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The Dragon’s Treasure: A Seven Kingdoms Tale 1 by S.E. Smith (23)

Chapter 22

I hear you had a good night and a good morning,” Ashure said with a knowing grin.

“Keep your voice down, Ashure. Carly is not like the women here. She is shy,” Drago warned.

“Shy? Fascinating,” Ashure replied under his breath.

Drago saw the inquisitive expression on Ashure’s face and knew the pirate wanted to ask him more questions. Drago did not want to answer them. Deciding to remove Carly, along with himself, from the other man’s presence was the best way to avoid upsetting her, Drago turned and walked over to where she was talking with Nali.

“Nali, I promised Carly I would take her shopping today. There are many supplies that we need before we return to my kingdom,” Drago stated in a quiet voice.

“We could establish trade again if you lifted the spells that protect your kingdom,” Nali suggested.

Drago shook his head. “The only thing I have to trade is gold. With my people gone, there is not much else,” he replied.

“I understand. Dragon’s gold is not a bad trade if you should decide you wish to barter. My cyclops would appreciate the added revenue,” Nali laughed.

“You never told me what is happening on the Isle of Monsters. Is there anything I can do to help?” Drago politely asked.

This time it was Nali’s turn to shake her head. She glanced over at Ashure. Koorgan and Isha had already departed before daybreak – each of them feeling the weight of their responsibilities.

“Nay, I have no proof that the Sea Witch has touched my kingdom,” she admitted.

“Yet…,” Drago pressed.

Nali released a dry laugh and lifted her chin. “I will let you know, dragon, if I need your help,” she said.

Drago studied the other woman’s face for a moment before he nodded and turned his attention to Carly. She silently studied the two of them. He knew from the expression in her eyes that she had not missed Nali’s brief hesitation or Nali’s evasive response.

“Thank you, Nali. I hope you have a safe trip home and that I get to see you again soon,” Carly said, reaching out to hug the other woman.

“I hope one day you will see your friend, Jenny, again. I would be honored to meet her. She sounds like a wonderful person,” Nali stated.

Carly wiped the corner of her eye. “She is, and I’m sure she’d love to meet you, too,” she said.

“Safe journey, Carly. Until we meet again, dragon,” Nali said with a bow of her head before she stepped back, turned, and walked out the door.

“Don’t forget to take those eels with you! They are terrorizing my herd of sea dragons,” Ashure called out.

“Orion will have something to say about that, Ashure!” Nali retorted with a wave of her hand.

“Eels?” Drago asked, turning to look at Ashure.

“I made the mistake of suggesting a race between her eels and my new herd of racing sea dragons. I forgot the creatures were over thirty meters long and electric. Two of my fastest sea dragons bolted when she brought the eels in,” Ashure explained.

“When are you going to learn not to antagonize the other kingdoms?” Drago asked.

“Where is the fun in that?” Ashure demanded with a confused expression.

Drago shook his head and looked at Carly who was trying to smother her laughter. He rolled his eyes, something he couldn’t remember ever doing before. The laughter he was trying to hold back escaped and together they enjoyed Ashure’s exasperated confusion.

“You have become a very strange dragon,” Ashure complained. “Go spend your gold, Drago. I have more important things to do while you shop.”

I believe that is the last of the items we need,” Drago said.

Carly nodded and surveyed the items as they were being loaded onto the wagons. After this, there would be four full wagons of supplies ready to be transported to the Dragonrider and stored below deck. Carly didn’t know what they would do when they got back home. It would take a week to unload everything with just the two of them.

“I’m starving! Do you think we can get something to eat?” Carly asked.

“Of course. I could use something to eat as well. Are you sure you do not mind that we are leaving this afternoon to return home?” Drago asked.

Carly shook her head. “Not at all. I thought it would be nice to see other people, but I honestly miss having you to myself,” she admitted with a sigh. “I think the birds would like to return home as well.”

“I noticed they did not stay long,” Drago observed.

The only bird to remain behind was the first one Drago had made. This little one had become her protector. It sat nestled in the loop of the red scarf she wore around her neck.

“I will order some food for us at the tavern. There are some tables protected from the wind on the side of the tavern. Would you prefer to eat inside or out?” Drago asked.

“Outside! I love to people-watch, even if I am looking forward to returning home,” Carly laughed.

“I will reserve the table,” Drago stated.

Carly nodded. They cut across the busy street and stepped under the covered entrance to the tavern. A tall woman with flowing black hair stepped out of the entrance and greeted them.

“Two for the table in the corner,” Drago stated.

“This way,” the woman said.

Carly noticed the woman’s respectful expression when she looked at Drago, but she regarded Carly with curiosity. She should be used to it. It seemed as if everyone knew who Drago was, but all of them had gazed at Carly like they had never seen a regular human before.


Both of them turned when they heard a voice call out behind them. Carly stifled her giggle when Drago muttered a curse under his breath. Ashure was weaving his way along the walkway toward them.

“I thought we had lost him,” Drago said under his breath.

“King Ashure, welcome,” the woman said in a warm tone.

“Are you dining here?” Ashure asked.

“Yes, and you are not…,” Drago started to say before his voice faded when Carly elbowed him in the ribs.

“Hi Ashure. I thought you were busy,” Carly said.

Ashure waved his hand. “A simple beheading, a few tortures, nothing that takes a full day and it leaves me famished,” he replied.

“Really?” Carly asked, aghast at the thought of anyone being beheaded or tortured.

“Ashure,” Drago growled.

Ashure shook his head and chuckled. “No, not really. Beheading and torture are too bloody and tend to displease the fairest citizens of the kingdom. I spent the day in boring meetings trying to decide who to pillage and loot next.” He paused, looked around, then leaned forward and told them in a hushed voice, “Now that Drago has awakened, my captains believe it is time to visit the Isle of the Dragon again. I hear there is an impressive blood red diamond and a room full of treasure to be found,” he teased.

