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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) by Erin Osborne (12)


I’ve been home from the hospital for about a month now. Blade and I have been finding a balance between work, the twins, and time for one another. Kenyon and Cory are growing like weeds and they’re learning something new every day it seems. This is why I’m glad I get the chance to stay home and write instead of having to send them to a babysitter or daycare. I get to see every new thing they discover without having to be told about it. Blade even stays home as much as he can. He hates missing out on things, but he’s got a job and things he needs to do for the club. Thankfully, he hasn’t been away on runs or anything since we returned home. I think he told Grim that he didn’t want to be too far away from me with the threat of Jason still out there.

The book that I started writing is almost finished. I’m hoping that by the end of the week I’ll be typing ‘The End’. Since deciding to become an author, I’ve made some amazing friends and connections online through the miracle of social media. I just don’t get into my personal life and the fact that I am actually an old lady and married to a biker. I just read all the comments about how much these women want bikers and can’t wait to meet one. They all just go based on characters in the stories they read and see on Sons of Anarchy. It’s much different in real life.

“Kitten, where are you?” Blade asks, coming downstairs.

“In the laundry room,” I answer, throwing another load in the washer. It seems I spend more time doing laundry than anything else.

Blade comes in carrying Cory. He’s smiling down at his daughter and I know all thoughts of him not being a good dad have vanished. When it comes to our children, Blade is so attentive and hands on. We won’t even go into how protective he is. There are days I’m glad they’re only babies and don’t understand the crazy man their dad is right yet. They’ll have years of dealing with that. Especially Cory.

“What’s going on?” I ask, as he just stands there.

“I have to go on a run tomorrow. Grim can’t go because he needs to be here for a meetin’. I’ve tried to get out of it, but there’s no way I can.”

“Blade, I never asked you to get out of going on these runs when you have to. You need to do what you have to do.”

“I know you didn’t ask me not to go. I just don’t like the idea of leavin’ the three of you without me bein’ close by. So, can you please do me a favor?”

“It depends on what that favor is.”

“Will you please stay at the clubhouse? Just while I’m gone.”

“I don’t really want to stay there. There are things I need to do here and I can’t do that if I’m over there,” I tell him, pouring the soap in and starting the washer.

“The stuff you have to do will still be here when I get back. I’m only goin’ to be gone a day, two at the most. I don’t want you here alone,” Blade tells me, and I can see that he’s not going to give up on this. “You can take the laptop with you and still write when the kids are nappin’ or whatever. Plus, you won’t have to worry about things here so that just gives you more time to write. I really need you to do this for me.”

“Fine, Blade. When are we going over there?”

“Not until tomorrow mornin’. It will be early though, like six.”

“Wouldn’t it make sense to just go there tonight then? That way I don’t have to wake Kenyon and Cory up if they’re still sleeping,” I answer, heading upstairs to start packing a bag for us.

“Yeah, it would. I just didn’t want to get you even more pissed at me. I’m not sleepin’ on the couch or in another room again,” Blade tell me, and I can’t hide the laughter that bubbles up.

Blade and I had taken the kids to the store one day. Everything was going fine until a man got a little too close to me. I thought that Blade was going to beat the man’s ass right in the middle of the store. After finally settling him down and getting the other guy to stop running his mouth and leave us alone, I didn’t talk to Blade for a day and a half. I get that he’s scared I’m going to be taken again, but his reaction was ridiculous. There was no reason for him to be such a drama queen and almost get us kicked out of my favorite store. So, he slept on the couch and has been on his best behavior ever since.

Blade starts packing his bag as I’m packing up a few things for myself. Thankfully he still has his room in the clubhouse so I already have some stuff over there. I just need a change of clothes and my toothbrush really. The kids are a different story though. We haven’t taken anything for them there because we have our home and haven’t had to go on lockdown. Something the girls explained to me in great detail so I would know what to do if it ever happens.

“What do we need to pack up for them?” Blade asks, following me into the nursery.

“Everything. Clothes, diapers and wipes that we can just leave over there, toys, bath stuff, the playpen. The list goes on and on. I think the only thing we don’t need is baby food and cereal. Melody took some over there the other day.”

