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Into The Rabbit Hole (Vandervilles Book 3) by Khardine Gray (7)

Chapter 7


* * *

“I’m amazed at what you can do. How did you get this information?” Detective Fray asked Cora.

Regina watched her, wondering what she was going to say. She’d tried to keep Cora behind the scenes because her methods weren’t exactly legal, but desperate times had arrived and they needed everyone who could help.

Thankfully, Cora had agreed to come along to the station today with Regina and Ben. She’d been working solidly to track Aaron and thought she’d managed to find something.

She smiled at him sweetly. “I have my ways.”

“Okay, just to let you know, this won’t be on my head if things blow out of proportion,” Detective Fray replied.

Cora shook her head. “It won’t. Your cameras and recordings in here won’t work. As far as anyone knows, this meeting never happened.”


“I’m scrabbling your equipment. It’ll look like your system’s switched off but I’ll switch it back on once we’re done.”

Detective Fray simply stared at her in wonder.

Regina glanced over at Ben. He sat still with an expressionless look on his face. A look that nearly made her feel sorry for him. Nearly. Every time she was nearing the threshold, she reminded herself that Ben was a murderer, and she knew about it. She knew that he’d killed.

So she didn’t feel any sympathy yesterday when Aaron released the information to the press that Ben had rigged the votes for Zachery, and she felt nothing as she watched the news and saw a new release stating that Ben had tampered with evidence in the Porter case.

Aaron had been true to his word, and now Ben had been suspended from work, suspended from his office as state’s attorney, and was under investigation.

Him and anyone in his office that was associated with him.

Other than telling Detective Fray about the head in the box and the phone call from Aaron, neither of them had revealed anything else about what they had discussed. Regina hadn’t said anything because, for once, she was protecting herself. She thought of how things may look if it was assumed that she knew what Ben had gotten up to. She didn’t want to be implicated in any of it. To protect herself further, she’d spoken to her divorce lawyers and her publicist, who issued a statement to the press about her intention to divorce Ben.

Regina had no sympathy. He was getting what he deserved and Aaron was destroying him slowly. She just wished she knew what would happen next. Was there more?

She had a feeling there were a lot of things that Ben did that he wanted to keep secret. Now they were venturing down the rabbit hole and discovering all sorts that could actually destroy them all.

She looked back to Detective Fray and Cora. They were all sitting around a large boardroom-style table in an office near Detective Fray’s. This one had two windows and just seemed like a standard meeting room.

“Okay, so you’re technically doing what our new friend can do?” he asked her.

She nodded. “But better. I’m just localizing it to this room, so the rest of the station is fine.”

“Right, okay.” He looked really apprehensive but continued anyway. “So, show me what you have.”

Cora opened her handbag and pulled out a file. She opened it and revealed a map. It was of L.A. She had red dots on certain areas and a massive yellow one near Huntington Beach.

“He’s based in one of the old warehouses in Huntington,” Cora said simply. “He moves around a lot and goes as far as San Diego, but that’s where he’s doing all his work from. And there is absolutely someone else working with him. I picked up the same code being used in two different locations: one at Huntington, the other in San Diego. Can’t be in two places at once. They are also using a device to hack the systems. I still don’t know the full extent of what it does, but it’s some serious shit.”

“You were able to track the code?”

“Yes. It was difficult, but I did it. A word of advice, don’t rush in just yet. You can’t.”

“Why not?” Regina asked. “We can’t allow him to conjure up something else that may take us down.”

“I agree. Can’t we just arrest him?” Ben added.

“This guy works with technology. The best thing we could do is disable his systems, disable him. He’s getting by because he can see everything. If we take that away, then you have a chance.”

Even though Regina wanted this guy caught and dealt with, she could see Cora’s point.

“But he moves around, moves from that location?” Ben asked.

“I have the code he’s using now, so I can track him easily. Trust me, what we need is a virus of sorts to disable him.” Cora smiled.

