too, and set me up with one of those werewolves, or something?” she finished, biting down on her lower lip. Tamika gasped and clapped her hands together in delight.

“Adaira! Of course I will! I’d absolutely love to.” Her eyes turned misty. “You’ll be perfect for Shiftr. The guys on there are going to love you!” Adaira looked more nervous than Tamika had ever seen her before.

“Really? I mean, to be honest with you, I’ve never had much luck with men. My last boyfriend broke up with me two years ago and I’ve been single ever since. The lads in Scotland seem to like skinny girls. And that’s not me!”

“But you’ve got a great figure, Adaira. You’re really curvy, with nice full hips and great boobs.” Adaira blushed beet red.

“People don’t beat around the bush back home. They call me fat, and that’s it.” She made a dismissive sound. “Anyways, that’s what I’ve heard all my life. But dad’s been telling me all these great things about your company, and I thought, I’m 33 now, I’m still single. I might as well give it a shot.” She paused, chewed on her lip. “But do you really think these shape shifters are going to like me?” Tamika got out of her seat and planted a kiss on her cousin’s forehead.

“Darling, they’ll be queuing up to date you. I can guarantee you that! I don’t think you’ll be waiting very long before you find your perfect mate.” Adaira grinned, her cheeks dimpling.

“That’s what I was so hoping to hear, but at the same time I didn’t dare believe it could be possible.”

Tamika frowned as something occurred to her. “But – how long are you planning on staying? A lot of the shifters on the app move to Hope Valley to settle down, partly because of the amazing national park nearby, and partly because of the sense of community here. I’m not sure how open they’ll be to immigrating to Scotland.”

“Not a problem,” Adaira said with glee. “I’ve just been accepted onto a research fellowship with San Antonio University, and there’s a strong likelihood that it could become a permanent fixture if I want.”

“That’s fantastic! You could travel there from Hope Valley quite easily.”

“I’d only need to go a couple of times a month actually, as the research is on the ground – it’s based on the native cactus species of the southern states.”

“How marvelous!” Tamika clapped her hands together. “Everything’s going to turn out so well! And don’t look so nervous, dear. I can imagine you feel like you’re taking a big risk, but I just know that there’s an incredibly handsome, sexy, good-hearted shape shifter waiting for you.” Adaira blew her cheeks out.

“I’d be so nervous to go on a date. I mean, if they’re anything like the guys I saw at the wedding yesterday, I’ll be tongue-tied.”

“I find that difficult to imagine,” Tamika said, looking at her cousin with a sly grin. A light came into Adaira’s eyes.

“Hold on. All the guys at the wedding were shape shifters, weren’t they?”

“Most of them.”

“God, that’s why I thought their looks were superhuman. It’s because they were!”

“Yep. Shape shifters are pretty gorgeous, especially the ones on the app.”

They’d finished eating and Brett took their plates.

“Ok, I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Tell me what I need to do to get on the app?” Adaira said.

“With pleasure!” Tamika replied, eyes sparkling. She loved showing people her brainchild, and Adaira being her cousin made it even more special. “Do you have an American phone yet?”

“There’s no need, my smartphone is compatible, and I’ve got a new SIM card,” Adaira said, pulling a black sliver of metal and glass from her purse. “Is Shiftr in the app store?” Tamika laughed.

“Noo, it’s top secret. I have to install it manually.” She took Adaira’s phone and started tapping and scrolling.

“Ok, that should do it,” she said, a couple of minutes later. Adaira dragged her chair over to Tamika’s side of the table so she could get a better look. She grinned at the sight of a little orange app on her home screen. The icon on the app was a paw print, but the pad of the paw was in the shape of a heart.

“That’s really cute.”

“Now, tap it.” Adaira reached out with a slightly ragged-nailed finger and tapped the icon. She gasped as the app opened to reveal a muscle-bound shirtless guy. He had tousled dark brown hair, wide-set green eyes and full lips.

“He’s gorgeous,” she muttered. “And he looks familiar. Was he at the wedding?”

“Probably,” Tamika said with a smile.

“So what happens now, do I just drop him a message and say ‘hey sexy, wanna spend forever with me?’” Tamika gave a cackle of laughter.

“No, you nit-wit! We’ve got a far more technological system than that. The app has sophisticated software that helps you find your ideal match. All you have to do is fill in all your profile details, add some cute photos, answer some questions, and it does all the hard work for you.” Adaira’s hazel eyes widened.

“Ok, let’s get started!” she said, snatching her phone back. “Profile – what do I say about myself. I’m feisty. I think that’s fair?” Tamika nodded, pressing her lips together to repress an amused smile. “Energetic. I love a good laugh. I like to be in the great outdoors. I’m from an exotic country, and I just moved to Hope Valley. Shall I say that?”

“Yes, why not?”

“I’m very independent, but also care about my family. I can be fiery and sarcastic, but I’m very warm-hearted. And when I’ve come back from hiking or camping, I love nothing more than a snuggle in a nice warm bed. I think that’s all. How’s that?”

“Great. Far more descriptive than a lot of people.”

“Hey, I’ve come all this way to find myself a mate. I want to give it my best shot!”

