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Twins For The Wolf (Paranormal Pregnancy Romance Book 1) by Ellie Valentina, Simply Shifters (6)


The funeral itself was not much different than any of the others she’d been to, except that it was not held in a church or funeral home, but in a small temple devoted to Medeina, the goddess worshipped by all werewolves. Boris had been cremated by his seconds in a private ceremony, and now they brought out the urn with his ashes, and the priestess said a few words before leading the procession out to the grave. For this, Hazel stayed behind with Anka. The others would be assuming their wolf forms for the final part of the service. 

Though it was evident by smell that Hazel was not a werewolf, Val thought it was safer not to rub it in anyone’s faces. Werewolves were understandably protective of their privacy. He had avoided her at the funeral as well, trying not to draw the other wolves’ attention to her presence. It had been frustrating.

“I thought you were going to burn a hole in the back of Val’s head with your staring,” Anka said as they walked back to the house, jabbing Hazel in the side with her elbow.

“I was worried about him,” she said, one thing she wasn’t embarrassed to admit. “He must be upset about his father, but I suppose he wants to be strong in front of the other Alphas.” The mournful sound of fifty wolves howling rang through the air.

Anka nodded. “That’s part of the reason they take their wolf forms for this part. There’s less vulnerability in showing your grief that way.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t get to join in,” Hazel said, sighing. “I’m sure you were close to Boris too.” Anka shrugged and flashed her a smile.

“Not like Val was. Besides, you’re my friend, and as far as the pack goes, it’s an honor. Val trusts me to guard what he values most.” At this, Hazel did blush. “Everyone will feel better after the wake,” Anka continued. “They’ll get drunk and tell stories and go home tomorrow laughing. You are coming, aren’t you?”

“Maybe I’ll come down for a minute. But I didn’t know Boris, and Val’s already worried about having all these strangers in the house,” Hazel said. Besides all that, she couldn’t drink, and even when she could, being surrounded by rowdy drunks, especially ones she didn't know, had never been her idea of a good time. They had reached the porch. With nearly all of the pack at the funeral, the house was strangely quiet.

“I suppose you’re right,” Anka said. “But you have my cell phone number, so if you need anything, you can call me. Or text even.” Hazel agreed and went back up the stairs to the bedroom that already was beginning to feel like home. She was actually looking forward to having a little bit of quiet time.

She’d been living on her own for a while, and the relentlessly social werewolves were still going to take some getting used to. About an hour later, she heard the clatter of footsteps and the hum of voices from downstairs, but no one came up to the third floor, and she was undisturbed. Around sunset, Anka appeared at her door with some dinner, obviously a little buzzed.

“It must be a good party,” Hazel said, taking the tray with the food from her somewhat unsteady hands.

“Well, they’ve started up the drinking songs, but until somebody starts dancing naked around a bonfire, it can’t be that wild,” Anka said, grinning widely. “Are you really okay by yourself up here?”

“I’m fine; I’m just reading,” Hazel assured her. “You go have fun. Make sure Val doesn’t fall down the stairs.”

“No promises,” Anka said, waving as she shut the door behind her. Hazel could her the stomp of her feet as she went back to the first floor, until it was lost in the greater noise of the party below. The faint sound of singing rose through the window. Hazel felt a sudden longing to be part of it, to be one of them in truth. She wondered what Val would think about it.

Darkness fell. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to sleep with all the noise, but suddenly, she was being awoken to the sound of someone knocking on her door. “Hazel? Are you all right” It was Val. She stumbled to the door and opened it, blinking in the light from the hallway. “I’m sorry. I should’ve realized you were asleep,” he said, a slight slur in his voice.

“It’s okay. I wasn't even aware of it until you knocked.” As her eyes adjusted, she noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt, which, considering the amount of time he seemed to spend in that state, shouldn’t have been startling, but it was. She couldn’t look away. “How are you doing after… everything?” she asked, forcing herself to concentrate on his face, though it was only slightly less distracting.

“Like I’m going to regret how much I drank in the morning,” he said, his mouth quirking in a half-smile. “Otherwise fine.” He paused, taking all of her in with his eyes. She was wearing another one of his shirts. Anka surely could have found her pajamas before now, but Hazel hadn’t complained because she knew how much he liked it. “You're gorgeous,” he said, reaching up to brush a curl away from her face and letting his hand linger on her cheek. “I thought that when I first saw you.”

Hazel could feel the blood creeping up her neck. She knew that it was partly the alcohol letting him say things he would never have otherwise said aloud. “Oh really?”

