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Pleasures of Christmas Past (A Christmas Carol Book 1) by Lexi Post (8)

Chapter Eight

Jessica tried to close her mouth, but her brain just wouldn’t function. Duncan Montgomerie would no longer be Mr. Distraction. He’d just graduated to Mr. Obsession. No man she’d ever met had such a hard physique. No wonder the sleeves of his t-shirt were stretched to their limits. The man’s biceps were huge with those sexy veins running across them in all the right places, like his own skin could barely contain all that muscle. His pectorals were built, making his rounded chest appear too large for his slender waist. The six-pack of his abdominals was almost an eight-pack. And those developed Vs heading under his waistband had her drooling.

Oh gosh, she was drooling. She licked her lips to hide her reaction. He hovered there, letting her look, watching her. There was pride in his eyes, which he had a right to feel, but something else. Uncertainty?

That was crazy. What woman wouldn’t want him?

She cooled. What woman hadn’t had him was the better question. She should float away right now, but to what? She had nothing, and her future was too bleak to contemplate. This may be her last chance. Screw it. She didn’t care if she was half in love with him and he only saw her as a mentee. He agreed when she asked and she would take all he had to offer. If her heart was broken later, what did it matter if she was doomed to haunt the living as a ghost anyway?

She shuddered and Duncan’s brows lowered with concern. He really was sweet. “Are you going to take off your pants or do I need to help you?” Without shoes on, it wouldn’t be hard to do.

His eyes widened and a crooked grin quirked up his lips.

That’s the Duncan she wanted. The seducer. She needed him to make her forget, just for a brief time, what might await her.

He slowly undid his button and unzipped his zipper.

She pushed her skirt down and let it puddle on the ground as she floated up and out of it. When she looked at Duncan again he stood naked. Her blood heated. Even the light breeze buffeting the hilltop did nothing to cool her off.

Duncan’s thighs were full of muscle, which made a great backdrop to his rigid cock. She flushed, thrilled that he wanted her.

“Lass, did ye need help undressing?”

Duh, here she hung, gawking at him instead of stripping. It was strange to be on top of a hill in Scotland getting naked. At least none of the living were around. “Wait, what about Holly?”

He shook his head. “Jess, we both know, Holly will no’ leave Cameron’s side for an instant.”

“You’re right.” Relieved by the truth of his words, she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, then let it fall forward. She watched Duncan’s face and a titillating spark jolted through her body at the hunger in his eyes. Then, as gracefully as she could, she pulled down her slip and floated out of it.

Duncan’s face didn’t change and she wondered if he’d gone zombie on her again, but then his chest rose and he let out a heavy breath. Did that mean he liked what he saw?

Lastly, she stepped out of her panties and stood facing him, as naked as the day she was born.

Air whistled through his teeth. “Ach, ye are even more bonnie than my imaginings.”

His gaze was so intent and honest as it roamed over her, that it reminded her of all the lovely things he’d said about her earlier. That’s what had her asking him to make love to her. That and her uncertain future. She swallowed her emotions before speaking. “You imagined me?”

He floated toward her, his grin devilish. “Aye, many times. Would ye like me to tell ye how I envisioned myself inside of ye?”

She sucked in her breath. When Duncan turned on the charm, he made her feel like a candle thrown in a fireplace. If she’d been standing, her knees would have buckled. She licked her lips. “No, I would prefer you showed me.” Her voice came out almost desperate.

His grin faded as he took her face in both his hands. “It would be my pleasure.” He searched her eyes like he was looking for an answer to something that troubled him. “I promise it will be your pleasure too.” His seductive grin was back and she released the breath she didn’t realize she’d held.

Duncan pulled her glasses from her face. “Your eyes are too entrancing to be hidden behind these.”

“They are practical. This way I can see far away.”

He walked behind her head and played with the barrette that held her hair back. “Ye dinna need to see anything at all. Just feel.”

Oh, she felt all right. She felt hot and achy and needy, but she did want to see him, all of him.

His pine scent wafted around her and she breathed in. She loved his aroma. He managed to figure out her clip, and loosened her hair, its silky texture soft against her bare shoulders. His hands ran through it as if discovering hair for the first time. She heard him inhale then his exhale brushed the skin at the back of her neck and she trembled with wanting.

He finally drifted in front of her again. Just looking at him had her body humming.

