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Stolen by Stacey Espino (4)

Chapter Four


Grey was having trouble controlling his inner wolf, which seemed commonplace since Caroline showed up in his life. His beast demanded he mark and claim her, but he didn’t want to scare her away. He hadn’t prepared himself to perform this balancing act. His parents had wanted him to learn how to play human, to blend in with regular society. But they’d been taken away too soon. Grey had lived feral until adulthood.

Caroline was a human and clueless to the world he lived in. He’d seen her eyes narrow when she stared at his face. She’d seen something she shouldn’t have, and he didn’t want her asking questions he couldn’t answer.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Your eyes. They’re different,” she said. “Do you wear contacts?”

He bolted to his feet. His need to kiss her and keep his identity protected waged a war within him. “They’re just my eyes.”

“Did I say something wrong?”

The last thing he wanted to do was push her away. He squatted down in front of her, bracing a hand on each of her knees. His cock was rock hard, his mouth salivating from all the thoughts flitting in his head. “You did nothing wrong, little one. But I don’t want to talk about my eyes.” Grey ran the pad of his thumb along her cheek. Caroline’s eyes were the bluest blue. All shifters he’d known had dark eyes.

She swallowed hard. He could scent her yearning, but she was a good girl, not acting on her desires. He liked that about her. She was sweet and sexy, and the longer he was near her, the more he believed fate got things right. Human or not, Caroline had to be his. His greatest obstacle would be hiding his wolven nature, keeping such a huge secret between them. If it was even possible.

“It’s late,” she said.

“You should stay with me, Caroline. I promise it’ll be safer here than that shithole hotel. I’d feel better where I can keep an eye on you.”

She bit her bottom lip. “I’m not sleeping with you. I barely know you.”

“I’m asking you to stay the night, not warm my bed. You shouldn’t be so quick to judge.”

The look of disappointment on her face pleased him. Of course, she’d only need to say the word and he’d fuck her all night long.

“I work first thing in the morning.”

“That’s fine. I’ll drive you right to the gates. Besides, I have a campsite that needs tending.” He gave her a wink.

Her smile warmed him from the inside out. The entire world seemed to revolve around her now.

“Are you sure you have space?”

“More than enough. I’ll even feed you. Are you hungry?”

She shrugged, shifting in her seat as he walked to the kitchen. “I only have non-perishables. Like I’ve said, I don’t come out here very often.”

Caroline got up and joined him, sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar. Her hair hung over one shoulder as she leaned over the counter. “If I had a place like this, I’d never leave. It’s perfect. A little hideaway from the world.”

“You hiding from something?”

She scoffed. “Everything, I guess. I’m tired of working all day with nothing to show for it. Most days I feel like I’m treading water.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“You’re not married. Why is that?” he asked.

Caroline flushed slightly. “It’s not like I enjoy being alone, but I’m not going to settle for some jerk either. When I moved up here, I was convinced there wasn’t a good man left.”

He held open his arms. “Look no further.”

She giggled and the sound pleased him more than expected. The longer he was with her, the more his claim grew stronger.

“Love at first sight? I’m not very experienced, but even I know that’s not possible.”

How much should he tell her? Part of him wanted to share everything, even his true identity, but that would go against their deep-seated rules. For countless generations, shifters had never been revealed to the human race. Of course, he had to be the one to fall for a human.

“You’re wrong. I’ve been in survival mode for as long as I can remember.” He opened a cupboard to survey the contents. “I didn’t think I’d ever enjoy life again … until this week.”

If she knew he was a werewolf, it would explain everything—his instincts, the mating call, and the fact her scent called out to him. He’d have to play human, give her time to get comfortable with him. It wasn’t going to be easy.

“Maybe lust at first sight.” She bit her lip and looked so fucking sexy, he nearly growled.

“Isn’t that how all relationships start? Attraction comes first, then love comes with time.” He ran his tongue over his incisors. “Or so I’ve heard.”

Caroline tilted her head in thought, then agreed.

He put out a selection of canned and jarred foods for her to peruse. “I’m already a goner. Have been since yesterday. What about you? Are you attracted to me, Caroline?”

She froze in place for a few moments. “I feel like I’m in high school again. And, no offense, but I’m not sure if I believe anything you’re saying.”

“You’re afraid to trust. Someone did a number on you.”

Gods he wanted to fuck her, to spread her legs wide on the counter and bury his face in her pussy. He was proud of himself for behaving this long. She wanted loyalty? It was already guaranteed. Unlike fickle human males, shifters mated for life. He wasn’t playing games, but the challenge would be convincing Caroline.

“I’m obviously attracted to you. You take care of yourself by the looks of it, which is always a bonus.” She was stammering, and he didn’t plan on feeding her insecurities.

Grey came over to her side of the counter. He spun her stool around and stood between her knees. She let out a little gasp. When he leaned forward, her balance shifted, so she sat straighter and rested her palms on his chest.

“Touch me,” he said. “Don’t be shy.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I’m not playing hard to get, baby. You said you like my body, and it’s yours to use however you see fit.”

He closed his eyes briefly and breathed in the heady scent of her desire. It perfumed the air in the wickedest way, driving his wolf to the brink of insanity. She had no idea the things he could do to her body.

Her fingers moved ever so slightly, testing the firmness of his pecs. He stood perfectly still, barely daring to breathe because he didn’t want her to stop her exploration. She slid her hands higher, over the curves of his shoulders, then down the hard muscles of his arms.

