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Taming His Hellion Countess (The Lustful Lords Series Book 2) by Sorcha Mowbray (19)

Chapter 19

Emily awoke early, after a rather unexpected night spent in her husband’s arms, to discover that she was still not alone in her bed. Why was he still there? With her emotions in chaos, she was unsure of everything: herself, her husband, what they had shared, and how to look him in the eye after letting him do…what he had done to her.

Desperate to avoid the awkwardness, she had fled the house without even having had breakfast. After she’d told the driver to simply go, she had sat in the carriage and tried to push aside the images and sensations from the previous night.

As she struggled to find something other than her husband’s hand on her arse to focus on, it dawned on her that she had been so wrapped up in her new marriage that she had utterly forgotten about her brother’s predicament. Worse, there had been few opportunities for her to acquire the jewels she needed to raise funds, and she was due to make another payment to Mr. Lucifer.

She tried to imagine what the gambling hell owner might say when she explained her lack of funds, and suddenly, it was quite easy to imagine a man like him turning a woman over his knee, much as her husband had done to her.

A shiver chased down her spine as she remembered the delicious heat in her bottom and the wondrous sensations of Cooper’s mouth on her core. But as she considered such things, doubts crept in once more. What kind of independent, modern woman allowed a man to do such things to her? To order her about? To spank her?

It occurred to her that Theo might be able to offer some advice—after all, she had admitted to being spanked by her husband, as well. And she certainly knew Cooper better than Emily. With that in mind, she headed to Curzon Street.

A short while later, Emily stood on the Stonemere’s doorstep, grateful to see the knocker on the door. A man dressed in impeccable black livery with brown hair graying strongly at the temples opened the door. “Good morning, my lady.”

Emily presented her card and waited as the distinguished servant disappeared. A moment later, the door opened again, and he ushered her into the house and into the front salon. There, Theo sat with two familiar women. “Emily! I am so glad you have come to visit!”

Theo hugged her as though they were fast friends already.

Emily smiled, a little disappointed that they were in company. She couldn’t possibly share her marital issues with all of them. “I hope I am not intruding.”

Theo ushered her to a seat next to her, looking utterly delighted. “Of course not! You’ll remember my sister, Lady Carlisle, and our dear friend, Lady Heartfield. Lizzy was regaling us with her latest marital trials.” Theo grinned. “Her poor husband can’t seem to keep his hands to himself.”

The three ladies laughed. Emily tried to join them, but she felt anything but merry.

Lizzy went on to finish her story. “Carlisle chased me down the hall after my outburst, dragged me back to our chamber, and paddled my bottom until we were both terribly excited.”

Theo gave a little sigh of happiness and smiled. Lady Heartfield merely nodded sagely and offered a pleasantly approving look, rather like a proud parent.

Emily struggled for a moment to take in the fact that Lady Carlisle also received and enjoyed spankings by her husband. Perhaps she could share her concerns with these ladies after all?

“Yes, well, once Stone and I were settled and he calmed down about my being pregnant that first time, things became much more harmonious. For a short while after I told him about the first baby, I was certain I would have to resort to violence to get him to listen.” Theo wrinkled her nose. “But, Marie, your advice, as usual, proved invaluable. Once I showed him we wouldn’t hurt the baby with sex, he was much less grumpy. And, of course, this time around, it has not been an issue at all.”

Marie nodded. “Men can be rather silly creatures at times, particularly when it comes to the women they love. I still manage to surprise Heart in the bedroom every now and then. The poor man, you’d think knowing I was once the owner of The Market, he’d be less shocked.”

Theo turned to Emily. “And how is married life treating you?”

All the blood drained from her face as she imagined trying to explain the muddle she’d already made of her marriage. “Fine.” She managed to choke the single word past her constricting throat.

Her new friend frowned. “Fine? No. No, no, no, no. No. What has Cooper done? I just knew he’d make a big a mess of things, not unlike Stone did when we were first married.”

Emily immediately wished a giant hole would open beneath her and swallow her whole. Theo had a very determined glint in her sapphire-blue eyes, and Emily was clever enough to fear what that might mean. “Oh no! Cooper hasn’t done anything…”

Hadn’t he, though? Or had she been too quick to call protectiveness betrayal?

“You must spill it all now. I promise you are amongst friends, and frankly, if our sage Marie cannot solve the problem, well then, it must be impossible to do so.”

Theo sounded so confident, certain that Marie could help.