We work together in silence until we have everything ready to go. Blade loads it all in the bed of his new truck and I get the kids ready to go over there. They may only be a few months old, but they’ve been on cereal and baby food since we came home. Kenyon was constantly hungry, so we decided to start with the cereal in his bottle. It helped so we started doing the same thing with Cory. Now, they both get a little cereal mixed with some fruit a few times a day. Cory is really starting to gain a little weight and Kenyon is just a chunky monkey.

Once I have them strapped in their carseats, Blade helps me carry them out. Melody is on her way over and I quickly explain what’s going on. She tells me that Anthony and she are going over there too. At least I’ll have company when I’m not writing and the kids are asleep. I’m pretty sure that most of the women are going to be over there then. I’m more than a little nervous about that because Blade and whoever helped him buy the stuff for my office are the only ones that know I write. I don’t have the courage to tell anyone else.

“Kitten, you get your computer?” Blade asks, heading back in the house.

“No, can you grab that and the flash drive for me babe?”

“Yep,” Is his muffled reply.

“Why are you taking a computer with you?” Melody asks me.

“You’re my ride or die, my sister from another mister? I can trust you to keep this to yourself?” I ask warily.

“Of course, you can. I didn’t tell anyone about the wedding.”

“I don’t even want Glock to know,” I tell her seriously.

“I won’t even tell him then.”

“I’ve been working on writing a book. Blade went out and bought me everything he thought I’d need for it and it’s actually almost done. There are some other authors online that are going to help me get it published.”

“Are you serious right now?” she asks, shocked.

“I am.”

“How are you going to get it published? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? When can I read it?” Melody asks in rapid succession.

“I don’t know if I want you to read it. I’m not sure it’s any good. That’s the next step in the process, sending it out to a few people to see what they think and letting me know if I have to change anything up.”

“Then let me be one of them for you. You know I’ll give it to you straight and won’t bullshit you,” Melody says, trying to convince me to let her read my story.

“How about we’ll see when I finish it. I can’t promise anything right now.”

“Okay,” she answers, pouting.

Blade comes back out and loads the last bag into the cab of the truck. I’m ready to get over there and unpack everything. That way he can help set the kid’s stuff up and then I can help make dinner or something. I have no problem helping do whatever I have to in the clubhouse while we’re there. I just hope they leave more than just Grim with us. Jason is not someone to trust or take lightly. If he sees most of the men leaving, he will make a move.

As soon as we pull in, Glen is there grabbing bags out of the bed of the truck. He takes them inside and I follow him to the room that I used to share with Blade. It hasn’t changed other than the fact that most everything is not here now. All of our stuff is in the house and that’s the way it’s going to stay. Well, other than his posters of half-naked women. He can keep those here.

“Kitten, where do you want the playpen set up?” Blade asks, setting the carseats down next to the bed.

“Why don’t we put it on this side of the bed so it’s not between the bed and the bathroom door?” I tell him, moving the bags that Glen already set down.

“Okay. I’ll set that up so we can get the kids out of their seats. When we’re done, you want to go get some lunch or find somethin’ here?”

“Let’s just stay here. I don’t want to wake the kids up and it’s just going to take time away from being with you before you leave,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest.

It doesn’t take that long to unpack everything we brought over with us. As soon as we have it done, we head out to the kitchen to make lunch so we can go back and relax. I’m sure that Blade has other things he could be doing, but he’s going to spend his time with us before he leaves. It kind of makes me think that whatever he’s about to go do is dangerous and he’s worried about coming back to us. I don’t know what I’d do if he didn’t make it back home.

“Kitten, what’s got you thinkin’ so hard over there?” he asks, pulling me in his lap to straddle him.

“Wonder if you’re worried about makin’ it back to us or not. If what you’re about to do is dangerous. I don’t know what I’d do without you babe.”

“You don’t have to worry about losin’ me kitten. I’m not goin’ anywhere. This run is just to gather information. Nothin’ more,” he tells me.