“And you’re going to tell us next that you can rig up such a virus?” Detective Fray asked.

Cora smiled again and nodded. “I am. I need time, though, maybe a little over a week.” She winced. “I know that’s a long time given what’s happening, but I need to test what works.”

Detective Fray nodded. “In the meantime I’ll set up some sort of surveillance at Huntington and extra protection for you guys.” He looked over at Regina and Ben.

His eyes lingered on Ben, and when he looked back to Regina she saw that apprehensive look again.

“Thanks, Cora. I’d like to speak to the Vandervilles for a few minutes in private.”

“That’s fine. I’m done here. I’ll keep you posted on any developments.” Cora nodded.

“Thanks, Cora,” Regina told her.

“My pleasure.”

Once Cora left, Detective Fray focused on them. Regina knew even before he opened his mouth that this was going to be about Ben and his recent discoveries.

“There’s a lot I need to ask you two,” Detective Fray began. “In two days there have been two major scandals in relation to you.” He motioned at Ben. “Any idea what could be coming next? It’s a good idea to tell me now so that we can deal with it as part of our investigation.”

Regina could tell he was trying for subtlety, but really, he was serious. The accusations made against Ben were very incriminating.

“I would prefer to deal with the situation at hand,” Ben told him.

Regina glanced across at him and wondered how long he was going to sing that tune. Once it was revealed that Ben killed Aaron’s mother, there would be all sorts of upheaval.

“Is this how you feel, too?” Detective Fray asked her. “Because if Ben’s found guilty and we find that you had any knowledge of what happened, that could incriminate you too.”

Great. That was exactly what she needed. She opened her mouth to answer, but Ben interrupted.

“My wife has nothing to do with any of my actions,” he blurted, stunning her. “My actions are my own. I don’t discuss office affairs with her at home, and we’re about to enter divorce proceedings.”

Regina couldn’t take her eyes off him. She felt like somehow she’d slipped into some kind of alternate reality, because this couldn’t be the Ben she knew. The man she knew would never think to protect her like that, like this. And she supposed he would be signing the divorce papers, then.

“Okay, thank you for sharing that with me.” Detective Fray looked between them both and then fixed his gaze on Ben. “I would urge you, however, to come forward and talk to me if there’s something you need to confess. It will be much worse for you if you don’t. It’s very clear that this Aaron has a vendetta against you. He tried to kill your daughter, killed Jackson Donovan, and framed Wade for murder. I highly doubt that they’re done yet.”

“We’ll talk at some point, detective,” Ben stated, surprising her further. “I have a lot to talk about and a lot to tell you. But I would be grateful if you could help me protect my family and their loved ones first. It’s not a trade, it’s just a plea.”

This was making her feel uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to this Ben, and seeing him this way made what was happening so much worse.


That was what it was. She looked ahead at the grainy white wall and the small abstract painting in the center of it. That was what her life felt like. Like an abstract. Neither here nor there. Not really making sense. Anything could happen from here onwards.

“Okay.” Detective Fray nodded. “I’ll have it on record that you made arrangements to speak to me.”

“Thank you,” Ben said and glanced over at Regina. “Are we free to go now? My son needs me.”

Ben had indeed arranged a new lawyer for Wade, but he was still helping out in the investigation.

“You’re free.”

They both got up. Regina would have liked to speak to Detective Fray some more but thought she needed to talk to Ben.

When they got outside, she waited until they were a few paces away from the office before she spoke. They stopped by the turning for the next corridor.

“Ben, what was that in there?” She kept her voice low.

“I told you, I’m going to confess; I will do it when the time is right. Right now Wade needs me outside bars,” he replied.

“But I know stuff.” Yes, she wanted no part of it, but it felt wrong that she knew what had happened and said nothing.

“No. You don’t know anything.” He shook his head. “From here I will share nothing more with you, you’ll find out just like everyone else if Aaron chooses to release that information.”

“What more does he have?”


