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The Wolf's Dream Mate: Howl's Romance by Milly Taiden, Marianne Morea (6)


“C’mon, Craig. You know you’re the only one I trust to help me with this.” Pax crossed his arms, cornering the pathologist in the hospital’s elevator.

“There’s a reason I chose to work the graveyard shift, Noble. It’s so I don’t have to run into overbearing wolves like you. Unless this situation is an emergency, put it through the correct channels like any other sample.”

“This is important, dude. I mean it,” Pax tried again. “For me.”

Dr. Craig Adams exhaled. “This better be life or death, Pax, and that does not include checking the health of a potential ass you’re looking to tap.”

Paxton’s mouth dropped. “Ugh, does everyone in this fucking hospital believe I only think with my dick?”

A grin cracked his friend’s face. “Pretty much.”

“Not cool, Craig. And it’s even less cool you’re not the slightest bit curious why I’m cornering you in an elevator in the middle of the night, no less. When have I ever done that?”

Craig plopped a french fry from his takeout bag into his mouth and chewed. “Okay, Noble, I’ll bite. But this better not be some lame ass excuse or I’ll sink my canines into more than just this burger and fries. You’re not the only shifter in the building.”

He smiled at his friend. “Got it, and trust me. This is serious.”

Paxton filled him in on the whole story as the elevator moved downward, including the facts from the dream, though he conveniently left out how he got the information. He watched the pathologist’s brows knot between his eyes. A sure sign the man’s mind wheeled with possibilities.

Craig swallowed what was left in his mouth. “And you didn’t think to tell the police what you found?”

He exhaled, lifting a hand. “Evelyn doesn’t have time for NYPD red tape. Her organs are already failing. By the time the contents of that syringe are processed through the city’s bureaucratic bullshit, she’ll be dead. Besides, the fact she was poisoned makes this a hit.”

The elevator dinged, and the two got out on the basement level. “A hit? Who are you, Tony Soprano?”

Pax pressed his lips together. “I’m not joking, Craig.”

Grabbing another fry from the bag, Craig pointed it at his friend. “I think you’ve been watching too much television, bro, either that or you’re totally sleep deprived.” He unlocked the door to his lab.

“Sleep deprivation is definitely a part of it, but my gut’s not wrong. This is serious.”

“A hit between shifters.”

Paxton nodded again. “Yes, and when have you ever known the police to be the best source when tracking crimes committed by our kind? They don’t have the skills.”

He snorted. “And we do? Pax, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree, wolfman.”

“Craig, please.” He threw a hand in the air. “I’m treating her blind, dude. Whatever is in that needle is inhibiting her natural healing abilities.”

“I could lose my job over this, Pax. Are you going to explain to my family and my pack why I was fired?”

Paxton shook his head. “You won’t be fired. I’ll cover your ass and take the heat if it comes to that. I need to know what her attacker infected her with so I can treat her properly. What if I promise to tell the police everything, but after we save her life?”

“I don’t know

“Evelyn’s a shifter, Craig. Like me. Like you. This was a deliberate attack on one of our own. At least help me figure out how to save her life. We need to know what this is and if someone is targeting the dual-natured. Not everyone is accepting of our kind.”

“You mean like the ones who think we’re devil spawn and bang on their bibles calling for abominations to be caged?”

Pax nodded with a shrug. “Exactly.”

Craig exhaled again and crumpled the top of his take-out bag closed. “You’re lucky it’s a slow night, Noble. I’ll have preliminary results for you by tomorrow morning.”

“It’s already tomorrow morning.”

His friend shot him a look. “Don’t push it, Pax.”

Paxton handed him the plastic sample bag with the syringe inside. “I’ll bring you breakfast.”

He snorted. “That’s the least you can do. Bacon and eggs on a roll. And coffee, light and sweet. Like me.”

“You got it, brother. I’m going to crash upstairs if you need me for anything.”

Craig leaned forward and sniffed. “Do me a favor and hit the showers in the doctor’s lounge. You smell like wet dog.”

Pax laughed. “Reservoir Dogs.”

“Ha! I love that movie.” Craig nodded as the elevator doors slid open. “I’ll find you when I have something to show.”

Pax nodded. “Thanks again, man.”