“Yes. I should have said so that day, and maybe things would've turned out better.” His other hand moved around her waist, and she leaned into him, his warmth and his scent. “I'm glad you're willing to give me another chance, despite all the stupid stuff I've done. I care about you, and I want us to be together.”

Hazel sucked in a breath. “Val… I care for you too.” She slipped her arms around his neck, and their lips met softly, once and then again. Even these gentle kisses invoked a melting warmth in her abdomen. Hazel abruptly realized they were still in the hall. “Maybe you should come in?”

He chuckled as she drew him into the room. “You don't want to be seen kissing me?”

“I'm just afraid some people will be too interested. I'd rather not attract a cheering section.” She turned on the lamp just as he closed the door, and the yellow light changed everything into strange contrasting shapes.

Val put his arms around her, and in the shadows cast on his face she found a hint of the wolf from the night before, but it intrigued her rather than frightened. She wanted to trace his features with her fingers, to make a map of him with her touch. “I've missed you,” she said, gripping his shoulders.

“For three days, I've been able to think of little else,” he murmured. “I dream of kissing you.” His mouth was hungry on hers, and she matched him, parting her lips as her fingers slid into his hair. A pleased rumbling sound issued from his throat as he pulled her close against him. His teeth grazed her lip, and she gasped. He pulled back; his pupils were wide and black. “Maybe I should go. I'm not thinking so clearly right now.”

“No, stay. Please,” she said, the words exiting her mouth before she could even think. “I know you're going to be busy tomorrow. Just be with me, right now.” She felt greedy and selfish for saying it, but it was only the truth.

“Hazel…” When he said her name, it was almost a groan. “I'll stay, to sleep only.” She nodded her agreement. Though she wanted more than sleep, it was late. Being with him was enough for now. “Get into the bed then,” he said, his voice rougher than usual.

Once she was under the blankets, he turned out the light again. In the darkness, the sound of her own breath was loud. She felt the mattress shift under his weight, the movement of the blanket as he slipped underneath, and then his arms were around her, pulling her into the curve of his body, almost hot against her back.

His hand rested on her stomach, and she laced her fingers with his, careful not to jostle her injury, which was still bruised and sore. He sighed into her hair, pushing it aside with his nose to leave lingering kisses on the side of her neck.

“Val,” she complained, squirming. “I thought you wanted to sleep.”

“What I want is to rip all your clothes off and spend the whole night pleasuring you,” he growled into her ear. A whimper of need escaped her lips as heat bloomed in her belly. “But I'm afraid I'm not sober enough to be careful. I don't want to hurt you.”

She wanted to say that she trusted him, that she wasn't afraid, but she could feel his strength as he held her tight against him. Anka had told her that strong emotions could drive the change. He let out a long, slow breath and kissed her neck again, this time quick and gentle. “Just rest. I'll be here in the morning.”

Hazel wasn't sure she’d be able to sleep, with every nerve acutely aware of his presence, but as she listened to his breathing slow, she closed her eyes and slipped back into dreams.




When Val woke, he felt more rested and content than he had in weeks. It had been a while since he slept in his own bed, but more than that, Hazel’s warm and soft presence in his arms was so right that it was incredibly soothing. Even if her scent made him feel slightly unhinged.

He found it difficult not to pull her hard against his body and touch her until she screamed with pleasure, but there was no reason to rush things; the house was quiet. Most of the guests were likely still nursing hangovers, and it was only through some divine luck that he did not share their pain.

He sighed, flattening his palm against her belly, feeling the subtle roundness of it. Their children, his and hers. The thought of it made his heart squeeze in his chest, even as it set a fire in his groin. He nuzzled against her neck, kissing the curve of her shoulder, while the smell of her hair drove him wilder. He was still in control, but only because he had so much practice.

“Val…” she murmured sleepily, squirming closer to him until their bodies pressed together. His shirt slipped from her shoulder. It was all terribly enticing. He kissed her again, more insistent, letting his teeth scrape lightly over the nape of her neck. She made a soft “oh” sound, and her fingers entwined with his as she pushed back against him, rubbing her rear against his crotch.

“Hazel…” His voice broke into a low groan at the end, and she hummed with satisfaction. “You’re going to drive me crazy.”