It was the way he said it that got to her. It made her wonder what else he did. “Why are you trying to protect me?” She really wanted to know why.

Ben, however, turned away from her, signaling the end of their conversation. He was about to proceed down the corridor but stopped when he saw Taylor coming towards them.

Dressed in a simple green summer dress with her hair down, hanging in loose waves, she looked stunning. Regina smiled at the sight of her. Ben looked immediately uncomfortable.

Taylor looked from her to him.

“Hi,” she said with a cautious expression.

“Are you okay?” Regina went up to her and gave her a hug. It just dawned on her that they were in a police station. Something could have brought Taylor here.

“I’m fine. I was looking for Dad.” She looked at Ben.

“You wanted to see me?” Ben looked like hearing that meant a lot to him.

“If you have time,” Taylor told him.

“Always.” Ben offered a kind smile.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Mom,” Taylor told her and, with that, went off with Ben.

Taylor never ceased to amaze her. It was great that her heart was so accommodating, but Regina knew that it would disappoint and hurt her to no end when she found out all that Ben had done.

* * *


* * *

They walked out to the coffee house near the station and sat outside, around one of the little wooden tables. An arch made of ivy and honeysuckle covered them. It smelled glorious and was just the thing Taylor would have taken the time to appreciate on a better day.

“Thanks for taking time to see me.” Taylor thought she should thank him because she knew how busy he was.

“Don’t be silly,” her father said, shaking his head. He then looked over at her and rested his hands on the table before them. They’d ordered two cups of coffee but neither had taken a sip. The two cups sat side by side, getting cold as the breeze wafted over them.

“Dad,” she began. He looked up and it was the first time she noticed the redness in his normally lively, gray eyes. “I wanted to see you because our last meeting wasn’t exactly great.”

She was in the hospital, very upset with him. She was disappointed because she’d caught him in the act with his secretary, and she was bitter and scared about what had happened to her.

She was still disappointed in him. And it didn’t help that he’d been all over the news in the last two days with scandals of his previous dirty dealings, but he was still her father. The same blood may not run through their veins, but he was her father.

“It was entirely my fault. Everything that’s happening is all my fault.” He bit the inside of his lips and focused on her.

She didn’t know what to say to that because it was true. She couldn’t tell him that it wasn’t his fault, and there was nothing she could say to soften the blame, either. Everything that was happening was horrendous.

However, that wasn’t why she was here. She didn’t want to cast blame. They were all in this and they all had to deal with it.

“We’ll figure it out.” That probably sounded more positive than she felt.

I’ll figure it out,” he said with emphasis, then fixed his gaze on her. “How’ve you been?”

“I’m okay.”

“Good, and how are you with Brian?” There was a softness in his eyes that showed his sincerity.

“I’m okay with him.” There was so much she wanted to ask him but didn’t know if she could. More importantly, she wanted him to know that she still loved him. “Dad, I don’t want you to think that I’ve replaced you.”

“Brian’s a good man, a better man than me.”

That was true, too. Thinking it was harsh, cruel even, but the truth of it outdid that.

“You raised me and did everything for me,” Taylor told him. “And, I love you.”

He held her gaze. That was the very best thing she could say. Despite everything that had happened, she loved him.

He brought his hand up to the side of his face and ran his fingers over his cheek and stubbly chin. “I love you, too, Taylor, and I always will. I know, though, that your feelings will change towards me when you find out all that I’ve done.”

“Maybe… But not the love.”

She knew her father had to be truly despicable to have received a head in a box. That said everything and more. She got the feeling that he’d done terrible things in the past, really terrible things. The thought killed all the respect she had for him, but the love was still there. The familial bond they shared.

“You’re an angel, you know that?”

“No, I just try to be good.”

He smiled at her briefly, then the serious expression returned to his face.

“What’s happening now with Wade and the investigation?” she asked.

“Not a lot. I’m requesting an extensive investigation on the crime scene, but since Wade looks so guilty and I’ve basically lost my stripes, it’s difficult to get approval. We need something more than our words to get it authorized.”

