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The Birth of an Alpha (Rise of the Pride, Book 4) by Theresa Hissong (5)


“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Kye roared, pacing a hole in Evie’s bedroom carpet. She felt bad for lying to him, but he needed to understand where she was coming from when it came to her decision.

“I had hoped that you would be a little more understanding when you did find out,” she whispered.

Things had changed for her. She was no longer afraid of anyone’s anger. An outburst by a male didn’t send her cowering in the corner like a scolded animal. Her panther was stronger now, too. It didn’t recess in her scarred mind when it was scared. Evie felt like the predator she was born to be.

“Ranger touched you,” he pointed out, taking a knee in front of her. He reached up and cupped her face, staring into her icy blue eyes. “He hit you…on purpose, Evie.”

“I was training, Kye,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “We were wearing boxing gloves. I promise that he never left a mark on my skin.” Kye’s eyes roamed her exposed skin. Evie knew he needed to see it for himself to believe that she was okay.

“He broke the rules of the pride,” he continued, ticking off all of the things Ranger had done. All of them were illegal in their world. “Females are not allowed to fight. It’s too dangerous.”

“Kye,” she began, but he cut her off to stand again. She sat back on her bed and folded her arms over her chest as he returned to pacing.

“I cannot forgive him for touching you,” he declared, running his hand through his dark hair.

“We are not officially mated,” Evie reminded him. “It was better to have him train me now. If I’d waited until I was into my full maturity, I wouldn’t have been able to learn the things I have.”

“Why?” Kye asked. “I want to know exactly why you asked him.”

“Are you wanting to know why I asked Ranger, or do you want to know why it wasn’t you?” Evie guessed Kye was jealous. She could see it in his eyes.

“Yeah,” he breathed. “I want to know why you didn’t ask me.”

“Because you would’ve told me no,” she replied.

“Damn right, I would’ve told you no,” Kye yelled, throwing his hands in the air. “Because females are not supposed to fight!”

“I disagree with the rules,” she huffed, standing up from her perch on the bed. She wanted to be on equal footing with Kye, even if he was half a foot taller than her. “Liberty is right. We should know how to defend ourselves. Her father taught her how to handle guns when she was just a young female.”

“She was also human,” Kye explained. “Damn it, Evie! It’s a male’s honor to protect the females of the pride.”

“Males are dumb,” she snapped, placing a hand on her hip. “You treat us like we are fragile…like we are porcelain dolls!”

 “To us, you are,” Kye admitted, reaching to take her face again. She felt a thrill when he touched her. It was the same feeling she experienced every time he touched her. She closed her eyes and inhaled deep when his mating scent reached her, dissolving some of her anger. Every day that they were together and moving closer to his twentieth birthday, the scent became stronger. “Females cannot protect themselves against another shifter. Especially the males.”

“Did my right hook hurt you?” she asked, raising a brow. When Kye winced, she knew she had her answer. “That’s what I thought.”



The black and white images of the grounds behind the alpha’s home played in real time as Talon waited impatiently for any evidence to prove what his eyes had seen. There were a hundred questions rolling around his mind about the sheriff.

“Here you are carrying Liberty to Harold’s office,” Ranger said, pointing to the screen. Talon watched as he ducked into the healer’s home, disappearing with his mate. The window in the office that overlooked the side of Harold’s home was visible on the screen. Talon focused on the area, hoping to see something.

“You said his eyes flashed white?” Winter asked, rubbing his chin.

“Completely white,” Talon mumbled, his eyes never leaving the screen.

“Wait! Stop the video,” Noah barked just as the screen lit up with a flash of blinding light. If anyone had blinked, they would’ve never seen it.

“What did you see?” Talon asked, looking up at his brother.

“I don’t know.” Noah shook his head and asked Ranger to play back the video at half the speed. All of the males cursed when the flash was slowed down, but it still didn’t show anything but the light. “Can you slow it down more?”

“Hang on,” Ranger mumbled as he pressed several commands into the tablet. The male was a genius when it came to technology, and at the moment, Talon was more than thankful for him being there.

As the images began playing, Talon was glued to the sight in front of him. The light started out as an orb about three feet off the ground. As the bright light expanded, a silhouette of a human body formed. In slow motion, they could see the body elongating, changing. There wasn’t a sound in the office as the frames ticked by, revealing something they’d never seen.

