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The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1) by Zara Novak (11)

11. Claire


It was the second time Claire had flown with Eric, but the circumstances this time were significantly different. He carried her through the air and around the grounds of the castle, twisting and turning through the air like an ivory arrow. Claire kept tight hold of him all the while, safe in the comfort of his embrace. It was one thing to see the castle from the highest point, but it was another altogether to see it from the air.

They looped around the castle, through the grounds and the surrounding landscape several times, and Claire gained a new appreciation for the beauty of the castle and it’s scenery. The sun rose in the distant, bruising the black ink of the sky with deep blotches of purple, which were slowly turning into lighter shades of blue and violet. Eric finally pulled back as the morning dawned upon the valley, with the promise to take Claire into the sky whenever she liked.

By the time they got back to his room on the South West corner of the ninth floor, the altercation with Ira almost felt like a distant nightmare. Eric held Claire in his arms until the very last moment, only setting her down once the bedroom door was closed and locked behind him.

After he lay her down on the floor, she kissed him and thanked him promptly, staring in amazement at the blank space on his back where his wings had been just only moments before. She felt herself marveling at his beauty as she always did, but she felt something else stirring within her now, a great fondness that was burning inside her, brighter than it ever had before.

“It won’t be long until the frenzy takes us both again.” Eric brushed a wayward lock of Claire’s wind strewn hair. “We should probably rest before then.”

“Actually.” Claire took his hand in hers and let her eyes drop down to the ground. “I was wondering if we could go back to your other bedroom. The one we were in originally?”

Claire looked around the room where she and Eric had spent much of their time together in the last week, exploring one another’s bodies to the fullest extent. She liked this room, it was modern and clean, but it lacked the authenticity of Eric’s other room. She knew the other place was his and was a true representation of who he was.

“But the bathroom-”

“I’m sure it’s been cleaned by now.” Claire waved a hand at the notion. She had been bothered by it once upon a time, the place where Wraith’s demon had left the bodies. But it didn’t bother her anymore.

“I’ve seen enough in these last weeks to trivialize something like that Eric. I can’t let it control me forever. I want to go back to the room that is yours. If you’re going to take my body, then I want it to be there.”

His eyes widened at her words, and his lips twitched.

“Very well. Come, we will waste no further time.”

His hand wrapped around hers and they left the room, trudging back through the corridors back to room on the North East corner. His very touch breathed electric through her body, and the slightest sensation made her body wild with desire. She could sense that the frenzy was returning, the heat was stirring up in her once again, but it was coming faster this time.

As they walked all external stimulus seemed to strip away. It was as if her mind was only prepared to focus it’s energy on one thing, Eric and Eric alone. Her vision went black around the edges, until the only thing she could see was Eric, a solitary point of alabaster perfection leading her through the darkness to her much sought destination. Her hearing faded out until she could only hear his voice and his footsteps, along with the rhythmic throbbing of her heart. The air was laced with the scent of his body, so close and so potent it was almost as if she could taste the sweet sweat on his skin. His hand held hers gently, and she felt every ridge of his finger tips, pressing smoothly into her palm.

The sound of a door opening came from somewhere in the distant black and then it shut again. He turned to her, meeting her gaze with his twinkling ruby eyes, his voice trickling over her like liquid velvet.

“This is it. Are you ready?”

She nodded, her lips open in expectation, her throat unable to give words any longer. This was it, it was finally happening.

She was about to become his.




Their lips crashed together, slow and sensual at first, then fast and furious, like a rapid torrent.

His lips moved to her throat, sucking at her sweet and pale flesh with fervor. Claire dropped her head back, moaned and pulled herself closer against him.

“Oh Eric…” His hands moved deftly across the buttons on her shirt, his thumbs moved over her breasts softly, running small circles over the delicate points. She threaded her fingers through the dark weave of his hair, holding him close against her as his lips worked down her neck to the top of her chest. He finished unbuttoning her shirt and pulled back the fabric, revealing the milky white flesh of her torso. Claire helped him, pulling her arms free of the fabric, letting the shirt slip backwards off her hands and onto the floor. She worked at her bra quickly, sliding it off too, baring herself to him.