I lean my head against his shoulder and press a kiss to his neck. He tilts his head away so I have better access and I can feel him starting to grow hard beneath me. Just before anything can really get going though, Kenyon wakes up and starts crying. Blade groans and drops his head.

“Cockblocked by my own son,” he says chuckling. “You better be ready to finish this later.”

“I’ll finish it. But it depends on you.” I tell him, not knowing when he’s going to be leaving for sure.


The day has been spent mainly lounging around in the room with the twins. We’ve watched movies, cuddled, and spent some time talking about the future. Blade wants more kids and I’m kind of on the fence about whether or not I want any more right now. Eventually, I’d like to have one or two more, but the twins are only a few months old. He wants them close in age though so that they can be close and he knows that they’ll watch out for one another as they grow older and away from us.

Night is coming on and everyone decided that we were going to have a small party to send the guys that are leaving off. I’ve never been to a party here before other than when the kids are included. Tonight they will definitely not be going. Ma and Pops are going to watch over all the kids with the help of the older ones. So, the rest of the girls are all getting ready together. I think this is so that they can let me know what to expect when I get out there. Blade sure as hell hasn’t said anything to me about them.

“Are you almost ready?” Bailey asks, coming in our room where we all are.

“Yeah,” we all say in unison.

We’re all dressed similar but different. Similar in that our clothing is tight, but not tight enough that a little isn’t left to the imagination. Skylar is the only one wearing pants while the rest of us are wearing skirts of varying lengths. I’m wearing a short black skirt that comes to the middle of my thighs with a spaghetti strap tank top. Both are black and I added a splash of color with red high heels. It’s been so long since I’ve gotten to dress up for anything. Melody is doing my hair while Maddie is doing my make-up. Bailey looks like she’s ready to go and Skylar is just putting the finishing touches on herself.

“You are going to be seeing a lot of shocking things tonight,” Bailey tells me, breaking out a bottle of Jack Daniels and pouring us all shots. “People will be having sex right out in the open and no one will bat an eye about it. Hell, some of the guys will be having conversations while they’re balls deep in some club girl or getting a blow job.”

“Okay,” is my only comment.

“It’s actually kind of hot to see everyone let loose and trust one another enough to know that it’s a safe environment to fuck wherever you want to,” Maddie pipes in.

“You guys actually watch them having sex?” I ask.

“I have. It gave me ideas about what I wanted to try with Cage and Joker since I had never been with two guys at once before. We all look, it’s just a matter of how comfortable you are,” Skylar tells me, a faint blush creeping up her face.

Just as we’re about to leave the room, Ma knocks on our door. She’s carrying a crying Cory with her. Cory isn’t just crying though, she’s full on screaming and crying to the point that she’s having a hard time breathing.

“I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with her. We were sitting there watching a movie and she started throwing up. I got her all cleaned up and then she started crying so hard I got her right here to you. I didn’t even get a chance to give her anything for her fever,” Ma says, handing Cory over to me.

“Thank you so much!” I tell her, cuddling Cory close to me. She feels warm and I know that I won’t be attending the party tonight. “You guys go ahead. I’m going to stay in here with Cory. Tell Blade to have fun and I’ll see him when he comes in.”

The girls all leave and I lay down on the bed, keeping Cory close to me. Once she settles down, I give her some infant medicine to help try to break her fever. I don’t want to try cool cloths or anything like that just yet. For now, I’ll keep an eye on her and see what happens.

Closing my eyes, I try to rest while keeping my daughter close to me. Just as I’m starting to doze off since Cory is finally resting, the door opens and Blade walks in carrying Kenyon. I’m not sure what he’s doing, but I didn’t expect him to come back to the room. There’s no reason for him to be here.

“What are you doing babe?” I ask.

“If you’re in here with our daughter because she’s sick, then I’m goin’ to be in here with you. You are not in this alone kitten,” Blade tells me, laying Kenyon down in the playpen. “I don’t need to be out there when my family is in here. If she stays asleep, we’ll have Ma come in for a few minutes so you can go get a drink. How does that sound?”

“Okay I guess. I’m not sure that I want to leave her when I don’t know if her fever is going to break or if she’s going to be sick again.”

