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Infamous by Alyson Noël (25)

Tommy could not believe the mess he found himself in. Madison had tricked him, his friends had all turned against him, but the worst part was the way Layla ignored him.

Layla was feisty and prone to occasional verbal sniping—two things Tommy had always liked about her. But he’d also seen another side that was tender, sexy, and loving in a way he never saw coming. She was the most passionate girl he’d ever known, and yet he couldn’t help but wonder if he should maybe let her go without putting up too much of a fight.

He truly did like her, but sometimes he worried they were like some dumb reality TV couple—the kind who convinced themselves they were soul mates when their lives were filled with roses, champagne, and Jacuzzis, only to discover they could barely stand each other once the viewers and cameras turned elsewhere.

Real relationships required the kind of work the reality shows tended to skip. And Tommy was no longer sure he had it in him to keep trying.

At some point, Madison had stopped speaking. And Tommy had been so lost in his thoughts that he struggled to catch up to where she might’ve left off.

“You’re seriously trying to pretend you didn’t know he survived and that he was in jail all this time?”

Tommy watched Madison squirm. Nothing obvious, but he’d been studying her all day, and the way she pulled the throw higher onto her lap was a sure sign Layla had hit a sore spot.

Still, Tommy felt sorry for her. Madison was bruised, battered, and exhausted, yet she put on such a good show of having it all together no matter the circumstance, it was easy to forget she was just an eighteen-year-old girl who’d spent the bulk of the summer fighting for survival.

“As far as I knew, he died in the fire. Last I saw, he was unconscious and the house was in flames. Not long after, I was taken to the hospital, and then Paul had me stay with his mom until my name was changed and my adoption arranged. Paul did everything he could to protect me, and I guess that includes lying about what happened to the shooter. You have no idea how shocking this is. It makes me question everything I thought I once knew. And while I’m definitely upset to learn I’ve been in danger all this time, I wouldn’t have had half my success if it wasn’t for Paul. It’s because of him the shooter was never able to find me. Or at least not until now.”

“Well, the shooter’s not the one who found you,” Layla spat. “The shooter is dead. He died in jail last year.”

Madison stifled a yawn. It seemed a strange way to react in the face of such news, but Tommy guessed her fatigue was getting the best of her. Or maybe she was faking. It was impossible to tell what was really going on with her.

“Do you think you would’ve gone missing if it weren’t for the contest?”

Tommy looked at Aster, startled by the question.

“I mean . . .” Aster paused to collect her thoughts. “Do you think it was somehow connected or linked? Or do you think we’re just all wildly unlucky victims of unfortunate timing?”

“How could it be linked?” Tommy tried to make sense of it.

“Unless Ira was involved.” Ryan voiced the thought they were all thinking.

“You think Ira Redman kidnapped me?” Madison was more curious than incredulous. “You think there’s a connection between him and Gerald Rawlins?”

Aster shifted uncomfortably. “Listen,” she said, her voice quiet, as though afraid of being overheard. “I feel like a traitor even saying it, especially after all that Ira’s done for me, but sometimes I wonder, you know? I mean, Ira’s been there from the start, and I can’t just stick my head in the sand and refuse to see something because it’s inconvenient and makes me uncomfortable.”

“And I don’t think you should let it go,” Tommy said. “Looking back, that whole night seems perfectly choreographed to set you up for the crime, and Ira played a big part in that.”

“But why me?” Aster’s look was pleading.

“Why you?” Madison balked. “You sure you don’t mean why me?” She jabbed a thumb toward her chest.

“I meant why did he set me up? Why not Ryan, Tommy, Layla, or any of the other competitors? Why did Ira target me as the one to mess with?”

Tommy had a few suspicions, but he chose not to voice them.

“Whatever.” Aster sighed. “It’s done. I may never know the answer to that one.” She waved a hand in front of her face.

“Say Ira is behind it.” Madison spoke as though testing a theory she wasn’t even remotely convinced of. “What would he possibly get out of it? Pretty sure he knows me well enough to know I plan to prosecute whoever did this to the full extent of the law. And as far as I know, Ira has no connection to my past.”

“He gets a boatload of free PR,” Ryan said. “You can’t believe what’s gone on since you’ve been away.”