Duncan pressed his lips to hers in the gentlest of kisses, not pushing, just tasting as if he were paying homage to some great Celtic priestess of old. She wrapped her arms around his waist and melded her body to his. At the touch of phased skin to phased skin, she sighed into his mouth. Every inch of her body where they touched buzzed with warmth and pleasure.

At her move, Duncan’s hands on her head tightened, the only sign he felt what she felt, except for his hard cock pressing into her abdomen more firmly.

He cocked her head to kiss her jaw and then the spot beneath her ear that tickled. Unable to help herself, she lifted her shoulder to her ear, and he pulled his head away.

“Ye dinna like to be kissed there?” He looked so surprised she barely held in a giggle.

“I’m ticklish there.”

He raised one eyebrow. “Good to know.”

The very modern expression coming from him struck her as funny and she did chuckle.

Duncan wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “Ach, Jess, ye make me happy.”

She grinned against his shoulder. “That’s not saying much. You’re always that way. Forever smiling and grinning and smirking and—”

He pulled back to look at her. “Aye, but ye make me deep down happy.”

Her heart took notice of his serious expression. “I’m glad.” They stared at each other, the moment too important for words. Then he pulled her tight against him again.

“Ye feel so good.”

She agreed, but didn’t think he needed to know. The man had to realize he was a chick magnet.

His hands stroked her back as if he was interested in every inch of her. She did the same to him, though she couldn’t reach half of it. The man had seriously broad shoulders.

When his hands found her butt cheeks and squeezed, her pussy moistened. Reactively, she tried to squeeze his hard ass, but she only succeeded in pressing herself tighter against him.

She felt his silent chuckle against her breasts, already sensitized by his rock-hard chest. He lowered his head to kiss her shoulder, staying far away from her ticklish spot.

She gave up on squeezing and simply enjoyed running her hands over his taut butt.

When Duncan’s hands grasped her waist and pushed her upward, she let go of his ass and grabbed his shoulders. His lips traveled across her collarbone to the base of her throat. She swallowed as his tongue licked at the tiny hollow there.

“You taste like honey.”

His words flowed through her even as he positioned her higher. His lips traveled down to the spot between her breasts and his tongue licked the sides of each. Shit, the man was such a tease. Her nipples were hard with anticipation, her folds swelling in preparation.

Duncan licked the underside of one breast, stopping to suck the full roundness. She tried to move downward, her nipples aching to be touched, but his grip was firm on her waist, his gentle strength far too much for her to challenge.

Even as that thought registered, her body tingled. He was in charge of her pleasure. She doubted she could find herself in better hands.

Duncan continued his licking and sucking, even pushing his large nose under her breast to nudge it up so he could kiss her there. When he lowered her, she silently sighed with relief.

But Duncan simply continued his travels around her breast, kissing his way to her areola, licking around her painfully hard nubs. “Please, Duncan.”

He pulled back and looked at her. “Please what? What would you like of me?”

Her throat closed. Did she really want to tell him what to do and when to do it? No. He had plenty of experience and she would bet money he knew more about what would make her toes curl than she did. The idea of giving up control completely to him made her limbs flood with heat. “It feels so good. I need more.”

He grinned, his look promising more than she anticipated and her stomach flipped.

“Aye, and that you’ll have.” When he lowered his head again, he immediately latched on to her right nipple and sucked.

She grabbed his head as tingles raced through every part of her body, her sheath tightening. Then his teeth caught her rock-hard nub and his tongue flicked against it. Sizzling pleasure shot from her breast to her core. She moaned.

Duncan pulled his head back, his teeth firmly locked around her nipple as he looked up at her. She closed her eyes, her folds filling with her juices, her body primed for him.

He opened his mouth and let go before licking the sensitive nub and sucking it hard.

Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her need building fast.

But Duncan didn’t seem to be in any hurry. He moved his attention to her left breast and started over, gently sucking her nipple, then taking it between his teeth and teasing it, before pulling at it and letting go, only to lave it again and suck it hard.

Her hips moved of their own accord. Duncan’s cock head teasing her ass as she was too high to spear herself on it.

Then Duncan moved her higher. His lips tracing down her stomach, leaving kisses and nips on her hips, across her abdomen. Oh, wow, he was headed for her pussy. She unclasped her legs from around his body, floating freely in the place he wanted her.

His hands on her waist moved to her hips as he positioned her higher and pressed a kiss against the tiny spot of blonde hair on her mons.