“That’s the spirit!” Tamika said, patting her cousin’s hand. “Ok, now you have to say what you’re looking for.”

“Ok, I need a guy who’s as strong as me. No pussies.” Tamika gasped.

“Maybe leave the last phrase out.” Adaira winked at her.

“Only kidding, cous’! Hmm… needs to like being outdoors.”

“Shifters all love the outdoors, but, good, leave that one in.”

“Must appreciate an independent woman. I want to have kids some day. Shall I put that in?” Tamika nodded.

“Definitely. Most shifters want a family.”

“Doesn’t need to be very tidy, as I’m not.”

“Maybe play that one down, dear, as you don’t want the guys to know quite how messy you are!” Adaira scowled at her, but deleted her last entry.

“What else? Must be passionate, genuine, fearless and fun.”

“Great! I think you’ve nailed it! Now we need some photos. Do you have a selection on your phone?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Tamika craned her neck and looked at Adaira’s photos as she scrolled through her photo reel.

“How about this one?” She pointed to a close up of Adaira looking directly into the camera, about to give in to one of her frequent bursts of hilarity. Her full, pink lips were slightly parted, and the dimples were showing in her cheeks. Sunlight picked out the gold tones of her eyes, and the cute freckles scattered across her nose. Her skin was immaculate, fine pored, and with a slight natural blush showing on her cheeks. Adaira shrugged.

“I guess that one’s not too bad.”

“And this one?” In the shot Tamika was pointing to, Adaira was between two other girls, in the midst of a jungle, with vines and creepers surrounding them, and they were all laughing with abandon.

“Yeah, I love that photo. The three of us were traveling in Indonesia together. We had such a great time!”

“Ok,” Tamika said, selecting it. “Now we need a nice full-body shot, so the guys can see how lovely and curvy you are.”

“How about this one?” Adaira said, tapping on another hiking shot. She was wearing heavy boots and khaki shorts, and her hair was up, under a broad-brimmed hat.

“It’s a great photo,” Tamika said gently. “But I think the guys would appreciate seeing you in a dress, if possible?” Adaira’s pretty face contorted with disgust.

“I suppose I might have one somewhere.” She scrolled back through her photos for a long time. “School reunion,” she said at last, tapping on a photo. She looked stunning. She was wearing a floor-length cherry-red velvet gown. It was an off-the-shoulder style, and the material was loose and floaty at the neckline, skimming above her full cleavage. The waist nipped in, and the skirt was pleated and flowing. Her flame-colored hair was loose and curling around her shoulders.

“That’s perfect!” Tamika exclaimed. “You look like a Scottish maiden from medieval times!” Adaira cackled.

“People kept calling me Queen Elizabeth the First all night, so I guess I did look like I was from another era.”

“I think the shifter guys will love this one.” Tamika reached over with a perfectly manicured finger and selected it, then tapped a couple more things.

“Ok, your profile is ready! You can add to it at any point though, of course. Now, all that remains is to answer the questions. I’d encourage you to be as honest with yourself as you can, as it will help the app create the best possible match for you.”

“Great, I love doing quizzes!” Adaira said, getting stuck right in.

Tamika took her own phone out and began to work through a slew of emails, while Adaira muttered to herself, answering questions, wondering aloud what her opinion truly was on that issue, going back and changing her mind.

At last she took a triumphant slug of her Bloody Mary.

“I’m done!” she exclaimed.

“Fantastic! Now the real fun begins. Ok, scroll here, and tap here, and you can see your matches.” Adaira followed Tamika’s directions.

“Woo hoo!” she said as her feed filled with an endless line of sexy thumbnails. “There’s a lot of guys here!”

“You can set a filter to only show guys who are an 80% match and above, if you like?” Tamika suggested.

“How about I set it at 90%?” Adaira moved a slider to the right.

“Sure.” Adaira glanced at Tamika.

“I mean, I want to do this properly. I don’t want to waste time dating guys who aren’t right for me.” Tamika grinned at her cousin. She wasn’t surprised that Adaira was approaching dating in the same way that she approached everything in her life – with enthusiasm, sense, and total commitment.

Adaira whooped.

“Oh my god! It says that there are 20 guys who are at least a 90% match with me. That’s incredible!”

“Amazing,” Tamika said, craning her neck to get a better look. “I’m not surprised you’ve got so many though. I think your exuberant, outdoorsy character is a great match with shifters.” Adaira tapped the first thumbnail and it opened to reveal a tall, lithe guy, with sinewy muscles and deeply tanned skin. He had cropped dark hair and an angular face. There was an intense expression in his brown eyes, and one corner of his lips curled up in a confident, slightly sly smile. He was wearing black jeans, and he had his hands on his hips, emphasizing the breadth of his torso.

“Wooh, he’s hot,” Adaira said. “He says he’s the leader of his pack. Does that mean he’s a werewolf?”

“Swipe left on his photo and find out.” Adaira swiped and the screen filled with an image of a large, black wolf, surrounded by other wolves. They were all looking up at him, and some of them were crouching low on the ground.