His twinkling red eyes darted up and down her body as he stood with his arms around her hips. “Good lord you are beautiful beyond words.” He crouched, bringing his lips against her breasts, sucking at her nipples. His hands smoothed down the curve of her back to her front, his fingers like ice on her skin.

“You feel so good…” She whispered into his ear. He wrapped his hands around the bottom of his gray shirt and pulled it up and off his head, letting it drop to the floor. The muscular splendor of his torso was hers alone now, to watch and worship as much as she wanted. Claire ran her hands over his body greedily as their lips came together, marveling at the solid warmth of his muscle. His arms moved round her again and tugged her waist against his, crushing their torsos together softly. The soft firmness of her breasts squished against the hardness of his chest and abs. Claire ran her hands down the sides of his muscular torso, tracing the belt of muscle down until she reached the crotch of his jeans.

“Let’s not forget this either…” She fumbled with them for a second, before pulling them open and shimmying them down his legs. He helped her, stepping out of the jeans and leaving them behind on the floor. They stood before each other now in just underwear and then, as if they read each other’s minds, they stripped simultaneously and their bodies came together once more, completely naked this time.

Claire moaned as their lips entwined. His hands wrapped around the full flesh of her buttocks, squeezing tight and pulling her hips against his. Her pussy tingled with warmth, and she felt herself becoming slick with unbearable excitement. The hard line of his cock pressed against her tummy, branding it like a red hot iron. His lips pulled away from hers and whispered into her ear.

“On the bed. Now.”

His voice was more of a growl than anything, and it sent a warm shiver down her spine. Claire was ready to run to the bed, but Eric threw his hands around her waist and pulled her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around him. She felt the hard ridges of his muscled abs pressing against her wet cunt, rubbing against her deliciously with each step he took.

He threw her down onto the bed, and before she could realize what was happening, he was on top of her, his lips worshiping her body once more. His hand slipped up between her thighs, his fingers brushing over the delicate softness of her flesh. His fingers found her clit, wet and throbbing, and they pushed against her delicately, rubbing gentle circles.

Claire let out a sharp moan and pulled her legs apart, pushing her hips up so his erection was pressing against her open pussy like a raw brand.

“I can’t wait anymore Eric. Take me. Take me now!”

She felt the heat of the frenzy dancing over her body like a thousand points of flame. She looked at Eric and she knew he felt the same. The blood red sparkle of his eyes had been lost to two giant pools of black, and his teeth had twisted into two sharp points of white against his ruby red lips.

“Mate me Eric.” She pushed her lips against his, flicking her tongue over the points of his teeth. Her hand moved down the broad muscle of his back, down to the firm curve of his near perfect ass. She gripped him tight and squeezed, pulling him against her.

Somehow, his cock seemed to swell in size even further. Claire let out a gasp as she felt his raging affection press against the top of her crotch. She looked down at him and felt her eyes bulge in response.

“You’re huge.” She said doe eyed. “You’ve grown.” Eric had his hand around the the thick base of his cock, which hadn’t only grown in length but girth as well. It was no secret that Eric had a huge cock, they had done plenty of anal together in preparation for their mating and Claire had almost grown used to his huge size. This however…

“I did tell you…” He pushed the thick and bulbous head of his shaft between the glistening folds of her pussy and pressed forward gently. Claire’s whole body rocked in response and she felt her pussy clenching in anticipation. This was the moment she had been waiting for, this was the thing she had wanted since she had first laid eyes on him in the corridor. “…We vampires are different.”

He inched his hips forward, and her pussy spread around him, opening wider as his cock slipped inside of her. Claire gasped, and wrapped her hands around him tight as he worked his way inside. He filled her like a warm pillar of steel, and her whole body shivered in delight.

Slowly but surely, he disappeared inside of her inch by inch, until the thick base of his cock came up against the bottom of her pussy. They were both lost in the throw of passion now, the black expanses of their eyes lost in one another’s gaze. Eric rolled his hips back, drawing his cock out of her almost all the way, then he pushed back in, penetrating her properly for the first time.

She let out a large moan, half smiling and half laughing in joy as he spread her love in two. She wrapped her hands around the broad muscles of his neck and pulled him down, their lips meeting once more as he started to pulse his cock in and out of her.

“Oh Eric… Eric it’s so good!”

She spoke with long and protracted moans, little bubbles of joy escaping her lips as his thrusts came stronger and faster. Claire opened up her legs further, pushing her hips up to meet him, spreading herself as much as she possibly could for him.