“Spread your legs for me.” His voice lowered, turning deep. “I need to taste every part of you.”

Oh gosh, she must be in heaven. That she might be stuck with the living pushed through her heated thoughts and she ruthlessly shoved it away. She would enjoy this for all it was worth.


She loved that he shortened her name when he totally focused on her. She spread her legs for him. The fact was, she loved too much about him, his caring, his smile, his sense of humor, even his arrogance.

Duncan repositioned his hands to hold her beneath her thighs, then he brought her to his face and his tongue shot out and flicked her clit.

She jerked as pure excitement spasmed across her groin. She loved his tongue. She must remember to add that to the list of what she loved about him.

That tongue began to explore her folds, licking between every one until it lapped up the juices seeping from her passage. She held on to his hair, loving her own weightlessness as he ate her, better than she’d imagined.

“Your taste is intoxicating.” He spoke against her entrance, vibrations from his voice hitting sensitive spots all over her pussy.

Then his hands grasped her harder and his tongue burrowed into her a bit at a time, moving in circles then pulling straight out and repeating it.

Her heartbeat kicked into overdrive, and though her hips moved against his hands, he kept her exactly where he wanted. A sudden swipe of his tongue, flat against her opening and up over her clit caught her by surprise. Her sheath clenched. “Oh yes.”

Duncan repeated the action, then pushed his tongue inside her before lapping it up over her clit.

Her breaths were short as zings of pleasure pinged through her every time he thrust and lapped. He groaned with his tongue inside her, pulling her against his face as if he couldn’t get enough.

Her body tightened, preparing. Duncan thrust and lapped again, then circled her clit, pushing it to and fro, its strength surprising her and flinging her closer to her orgasm.

Then he nibbled at her hard nub, his teeth scraping it lightly. Ecstasy crackled through her, splintering her into a thousand pieces of pure light. She floated in her euphoria, unaware of anything but the pleasure of satisfaction.

Then Duncan pulled her down and she opened her eyes. He wrapped her legs around him and held her against him. His own heart raced in his chest, matching hers, reassuring her they were still on the same plane.

His rigid cock against her stomach was proof enough that not only did he want her, but their lovemaking was far from over. He pulled her arms from around his neck. “Lie back.”

She did as he asked, her legs still wrapped around his waist as if she lay on a table. There were definitely advantages to making love while phased. They needed no bed or chair or even any muscle strength to make love. The positions they could get into were infinite.

He stared at her body. His fingertips tracing a trail of touch all over her skin, her ribs, her neck, her shoulders, her waist, her belly button. She watched his hands as they made their light trek across her body, almost as if he were memorizing every inch of her.

She glanced up at his face to find his brow furrowed. Something was wrong, but even if she asked, her gut told her he wouldn’t tell her. Then his fingers lightly brushed her nipples and she brought her gaze back to his touch. He held both breasts in his massive hands.

“A perfect handful.” He grinned at her, though the look didn’t quite reach his eyes. Something was going on in that brain of his and she resented it. She wanted all his attention.

She reached up and trailed a finger down the length of his cock. His fingers stilled on her hardened nubs even as he sucked in his breath.

“Ye are playing with fire, lass.”

It was her turn to grin. “I like fire. It’s bright, happy, lively, and all consuming.”

His gaze flew to hers at her last word and the fear and confusion in his eyes startled her. She lay her hand over his heart. “Duncan, is everything all right?”

He left her breasts and grasped her hand against him with one hand while the other spread over her heart. “Aye. Everything is fine.”

His look was far too serious for sexual play and she promised herself to enjoy him and not think about what it all meant beyond pleasure. She used her free hand to touch the top of his cock. The spot of pre-cum she swirled around the head reassured her he would want to continue.

His hand left her chest and grabbed her wrist. “I want to savor ye.”

“And I want you deep inside me right now.”

His eyes turned a dark blue at her words and his chest expanded with a deep breath. “Then we want the same things.” His voice came out low, almost guttural and her whole body tingled, recognizing their mutual need.

Duncan let go of her hands and pushed her away, but just far enough to lower his cock between her legs. He pulled her back a few inches and rubbed his tip against her clit.

Spikes of need skittered inside her passage. The man had her wound tighter than a hauling winch and she was ready to snap. She hit his ass with her heel and tried to pull herself onto him.

He stopped her just as his cock slid down to her opening. “Shhh, slowly.”