She turned to face him, wearing a feline grin, her fingers tracing teasingly across his chest. “That’s sort of the idea,” she said, hooking his leg behind the knee to pull them close again. He kissed her as fiercely as he dared, sliding his tongue between her parted lips. One of her hands found its way into his hair, tugging on his scalp, and a growl of pleasure rumbled up his throat. His hands burrowed under her shirt, finally gliding over her deliciously smooth skin.

She shivered at his touch, which only encouraged him, leading him to caress one soft, full breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers. “Careful,” she admonished. “Those are sensitive.”

“Let me apologize,” he said, pushing her onto her back and pulling the shirt over her head. She was lovelier than he had imagined, her skin tawny gold in the gray light of morning, soft and in need of kissing. He moved his mouth to her nipple, circling it with his tongue, and she bit her lip in an effort to be quiet. “No,” he said. “Let me hear you.” Her copper brown eyes went wide.

“Everyone else will hear too,” she murmured, though the way her hands were trailing down his back told him she didn’t mind that much.

“They’d hear us anyway, as they’re all wolves,” he said, kissing up the side of her neck. “I want to hear you howl. I want them all to know that you belong to me.”

“Oh really?” she questioned, and he belatedly wondered if he’d said the wrong thing. Wolves were possessive in a way humans weren’t, and they had made no promises. “Does that mean you belong to me?”

The answer came without his conscious decision. “I am yours, completely,” he said and realized it was true. If she was a wolf, he would make her his mate without hesitation. The bond that he had once shunned, he now longed for with every fiber of his being.

She smiled, her lips curling upward in satisfaction. “All right, then,” she said, pressing a kiss to the side of his face, and sliding her hands down his back, as far as they would reach. “I think you’re wearing far too much clothing.” He laughed, but he took off his pants, tossing them to the ground, and when he turned back to Hazel, she was naked as well, gazing at him appraisingly.

“Do I pass inspection?” he asked, grinning, and she snorted, sitting up only to take his hands and pull him back into the bed. He came willingly, pressing her into the pillows with his body, kissing between her breasts, and up her throat. She ran her nails down the insides of his arms and he shuddered. It was time to stop playing around. He moved his hand to the mound of curls between her legs and heard her breath catch in her throat. She was slick and fragrant, more than ready for him, and he groaned to feel it, even as she moaned from his touch. “Are you ready?” he asked because he wanted to hear her say it.

“Yes, please, yes,” she said, reaching for him as he pressed against the apex of her thighs. He took his time, shivering at the tight embrace of her silken warmth around him. He had to stop, to breathe; he wanted their first time together to be perfect, but he’d been aching for her for days now… longer, if he was being honest with himself. Her nails skated over his chest, trails of prickling heat, and he bent down to capture her mouth with his as he made the first slow thrust.

Hazel’s hips rose to meet him, her tongue flicking inside his mouth, and her hands traveling down his back. Sensation consumed him, and they moved together as instinct guided, an unhurried, rolling rhythm. Her legs wrapped around his thighs, pulling him deeper, and their cries joined together, bouncing off the ceiling.

Pleasure spooled hot and tight in his belly, sending lightning tendrils through his body. “Val…” Hazel moaned his name, her voice husky with need, and that was all it took. Release rushed through him, a firestorm of bliss carried on a final thrust, but she moved against him through his climax, her breath coming in short gasps until, with an unrestrained cry, she came undone around him.

 It was ecstasy almost too intense for him to bear; his fists clenched in the sheets as his vision blurred. Then it was over, the storm of pleasure passing into contented exhaustion as they curled into a more comfortable position, and the breeze from the ceiling fan cooled the sweat from their bodies.

 Hazel smiled at him, lazy and sated, draping her leg over his hip, and he had the strange thought that he would like to capture this moment in a bottle, like the model ships his father used to make. His heart felt warm and heavy in his chest, not unpleasantly, and that was when Val realized he was falling in love.

Werewolf culture did not talk about love much; it was a human emotion. Mating could involve love, but it was more about family and loyalty, the two most important concepts in the life of a wolf. There was a danger in it, he could see that clearly, but this time, he was not afraid.




Everything was perfect, so much so that Hazel hated to break the silence. Val’s face was peaceful, and she might have thought he was asleep except for the slow caress of his thumb along her hip. But they did need to talk about things, and this was the ideal time. “So, what happens now?”

“I get the feeling you aren’t talking about breakfast,” he said, his mouth quirking into a lopsided smile. “What do you want to happen?” His relaxed demeanor gave her more confidence, and she slipped an arm around his neck before continuing, twirling his hair around her fingers as she’d occasionally fantasized.