“So we’re still sitting ducks?”

“We’ll do our best.”

“Is there anything I can do?” So far she hadn’t done anything to help and she really wanted to. Taylor just wasn’t sure what to do.

“You can keep safe. That is the best thing that you can do.” His eyes filled with concern. “I almost lost you, Taylor. I can’t live through that again.”

His words touched her heart, and she was reminded of how much love surrounded her.

“Okay. I’ll do that. But if you can think of anything you think I can do, please let me know.”

“Sure.” He reached out and smoothed his hands over hers. “Taylor, I’m really sorry for all that’s happening. I really am.”

She offered a curt nod, just to show compassion. That was all she could offer him because she knew that there was so much more that she didn’t know about. She was far from okay with the uncomfortable feeling that settled in her stomach as she looked at him.

He was her father, a man she’d grown up with and looked up to. Her brain wouldn’t allow the possibility of him doing terrible things to people. But she needed to accept it as a fact. That way she wouldn’t be as devastated as she feared she would be when she found out the truth.

* * *

Finally, a moment of hope. Real hope. She’d been sitting with Chloe and Wes on the terrace, listening to their idea to save Wade.

Well, actually it was Wes’ idea. Taylor couldn’t have been more grateful to him for his attempts.

They’d come in ten minutes ago and started talking excitedly in one babble, but what she got was that Wes believed the camera on Wade’s bike might be of use to them.

“I didn’t know bikes had anything like that,” she commented.

“Yes.” Chloe nodded quickly and smiled. It was a real smile, unlike the labored ones she’d seen recently. “A motorcycle as good as Wade’s comes with a built-in camera that tracks where it is and its surroundings.”

“We’re hoping that it recorded something from the night of the murder. Something from outside the house,” Wes jumped in. “That’s where all the action took place.”

Taylor smiled at him and focused on his eyes. She liked the way he looked at her, and for all she cared they could have been the only people left on earth. Not that she wasn’t excited to have Chloe around. Her being back at the beach house was good for everyone’s blood pressure, especially Taylor’s, because she couldn’t help but worry about her friend in Wade’s house all by herself.

Correction: it was Chloe’s house as well.

Right now, though, it was difficult to focus on what they were both saying and not be excited that Wes was here.

It was because they were telling her something good. That allowed her to distract herself for a moment or two by how handsome he was.

“So it depends on what’s on the tape?”

“Yes.” Wes nodded.

“What if it was affected like the other cameras on the road?” That could happen.

“No, this wouldn’t have been linked to the same system. It’s literally an internal recording system with its own mind.”

“We can get the bike tomorrow,” Chloe added.

They had to file an application for it because it was taken away from Merissa’s house as part of the evidence. Chloe said that Detective Fray had sped up the application because the bike wasn’t actually needed as evidence. Since Chloe lived with Wade, she claimed it back as part of her own possessions that they shared.

It was an ingenious idea.

“I hope it works.” Now she was thinking about Wade and what this could mean for him if Wes found what he was looking for.

“He could come home.” Chloe beamed with excitement.

“Girls, I don’t want to be the wet blanket, but this is all wishful thinking,” Wes said, bringing his hands together. “I’m hoping it works.” He looked at Chloe who nodded with understanding.

“I know, it’s a big if. But I’m going to hope that it’s our ticket. My ticket.” Chloe looked desperate to believe in something.

Taylor understood the need because it was hers, too. She desperately wanted Wade’s name cleared and for him to come home. The media reports were getting worse and, now that her father was in the spotlight, all kinds of crazy was being posted. Just since she’d left him and come home another finding had emerged. She came in to a news headline stating, Benjamin Vanderville committed years of fraud to get his position as state’s attorney.

Taylor’s heart shied away when she saw that, and she knew there was more to come. No one told her, she just knew. And she knew it was all going to be bad things.