He would kill her with wanting, if she weren’t already dead. Maybe a little encouragement would help. She moved her hands up to her breasts and massaged them, not daring to touch her own nipples for fear she’d come again before he even entered her.

His groan was her only warning before he pulled her toward him, slowly moving deeper and deeper inside her, spreading her wide with the thickness of his erection. Every nerve ending in her entire body tingled, waiting.

She glanced up at Duncan and found his eyes closed, his jaw tense as he held her against him. If either of them moved she would come. She was so close. She let her gaze wander over his hard chest and stomach muscles. How did she get so lucky?

How did she fall so fast?

She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out as the enormity of her situation hit her. She was in love with a man who didn’t fall in love. And she was dead on the verge of being stuck with the living for eternity.

The tears welled as her sensitive body primed for the greatest joy. Then Duncan moved. His hands, gripping her hips, pushed her away and pulled her back in. It was the sweetest torture, as all the sparks ignited at once and he thrust again, this time faster and then faster, setting off her orgasm. She cried out.

She was engulfed in hot fire as he pumped into her, sending another wave of heat rolling through her, threatening to burn her from the inside out.

Then Duncan shouted and his come filled her, causing a chain reaction that burst inside her, turning her pleasure into a vortex of flame.

Duncan’s thrusts became more uneven, and she felt as if she continued to be showered in the fragmented lights of sparklers, tiny pricks of pleasure still going off until Duncan slowed to a stop.

He gathered her up into his arms and kissed her. “Jess, ye amaze me.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face on his shoulder. The tears flowed. Too many emotions finding release once her body had been satisfied.

“Jess?” Duncan’s concerned voice forced her to look at him.

“Ach, lass, I didn’t hurt ye, did I?”

She shook her head and tried to smile. “That was just so beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.”

A look of pure male satisfaction crossed his face, but she couldn’t begrudge him that.

He brushed her hair away from her eyes. “It was for me too.”

She couldn’t help the doubt that crept into her voice. “Really?”

He nodded, his serious face revealing the confusion in his eyes.

She placed a hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. I guess we are just a good fit.” She wiggled her brows, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

He nodded absently before hugging her close again.

She had no problem with that. Being held to his hard body, still connected to him, was the perfect place for her. If only—

A scream rent the air.

Jessica leaned back. “That was Holly!”

Duncan pulled her off him, but despite her concern, irritation at having her own moment destroyed caught her off guard. How selfish was she?

Duncan phased his clothes on and sped away toward the scream.

She tried to phase hers on.

Shit. Her right sleeve appeared on her left arm, her panties on her right arm and her bra caught around her legs. Okay, maybe not the best time to try something new. She quickly disrobed and pulled on her clothes. She’d just finished buttoning the last button on her blouse as she drifted toward the edge of the hill when Duncan floated up, Holly holding his hand and looking very pale.

They stopped in front of her. She moved toward Holly to give her a hug, but caught Duncan shaking his head. Stifling her need to comfort, she made herself stay where she was. “Are you okay?”

Holly nodded, still holding Duncan’s hand. She could let go anytime now. “What happened?”

Holly looked at Duncan.

“She ran into some ghosts.”

Jessica swallowed hard. “Were they scary ghosts?”

Holly finally let go of Duncan’s hand and crossed her arms. “I’ll say. They were bloody and old. Seriously, they could have come from a horror movie.”

“What she saw was the English soldiers who were killed by Robert the Bruce and his men at a battle that took place here in 1307.”

“They’re still here?”

He nodded as Holly rolled her eyes. “Oh, they are definitely still here.”

Jessica looked at Duncan. “But how can Holly see them?”

He floated closer to her. “Because she’s phased. If she decided to take a hike up this hill tomorrow morning, she wouldn’t even know they are here.”

“Oh, yes I would, and there is no way I’m ever coming back here.”

That could be a good thing. Jessica glanced at Duncan and they shared an understanding. If Holly wouldn’t come back to the place where Cameron proposed to her because of the ghosts, the next spirits might actually be able to help her. It loosened a worry Jessica had deep in her heart.

Duncan took her hand. “Holly, we’ll be right back. You stay right here while we discuss the next stop.”

Holly’s brows furrowed but she nodded.

Duncan pulled Jessica over to the small monolith that marked the top of the hill. “We are going to bring her to her second to last Christmas Eve with Cameron, but—”

“Why not her last Christmas Eve? I would think that would hold stronger happiness for her since it was the last they shared together.”