Madison fell quiet, her expression contemplative.

“But let’s say Ira is behind it,” Ryan said. “How exactly did he arrange all of that? I mean, he must’ve had help. Even Ira can’t be in more than one place at a time. He would’ve needed at least one accomplice, maybe more.”

“Starting with the girl at the apartment,” Tommy said.

“Who the hell was she?” Aster pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “From the back, she looked just like you.” She nodded toward Madison.

“I assure you, it wasn’t me. I was hanging at the Vesper with Tommy.”

Tommy was dumb enough to glance at Layla. What he saw left him convinced that any hope of reconciling had just died a quick, easy death.

“Okay, so someone who, from the back anyway, looks like Madison, lured me to an apartment more or less around the same time you disappear. Then a few days later your blood very conveniently shows up on the Night for Night terrace as well as on the dress I was dumb enough to leave behind in that stupid apartment.”

“What’s up with the blood?” Layla asked.

Madison was quick to defend herself. “I had my blood stored, and it’s not nearly as crazy as it may sound. Presidents do it all the time.”

“Yeah, except you’re not exactly the leader of the free world, are you?” Layla sneered.

Madison was undeterred. “Billionaires, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and many A-list celebrities have done the same thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ira has too. Over a period of time, someone collects your blood and stores it in a safe place. It’s not as uncommon as you think.”

“But why?” Tommy asked. “What’s the point?”

“Normally, it’s to use in a medical emergency. For me, it was mainly in case I ever needed to disappear in a hurry.”

“Which you did,” Layla was quick to point out. “And your blood was splattered all over the same terrace you were taken from.”

“So I’ve been told.” Madison held Layla’s gaze until she was the first to look away.

“So, who had access to the blood?” Ryan asked.

“Paul and me. That’s all I know of.”

“And James? What sort of deal do you have with him?” Ryan studied her in a way that made Madison squirm.

“Nothing.” She tried to dismiss the thought. Then, realizing she wouldn’t get away with that, she said, “He used to do some light spying. Petty stuff.” She glanced between Aster and Ryan. “He’s the one who told me about you two.”

Ryan looked away in embarrassment. The room grew quiet as they all retreated into their individual thoughts.

“Listen,” Madison said. “If I hadn’t been the one taken, I’d be in a complete state of awe. The whole thing is kind of genius, if you think about it. It’s a complicated series of events. And trust me, Paul is capable of all of that and more. Ira too.”

“Does Paul know Ira?” Aster asked.

Ryan nudged her arm. “Everyone knows Ira.”

“But does Paul work for Ira? You know, as a fixer, or whatever it is Paul does.”

“No idea.” Madison shrugged. “I’m his most important client, but not his only client. Either of them are capable of pulling that off, but neither of them could’ve done it alone.”

“The girl, whoever she was, had to be in on it,” Aster said. “That was a real live girl, not the Ghost in a wig. Also, we found your car waiting for us just outside Ira’s tequila launch party. The GPS led us right to Paul’s office, presumably so we could find the blood-collecting kit.”

“I doubt that was legit,” Madison said. “Paul would never leave a blood-collecting kit randomly lying around for someone to find.”

“It was in a filing cabinet,” Ryan corrected.

“That makes even less sense. What else did you find?”

“An empty file with your name on it.”

Layla piped up, “The contents were sent to me.”

“Let me guess: It was full of diary entries and whatever else you posted on your blog or saw fit to give to Trena Moretti?” She glared at Layla, but Layla refused to confirm or deny. “Clearly someone planted the blood kit and empty file folder,” Madison said. “What would Paul want with my diary entries?”

“I thought you suspected Paul?” Aster’s tone was softer than Tommy expected.

Madison shook her head. “Now I realize he was trying to protect me from knowing the truth. But I panicked and ran, and he’s probably freaking out trying to find me.”

“It’s equally possible he’s trying to hunt you down so he can harm you,” Tommy said, prompting Madison to send him a searching look that was not lost on Layla, who made a point of sighing and rolling her eyes.

Before it could go any further, Aster broke in. “If Paul is behind it, I don’t think he’d want us to see any of those documents, much less the blood kit. Ira, on the other hand, could’ve easily made all that happen.”