“I know kitten. But, if we do go out, it will only be long enough for you to say hi and have one or two drinks. Not all night.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Blade lays down on the other side of Cory and starts gently rubbing her back. It’s something he’s done since she was born and she snuggles closer to his hand. Even in sleep she knows her daddy and wants to get closer to him. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever witnessed. Other than when she falls asleep on his chest before he falls asleep. I’ve got more than one picture of that.

It’s been a little bit and Cory is still sound asleep. Blade is looking at me and I know he wants to go out to the main room for the party. I quietly tell him to go and that I’m fine in with the kids. He quickly kisses me and tells me that he’ll be back in a little bit. I truly don’t need him in here when the kids are sleeping and it does feel like Cory’s fever has broken. I’m not sure what made her sick, but she seems to be over it already. Just as I go to get up and go in the bathroom, I hear a light tapping on the door. Ma sticks her head in and asks how Cory is doing. I tell her that she’s doing fine and Ma comes in the door.

“Blade wants you to go have a drink with him. I got the kids in here. You need to get out for a little bit and have some fun dear,” Ma tells me, settling in on the bed in the spot I just vacated.

Since she’s already here, I guess I don’t really have a choice but to go see Blade and join the party. First I go to the bathroom and then touch up my hair. Then I check on Cory again before leaving the room. They are right and I do need to get out and have some fun, but my mind is on our daughter and whether or not she’s going to get sick again.

As I come to the end of the hallway, I stop and take in the scene before me. There are a few couples having sex in random places, one or two club girls dancing almost naked on tables, and the men are just eating it up. Well the men that are single are eating it up. I notice that all the other men are with their women and they’re off to another side of the room. All except Blade. He’s sitting at the bar and I watch as some little fucking skank walks up to him and starts rubbing on his back before moving to his chest. Blade is trying to get her hands off of him, but she’s not having it. Guess it’s time for me to step in and let a bitch know he’s very taken.

“You mind getting your fucking hands off my husband?” I ask, walking up to them.

Blade turns his head to look at me and I can see it register on his face how pissed off I truly am. There’s no going back though since the bitch looks at me, laughs, and then steps closer to my husband. I know she’s not going to try to get in his pants right now, right in front of me. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

“Honey, if you think you can make me get away from your man, go ahead and try,” she snarls back, stepping even closer and letting her hand stray down towards his cock.

I don’t say a single word as I grab her hair and slam her head off the bar. Pulling her back, I land a punch directly to her nose and I know instantly it’s broken. She’s crying and trying to get Blade to make me stop, but he’s just enjoying the show I’m putting on right now.

Taking her hand, I twist her arm behind her back and get right up in her face. “Do you see this ring on his finger? It means that he’s taken and doesn’t need any loose fucking pussy like the one you have. There are plenty of single men here that wouldn’t mind giving you a ride. So, I suggest you don’t even look in my husband’s direction again. Do you understand me?”

“You’re going to pay for this bitch!” the club girl screams. “I know more about you than what you think. I know that you won’t be here soon and I’ll have your man all to myself.”

I stop and instantly look at Blade. He heard the same thing I did and I know we just found out who Jason has in the club. There’s no other way she would know that someone is trying to get to me, unless one of the other guys told her that. And, I highly doubt anyone would share any information like that with her. She’s nothing more than a hole to these guys.


I’m sitting at the bar waiting for Keira to come join me. I knew she would try to argue if I told her I was getting Ma to come sit with the kids, so I just didn’t say a word about it. Keira should be out here any second, even if it’s just to yell at me for sending Ma in. Instead I see the club girl that I told to leave me the fuck alone the day I was going to Benton Falls heading directly towards me.

She starts rubbing on me and I can’t believe that she is back here after the last time I had her thrown out. I’m trying to pull her hands off of me, but it’s not workin’. Not even when my wife starts getting in her face does the girl leave me alone. It’s like she takes it as a challenge and wants to see how far she can push Keira. It’s not going to be very far.

