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Shades Of Her by Priya Grey, Ozlo Grey (35)

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Kristi and I spend the rest of the evening sitting on the couch, watching cheesy romantic comedies on Netflix. But I’m not really paying attention to the television. I’m thinking about Jackson. “I hope he’s all right,” I mumble out loud.

Kristi reaches over and squeezes my hand.

“I wonder if he’s ruined me for other men,” I sadly muse.

Kristi shoots me a puzzled look. “How do you mean?”

I shrug. “I just can’t imagine someone loving me as much as he loved her. Most of the guys you and I meet, Kristi, aren’t like him. Jackson’s special. He wasn’t afraid to really love someone, to open himself up that way. And the fact that I just destroyed the memories he had of Ashley makes me feel terrible.”

“You did the right thing,” Kristi affirms. “And I promise you, you are definitely going to meet a guy who’ll love you just as passionately and unequivocally as he loved her. I know it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Kristi flashes me a smile. “Because if you visualize it, it will happen. Just like with your bakery. You just have to imagine the perfect man for you.”

“There’s only one problem with that,” I confess to her. “When I close my eyes, and picture the perfect man, I see Jackson.”

My phone rings. I reach toward the coffee table and pick it up.

Jackson’s name appears on the screen. “It’s him,” I say nervously to Kristi.

I quickly get up and take my phone into the bedroom.

I take a deep breath before answering. “Hello?”

He takes a moment before speaking. “Rebecca, I want to let you know that our arrangement is over.”

The tone of his voice is sad and heartbroken.

“I understand,” I reply softly.

“I’ll still pay you the full amount,” he then adds.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to,” he insists. “I’m also going to give you a little extra for embarking on this crazy experiment with me. I know it must’ve been really weird for you. Thank you for helping me.”

I can’t believe he’s thanking me for breaking his heart and destroying the memory he had of his wife. It only reinforces how truly special he is.

There’s a long moment of silence.

“Are you going to be okay?” I ask concerned.

“I don’t know,” he confesses. “Before I saw you in that bar, weeks ago, I was in pretty bad shape because of Ashley’s death. Now I feel worse.”

“I shouldn’t have told you,” I let escape from my lips. “Maybe it’s better to go through life believing in an illusion than recognizing the truth?”

I hear him take a deep breath. “You did the right thing. It hurts like fuck, but I’m glad you told me. I’m going to go now and disappear for a bit. It was great knowing you, Rebecca. Take care of yourself.”

I don’t want to get off the phone with him. “Where are you disappearing too?” I ask quickly.

He sighs. “I have a boat. The next memory was actually going to take place on it. Anyway, I always wanted to sail around the world with Ashley, but it looks like it’s something I’ll do on my own now.”

“Sailing around the world sounds like fun,” I reply. Then I suddenly realize how stupid I sound. I’m just so nervous and concerned about him that I don’t know what to say. “Jackson, before you disappear on your boat, I think there’s something you should know.”

He takes a moment before responding. “What?”

I cradle the phone to my ear and tell him what I’ve discovered from our time together. “Ashley was the lucky one. She was the one who should have been grateful to have you in her life. I know she meant a lot to you, but she didn’t deserve you. You’re a great guy, Jackson, and any woman would be blessed to have you in her life.”

I finally told him what I’ve always wanted to, but all I hear is silence.

He eventually says, “Thanks, Rebecca. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Take care of yourself.”

He hangs up.

I lower my head as I realize Jackson is gone from my life.

I slowly walk back to the living room and join Kristi on the couch. Sadness overwhelms me. I feel terrible and worried about him.

“He canceled our arrangement,” I divulge to Kristi.

Then I start to cry.

Kristi envelops me in her arms. I’m not crying for myself, but for him – for the pain that he’s going through. Jackson already suffered the loss of his wife, and now – because of me – he’s suffering the loss of his memories of her.

Then, I receive a notification on my phone. I wipe my eyes and glance at it.

“What is it?” asks Kristi when she sees the shocked look on my face.

I show her the message I just received from my bank. Jackson has deposited $1 million dollars into my account.