Tommy kept quiet. His head was spinning with theories.

“Look—” Ryan bumped Aster’s shoulder with his. “I don’t know if Ira’s behind it or not. What I do know is that scandal is sexy. And this particular scandal is tailor made for a celebrity-obsessed public who never tires of rehashing the grisly details. There isn’t a person left on the planet who hasn’t heard of Jewel, the Vesper, or Night for Night, which is now one of the top five tourist destinations in town. It’s pretty much the best thing that ever happened to Ira. Though it’s definitely the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.” Ryan’s voice rang of anger, and the color rose to his face. He was getting seriously heated. Tommy could relate.

“So . . .” Aster shifted toward him. “Let’s assume Ira is behind this.” She frowned. “I mean, what now? What am I supposed to do? I’ve pretty much given him control of my life! Do I find a way to disconnect? Or do I hang in there with the hope that it’s entirely possible that the reason he’s gone out of his way to help is because he knows the charges won’t stick? Like, maybe at the very last second he’s planning a big reveal that’ll prove my innocence. And then, in addition to building his business, he can be a hero for believing in me when everyone else turned away. God, that sounds cynical.” She sank her head in her hands and rubbed at her face.

“Cynical and entirely possible.” Ryan sighed.

“But would he really go that far just for an epic PR play?” Aster smoothed her hair behind her ears, her expression thoughtful as she considered the idea.

On the surface, it sounded crazy and woefully far-fetched.

In reality, Tommy knew Ira was capable of all that and more.

Still, he said, “But why would he kidnap Madison? I mean, it’s one thing to be an amoral businessman. It’s another to actually abduct someone and hold them captive for weeks on end. That takes planning, patience, deliberation, resources.”

“All of which Ira has in abundance,” Madison said.

“So if Ira is behind it, do you think he planned to trot you in front of the courtroom at the last minute so my case would be dismissed? You think that’s his big reveal?” Aster stared at Madison as though she had the answer. When Madison failed to reply, Aster frowned and slumped low in her seat. “I know, it sounds insane—like the worst sort of magical thinking. But at this point, it’s all I’ve got. Ira controls my whole life! And the worst part is, I went along with it.”

They all fell quiet, until Layla said, “While I’m not saying Ira isn’t behind it, I’m not sure how he’s connected to Madison’s past. And clearly, whatever’s going on here, it’s connected to the night her parents died. We need a better strategy.”

“I wasn’t aware you had a strategy.” Madison frowned.

“Last time we came up with a plan, it didn’t turn out so well,” Tommy said.

“Meaning . . .” Layla narrowed in on him, and Tommy couldn’t help but cringe.

“Meaning we ended up charged with a crime we didn’t commit! What do you think he means?” Aster rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Yep, the band was back together again.

“Well, we can’t just sit back and do nothing.” Layla refused to give in. “Or actually, I guess we can. One phone call to Larsen and we can all walk away and be done with it. Let the LAPD unravel this mess.”

Madison looked terrified. Layla looked like she was about to make good on her word, and Tommy had no idea whether or not she was bluffing but knew he had to stop it from happening.

“No one’s suggesting that.” The second it was out, Tommy knew it was the final death knell of whatever he had with Layla, but it was the right thing to do. Madison was scared, and whoever had harmed her the first time was still out there. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t at least try to help. “But whatever we do from here, we have to be smart. I can’t take another night in jail, curled up in the fetal position on the top bunk, breathing through my mouth in order to avoid all the foul smells. Or maybe that was just me.” It was a lame attempt to add a little levity, and he instantly regretted it.

“No competing over which of us had the nastiest cell,” Aster said. “Because I win. Hands down, I win. I won the first time I was locked up.”

“Jeez, you’re competitive.” Layla rolled her eyes, but the smile that followed smoothed away all the snark.

Madison glared. “You guys are ridiculous. Seriously. Do you even hear yourselves? So sorry you spent a few nights in jail. A smelly bunk sounds like a luxury compared to what I went through.”