Before anyone can say anything, Keira starts beating the shit out of her. I just sit back and watch my girl take care of the trash. Well, until she says that Keira won’t be around for much longer. Grim never did find out who the mole was and I think we just found out why. I’m sure he looked at the club girls, but I haven’t seen this one around very much. And every time I do, she’s always trying to get me to fuck her. Keira is more important than any loose pussy so I’ve stayed away from all the club girls.

I look over towards Grim and the rest of the men and see that they also heard the bitch’s comment about Keira not being here. Slowly they all start making their way over to us and surround the bitch. She’s not going to be getting out of this one any time soon.

“Take this girl to the holding cell downstairs,” Grim tells Glen. “Glock, go down and don’t let anyone in the room with the bitch. Make sure Glen ties her up nice and tight so she can’t go anywhere. We’ll be down in a minute.”

I grab Keira by the waist and pull her into me. Nuzzling her neck, I can’t believe the way she put that bitch in her place. It makes me realize that Keira was the right choice to make as my old lady and at the party that the girls are planning for next week, I’m giving her the rag that I ordered a while ago. There just didn’t seem to be a good enough time to give it to her until now.

“I’ll be back in a little bit. Make sure the kids are in the playpen. That was hot as fuck kitten,” I tell her, kissing her until we’re both breathless.

“What if I’m sleeping?” she asks, coyly.

“I’ll wake you up. You know what you do to me and I already told you that you better be ready for tonight.”

I get up and make my way down with the rest of the men. There’s no way I’m going to miss finding out exactly what this bitch knows and what the plan is for my wife. Obviously, there is one if she’s saying she won’t be here much longer.

Grim walks in the room first and we see that Glen tied her to a chair in the middle of the room. Now, we’re not going to put our hands on this woman at all, but she doesn’t have to know that. So, as I take my spot along the wall, I make a big show of pulling out the longest blade I carry on me. I start playing with it and the entire time her eyes are getting bigger and bigger. She thinks that I’m going to be using this on her. If she were a man, she’d be one hundred percent right. But, we’ll end up sending her away like we did the last one and hope she doesn’t talk to Jason.

“What are you talkin’ about with Keira?” Grim asks her, getting close to her face.

“I don’t know what you mean!” she answers, trying to lie her way out of the situation she now finds herself in.

“Yes, you do. I suggest you tell us before I let my boy loose over there. Yeah, the one you’re watchin’ play with his favorite blade.”

“All I know is that Jason paid me to come in here and try to fuck Blade. He wanted proof to show that girl as soon as I did it. Blade hasn’t wanted a thing to do with me though and I can see that he loves his wife.”

“You thought you could help that fuckin’ psycho take one of our women and we wouldn’t do anythin’ to you?” Joker asks, stepping up.

“I didn’t think you’d ever find out,” she whines.

“How did you figure we wouldn’t find out?” Grim asks. “If you’ve spent any time here at all, you know we value any woman associated with us. Our old ladies have the utmost respect of everyone around here. We’ve already been lookin’ into who the mole was, you just didn’t pay enough attention to know that,” Grim tells her, taking a step closer as she tries to shrink back.

“Listen, I thought I’d fuck him, or at least make it look like we fucked, and then be gone,” she cries out.

“How do you know Jason?” I finally ask.

“I’ve been fucking him for years. He helps me supply my habit and then he holds it over my head. Telling me how I’m never getting my son back because he’ll make sure of it if I don’t do everything he says.”

We all look at one another and I know we’re going to end up helping this bitch. She needs to get help if she truly wants her son back. But, it won’t be here. Maybe one of the other clubs would be willing to take her in and help her get clean and then keep an eye on her to make sure she stays clean.

“Listen,” Grim says. “Do you want to get help, get off the drugs you’re on?”

“Yes! Jason’s the one that got me hooked to begin with. I may not be the most upstanding person, I’ve done what I’ve had to do to raise my son. Jason took it to a whole new level so he could control me though. I want my son back and I want as far away from Jason as I can get.”

“If we help you, are you goin’ to turn your back on us and go back to Jason and continue helpin’ him?” Joker asks.

“No. I told you, I want as far away from him as possible. The only reason I haven’t tried to leave him before is because he has someone keeping an eye on my son. I get pictures every week to show that someone’s always there watching him. Kind of like he had me to do your wife with the twins. I’m so sorry!”