“Holy shit!” Noah yelped, backing away from the screen as if the image would jump out at him. “It’s the sheriff.”

“Are those…wings?” Ranger asked.

The sheriff’s body shimmered once. Huge white feathers extended about halfway before they curled themselves around the man’s body. There was another flash of light, brighter this time, that swallowed up the blurry image of the lawman.

“What is he?” Talon asked, his voice turning deadly.

“He’s an angel?” Noah asked, looking up at Talon with wide eyes. “Is that what I’m seeing? Because I swear, my mind just isn’t registering it.”

“It has to be,” Ranger whispered. “I mean…we are a thing of human myths. What is there to say that angels don’t walk among us?”

“What I want to know is how the hell is the sheriff some sort of an angel, and why is he so concerned with my mate?”

“We cannot deal with the sheriff right now, Talon,” Winter informed him. “The Solstice must occur tonight. We will patrol and keep an eye on the pride.”

“If anyone so much as catches the lawman’s scent on my land, I am to know about it immediately.” Talon’s order was final. His Guardians nodded in agreement, then made their plans while Talon took care of last minute preparations for the dominance fights.

He would confront the sheriff, and if he was here for any reason that would bring harm to his mate and pride, Talon vowed to mete out his own justice to the lawman.




Talon watched Liberty standing at the living room window that looked out over the back yard. He wasn’t going to tell her what they’d found in the video until he confronted the sheriff and got solid answers. He had to take care of the Solstice dominance fights first. This was something that could not be postponed.

The pride had started gathering around the circle where Talon conducted the Solstice and Equinox meetings. The only addition this time was a fighting area marked by red spray paint in a perfect circle. The width was about fifteen feet across and it didn’t look like there was enough room for the large males to do their dominance fighting. That was part of the test.

“Do you promise me that the males will not be harmed?” Liberty asked, chewing on her bottom lip.

“I promise,” Talon chuckled. “Just a little blood and bruising.”

Liberty shot a hard look over her shoulder, then smiled when she saw the smirk at the corner of his lips. Talon walked forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the mating mark on her neck.

“They will fight for blood,” he warned. “I don’t want you to worry. This is the way of our world, Liberty.”

“I know this, but they are so young,” she worried.

“I want you to stay inside tonight,” he ordered, tightening his hold. His thumb traced circles on her belly as he nuzzled her neck. “They will get heated and possibly out of hand. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I need to be there with you.” Liberty turned in his arms as best as she could with the baby between them. She kissed his jaw, and he knew she was taking in his mating scent by the way her body relaxed even more.

“Any other time, I would love to have you at my side, my queen.” He smiled at her. “The pride will understand.”

She nodded and resumed watching the pride arrive while Talon held her. As soon as the sun started to set, the crowd began to part. Four males dressed in white, gauzy pants arrived at the platform, kneeling in the grass and lowering their heads.

“I will stay here.” She nodded toward the makeshift bed on the floor.

“I need to go,” he said, taking her lips for a heated kiss. Her arousal was thick in the air, and the last thing he wanted to do was leave her there alone. “Mmm, your scent drives me wild.”

“Hurry back,” she breathed, releasing him reluctantly.

Talon stepped out onto the porch, pausing for a moment before walking out to the circle. His pride was silent as he approached the platform. The four males were in position on their knees, none of them seemed to be so much as breathing.

“On this night of the Summer Solstice, we gather as the sun sets on the longest day of the year,” Talon began, looking out over the pride. “Four males have come of age, expressing their desire to join the ranks of our Guardians.” Talon paused, nodding toward Dane, Winter, and Savage, letting them know he was ready to begin.

“Lucky Cooper and Diesel Monroe,” Talon announced. “Come to the circle.”

Both males stood, keeping their heads bowed toward their alpha. At this point, they were considered some of the lowest ranking of the pride. Talon watched the two men as they were escorted by Winter and Dane to their spots. Savage took to the center of the circle as a referee of sorts. If one of the males became unable to fight, Savage would be the one to separate them if the opponent became too heated to control his beast.