Perhaps the older woman could give her some useful advice. She had to learn to trust people. Could she start with these women? Take the first step toward allowing people into her life? Determined to try, she forged ahead. She looked at the three women and then leaped. “I have a very difficult time trusting people.”

There, she’d said it. Aloud, even.

Everyone remained silent and waited for her to go on.

Emily’s face heated. “I was rather angry with Cooper on our wedding night after the embarrassing nature of our engagement and subsequent wedding. I told him I refused to give up the pleasure he provided in the bedroom despite being furious with him.”

Theo fell back on the settee and laughed hysterically. Emily wasn’t sure what she found so funny, but she waited patiently for her friend to recover.

Theo finally sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I must apologize, but I find the fact that Cooper—who forever used women purely as a source of pleasure—has found himself being used in such a manner just deserts, I must say!”

Emily bit her lower lip worriedly. “The problem is, I was still furious—until last night. And now, frankly, I don’t know what to do.” Tears threatened as her hurt and confusion swelled from within.

Theo and Lizzy both leaned in and wrapped their arms around her to offer comfort.

“We’ve all been there.” Lizzy squeezed her tighter and then let go.

“Indeed. Not a one of us has found love without some trials attached.” Theo sat back as well. “But what else is wrong? I feel like there is more you are not sharing.”

Emily hesitated a moment more, but then decided to confide in them. After all, she needed some guidance. “Last night, after a heartfelt apology for how our association was exposed, my husband revealed some tendencies in the bedroom that seem rather similar to your husbands’, and I am afraid I am at a loss as to what to do.”

Looking around the room for censure or judgment, she instead met three shining pairs of eyes that all seemed alight with interest.

“I cannot say I am surprised, since my husband and Cooper are such close friends.” Theo declared. “Go on.”

Emily offered a small smile. “Last night, he…spanked me. And I am feeling terribly confused by it.”

All three women grinned, but it was Marie who asked the important question. “What is it that confuses you?”

“I enjoyed it, but I am certain I should be outraged over such a thing. That as an independent woman, I should be furious and demanding a divorce or that he never touch me again.”

Emily couldn’t deny feeling a bit sentimental for the not-so-long-ago time when her relationship with Cooper was much simpler.

The ladies all smiled encouragingly. Marie nodded. “It can be difficult to accept something so new and unfamiliar. Such intimacy between a man and a woman is unique and quite special. It takes a very strong man or woman to allow themselves to be made so vulnerable, to put themselves into the care of another. Did Lord Brougham do anything you did not enjoy?”

Emily dug deep and considered Marie’s question. “No. Everything he did was pleasurable. Deeply, intensely pleasurable. For a short while, I might even have allowed him to do whatever he liked to my body without question. That is a bit unnerving to realize.”

Theo nodded and smiled, offering encouragement. “Understandable. I remember when I first allowed Stone to take control in the bedroom, I was petrified. But I have found that with each encounter, we have grown closer. Our understanding of each other increases, which offers us greater intimacy in all aspects of our marriage. I know I can turn to him, and without question, he will be there.”

Emily sighed again. If only she could share such intimacy with Cooper. It might make marriage not only bearable, but pleasurable.

She needed ideas, not merely hugs and platitudes. “What do I do?”

“I’d say you’ve taken the first step.” Marie smiled kindly from across the tea service. “You have trusted us with your problems.”

A small kernel of hope bloomed deep inside Emily’s heart. Marie was right. It was the first step, and if she were honest, it felt good to share her burden with the others.

“Now, it sounds as though sex is not the issue here, but that doesn’t mean it can’t help mend your fences. If you are most comfortable with him in an intimate moment, then you must use that to begin to build trust between you two. What you do in the bedroom with your husband is nobody’s concern but your own. If you enjoy the things you do together, then you should relish the joy of finding someone to share those activities with. It is a rare thing in our oh-so-civilized society for two people to find such common ground.”

Theo and Lizzy both nodded in agreement.

“And if I do not wish to do something he requests—or demands?” Emily was quite sure she knew the answer, but desired the reassurance all the same.

Theo’s gaze turned resolute. “Then you tell him no. You state that you are not comfortable with whatever it might be, and you do not relent. A special word might be of use. Something you would not normally say in the course of such amorous activities.”

Emily thought perhaps a weight had been lifted by sharing her burden with her friends, and there was no question in her mind now. They were, in fact, friends. Yet, she still could not share her deepest, darkest secret. The one only Cooper knew. Why was it that his knowledge of that secret did not bother her in the least?