“Well, I want to stay with you, obviously, but I still have some semblance of a life back in Atlanta. A few people will be worried about me if I don’t come back soon, and I’d like to get some things from my apartment. Plus…” She paused before continuing. It was a heavy subject to bring up, but she remembered what he had said a few minutes ago. He was hers. “Anka has told me a little bit about wolves… and mating and all that. I suppose I want to know more.” His hand stilled on her hip. Had she pushed too far?

“Do you… Is that something you would want? Mating is permanent,” he asked in a quiet voice.

“I might be interested in that, if you are,” she said carefully. His answer was a kiss that left her breathless.

“There's nothing I want more,” he said, his forehead pressing against hers. “But the mating ritual only works between two werewolves. I’m not opposed to you becoming one of us, if that's what you really want, but it will have to wait until after the children are born. The transformation process can be traumatic, especially for an adult. The doctor thinks it's too dangerous; it might set off early labor.”

“You've considered this already, I take it,” she said, unable to stop herself from grinning.

“Ever since that night in the forest…” He swallowed. “I just wanted to know what our options were. But even if we can't complete the ritual right now, even if you never wanted to be a werewolf, I consider you my mate. If you’re willing, we will lead the pack together.”

Hazel gaped. “I… but I don’t know anything about leading a pack of werewolves. Would they really accept an outsider?”

“They’ll listen to you if I tell them to. Even if they disagree, wolves’ instincts compel them to obey their Alpha,” Val said, his tone unyielding. “But they already like you. I think they figure you have to be pretty brave and fierce to find yourself in a houseful of werewolves and not run away screaming.” It was true that she had never been afraid of Val, or by extension, his family. Though she might not have a wolf’s instincts, she had known to trust them.

“I’ll do my best. I want us to be partners from now on,” Hazel said, and Val’s arms tightened around her at the words.

“Partners… I never realized how much I’d enjoy hearing that,” he said, kissing her forehead. “As for going back to the city, we can go tomorrow, if that’s what you want. My father’s company is now mine,” he said, scowling slightly. “I have my work cut out for me. But I can drop you off at your apartment. Anka can come with you, if you’d like.”

“Isn’t she your assistant?” she asked, sitting up and stretching. Val watched with open appreciation. It had been so long since Hazel had been in a relationship, she’d nearly forgotten how pleasant it was to be desired. She raised her hands above her head, her shoulders cracking, and smiled at the want in his eyes.

“It was meant to be a temporary position anyway,” he said. “From now on, she’s your assistant. When we are truly mated, you’ll be expected to appoint other females as your seconds who will serve on the Pack Council at your side. I assumed you’d pick Anka.”

Hazel nodded, though her mind was once again churning at the thought of being in charge. Val touched her cheek, bringing her back to the present. “There’s no rush. Right now, I think we should take a shower, then we’ll find some breakfast and make sure everyone survived the night. Tonight, there will be the ceremony where I officially become the Alpha, and I want you to be there with me.”

She took a deep breath. He was right; if she could handle finding out that the father of her children was a werewolf, she could manage the rest of it. They’d take it one step at a time.




Hazel was nervous at the idea of attending such an important ceremony, but Val assured her that she wasn't required to do anything but observe. They waited until the moon had risen, round and full, the time when all important pack rituals took place, and then they all made their way toward the temple, following the priestess, Rowena, who Hazel had learned was Val’s second cousin.

It was in her nature to hang back; even after agreeing to be Val’s mate, she still felt like an outsider. But he had no intention of letting her hide. Taking her hand, they followed right behind Rowena, past the temple and into a wide forest clearing marked by a tall pillar of stone in the center. The others fanned out around the edges, leaving Hazel and Val alone at the center as the priestess paced the edge of the circle, her voice ringing clearly.

“Let Mother Medeina bless us with her light. Under the circle of her eye, let only truth be spoken as we of the Dragomir pack gather to welcome our new Alpha.” Rowena returned to the center of the circle and gestured to Val.

“Our last Alpha, Boris Dragomir, hunts in the fields of the stars. He wished for his son, Valko, to succeed him. Is there anyone who would challenge Val for his right to lead the pack?” Hazel felt a shiver of fear race up her spine, but no one moved or spoke, as Val had assured her. He’d been trained for this position since childhood, and was both respected and well-liked. The Pack Council had already approved the succession; this was only a formality.

“It is well,” the priestess said. “I understand Val has something to say, before he is anointed.” He squeezed Hazel’s hand, taking a step forward.