Grim tells Glen to untie her as he pulls his phone out. I know he’s calling one of the other clubs, I’m just not sure which one yet. Though, if I had to guess, I’d probably say Gage’s. Slim’s club is a little bit harder than ours and we’re not going to send her to a club whose members do drugs. I’m trying really hard not to fall for this chick’s words, in case she’s playing us, but something tells me she’s not. She truly wants to get away from Jason and get her life back on track so she can get her son back.

“One more question,” I suddenly ask. “Who is Jason workin’ with?”

“What do you mean?” she asks, confusion clearly written on her face.

“He’s not smart enough to get you hooked on drugs to control you, kidnap my wife, and everythin’ else that he’s done. We know he’s in bed with someone else.”

“I’ve heard mention of a cartel. But, I’m not sure which one and I don’t know how true it is,” she answers. “If I asked too many questions, I’d get hit so I learned real quick not to ask him anything.”

“Okay,” Grim says, hanging up his phone and turning to us. “What’s your name?”


“Sally, one of our other chapters are goin’ to take you in. They’re goin’ to get you clean and then they’re goin’ to help get you on your feet so you can get your son back. You fuck us over and we’ll make sure you never see your son again. Is that understood?”

Sally nods her head furiously. She knows that this is her one opportunity to get clean and away from the lifestyle that Jason got her into. Now, it’s up to her as to what she does with this second chance she’s being given.

We head back upstairs and I see all the old ladies standing around in a circle. They’re protecting my wife and I couldn’t be more proud than I am right now. She’s got more friends and family now then she knows what to do with. I can see her looking at me until her eyes land on Sally. Suddenly her face takes on a whole new demeanor and I see her claws coming back out.

“What’s going on?” she asks.

“Sally here is leavin’ the clubhouse and goin’ out of town. For good,” Grim tells her.

“I’m so sorry that I made it seem like I was making a play for your man. I really wasn’t,” Sally tells Keira.

Keira takes in the scene before her and starts heading our way. I’m not sure what’s going through her head right now, but I’m bracing for anything to happen. Before she gets too close, my girl comes to a stop and really looks at Sally.

“He got to you too. Didn’t he?” she asks.

Sally nods her head and I look over at her. Now that everything has calmed down, you can see that she’s got so much make-up on it’s caked on her face. Usually, this isn’t out of the normal when it comes to club girls. Looking closer though, you can see the bruises that she’s trying to hide. She’s not caking on the make-up to try to impress anyone, she’s doing it to cover the evidence that she’s been hit.

Joker and Irish make their way to the door with Sally in between them. They’re going to be taking her to the half-way point between here and Dander Falls. Once they get there, they’ll hand her over to a few guys from Gage’s chapter. He’ll figure out the best way to get her clean and protect her. She’s not safe here now that she’s turned on Jason. Especially if he’s working with a cartel. This whole situation just got a lot fucking bigger than what we originally thought it was. We need to be prepared for anything now.

“Listen up!” Grim hollers out. “As soon as Joker and Irish get back, we’re havin’ church. We need to figure out what our next move is after what we just found out. Get some rest while they’re gone and see if you can come up with any game plans. Blade, it’s up to you how much you tell Keira. This involves her otherwise I wouldn’t be tellin’ you to say anythin’ to her.”

Everyone breaks up and I lead Keira to our room. Ma is sitting on the bed next to a still sleeping Cory. She’s clearly concerned about my little princess and I wonder if she got sick again. Seeing the worry on my face, Ma quickly tells me that she’s fine and has been asleep the whole time. She leaves the room and heads back to where all the kids are so she can bunker down with Pops and try to get some sleep.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?” Keira asks, moving Cory to the playpen.

“I will. Only because I need you to be extremely cautious for now and I don’t want you out alone. At all. There is to be at least a few brothers on you at all times. Even when I’m here with you,” I tell her. I’m not trying to scare her, but she needs to know the severity of the situation.