His strong hands were on her legs, pushing them back until her feet were by her ears. She had relaxed fully, and he moved in and out of her easily now, the sound of her wetness clapping throughout the room.

The first orgasm came and it came hard, causing her lungs to belt out a long line of moans, as she scrunched her eyes tight, pulling the fabric on the bed. He came in her pussy for the first time, his cock erupted inside of her, pulsing thick jets of his love up and against her pink walls, until she was covered completely.

Before she could process what was happening, he had her on her knees and he was behind her, his cock slipping inside of her cunt once more, his hips rolling back and forward wildly.

“Eric, Eric!” Claire grabbed her breasts and moaned his name in delight, while he fucked her hard from behind. His hands spanked her ass, traced up the curve of her hips and squeezed into her waist as he thundered in and out of her. Her pussy throbbed and tingled in delight, and she came again several times, until her body was shaking and rasping, until her breath would come no longer.

Eric came over and over again, filling her pussy with mammoth waves of his love each time, until she could swear he would have nothing left to give. It kept coming though, and each time she felt he grew harder, and each time she felt he grew longer. His speed and fury increased, bringing her pleasure to it’s absolute zenith. Claire turned back and he moved so fast he appeared in a half blur to her, the red black of his eyes fixed on her own all the while.

He flipped onto his back and she climbed on top of him, squatting down onto his cock gingerly only to be held there a few seconds later with his powerful hands on her waist, holding her there as his girth hammered into her delightfully from below. His hands where everywhere at once, and they were everywhere when she wanted them to be. The huge cups of his palms smoothed over her breasts, the thick branches of his fingers brushed down over her hips.

She liked it most of all when he held his hands in the crease of her thigh, and thrust up into her. She let her head fall back while her hands traced over her breasts, letting herself bounce on top of him as he filled her over and over.

Time became nothing, and the world shrunk to the two of them. By the time they were done, Claire wasn’t sure if hours or days had passed, all she knew is that he had brought her pleasure so vast and intense, that she had never known anything like it before.


After, they lay in the dim light of the room together for what felt like hours more, and he drew the tips of his fingers up and down her body, tracing every curve and every line. They fell into a deep sleep together, and when they woke they were on each other once more, his body answering every call of her mind.

They went like that for an eternity, only stopping to eat or sleep or bathe, most of the time disturbing these activities with the uncontrollable lust they felt for each other.

Eventually they finally felt the fever subsiding, and the itching heat that prickled through both of their bodies faded away, until the world came back into focus a little, and their libidos returned to a more normal level, albeit still far above normal.

After having her pussy fucked by his tongue in the shower, Claire dried herself off at her dresser, watching Eric as he wrapped the firm muscles of his torso in the coal black shirt and jeans that fit him so well. She smiled at him and placed a hand over her stomach, looking down and wondering, hoping, that maybe she might be carrying a child of his.

Claire looked up into the mirror once more and was startled to see Eric standing behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, she dropped her head back against his chest and sighed in content.

“You’re wondering if you’re pregnant.” He said with a soft smile.

“I thought you weren’t reading my mind anymore.”

“Again. I don’t have to read your mind to know what you’re thinking.”

“When will I know?” She asked, turning to face him as he sat on the bed. Their hands twined together as they faced each other. “How will we know? We don’t just do a test do we?”

“We’ll know soon.” He said. “Trust me.”

Claire looked down at the floor then back at Eric. “I’m worried that you got it wrong somehow, and that I’m not what you thought I was.”

There was silence between them for a moment as he listened to her.

“What if I’m not a breeder?” Claire asked. “What if I’m just a regular human? Then all this was for nothing.”

“Even if that was the case, I’d still love you until the day I die.”

She tried to find the right words, and realized there was only one thing she really wanted to say. “I love you too.”

Her heart fluttered in her chest a million miles an hour. Eric knelt forward and kissed her. His lips lingered on hers, and her heart swelled with happiness.

Even if that was the case.” Eric repeated. “Which it’s not. You are definitely a breeder my darling Claire. You smell much too delicious to be a regular human.”

“You promise?”

“Yes, and whatever happens I love you either way.”

“I love you too.” She said. “I love you too.”