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Little Woodford by Catherine Jones (43)

‘Fancy a drink tonight?’ said Billy as he let himself into Amy’s little house. He walked into the kitchen and put his arms round her waist before he gave her a peck on the cheek. Ashley, who was helping himself out of the biscuit tin, scowled. ‘It’s Friday, after all. I’ve been paid and I feel like a night out.’

‘Yeah, that sound like a plan,’ said Amy. ‘You’ll be all right on your own, won’t you, Ash?’

‘I’m almost sixteen, Mum.’

‘Almost old enough to leave home,’ said Billy. ‘Or get a job.’

Ashley stared at Billy. ‘That’s what you want, is it?’

‘Just saying,’ said Billy. ‘It’s what I did. I was earning a decent wage when I wasn’t much older than you.’

‘Bully for you.’

Amy glanced from one to the other. ‘Now then, lads, if I’m going to get out I need to get supper on the table.’

‘Don’t bother for me. I’m going out,’ said Ashley.

‘But Ash...’

Too late, he’d stormed off and the front door slammed by way of an answer.

Amy turned on Billy. ‘Now look what you’ve done.’

‘If he were mine I’d give him a bloody good hiding for cheeking me like that.’

‘It wasn’t really cheek.’

‘He should respect his elders and betters, if you ask me.’

‘But he does; Ash is a good kid.’

‘If that’s what you want to think. You’re too soft on him.’

Amy was about to ask Billy what business was it of his, but she didn’t feel quite brave enough. ‘Let’s not argue, Billy. Tell you what, there’s some beers in the fridge. Why don’t you have one while you wait for your dinner.’

‘What is it?’

‘Macaroni cheese.’

‘Mac cheese? Where’s the meat?’

‘It’s the end of the week, and I had bills to pay. Things are a bit tight.’ She didn’t add that he was the main cause of her current financial problems, what with her needing to keep some beers in for him, to say nothing of the extra food.

‘Would this help?’ Billy pulled a wad of notes from his pocket and peeled off a couple of twenties which he threw on the kitchen table.

‘I can’t take your money,’ she said, although she dearly wanted to grab it with both hands.

‘You can and you will. And I want a nice piece of steak for my supper tomorrow. None of this mac cheese shit, understand.’

‘It’s all I’ve got for tonight.’

‘Then Ashley can have it when he bothers to come home again. I’m not going to eat that muck.’


‘We’ll eat at the pub.’

Amy grabbed her oven gloves, switched the oven off and took out the bubbling pasta dish. Much as eating out would be a treat, macaroni cheese was one of her favourites and she’d been looking forward to it. Never mind – she could heat up what Ashley left for their supper on Monday, when she didn’t have to worry about what Billy would or wouldn’t eat.

The pair strolled along the high street towards the pub in the warm evening sunshine, Billy’s sour comments about her food forgotten. The town was busy with people also enjoying the summer weather.

‘Shame the pub’s not got a garden,’ said Amy. ‘It’d be nice to sit out to eat on a day like this.’

‘Yeah, and get skin cancer.’

‘Gawd, you’re a right misery-guts, ain’t you. What’s rattled your cage?’

‘I’ll tell you what, watching that layabout son take you for granted.’

‘He’s not a layabout,’ protested Amy. ‘He works blooming hard.’

‘No, he doesn’t. Like I said, schoolwork isn’t proper work.’

‘Don’t let’s argue, let’s not spoil things.’

‘You’re the one who’s arguing,’ said Billy.

Amy almost told him it took two to argue but, once again, she bit her tongue.

‘What you drinking?’ said Billy as they turned into the pub.

‘White wine and lemonade,’ said Amy. ‘Lots of ice too. Thanks, darling.’

‘See if you can get a table – I’ll bring the drinks over.’

A few minutes later Billy pushed his way through the other customers, who were crowded into the little bar enjoying a start-the-weekend drink, towards Amy who’d managed to find a table in the corner. With him he also brought a couple of menus which he plonked down along with the drinks.

‘Cheers,’ said Amy, clinking her glass against his. She perused the menu as she sipped. ‘Cor, this is nice. What are you thinking of having?’

‘I think I might have the chicken and chips. You?’ Billy took a long slurp of his drink and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Amy considered the choices for a few more seconds. ‘I might have that too.’

Billy went to the bar to place the order and returned with more drinks.

‘I’ve not finished this one yet,’ protested Amy.

‘Saves queuing again in a minute, doesn’t it.’

‘Are you trying to get me tipsy?’

‘Maybe.’ He grinned at her.

‘You don’t have to. I’m yours for the taking, you know that, Billy?’

‘And talking about being mine...’ Billy put his hand in his pocket and brought out a small box. ‘I bought this at a car boot. It’s a pukka bit of kit, mind. Worth a bit, if I’m any judge, and I thought you might like it. It’s not an engagement ring or nothing, but, I thought that seeing as you’re my girl now, you ought to wear something to show you belong to me. I don’t want other men sniffing around you... know what I mean?’

Amy’s heart, which had begun to beat wildly at the sight of the ring-box, settled down at the words it’s not an engagement ring or nothing. And dropped still further at the notion that he was chaining her to him. She knew she ought to be pleased that he cared about her that much but there was a faintly sinister and threatening undertone that she didn’t much like.