Unable to put words to what he was feeling, Tommy rose from his seat and headed out to the terrace in search of fresh air and a break from the tension. He’d rejoin them soon enough, but he needed a quiet moment to decide what to do about the fact that his dad was looking guiltier by the moment.

If it turned out Ira was responsible, what then? What did it mean for Tommy and all the plans he’d made?

“Hey—you okay?”

Tommy turned. “Are you?” He watched Layla’s cheeks flush a lovely shade of rose as she forced her gaze to meet his.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Tommy shrugged, unsure where this was going. Though when she tucked her hair behind her ear in the way she did when she was about to be really earnest, he knew he needed to take her seriously.

“I jumped to conclusions, and . . .” She stared down at her shoes. “I guess I kind of lost it.” He started to speak, but before he could get to the words, she stopped him. “But it’s not you. It’s—it’s just that everything has changed and not necessarily for the better, and sometimes I just want to rewind, you know? I miss riding my motorcycle. I miss the person I thought I was at the beginning of the summer. I . . .”

She fluttered a hand before her face and scrunched her nose in a way so adorable he had to fight the urge to grab her and kiss her and never let go.

“You know what?” Her blue-gray eyes met his. “That’s a lie. Truth is—it was about you.”

Tommy forced himself not to speak. He knew how much a moment like this cost a girl like Layla, who equated vulnerability with weakness.

“I messed up the night I kissed you and didn’t tell Mateo.”

“You messed up because you kissed me, or because you didn’t tell Mateo?” He inched closer. He’d been drawn to her from the beginning, and though so much had changed since then, his attraction to her had never once wavered.

Without hesitation she said, “I messed up because I wanted to kiss you and I liked kissing you, and that’s the moment I should’ve known it was over with Mateo and I should’ve come clean and told him as much. I don’t fall easily. And I’m certainly not the type who’s attracted to every cute boy I see.”

Tommy was flattered, but he knew better than to let on. “And now?” His voice was hoarse. He’d already talked himself out of being with her. But now, he wasn’t sure what she was offering, and he had no firm idea how to respond.

“Madison is lovely.” She tilted her chin toward the den. “Even when she’s battered and bruised and traumatized, she’s the most beautiful girl in the room.”

Tommy knew better than to comment. If Layla was baiting him, he was too smart to bite.

“Funny how she turned to you for help.”

Tommy shifted his weight between his feet. He was beginning to feel like a bug under her lens. “I can’t explain that,” he said.

“I can. It’s because she trusts you.”

Layla regarded him as though she could see right through his flesh to the beating heart below. Did she realize in that moment it was beating just a bit faster for her?

“You two have a connection. Anyone can see it.”

“And what about us? What about our connection?” He forced the words from his lips. He might not like the answer, but he needed to know where they stood.

Layla’s cheeks lifted in a smile. “You’re pretty easy to connect with. Easier than me.”

Any other girl, he would’ve let the statement go, sure he was being forced into a compliment he might be reluctant to give. But Layla wasn’t that kind of girl, and no matter where this went, he wanted her to know she meant a great deal to him. “I’ve seen you—the real you. The sharp-edged side you share with the world, and the softer one you save just for private. And if you decide you never want to share that softer side with me again, I want you to know I feel lucky to have known it for the short time I did.”

Without a word, she lifted a hand to his cheek and traced the line of his jaw with her fingertip. Tommy leaned into her touch, sure they would kiss. It was what he ached for most in the world.

Just as quickly, she pulled away. “I know why you came here,” she said.

At first he thought she meant to Madison’s hideaway, but something about the look in her eyes told him she meant something else entirely.

“I know why you moved to California.”

His eyes widened. His body went still. Just like that, his secret was out.

His first instinct was to deny it, but then he remembered who he was talking to. “Who else knows?” He cast a nervous glance toward the house, but Layla was quick to assure him that no one else knew of his connection to Ira.

“Are you going to confront him?”

Tommy swiped a hand through his hair. It felt really weird to discuss it out loud.

“Yes.” He nodded. Followed by: “Maybe.” He scratched at his cheek. “I haven’t decided.” He sighed. “It changes daily.”

“Do you really think he’s behind this?”

Tommy screwed up his face and squinted at the fence surrounding the yard. “I wouldn’t put it past him,” he said, returning his focus to her.