“My ticket, too,” Taylor agreed with Chloe. Her support elicited a smile from her friend.

Chloe came to Taylor’s side and sat next to her, resting her head on her shoulder.

“I’ll do my best.” Wes smiled.

He was the person they needed. The person who could think outside the box of what was already available to them. She just hoped that this would work.

Chloe lifted her head. “Should I make dinner? Kelly will be home soon.”

Taylor looked at Wes, she wanted to spend time with him. He’d been coming by every day to see her. They never made that cinema trip, but she definitely enjoyed the little time they spent together walking on the beach, eating and talking about anything besides what was going on. She liked the kissing, too. He had the softest lips she’d ever felt and she loved the way he touched her.

“I think I’ll pass,” Wes replied.

Disappointment pinched her heart at the thought of him leaving.

But then he said, “I have something to show Taylor.”

She couldn’t help the smile that lifted her face. “Really?”

He nodded.

“You guys go and have fun.” Chloe looked at them both and her face brightened. Taylor was so different to when she was with Richard.

She knew she wasn’t with Wes, exactly. Although it felt like they were official when she was with him, she supposed they weren’t really. They were at that phase of a relationship where you’d keep seeing each other until exclusivity was discussed. She was there in her mind. Definitely. He was the most perfect man she’d ever been with.

Everything about him was perfect and she wanted him to feel the same way she felt too. Maybe for him that would come with time.

“Thanks,” Wes said and Chloe left them.

Wes stood up and reached his hand out to take Taylor’s. She took it gladly and rose to meet his awaiting lips.

He kissed her softly, sending energy throughout her body. Making her feel as if she were walking on air. She pressed her hands onto the firm muscle of his chest and found herself wondering what the skin would look like there without the cotton t-shirt.

It wasn’t a superhero one today. It was just a casual long-sleeved t-shirt that made his abs look good. That was the first thing she noticed when he walked in earlier.

“Do you want to come to my house?” he asked against her lips.

“Yes.” She smiled into more kisses.

He pulled away with a truly sexy smile and took her hand to lead her away.

A half an hour later she was transported to Wes’ magical world of wonder. They stood in his very large basement. Today it was the exact replica of Matira Beach in Bora Bora. She stood by what looked like the seashore on a perfect day with the bright sun beaming down on them, although evening was approaching. Taylor imagined the gentle swish of the sea at her fingertips, even though they were a few miles away from the beach.

“You like it?” Wes asked in that nervous way that made him look even more attractive.

She whirled around and gazed at him, allowing the ends of her hair to brush against the edges of her elbows.

“I love it. How is…” She giggled, thinking of what she was going to say. This sort of thing was what he was used to, but for her, she’d always be memorized. “How are you doing this, Wes? I know I’m in L.A. and I’m not on the beach, and it will be dark in a few hours, but this is Bora Bora. My favorite place on earth.”

Butterflies filled her stomach as she watched the corners of his sensual mouth turn up into an easy smile.

“That’s why I did it. You seen Star Trek?”

She almost jumped for joy. She actually had seen a few episodes of the series. “The holodeck,” she answered, and he looked impressed.

“The holodeck, indeed.”

“You have a real holodeck?” She widened her eyes at him. From what she saw on the show, that thing was amazing. It could project a hologram of anything, anywhere, and place you inside the simulation. This felt like that. If Wes had the technology to do something like that, then that would be phenomenal and she’d be expecting something like a Nobel prize.

“Not exactly, it’s not nearly as sophisticated or futuristic. But it’s good, right?”

“Wes, right now, I’m totally convinced that we’re in Bora Bora. Has Chloe ever seen this? I can’t believe she wouldn’t mention it, this is so cool.” She beamed, grinning with excitement.

He’d been standing by a large rock formation and leaning against the tallest part of it. She watched as he moved away from it and smiled up at him as he came closer.

“She doesn’t know about this.” Wes looked directly into her eyes. “I’ve been toying with the idea for awhile, and then I thought about how much you love Bora Bora, so that kicked me in gear to finish it. This is the only simulation it does at the moment. I did this for you.”