He opened the box and showed her the ruby eternity ring.

‘That’s pretty,’ she lied. It was the sort of thing her gran had worn and she thought it was clunky and old-fashioned but hey, Billy said it was worth a bit. Shame she wasn’t going to be able to flog it – she’d rather have the cash.

‘Go on then, put it on.’

Amy took the ring and slipped it on her middle finger on her right hand. It was a bit tight. That wouldn’t be coming off again in a hurry.

‘There.’ She held her hand up to admire it and then showed Billy. ‘Thanks, babe.’ She leaned over the table to give him a kiss and managed to topple over one of her glasses of wine. It deluged over him in a tidal wave.

‘You stupid bloody cow,’ he yelled at her as he leapt to his feet, his shirt and trousers drenched and dripping. He raised his hand and for a second Amy was convinced he was going to hit her. The pub fell completely silent as everyone turned to see what the commotion was. Belinda rushed over with a towel from behind the bar and handed it to Billy. His face was thunderous as he mopped himself.

‘Cancel my order. I’m off.’


‘You can stay and eat if you want. I need to get changed. Stupid bitch,’ he spat as a parting shot before he shouldered his way through the silent drinkers and stormed off.

Amy began to cry and slowly the conversation level in the bar began to crank up again.

Belinda put her arm around Amy’s shoulder. ‘What do you want to do, hon? Shall I cancel your order too? I can give Billy his money back next time he comes in.’

Amy nodded. ‘Don’t feel much like an evening out on my own, now. Yeah, please do.’

‘It was an accident. These things happen.’

‘Maybe. And he’d just given me this, an’ all.’ She showed Belinda the ruby ring. ‘Not that we’re engaged, but he wanted me to have it. Well... he did.’

‘That’s lovely.’

‘I suppose he’ll want it back now.’

‘I’d wait till he calms down to see which way the wind blows.’

‘He was ever so cross, wasn’t he?’

Belinda nodded. ‘It may take a while for him to get over it, yes.’ She went to the kitchen to cancel the food while Amy drained the drink she hadn’t spilt and then made her way home.


Bex had enjoyed the half-term week and it was hard to get back into the routine of getting the kids out of bed and off to school. Furthermore, she wasn’t entirely looking forward to running into Miles – not after pissing him off. But she couldn’t let Belinda down and, besides, she liked it there. She liked listening to the regulars, chewing over the town’s goings-on, she liked the buzz of the place if it got busy, she liked working for Belinda, she liked Miles... No, she didn’t.

She finished making the beds and tidying up the boys’ toys before she locked up and took herself next door to start her shift. Regarding Miles, she told herself to pretend nothing had happened and to be cool, calm and collected. Don’t apologise, don’t explain, she told herself firmly as she knocked on the pub door and waited for Belinda to unlock it and let her in.

‘Hi, Bex,’ her boss greeted her as she locked the door again. ‘Did you have a nice break with the kids?’

‘Yeah, it was grand. We were lucky with the weather, I suppose, so they spent most of their time out in the garden or at the building site watching the diggers.’

‘What is it with your youngest and heavy plant?’

‘Search me,’ said Bex. ‘At least he can’t try and wander down there on his own – not since Miles fixed my gate. Right, what do you want me to do first? Bottling up?’

‘Sounds great. I need to change a barrel; one of the beers ran out a couple of minutes before closing time and I couldn’t be bothered to do it last night.’

Belinda went down to the cellar while Bex checked the stock of mixers under the bar and in the fridges before following her to collect more of the things they were low on.

‘You missed a bit of a kerfuffle on Friday,’ said Belinda as she pulled up the lever on the coupler.

‘Really? What happened?’ Bex started putting a selection of bottles into an empty crate, ready to lug back up the steps

‘Your Amy had a row with her bloke.’

‘Is that Billy?’

‘Yeah, he’s a car mechanic at the garage out on the Cattebury road. I think him and Amy have been an item for a bit. Anyway, on Friday they came in for supper and she managed to tip a large spritzer into his lap. He went ape. A couple of the regulars thought he was going to belt her one.’

Bex stopped moving the bottles. ‘It doesn’t sound as if he’s much of a catch.’

Belinda shook her head as she reconnected the coupler to a new barrel. ‘I’ve never liked him. I’ve always thought he’s a bit shifty – a bit fly, if you know what I mean. But I suppose he must be fond of Amy because she told me that before she managed to throw her drink all over him he’d given her an eternity ring. Now, I don’t know much about jewellery but this was obviously worth a bit.’

‘Lucky old Amy.’

‘Yeah, only I’m not sure the ring is worth being stuck with Billy.’

‘So they’re engaged?’

‘She says not.’

Bex picked up the crate with an oof. ‘And he may not be as bad as you think.’

‘I suppose – except you hear of people that get stuck in abusive relationships and I’m fond of Amy. I’d hate to think of her being in that position.’

Bex began to climb the stairs. ‘On the other hand, it’s not really our business, is it?’

‘No, you’re right. And maybe Billy’s reaction was a heat-of-the-moment thing.’

‘I sincerely hope so.’