Sitting her down on the bed, I relay everything that Sally told us. Keira has tears in her eyes and I know they’re for Sally and the son that she can’t see right now. When I get to the part about Jason being involved with some cartel, Keira’s eyes about pop out of her head in shock. This definitely gets her attention.

“So, now I’m not just being sold, I’m being sold by a member of a cartel?” she asks, her voice shaking.

“We don’t know what part Jason plays in the cartel, kitten. Sally just said that she’s heard talk of him being involved in one. It makes sense, but it doesn’t necessarily make it true,” I tell her, pulling her down in my lap.

After taking a few minutes to take in the fact that a cartel is now more than likely after her, Keira sits up and stares at me. I feel her grind down on my hardening length and she moves in to kiss me. I meet her halfway and just before our lips touch, she tells me to make her forget about it. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my wife. So, if she wants to forget for a little while, then I’m going to help her do that.

Taking her mouth with mine, I lay back until I’m the one laying against the pillows. Keira might want to forget, but she’s going to be the one to take lead tonight. I’m giving her complete and total control over what happens and what doesn’t happen.

Sitting up, Keira pulls my shirt over my head and I feel her running her hands up my stomach and to my chest. As she moves her hands lower, I feel her scoot back so that she can get to my jeans and undo them. Once she has them undone, she pulls my pants off and makes her way back up my body. Before I can stop her, she takes me in her mouth and my head falls back to the pillows. My eyes automatically close at the sensations she’s creating by licking, sucking, and reaching down to massage my balls. I don’t want to cum in her mouth though.

I pull her hair just hard enough for her to release me. Pulling her up my body, I bring her mouth to mine and kiss her deep as hell. By the time I pull away from her we’re both breathless. Keira doesn’t need any further direction about what I want from her. She needs me as much as I need her right now. Keira lines herself up with me and pushes herself down. She goes slow as fuck and it’s absolute torture. But it’s torture of the best kind.

“Kitten, are you goin’ to move faster at any point or are you just goin’ to torture us both?” I ask her, gritting my teeth.

Instead of answering, Keira starts moving a little bit faster and twirling her hips as she’s moving. I drop my head back again and my eyes close on their own. For Keira taking top, she sure as fuck knows what she’s doing. She throws her head back and her long hair brushes against my thighs adding to the sensations she’s already creating. I reach up and start playing with her tits, knowing that she loves this. Hell, I love playing with them. It’s not enough for me though. Sitting up I take one nipple in my mouth and start nibbling and sucking on it.

Keira doesn’t miss a beat with the change in our position. The only thing she does is throw her head back even farther and let out a moan. From this position, I can thrust up as she’s coming down and hit every spot to make her reach her release. With one hand, I grab one of hers and bring our hands between us. I lay mine on top of hers and rub circles on her clit. She takes it a step further and moves her fingers down enough to slide on each side of my cock while I’m sliding in and out of her.

“Give it to me kitten,” I grit out, feeling myself getting closer and closer.

I bite down on her nipple again as I pinch her clit, just hard enough to give her the slightest amount of pain. Keira may not know it yet, but she loves a little bit of pain with her pleasure. From what I get out of conversations we had in the past, no one ever took the time to see what she liked and didn’t like. No one experimented with her or let her try new things.

“Michael!” she screams out as I feel her muscles clenching around me. It’s too much and I moan out her name as my release finds me.

I lay back against the pillows and pull Keira on top of me. Rubbing her back, I help her come down as I try to get my breathing back under control. I can feel her hands running up and down my sides in a soothing manner. Well, it’s soothing until she hits the one spot that has me jumping because it’s tickling me. Keira starts to apologize and I put my finger over her mouth. There’s nothing for her to apologize for. She didn’t know and it’s not like she meant to do it. Sometimes it tickles and sometimes it doesn’t.

“Kitten, I need you to be extremely careful when I go out of town on this run in the mornin’. I don’t want you goin’ outside for any reason.” I tell her, letting her know once again the severity of the situation.

“I’ll stay inside baby. I don’t need you focusing on me and what may or may not be happening while you’re away. What I need is for you to be safe and come back home to us.”

“Always,” I answer, knowing I’ll do everything in my power to come back to the three people that mean everything in this world to me.




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