No one had ever done anything like this for her before. Not even close. She could easily put it down to never being with anyone who was this super intelligent, but that wasn’t what this was about.

What touched her was that he listened to her, knew how much she loved the place, and did something that he knew would have meaning for her. That was the sentiment that she valued.

Taylor was taken with everything Wes did. Everything. He’d presented himself at a time in her life when she needed to be saved. Saved from fear, saved from disappointment, saved from a broken heart. In fact, on that, her heart only started to beat again when she realized how comfortable she was with him. She liked being in his world and in his mind. And…she supposed there was also one important thing that was becoming very evident, and that was the swift development of her feelings for him.

Just now her feelings went through the roof. “You did this for me?”

“Yeah, and look, the cologne brought you back to me.” He chuckled. “I’ve been buying it in multipacks.”

She smiled, wanting to laugh, but found it more important to let him know that something more powerful than his highly valued cologne brought her here and would keep her coming back. “It’s you, Wes. Just you. I’ll come here, or wherever you are, just to see you.”

She didn’t think her words would have any effect on him but they did. Something flickered in his eyes and she could tell that hearing that come from her meant a lot to him.

Taylor should be worried that her feelings for him were developing way too fast, and that she never felt like she could trust anyone again. Richard had hurt her deeply, and the pain from that whole saga was still there. She should be worried that she wasn’t more distraught about that and basically avoiding men altogether.

But this was Wes, the most perfect guy she’d known all her life. She knew him, and that was perhaps reason enough to trust that he would never be a jerk. Wes would never be another Richard. This man wasn’t made that way. Made to deceive and manipulate. He was the real deal.

Suddenly the sun started going down and the room darkened. Moonlight then took over, turning everything everywhere silver. She talked to him about how she enjoyed walking on Matira Beach in the moonlight. She’d gone into details about how everything looked.

Before her were those details. He’d tried to capture them, all of them. Like how the water sparkled against the moonlight and each sparkle looked similar to the glint of a diamond. He made the palm trees look like jagged shadows, black against the silver backdrop. The sky was inky black and the moon hung like a picture against it.

Again she spun around, looking everywhere, absorbing the magical feeling that filled her soul.

“Wes.” Excitement rippled through her and she took hold of his hand, but he didn’t move.

He held onto her hand, compelling her to look at him.

“What is it? You’re giving me that look again,” she pointed out. It was the look he had where she couldn’t tell what he was thinking, as though he was trying to work out if she was real or not.

“It’s you. You in the moonlight,” he replied. His voice respectfully low and appreciative.

“How do I look?” She kept her voice low, too, watching the subtle silver tone turn his eyes the same color.

“Taylor,” he began on the edge of a breath. ”Not even the angels could rival your beauty.”

She looked at him, trying to catch herself before her heart could take another step and jump into the chasm of risk people took when they took a chance on love.

But it was too late. In that moment, as she looked at him and his words melted her heart, she fell for him.

She was ready for him even before he moved forward to kiss her. Her whole being was.

Her soul welcomed the swish of his tongue into her mouth and she indulged on the taste of him. Wes tasted like something rare, something new and exciting.

She pressed her hands onto the solid wall of his chest and a soft moan escaped her lips as their kiss really got going. Desire pooled between her thighs and pulled down heavily on her groin.

Her body molded to his when he pulled her closer and gripped at the side of her dress, making both straps fall down her shoulders. She wore a strapless bra, one of her favorites, made of sheer material that was almost see-through. The matching thong was the same.

He stopped when he ran his hands down her waist and brushed the top of her thighs. “We should stop,” he managed through a labored breath.

Her own breathing was short and choppy from the sexual heat of their kiss. “Why?” She looked at him with confusion.

“I don’t want you to think that I brought you here just to…” He had that attractive embarrassment again. “Sleep with me.”

