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The Blackstone Dragon Heir: Blackstone Mountain Book 1 by Alicia Montgomery (18)


Matthew pulled into the last empty spot in the lot outside The Den and cut the engine. “Are you okay?”

Catherine rolled her eyes. “I told you, I’m fine.” She leaned over and kissed him. “In fact, I’m so fine I think we should go back home again and I can show you how fine I am.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

He tossed his head back and laughed. “As much fun as that sounds, it would be rude to just blow everyone off. We should head inside, at least pop in for one drink.”

“I don’t even know why we’re here,” she grumbled. “Can’t I meet Amelia tomorrow? I’m sure Ben’s sister is a lovely girl, but I want to celebrate some more.” She lifted her hand, the five-carat diamond sparkling even in the low light of the car. Her smile was as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge. 

“We can celebrate again tonight,” he said as he pulled her in for a quick kiss. “Ben will be disappointed if we’re not all here.”

Catherine pouted. Ben was too much of a nice guy, and she would hate to be rude to him and his sister. “Fine. But I’m getting some more tonight.”

“You can have as much as you want,” he said. “For the rest of your life.”

Dr. Parry let Catherine out of the hospital a few days early, but only if she had proper care at home and didn’t strain herself. Matthew hired a round-the-clock nurse to help her out as she recovered, plus he took care of her when he got home. She discretely asked the doctor when she would be clear for physical activities and the doctor answered that it would be in two weeks. Which was today. The doctor himself came over to the castle this morning to check her wounds, which were healed nicely. 

She was hoping to have some alone time with him finally. Meg had set up a romantic meal in the library, and as soon as they were done, he got down on one knee and proposed to her. She said yes, of course, then proceeded to rip his clothes off and have her way with him. He joked that she was more excited about having sex than his proposal.

Matthew helped her out of the car, and they walked hand-in-hand into the Den. 

"Surprise!" Cheers, shouts, and hoots greeted them as they entered the bar. There were even confetti guns and poppers.

“What is going on?” Catherine shouted as she looked around. There was a big, hand-painted sign over the bar that said “Congratulations Matthew and Catherine.” 

"Surprise, sweetheart," he said, kissing her. "Everyone wanted to celebrate with us."

People came up to them, hugging them and giving their congratulations as they walked by. When they got to their table, Jason, Nate, Kate, Sybil, and a young woman who was probably Amelia, were already waiting for them.

“Congratulations! Oh my God, I’m so happy!” Sybil said as she pulled Catherine into a big hug.

"What would you have done if she had said no?" Kate asked, as she threw back a shot of whiskey.

“She wouldn’t have said no,” Matthew said. 

Catherine laughed. “Well, I might have, if you hadn’t finally given up your virtue,” she said with a wry smile, which had Nate and Jason jeering. 

“Hey, it was the doctor’s orders,” he said, throwing his hands up. 

“I’m Amelia,” the tall woman with dark blond hair and green eyes said, extending her hand. “Ben’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you,” Catherine said. “Where is Ben?”

“He’s been delayed, but he’ll be here soon.”

As if on cue, the door slammed open, and Ben's large frame filled the doorway. He gave them a big smile, then waved and lumbered over to them. It seemed he was so distracted that he didn't notice the petite waitress in his path. He bumped into her and she toddled back. Without looking down, he grabbed her by the shoulders to steady her, then simply lifted her up and placed her out of his way as he continued to amble toward them. The young woman let out a squeak and stared after him, but Ben didn't even look back.

"Sorry," Ben apologized as he got to the table. "Had to do some overtime today." He hugged his sister and welcomed her home. "I …" His face turned blank, and he turned around.

“You okay, buddy?” Matthew asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Ben shook his head and ran a hand down his face. “No … I thought I heard … And then I smelled …” He shrugged his shoulders. “Never mind.” He looked at Catherine. “So, congratulations, guys! And welcome to the family.” He gathered her into a fierce hug. “Glad to know this grumpy dragon ain’t gonna be working himself to death or brooding alone in his castle anymore.”

Catherine laughed. “I’ve given him a monthly limit on the brooding.”

“So, did you set a date yet?” Sybil asked. “I know you’ve only been engaged a couple of hours. But Mom and Dad want to know so they can come home for the wedding.”

Catherine had met Hank and Riva over video call a few times, and though they were eager to meet her, she insisted they could continue their trip. They could all figure out a later time to get together, since she was still recovering from her wounds. "We're thinking the end of the month."

“That soon?” Kate narrowed her eyes and placed a hand on Catherine’s tummy. “You got a bun baking in there?”

“Kate,” Sybil admonished.

Catherine looked up at Matthew shyly. A baby with her mate? She thought about holding a small, tiny person that was half her and half him. The thought warmed her heart. Judging by the look on his face, he was thinking the same thing, too.

“No.” He shook his head, then added, “Not yet.” 

"But we're decided there's no need to wait to get married," Catherine said. "We're not doing anything fancy, and that should be enough time to get my family here, and Cordy will be out of school. Christina will be here earlier to help me plan."

Jason's eyes darkened at the mention of her sister's name. He took a shot of tequila, then another, and slammed both glasses on the table. "Say, Nate, those ladies look lonely." He nodded to a group of girls at another table. "Why don't we go keep them company?"

“You sure you’re not going to strike out again?” Nate asked. “Because you know last time—”

“Shut up,” Jason growled and threw back another shot. “Later,” he said as he walked over to the women. Nate shrugged and followed his friend.

“What crawled up his ass?” Kate asked.

Catherine looked at Matthew, and he shrugged. Since that day at the hospital, neither of them had brought up the incident. Did she believe in the legend? She wasn't sure, but then again no one else she talked to said they looked different. Not Sybil. Not Meg nor Christopher. Not even their parents. Riva said she could tell them apart by their mannerisms, but to her, they looked exactly the same. But maybe, like Jason said, it was because she and Christina were twins. He never talked about her, and whenever anyone uttered the word mate, he would bristle and change the subject or walk away.

Christina never mentioned Jason either, nor what had transpired between them that night. She had been speaking with her twin sister regularly, and though Christina had her reservations about Matthew, she was happy when Catherine had told her about the engagement today. It would take a lot of work to switch her schedule, but Christina promised to come at least a week before the wedding. She also confided in her about what she'd been really doing at Stavros International for the past year. While Catherine wasn’t thrilled, it had confirmed to her Papa had indeed changed. 

“You seem far away,” Matthew said as he leaned closer. “Regretting saying yes already?”

“Ha!” she crowed. “You’re not getting out of marrying me that easily.”

“I thought I would be the one dealing with a runaway bride,” he said wryly.

"Oh no, no more running away," she said. "I'm home." Blackstone was her home. Matthew was her home. For now and always.

The End

Thanks for reading! Want to read some bonus and extra scenes from this book, including some sexy scenes that are too hot to publish? ! You’ll get access to ALL the bonus materials form all my books, two FREE contemporary novels and my FREE novella The Last Blackstone Dragon, featuring the love story of Matthew’s parents, Hank and Riva. Sign up .

So, what happened when Jason and Christina met for the first time? Flip the page after the author’s notes and read a preview of 

The Blackstone Bad Dragon.