“If one of you should lose consciousness,” Savage warned, his eyes flashing amber. “I will stop the fight. If you resist me, you will be sorry. The first fight is in human form. Your main objective is to stay within the circle for fifteen minutes. The first one to be pushed out will forfeit the first round. If you are both standing after fifteen minutes, you will tie for the next round. You will have fifteen minutes to regain your strength before shifting. Your beasts must play by the same rules. Good luck.”

Talon waited for Savage to move from the center before giving the command, “Fight!”

Lucky, Storm’s brother, shifted into a fighting stance with his fists held up in defense. The young male had cut his dirty blond hair short enough to make it spike wildly on top of his head. Talon made note that the male was dedicated enough to not care about himself when it came to the pride.

Diesel Monroe was the only child of an older mated pair in the pride. His mother looked on from the sidelines, her hand held over her mouth in an attempt to keep from crying out for her son. The male took on the same stance as his opponent, but his eyes kept watch over Lucky’s entire body, waiting for the other male to make the first move. Talon was sure that if Lucky flinched in the slightest, Diesel would be ready to defend himself.

Lucky made the first move, rushing forward, clasping Diesel by the shoulder. His hold was knocked loose as Diesel grabbed the male’s forearm, twisting it painfully to the side. Both males exchanged blows as the rest of the pride watched on. Females would gasp when one male took a hit that drew blood. At one point, Diesel’s father tucked his mate’s face into his chest to try and calm her from the brutality of the fight. Lucky fell to one knee when Diesel punched him in the temple, but the male was quick, regaining his footing.

“Time!” Savage called, stepping between the two males. Thankfully, they separated without incident. Their eyes were completely glowing amber with their panthers at the surface. They were not only amped up from the fight…their panthers were pushing for release. This was a test to see if they could hold their human forms under stress and anger from battle.

The pride relaxed as one when the males took to their knees at Talon’s feet by the platform.

“Taze Malone and Axel Coleman to the circle,” Savage announced, taking his place back in the center. Winter and Dane escorted them just as they’d done with the first two males, stepping out of the red ring painted on the ground.

Axel, Ranger’s brother, stood tall as he waited for the signal to fight. Taze Malone, on the other hand, was tense, his icy blue eyes looking wild. A wicked smirk curved up at the corner of his lip when Savage gave the order to fight.

“Come on, pretty boy,” Taze goaded Axel. Talon folded his arms across his chest as he waited to see how this fight for dominance played out. Taze had always been known as a bit of a wild child. He reminded Talon of a younger version of Savage.

Axel was quiet, but smart like his brother. When Taze rushed him, the male slid to the right, letting his opponent rush past him. In a move that even Talon was surprised at, Axel wrapped his long, skillful fingers around Taze’s wrist and pinned the male’s arm behind his back, taking him to the ground.

“Who’s the pretty boy now?” Axel growled, pushing his knee into the male’s back. “Do you give up?”

“Never,” Taze snarled, flipping over and taking Axel to the ground with him. They tangled up, fists flying. The sound of bones breaking caused the pride to flinch. Ranger leaned forward, his eyes fixated on his baby brother. Talon kept an eye on his Guardian to make sure he didn’t interfere and was proud that the male held back. Axel regained his footing and jumped backward, staying inside the circle by only inches. Taze’s eyes glowed with his panther so close to the surface, but the male did not shift.

“Time!” Savage called out, rushing to the center to hold his hands out so both males knew to stop. Taze and Axel returned to their kneeling position.

“Lucky and Diesel,” Talon announced, waiting until the males rose from their position. Their accelerated healing had already kicked in and the few cuts and scratches they had were already starting to heal. “Take your places and shift. Your panthers will know the rules. It is in our nature to fight for dominance. Good luck.”

The males did as they were told, and within a few seconds, two massive black panthers stood tall and on alert. Savage moved out of the way and the animals collided in the middle. Their panthers weren’t as reserved when fighting, not like when the young males were in human form. The beasts instinctually fought for dominance.

Diesel’s panther was the first one to falter, blood oozing from a wound on his shoulder. Lucky’s beast honed in on that area, clawing and nipping at the bloody spot, hoping to weaken his opponent. Talon was surprised at the stamina of all four males.

A feminine cry sounded as Diesel’s panther fell to his side, his large chest moving up and down rapidly as it tried to regain its breath. Diesel’s father wrapped both of his arms around his mate, holding her back from running to her son’s aide.

“He’s fine, love,” his father whispered. “Do not dishonor him or this pride.”