“I think most of you know Hazel now, but I'd like to make sure you know the truth of the situation. She is carrying my children, but more than that, I plan to make her my mate. Once our children are born, she wants to become one of us, but even if she changes her mind, I consider her my partner and equal. I'd appreciate it if everyone would show her the same respect.”

There was nothing in his speech that he hadn't said to her before, but she still felt frozen to the spot, her face flushed and heart thumping. Everything was happening so fast, and even though she was happy with the way things had unfolded, she had a sense that any sane person would be terrified. Furthermore, it was hard to believe that the pack would accept her as easily as Val believed.

There was a moment of silence, and then people began clapping and cheering, Anka, of course, being the loudest. Hazel couldn't help laughing. Val took her in his arms and kissed her to a chorus of whoops and whistling. Finally, Rowena raised her arms and silence fell.

“It is time for the new Alpha to give his oath.” Val and Anka had given Hazel some idea of what to expect so she wasn't terribly surprised to see everyone start shedding their clothes. She wondered idly if they should even bother to wear clothes, averting her eyes from the others to focus on Val as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“Would you like to help?” he murmured playfully, and she rolled her eyes but did not look away. Already dark gray fur covered his chest and stomach, glinting silver in the moonlight, and white canines poked into his lower lip.

 His eyes glinted, and she shivered as she imagined those teeth on her neck. As soon as he had unzipped his pants, he dropped to his hands and knees and shook himself. A huge wolf, fur so dark it was nearly black, stepped out of his discarded jeans and turned to her, tail wagging slowly. Was it rude, Hazel wondered, to pet a werewolf like a dog?

Val didn't seem to think so; she put her hand on the top of his head and he leaned into her, almost knocking her over, and she buried her fingers in the thick ruff of fur on the back of his neck.

Rowena smiled. “Now, Valko, repeat after me: As the Alpha of this pack, I give my solemn vow.” Hazel could not hear his reply, of course. She wondered what it would be like, to hear Val inside her head, to have everyone in the pack available at a thought.

“To give protection to every member, from the oldest to youngest, to give aid and guidance, to punish wrongs and reward success. I vow to keep our secrets sacred, to uphold the traditions that serve us, while leading us forward as times change. In the name of the goddess, I swear.”

There was a moment of silence, and then a joyful howl rose up from the rest of the pack. Rowena spoke again. “In return, we of the pack promise the first of our kill in lean times and the fat of our meat in times of plenty. We yield the trail and follow your lead, giving our lives, our service and respect.”

 Two wolves approached with a dead rabbit in their mouths, dropping it at Val’s feet before lying down in front of him, throats bared. He licked each of their muzzles in acceptance. The priestess picked up the rabbit, probing the wound at its throat with her fingers. Then she drew on Val’s face, painting his nose, cheeks and forehead with blood. She went to the two other wolves, those who were to be Val’s seconds; Marko, lean and smoke gray, and another wolf, rusty red in color, and she painted a different symbol on each of their cheeks.

After a moment, Rowena turned to Hazel with a thoughtful expression. “May I?” she asked, holding up her bloody fingers.

“Er… Is that allowed?” Hazel whispered. “I mean, I don't mind, but…”

“Val has said you are his mate, and you have agreed,” Rowena said. “The goddess compels me to acknowledge this.” The blood was still warm as the priestess smeared it down Hazel's nose and across her forehead and cheeks, and Val watched, his ears pricked forward with interest.

“Now kneel down so the pack can present themselves to you.” Hazel lowered herself to the ground with a tremor of nervousness in her stomach, but she kept her arm around Val’s neck, his solid warmth reassuring.

The seconds came first, their noses snuffling in her hair, and then they lowered themselves to the ground, turning their heads aside to expose their throats. She knew she should acknowledge this, somehow, and she put a hand on each of their heads. Rowena smiled encouragingly, and the two wolves backed away, taking their places on either side of Val and Hazel.

Then the rest of the pack came, one by one, to submit to the Alpha and his mate, and receive their blessing in return. By the end of the ceremony, when Rowena donned her wolf form to acknowledge her bond with the pack, Hazel felt overwhelmed, but not in a bad way. Even without the psychic bond that the rest of them shared, she felt like she belonged, like she was part of something greater.

The end of the ceremony came with a howl. She could feel the happiness in it, the relief and joy. Boris was dead, but the pack was whole again. Val licked her face and she laughed as the others started to move back to the house for the celebration that waited.






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