“More like a huge cavern… not that I’ve ever seen any of the gold and jewels in it,” Carly hastily corrected.

“A cavern! Please do share the details of this amazing cache you have never seen,” Ashure begged, reaching for her hand.

Carly giggled when Ashure ended up with Drago’s hand instead. The pirate king quickly released Drago and wiped his hand across his shirt. Carly shook her head and turned to follow their hostess to the table.

“We hoped we wouldn’t see you again,” Drago said.

Carly murmured her thanks when Drago held out a chair for her before he and Ashure took the seats on each side of her. A waitress appeared with three menus. She placed them in front of each person before standing back a short distance to wait for their orders.

“Three ales, please,” Ashure asked, ignoring Drago’s rudeness. Once the waitress disappeared, he returned his attention to Drago. “I wanted to discuss a matter with you in private before you left.”

Carly didn’t miss the side glance Ashure gave her. She quickly scanned the menu and made a choice before placing it next to Drago. She needed to visit the ladies room and this would give the two men time to discuss whatever they needed to without worrying about her.

“I’ll take the grilled bird with the fresh vegetables and soup. I need to visit the ladies room,” she said, rising to her feet.

Both men rose as well. Drago had a slight scowl on his face that cleared when she rested her hand on his arm. She leaned forward and brushed a kiss across his lips.

“I’ll be right back,” she promised.

“Do not leave me alone with him too long. I cannot promise I won’t kill him,” Drago said.

“I heard that,” Ashure dryly replied.

Carly laughed. “You’ll both be fine. Nature calls,” she said with a grimace.

“It was definitely calling last night and this morning,” Ashure chuckled.

Carly’s face flamed and she shot Ashure a stern glare before she turned to brush another kiss across Drago’s lips. Drago may have some competition when it came to killing the Pirate King if he wasn’t careful. She shook her head and stepped away from the table. She really felt sorry for any woman who tangled with Ashure. They were going to need a huge sense of humor, a long leash, and a whip or two to keep him in line.

“More like a Taser and a choke collar,” Carly muttered to herself.

Carly stepped into the tavern and politely asked where the ladies room was located. After several attempts, she finally found it down a long, narrow corridor. She quickly used the facilities and refreshed herself before weaving her way back through the growing crowd.

She stepped outside the front entrance again and drew in a breath of relief. She was about to turn to the left and return to the table when a small table set up to the right caught her attention. The scarves hanging from the merchant’s cart were beautiful.

Biting her lip, Carly decided a few extra moments wouldn’t hurt. Drago had given her a few coins to buy anything she wanted, but Carly had been reluctant to spend any of it. For one, she didn’t know the monetary system here. She could give the wrong coin and never know that she had given someone way too much or too little.

Walking over to the cart, she fingered several of the scarves. On the table was a wide variety of brooches to hold them in place. One of the brooches caught and held Carly’s attention. It was of a small dragon. What made it unique were the tiny white birds that flew beside it. It reminded her of Drago and the paper birds.

“That is one of my most unusual pieces,” the woman said, emerging from the shadows behind the cart.

Carly jumped in surprise. She hadn’t seen anyone there. She blinked and pulled her hand back from the delicate piece.

“Oh, I didn’t see you,” Carly said, smiling at the pale young woman standing across from her.

“The piece would look lovely against your red scarf,” the woman said, tilting her head to the side and staring at Carly with vivid green eyes.

“I… yes, it would. I.... How much is it?” Carly asked.

“A small silver coin – or your magical paper bird, if you wish to barter,” the woman replied.

Carly’s instinctively reached for Little Knight. The tiny bird chirped and tried to burrow deeper into her scarf. Carly noticed that the other woman looked as if she were ill. Her eyes had dark circles under them and she appeared shrunken. The woman wore a long, black cape with the hood up to protect her from the chill of the breeze coming in off the harbor. Her black hair hung limply over her right shoulder.

“I’ll pay the coin; the bird is not for sale,” Carly said, reaching into the front pocket of her trousers for the small bag of coins Drago had given her. “You said a small one?”

“Yes,” the woman replied, picking up the brooch. “I will wrap this for you unless you wish to wear it now.”

“No, no, you can wrap it up. I’ll take it with me,” Carly replied, holding out the coin to the woman.

Their fingers touched for a brief second in the exchange. Carly’s gaze jumped to the woman’s face and she froze. The woman’s fingers were like ice. Deep within the green eyes, Carly thought she saw a swirl of black, but the woman blinked and the vision vanished.

“The Dragon’s Heart,” the woman whispered.

“I beg your pardon?” Carly replied with a frown.

“You have captured the Dragon’s Heart. You have started a chain that cannot be broken,” the woman continued in a barely audible voice.

“How did you…? Who are you?” Carly asked.

The woman smiled. Carly could see the warmth and joy in the movement, as if the woman was unused to feeling either. The woman shook her head and pulled the hood closer around her head when a stiff breeze swirled around them.

“I hope you enjoy your gift, my lady,” the woman said.

“Yes… Thank… Thank you,” Carly responded, tucking the small bag with the brooch in it into her pocket. “Have a nice day.”

“I will, my lady,” the woman replied.

Carly turned when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the waitress walking toward the table with a tray full of food. She hurried back to the table. Murmuring her apologies when both men stood, she sat down and the waitress began serving them.

“I was afraid you lost your way,” Drago teased, leaning closer to her.

“I was just freshening up a bit,” Carly replied.

“Carly, can you please tell me more of this wondrous cavern that you did not see?” Ashure asked as they began to eat.