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Stone Heart (The Gargoyle Protectors Book 1) by Ariel Marie (5)

Chapter 5

Rhodack eyed Vikuth as he met him at the entrance to his private suite. He couldn’t believe that the little wisp of a woman didn’t trust him.

He was Rhodack Gahnoth.

Leader of Clan Gahnoth.

Powerful gargoyle.

And his own fucking mate didn’t recognize him as her mate, or even trust him.

His chest burned with the memory of the fear that was in her eyes. The animal in him paced, wanting to break free and claim his mate. Why would she think she was human?

“You sent for me?” Vikuth, in his human form, eyed him wearily.

Rhodack leaned against the hallway wall and glared at Vikuth. His lip curled up in disgust that he’d had to send his friend into the room with his mate. She should see the power in Rhodack. She should see he was a great protector, a great mate.

But something was keeping her from seeing him.

Something was making her believe she was human. What she was, he was unsure.

But he was going to find out.

“She asked for you,” Rhodack bit out.

Vikuth’s eyes widened at the announcement. “Me?” he sputtered. His eyes widened even more, and the smile that began to cross his face slowly faded at the murderous expression Rhodack directed his way. He cleared his throat and straightened to his full height. He glanced at the bedroom door before turning back to Rhodack. “What would she want with me?”

“It would seem she trusts you, but not me,” Rhodack snarled. He pushed off the wall and moved to stand in front of Vikuth. He towered over him by a few inches and ensured the look in his eyes was that of anything but a friend. It didn’t sit well with his gargoyle that she’d requested another male over him. “You go in there and you tell her she can trust me. You tell her whatever you need to in order for me to figure out what’s after her and why.”

“You sure that’s why you want me to convince her to trust you?” Vikuth asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Rhodack released a growl. Of course Vikuth would pick up that there were other reasons why he was being sent into the room.

“Don’t worry about what my intentions are. Make her trust me.”

“You do know it doesn’t work that way with humans, right?”

“She’s not human.”

Vikuth ran a hand against his face and cursed. “Are you sure?”

“That energy practically hums from her. She’s a vessel of some sort, and whatever is inside her is trying to get out. Someone didn’t want her to know she wasn’t human. I believe she truly has no idea she is a powerful being. What? I don’t know.”

Vikuth nodded and moved to the door. It took everything inside Rhodack not to snatch his friend back from it. He bit back a snarl as Vikuth paused with his fingers around the handle.

“If you’re going to come in with me, don’t say a word,” Vikuth warned.

“Make it quick,” Rhodack bit out through clenched teeth.

The air around Vikuth shimmered while his body morphed into that of his gargoyle. His piercing eyes glowed against his dark skin. Gargoyles were one of the strongest beings around, and their bodies showed it. Riddled with muscles, a gargoyle was practically unstoppable. Nothing could penetrate the smooth leathery skin. They were a race that was extremely hard to kill.

Rhodack growled, knowing Rina wouldn’t recognize Vikuth in his human form. The thought of her preferring Vikuth to him made him want to challenge his friend, but he bit his tongue.

A smirk lingered on the edge of Vikuth’s lips. He opened the door and entered Rhodack’s private suite. Rhodack followed behind, searching the room for her.

Hearing them enter, she emerged from the bathroom with wide eyes. Rhodack didn’t know why, but he wanted to protect her, make the fear go away. Her eyes lit up when she recognized Vikuth, and Rhodack bit back a growl.

“My lady.” Vikuth’s deep voice broke through Rhodack’s thoughts. “My name is Vikuth. Rhodack summoned me for you.”

“I’m not crazy,” she breathed. She seemed to take in Vikuth’s frame. Her hand shook as she tucked her hair behind her ear and studied his gargoyle form. “I thought I may have imagined it, but it was you who saved me.”

Vikuth nodded while she stepped toward him. Rhodack took in everything. How could the little female hold so much power over him this fast? She moved to stand in front of Vikuth, roaming her gaze over Vikuth’s powerful frame.

Rhodack’s beast wanted to come forward and show himself. Show her he was the Clan leader, the more powerful gargoyle in the room.

“May I?” she asked, raising a hand. She paused, her fingertips right above Vikuth’s chest.

Vikuth’s eyes flashed to him, asking for permission. Rhodack narrowed his eyes at his friend with an unspoken warning.

Don’t fucking touch her.

Vikuth nodded to her. Her hand traced along his exposed chest skin before pulling away quickly.

“How is this possible? If you’re a gargoyle, then I assume there are other beings out there. Different beings?”

“Humans aren’t the only inhabitants of this world. Surely you must know that,” Vikuth replied.