“He’s an alpha wolf, and doesn’t he like you to know it?” Tamika said.

“Sounds like he might be a little arrogant?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“What else does he say about himself? He’s a traditional wolf, who likes to protect his mate. He’s looking for a woman who’s keen to become part of his pack. Hmm, that’s not me.” Adaira shook her head. “He doesn’t sound right at all.” Tamika gave a little laugh.

“But he may not agree with you. Look – that little symbol right there means he’s sent you a message. Let’s see what it says.” She tapped it and the message opened.

Welcome to Shiftr. I think you and I might have just met our match. How about we meet for a date and find out if you’d like to come and live in my lair?

“Ugh, no thanks. The thought of living in a lair doesn’t appeal one bit,” Adaira said with a shudder. “I’ll tell him I’m not interested.” Tamika nodded.

“Go for it.” Adaira wrote:

Thanks for your message. I appreciate your interest, but I’m not the girl for you. Good luck finding your match.

Tamika nodded her approval.

“Straight to the point. I like it.” Adaira frowned.

“Are you saying I’ve got as much subtlety as a brick through a window?” Tamika laughed.

“No, it’s a good thing. Shifters will appreciate you not messing them about.” A moment later, the werewolf sent her a sad-face smiley, and that was all.

“And on to the next,” Adaira said, scrolling through the feed. She clicked on every single thumbnail and read each guy’s profile.

“Talk about eye candy,” she muttered. “I feel like I’m at a male model gala. And the weirdest thing is, I could actually be with one of these guys. But my brain just won’t process it.”

“Any animal preferences?” Tamika asked.

“I don’t know. Something feisty. Lions or tigers, maybe?”

“How about bears? They’re big guys, usually with plenty of meat on their bones. They’re very loyal and big-hearted, very outdoorsy, and often work with their hands, or in nature.”

“Sounds perfect,” Adaira said. “But I haven’t found any so far. They’ve all been wolves and big cats.” Just then, the thumbnails jumped around, rearranging themselves in her feed.

“Ooh, that means a new member has just signed up who’s within your compatibility requirements!” Tamika said.

“Which one is he?” Adaira said, scrolling up and down.

“I think he’s right at the top!” Tamika exclaimed, with a little squeal.

“No, that’s the guy I just messaged.”

“Nuh-uh.” Tamika tapped on the thumbnail. “Ooh, he’s a hottie.” The screen of Adaira’s phone filled with a photo of an incredibly tall, very muscular guy. He had a deep, broad chest, rippling abs, and huge, bunched biceps. A scattering of dark hair ran all the way from his chest to the top button of his pants. He wasn’t as lean as the werewolf; he had some meat on his bones, which was very appealing to Adaira. He did look a little like the werewolf though, and Adaira could see why she’d confused them. His hair was the same color, but it was longer and tousled. He had golden-brown eyes, set far apart, and strongly-defined cheekbones. In short, he was a god. Adaira’s idea of absolute physical perfection. There was a slightly closed expression in his eyes, as if he didn’t enjoy being photographed, but she knew that feeling well.

“Let’s see what he says about himself,” she murmured, scrolling down to his profile. “He currently lives in the mountains, but he’s thinking of moving down to the valley. He loves hunting and fishing and hiking. He is self-sufficient, and lives off-grid. Interesting. He loves to read and play the bouzouki. Quirky. And he’s looking for that one special woman to be his mate. Wow, he sounds great.”

“And he’s a 99% match to you!” Tamika trilled.

“What?” Adaira gasped, taking a closer look.

“He’s practically perfect for you. Shiftr is never wrong about these matches. I think you’ve found your mate, Adaira!” Adaira clicked on his photo again and zoomed in on his face, then she swiped left and looked at his animal. It was a huge, golden brown bear, standing on its hind legs, with a kind of grumpy, pissed-off expression on its face.

“Blimey!” she exclaimed. “I wouldn’t like to get on the wrong side of him! Do you think he’s scary and bad tempered?”

“Noo, bears are usually sweethearts. Unless it’s the depths of winter, and they should be hibernating. Then they can get a little cranky. But I’m sure he’ll be a great partner. He doesn’t look mean, does he?” Adaira went back to his human pictures and looked at the close up of his face. He was mesmerizingly attractive.

“Shall I send him a message?” she said.

“Yes! Before someone else snaps him up. I’m sure he won’t be on there for long,” Tamika said.

“What do I say?”

“I always think something simple is good – just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.”

“How about, ‘I see you’re into hiking. Maybe you and I could do some beautiful wilderness treks together?’” Tamika raised an eyebrow.

“Or something comical works too, I suppose,” she said. Adaira typed the message out.

“Sent!” she said, with a flourish.

“He’s online right now,” Tamika said excitedly. Adaira put the phone down on the table and they stared at it, waiting.

“Shall we have some coffee?”

“Oh, yes please.” Tamika called Brett and asked him to bring them a French press.

They kept waiting, and waiting, but there was no reply.

“That’s it then,” Adaira said dismissively, pushing her phone away, but as she did, a message alert flashed up. Tamika let out a little scream.

“What does it say?”

Read Adaira and Leigh’s story !




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