“I think so too.” Duncan pulled at the neckline on his t-shirt. “But Cameron insisted on the Christmas before. Of course, he wouldn’t tell me why.” Duncan’s frustration was clear in his face.

“Did he tell you why he was testing me?”

“No.” He hesitated. “He did admit this case is special and reassured me he had permission to take it, but he was different.” Duncan looked away for a moment then returned his gaze to her. “It was as if he were a completely different person. He’s always calm, but when I confronted him, he turned aggressive.”

“Maybe that’s because his wife is involved. With the love they had for each other, I could see him being very protective.”

“That could be, but I think it’s more. Something else is happening here and I wonder if even he has any control over it.”

Jessica shuddered. “That’s concerning.”

“It is. But I still need to find out what we need to do to bring you back to the afterlife before it’s too late.”

“I don’t want to be stuck here.” She couldn’t keep her voice from shaking.

He pulled her into his embrace. “I know. And I won’t let you. I will make Cameron tell me. And if he refuses, I’ll go over his head. I won’t let you be trapped here, but you have to do your part too.”

“Disconnect from Holly.”

“You can do it. You just need to have faith that what you have done so far for her and your counsel through the rest will set her up for her next visits. Remember, you dinna have to solve all her problems.”

She nodded unenthusiastically.

“Lass, look at me.”

She raised her gaze to his. There was so much concern in his eyes, she could really believe he cared for her. Maybe he did, like a friend. That did lighten her heart a bit.

“Remember the night of Holly’s fire? You did what you could and it set her and her mother on a positive path for their lives. This is what you must do here. Set her on the path and let others have a chance to help her too.”

“Wow, I never thought about it that way. That’s how it worked with Mrs. Connors as well, but I hadn’t known that.” She studied him, a new appreciation for his abilities growing. “I guess there’s a reason you train Spirit Guides.”

He raised his brows. “Did you ever doubt there was?”

She smiled. How could she not with him sporting such a shit-eating grin. “Frankly, yes, but I admit to being wrong.”

He pulled away and stared at her in shock.

She frowned. “Don’t you say a word. Not one word, Duncan Montgomerie.”

He burst into laughter, the sound rippling through her and soothing her heart.

He pulled her to him. “Then you’ll just have to kiss me to keep me quiet.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gladly complied. As his tongue breached her lips, she met it with her own and melted into him, her stomach flipping over with desire.

When he finally broke the kiss, she sighed. No wonder the man had slept his way through so many beds in the last two hundred years. What woman could resist him?

“If you keep giving me that look, lass, I’ll be making love to ye right here in front of Holly.”

She dropped her arms and looked over her shoulder to see Holly wasn’t even facing them. She turned back to him only to catch his wide smile and silent chuckle. “Not funny.”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t supposed to be. I meant it.”

Mr. Obsession was becoming far too sure of himself. “I don’t think we should.” She let her gaze roam from his blue eyes down to his sock-covered feet. She returned her gaze to his, a little disappointed his smile had disappeared. “As much as I’d like to, we’ve made Holly wait far too long. We are in her time right now and I’m sure she is anxious to see another moment in her past.”

Duncan’s face remained serious. Was he still with her?

“Aye, you’re right. We need to complete this assignment as soon as we can. I’m going to escort you both to the next Christmas Eve, but you are to keep her outside her home until I return.”

She tensed. “You’re going to talk to Cameron again?”

“This time, I promise I won’t leave until I get answers as long as you promise no’ to go inside Holly’s house no matter how much she begs.” He grasped her shoulders. “Can you do that? Can you deny her to save your soul?”

She definitely wanted to. She just wasn’t sure if and when the time came, she could. “I promise I will do everything in my power to resist giving in to her.”

“That’s no’ good enough.” Duncan’s eyes intensified, their blue becoming brighter. “You must promise you will no’ give in to her. This may very well be what Cameron is testing you on.”

“Do you think so?”

He nodded.

She hadn’t thought Cameron would feel the need to test her ability to remain professional. She had been so focused on the big picture and doing whatever was necessary to achieve it, that she missed the fact her new supervisor may very well be testing protocol points or task management. She was such an idiot. “I promise I will deny Holly entrance to her home until you come back.”

Duncan’s hands loosened and he patted her shoulder. “Good. Now let’s get Holly.”




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