“And what was that thing? That mist?” she asked. Her attention switched to Rhodack’s eyes for a brief moment before she settled it back on Vikuth.

“I’m not entirely sure. It was from another realm. Something crossed over, and we will not rest until we’ve hunted it down,” he assured her.

“But if something came into our world, why would it go after me?”

“That’s what we need to find out,” Rhodack said. He could no longer stand by and be a third wheel in his own quarters.

The smell of fear permeated the air as she took a step back.

Vikuth faced him and nodded before turning back to Rina. “There’s no need to fear Rhodack, my lady. He’s my clan leader, the strongest of all gargoyles. I trust him with my life, and he will get to the bottom of why the mystic being was after you. He will protect you.”

Her gaze connected with Rhodack’s. His breath caught in his throat, his stone heart thumping at the small smile that played on her lips. He took in the slight flushing of her skin and the way she shifted nervously in front of them.

“But he’s so scary-looking right now,” she whispered to Vikuth, who barked a hefty laugh.

“If you think his human face is scary, then wait until you meet his gargoyle.” Vikuth chuckled.

“Enough,” Rhodack snapped, scowling at Vikuth. He wanted him to ensure Rina trusted him, not increase her fear. She’d meet his gargoyle soon enough, and it would never harm her.

No, his gargoyle wanted to belong to her and her to him.

“How do we know it was truly after me and not just random?” she asked, breaking into his thoughts.

“In one thousand years, we’ve never had a breach before. For that being to cross over into our realm and go directly for you, this was planned. Something wants you, and I’ll be damned if it gets you,” Rhodack snapped.

“Am I a prisoner here?” she asked.

Vikuth moved away from her. Rhodack knew his friend could sense his mounting rage for him being so close to Rina. Soon enough, he’d inform her that she belonged to him.

Right after he found out what the hell she was.

He sensed the force radiating from her. She literally had no clue how much power she harnessed. The room practically hummed from her energy.

“No.” He shook his head. No, she wasn’t a prisoner. She would be his mate, and everyone would respect her.

“Then I can go home. I’m sure my roommate is looking for me,” she said.


His single answer wiped the smile from her face. There was no way she could go home unprotected. Whatever targeted her would surely know where she lived. No, she would stay with him where his clan could protect her.

“Then where can I go? My mother is going to worry about me.”

She winced, and he went on alert. Pain crossed her face, and he rushed across to her. She gasped when he appeared in front of her. He gripped her chin and tilted her chin up so he could meet her eyes. Pain broadcasted from her blue pools.

“What ails you?” he asked, watching tears forming in her eyes. He glanced over his shoulder to Vikuth and jerked his head toward the door. “Call for the healer.”

Without a word, Vikuth nodded to Rhodack and hastened from the room.

“It’s just migraines. I’ve had them for as long as I can remember.”

It didn’t take a supreme being to recognize a spell had been cast over her. Someone had placed a powerful spell on her, and it was causing her pain. He stared deep into her eyes and knew it to be true. She was under someone’s power.

“No, little one. This is no regular pain. You’re under a spell.”

“No.” She shook her head.

He took notice that she didn’t pull away from his touch. A crack formed in his stone heart that she had accepted something as small as his touch on her chin. He breathed in her scent and memorized it.

“I’ve had migraines for years. My mother has always known what to do to make it go away.”

He narrowed his eyes at the mention of her mother. So, her mother knew how to make her migraines go away? He gently caressed her chin with his fingers as he continued to gaze into her eyes before dropping his attention down to her soft, slightly parted lips.

Visions of those lips wrapped around his stiff cock came to mind, and he pushed them aside.

Not now. Soon, though. His cock stiffened in his pants. He didn’t care that a gasp escaped her lips as she glanced down at his length pressing against her belly. He pulled her close, wanting her to feel what she did to him. He slid his fingers to the base of her neck as he lowered his lips to hers.

Never before had he ever kissed a female so gentle. Her soft lips created a stirring in his chest he was unfamiliar with.

He wanted more.

In the back of his mind, he knew he had to get her to accept him. That’s what his gargoyle demanded. Acceptance from their mate.

Her lips slowly parted when he slid his tongue between her lips. He’d draw her pain from her with just a simple kiss. He may not be able to remove the curse from her, but he was strong enough to pull the pain from her into his body.

I will take the pain for her.

She pressed closer to him, groaning while the pain seeped from her to him. Her smaller tongue met his, shy at first, but she grew bolder as the kiss deepened. He urged the pain into him, pushing it down. The strength of it surprised him, but he could handle it. There wasn’t much that could bring a gargoyle to his knees.

She protested when he moved back from her, leaning his forehead against hers. Their breaths came fast as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“I need to speak to your mother, little one.”