“So what’s the plan?”

Tommy sank his hands into his pockets. “I guess I’m going to find out once and for all, so I can get on with my life.”

Layla regarded him thoughtfully. “You know you don’t have to go this alone. Surprising as it seems, you’ve managed to make a friend or two since you arrived in LA.”

A slow grin lit Tommy’s face as he remembered the first time they’d met, when she’d said just the opposite. “Then I’ll consider that a victory, considering how you warned me friends were in short supply.”

Layla’s eyes flashed. “I seem to remember it differently. You spoke the words. I merely implied you were right. As it turns out, we were both wrong.”

When she laughed, Tommy had the unmistakable feeling that everything would be okay. Not just between them, but overall.

He watched as she started to head back inside. “And what happens next?” he called.

She paused and looked over her shoulder. “We put our heads together and work out a plan.”

“And after that?” The question was loaded, but he had no doubt she knew what he meant.

“I guess we just have to wait and see how this particular story ends.”

He waited a bit before he joined her. He was just crossing the room, about to reclaim his seat, when everyone’s phone began to simultaneously chime.

Tommy peered at his screen, then looked at Layla, Aster, and Ryan, wondering if they’d received the same message.

“It’s a breaking news alert.” Layla’s voice was tipped with panic.

“Larsen went to your trailer.” Aster stared at Madison. “He found your watch.”

Madison narrowed her gaze. “But I hid it.”

“Not very well.” Ryan frowned.

“I left it out in plain view,” Aster said. “I was angry, and I wanted you to know we were onto you in case you returned.” Turning to Ryan, Aster said, “Do you think Heather called him?”

“Heather?” Madison became visibly alarmed. “Heather was there? Why didn’t you mention this earlier?”

“I didn’t think it was a big deal.” Aster shrugged. “I mean, you guys were friends, right?”

Ignoring the question, Madison said, “Tell me everything—leave nothing out.”

Aster paused as though carefully choosing her words. “She talked about how much she missed you, then she flirted with Ryan, called me a Thoroughbred Girl—which she meant as an insult—”

“A what?” Layla leaned closer.

Aster groaned. “She’s got some chip on her shoulder from when she grew up on a ranch or something.”

“Heather didn’t grow up on a ranch.” Madison’s face darkened. “She’s from coastal Florida.”

“Well, she told some story about working on a ranch and how she hated the rich girls who boarded their horses there, or something like that.” Aster leaned her head against Ryan’s shoulder.

“Did she mention the name of the ranch?”

Aster looked up at Ryan, and he shook his head. “Not sure it matters,” he said. “If Larsen found the trailer, it’s just a matter of time before he finds this place too. I think we should leave. The sooner the better.”

“But what about her?” Aster stared pointedly at Madison. “She’s my ticket to freedom. We can’t just let her out of our sight.”

“I think she should stay with Tommy,” Layla said, surprising pretty much everyone in the room, but no one more than Tommy.

After the moment they’d shared outside, it was the last thing he expected.

“There’s no other option,” she explained. “I live with my dad and Aster’s at the W, which Ira owns. . . .”

“Actually,” Aster said, “I’ve been staying with Ryan.”

Tommy awkwardly cleared his throat. “Guess that leaves me then.” He looked at Madison, regretting how he’d just made her sound like some sort of disappointing consolation prize. “I have plenty of room, but you’re going to have to continue wearing the disguise.”

Madison hesitated. Then, looking at Layla, she said, “Thanks.”

Layla nodded curtly and headed for the door. Tommy was about to follow when everyone’s phone chimed again.

“What now?” Madison peered over Tommy’s shoulder to read.

Five little liars walking out the door

One ran off and then there were four

Four little liars looking for the key

One got scared and then there were three

Three little liars searching for a clue

One got caught and then there were two

Two little liars fighting for a gun

One shot the other and then there was one

One little liar convinced she finally won

Her fans turned against her and then there were none

“They know I’m alive—that I’m here, with you!” Madison clutched hard at Tommy’s arm. He’d never seen her so spooked. Not knowing what else to do, he slid an arm around her waist and rushed her outside to his car.




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