When Savage called time, Talon used his alpha powers to force the males to their bellies, demanding they shift. Both men were covered in dirt and blood, but walked proudly back to their spot at his feet.

Taze’s panther was larger than Axel’s by about thirty pounds, but that did not stop Ranger’s brother from making his position known. The male’s panther was a strong and steady fighter. Axel’s claws slashed at Taze’s hind leg, sending the panther to the ground.

Axel’s beast circled his opponent, waiting for him to either rise to his feet or close his eyes in defeat. Talon leaned forward, waiting for the same. He was about to have Savage stop the fight when the panther twisted and jumped to his feet as if he’d been struck, wasting no time in rushing Axel.

Snarls and yelps sounded as the two fought again, neither one of the males giving up so easily. These were the type of fighters Talon wanted at his side. All four males had shown excellent fighting skills, although each one of them were different in their own way.

“Time!” Savage called. “Shift and return to your alpha’s feet.”

Talon waited until the four males were back in place before stepping from the platform. His decision had been made. His panther pushed forward, causing his eyes to glow amber.

“Males, rise to face your alpha,” he ordered. The males stood, but did not lift their eyes. “You have pleased your alpha. I have made my decision on this year’s pick for Guardian of my pride.”

“Taze Malone, step forward and lift your eyes to your alpha,” Talon ordered, waiting until the male did as he was asked. “You have demonstrated excellent skills, pushing you into the higher ranks of my pride. Congratulations, son. You are now marked as a Guardian of the Shaw Pride.”

“It is my honor to serve you and protect our pride.” Taze bowed, taking to his knee again.

“Lucky Cooper, step forward and lift your eyes to your alpha,” Talon ordered to the next male. “You have shown your alpha that you have exceptional planning when you are faced with an attack by your enemy. This has raised your status within my pride. Congratulations. You are now marked as a Guardian of the Shaw Pride.”

“It is my honor to serve you and protect our pride.” Lucky smiled and bowed, mimicking the same position as Taze had taken.

“Diesel Monroe, step forward and lift your eyes to your alpha,” Talon called out. “You have proven to your alpha that under dire circumstances, you pushed past your pain and possible defeat to come back and fight until the end. You will now be held at the highest esteem within the Shaw Pride. Congratulations, you are now a Guardian.”

“It is my honor to serve you and protect our pride.” Diesel bowed, taking to his knee again. He was a little slower due to what Talon was sure to be several broken ribs. The male did not flinch or complain.

“Axel Coleman, step forward and lift your eyes to your alpha,” Talon ordered, his eyes glancing toward the older Coleman. Ranger was still standing at attention and showing no emotion toward what was about to be told to his baby brother. “You have please your alpha. The skill and quickness with which you defend yourself in the heat of battle could be the one thing that saves you so you can continue on in protecting my pride. You will now be marked as a Guardian. Congratulations, return to your spot.”

The pride cheered as the males stayed in their spots, conditioned to do as their leader ordered. Talon held up his hand to silence the pride, waiting until they all focused on him.

“It is not often that we have this many Guardians chosen on the Solstice, but I feel that all four of these males have qualities that will help us protect our pride. It is imperative that we have qualified protection now more than ever.” Talon moved closer to his new Guardians, taking a moment to touch each male’s head. He whispered a vow in a language his father had taught him.

“You are now dismissed to return home to heal,” Talon announced. “You have three days to pack your things and move into the single Guardian dorm. After that, your training will begin.”

Talon raised his hands in the air and gave his pride the command to shift for the night. All of the pride stripped and shifted, most of them running off into the darkness of the woods to play and hunt. The four males stood and shook each other’s hands before silently returning to their homes.

“I will assign them a room by tomorrow afternoon,” Savage offered as he stripped off his shirt. His mate was already in her panther form, laying on her belly beside the picnic table in the backyard.

“Go run with your mate, Savage,” Talon said, looking toward the window where his mate waited inside for him. “I’m going inside with my mate.”

“You’re not going to run?” Savage frowned.

“No, I need to talk to Liberty about the sheriff,” he replied.

“I still don’t like that guy,” Savage snarled, his eyes flashing amber.

“Agreed.” Talon nodded, walking away from his Guardian.

Now, he had to talk to his mate about what all she knew about the sheriff.