She looked up at him from under her lashes. “More?”

He nodded.

Caroline nibbled her lower lip, raking her fingertips down his chest, over his abs, until she reached his thick leather belt. Could she see the hard bulge in his jeans? He’d never been so eager to take a woman. Instead of going lower, she slipped her hands under his shirt, skin to skin.

“You’re burning up.”

His werewolf blood always ran hot. It aided him when shifting in the bitter winter months. “That’s what you do to me,” he said. “Can I play, too?”

“I don’t know…”

He tucked her hair behind an ear. She looked into his eyes with a mix of innocence and raw desire that tempted his wolf. “Just a sample. I’ll be a gentleman.”

Her chest began to rise and fall with increased effort, and her pupils dilated. He’d keep his promise, but it wouldn’t be easy.

Grey leaned closer, breathing in at the base of her neck. She smelled like his, and he knew he’d do anything for her—his precious little mate. He kissed the bare skin under her ear, teasing her erogenous zone. She surprised him, wrapping her arounds around his neck, combing her fingers into the hair at the back of his head. Every delicate move she made affected him. Her gentle mewling sounds and the subtle hint of vanilla were branded to memory. He pulled her closer, taking more.

She tossed her head back, her eyes closed as she let out a series of soft moans. “That feels so good.”

“I can take you places you’ve never been.” He kissed her temple, moving to her lips. Grey craved intimacy with Caroline, not just sex. The mating call was transforming him, and he had no plans on fighting it.

He brushed his lips against hers, and she opened for him. His passion burned, a fire deep in his gut. Grey savored the bond he felt for her. For the first time since he could remember, he felt alive. Felt desire. She tasted perfect, sweet and tempting.


She never pulled away, and her willingness pleased him more than it should have. Nothing seemed to matter but her. Their kiss deepened, their tongues exploring. He wanted to devour her, body and soul. He tugged her hips to the edge of her stool, his hard cock pressed against her hot little cunt. Her pheromones called to his wolf, demanded he claim her. “I want you so bad,” he said. “But I made a promise.”

Grey stepped back. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done.


What the hell? Caroline could scarcely catch her breath. Her heart pounded, her pussy pulsing. She’d planned on keeping her distance from Grey, but as soon as they kissed, she was a goner. She told herself she’d deal with the aftermath in the morning, but he put the brakes on when she wanted to go all the way.

She supposed it was for the best, but her body didn’t want to hear it.

“I guess I’m not used to men keeping their promises,” she said, trying to conceal the fact her body was lit like a Christmas tree, and disappointment assaulted her.

“Did someone break your heart?” He began sorting cans in the kitchen, like they hadn’t just had their tongues in each other’s mouths.

“I wouldn’t go that far. I dated this guy a few times, but he pushed me for more, so I broke it off. Things got scary for a while. Then he managed to get me fired.”

“You worked for him?”

She hated thinking about that creepy asshole. The only reason she’d agreed to the first date was because she didn’t believe on judging a person by their looks. Turned out he was uglier on the inside, and only wanted in her pants. “He was the vice-principal at a school I was teaching in. Since I was only a contract worker, it was easy for him to lay me off.”

“Did you report him?”

“It would be his word against mine. Besides, after what he put me through, I just wanted to get far away from him.” She waved an arm in the air. “This was as far as I could get.”

“I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

Why’s that?” she asked.

He smiled, a sexy tilt of his full lips. “Your bad experience brought you here—to me.” There was a possessive glint in his eyes. She wanted to be his. Wanted to feel his rough stubble on her cheeks again. For the first time in her conservative life, she wanted to throw caution to the wind and follow her desires. The only thing holding her back were her fears—fear of rejection, fear of being used and discarded, fear of ending up alone after giving away her heart.

“I guess you could look at it like that,” she whispered.

She really didn’t want to talk about the man who’d screwed her over. Because of him, she’d lost everything. She hated that he’d made her insecure about men and relationships. Caroline swore she’d be more cautious when dating in the future—until Grey walked into her life. He made it way too easy to forget everything, including her own name.

He leaned over the counter on his forearms and took her hands in his. “Do you believe in fate?”

“Is that like love at first sight?”

His hands were so warm, firm, and rough against hers. Grey was all male strength and it turned her to putty. She was tired of surviving and struggling. For once, it would be nice to give it all over to someone who didn’t know weakness. She prayed this unique connection she felt for him wasn’t one-sided. It all seemed way too good to be true. He’d saved her in the forest, whisked her away to his cabin in the woods, and then declared his love. Maybe she’d actually died, and was lying on the side of the road somewhere.

“Not at all,” he said. “Fate is something much more powerful, something pre-destined. Like with you.” He touched her nose for a second. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

“You don’t get out much.” Teasing seemed to ease the growing tension and intensity in the room. Caroline wasn’t perfect, and she knew that. She never expected to be anyone’s number one. And it was hard to believe.

“You need to stop this,” he said, his gruff voice making her nipples pebble. “If I tell you you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, you need to believe it. I have no reason to lie.”

“All men tell women what they want to hear.”

“I’m not like other men, Caroline. You have no idea. But you won’t know that unless you give me a chance.” He slid his hands away as he stood straight. God, he was tall. His shirt pulled tight around his broad shoulders. “Have you decided on something to eat?”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I only eat meat.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I’m okay. I think I should just get to bed.”

He nodded.

The best thing for her was time alone to cool her hormones and to think with a clear head. Grey was right, of course. She’d be alone forever unless she gave another man a chance.