“I didn’t think that. But what if I wanted to?”

She couldn’t see his skin quite clearly in this light, but his expression was the face he made when he was blushing. He released her and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You just got out of the hospital.”

She stood right on the tips of her toes and brushed her lips against his chin. That was as far as she could reach. “I’m fine. And that was weeks ago.”

He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers, teasing her with the kiss and driving her insane with the need for more. “What if I hurt you?”

She gripped onto his shirt and pulled him down, this time for a soul-satisfying kiss. Taylor kept him there, determined to show him how much she wanted him.

“You’ll hurt me more by leaving me like this. Without you,” she said against his lips. She liked the look he gave her. She’d never seen it before. It was a purely sexual look that oozed charm and weakened her further.

He cupped her chin and smiled. “Do you want to see what the bedroom looks like?”

“I’m dying to.”

He brought her lips to his again in one swift motion, and his touch was one that she felt all over. He lifted her up and carried her up the stairs, his lips never leaving hers.

They made it to the bedroom and she caught sight of its glory. The entire ceiling was made of glass. It was a pretty sight, with the auburn colors of sunset bouncing off of it. It felt strange that they’d just left the darkness of the simulated night in the basement and entered sunset in the real world.

That was as much as her mind could register. It slipped away through his touches. Slipped into somewhere she couldn’t concern herself with right now. All Taylor knew was the intense want and desire she felt for him.

He set her down on the grand, king-sized bed that was placed in the center of the room and peeled her dress off her. All that remained was the sheerness of her lingerie that was barely there due to its tone.

He moved onto her and placed a trail of kisses over her neck before he removed her bra, releasing the heftiness of her breasts.

He stopped to look at her, the intensity of his gaze and the desire in his eyes tightening her nipples, but he soothed her when he lowered to suck her breasts.

“God you’re beautiful,” he moaned, moving from one breast to the other.

She arched her back into him, getting lost in the ripples of electricity that sparked across her skin as he sucked her. Suddenly, everything turned hotter, more intense with that throbbing need and urgency.

Taylor wanted to enjoy him, too, but she didn’t think she could move. At the very least she managed to lift the t-shirt over his head in the space of seconds between him moving from her breasts to kiss down her stomach.

She caught a glimpse of the deep definition of the muscles running along his abs. It made her want to drool just from the few seconds she’d witnessed.

Taylor wrapped her leg over him when he lay back next to her and got lost in the kisses he placed all over her body.

She could feel the bulge of his arousal pressed against the top of her inner thigh. Instinctively she reached down and cupped him through the soft denim of his jeans. A deep moan sounded from his chest and she felt weak from the feel of his thick, hard shaft against the palm of her hand.

“No more, princess, I need you now,” he said in a deep husky voice. “You ready?”

“I’m ready.” She smiled, feeling more than ready. She longed for him, and she wanted him so badly she ached.

He stepped back and undid his jeans. She watched, fascinated, as she looked at him and ran her gaze over his athletic body. He was just pure muscle. Right from his shoulders and down to his legs. Mile-wide chest with chiseled abs, perfect hips, and strong legs. The perfect specimen of a man was standing before her looking like a walking advert for Runway or Vogue.

He reached into the nightstand by the bed and brought out a condom.

“Just so you know, I’m on birth control, so the choice is entirely yours,” she cooed.

His face lit up as he looked down on her. “Is that so?”

“Yes.” She gave him a sexy smile that widened when he dropped the condom packet.

He slipped his boxers down his legs and her eyes were drawn to his impressive erection. Taylor’s breath stilled within the cavity of her chest and constricted further when he slid the thong down her legs and parted them. He bent down to kiss the inside of her thighs, sending spirals of ecstasy through her, and she couldn’t help but wince when he ran his fingers lightly over where she craved him the most. He kissed there, too, tasting her, and then the slenderness of his fingers were replaced by the thick head of this shaft.

Taylor gasped for air as he slid into her, huge and thick. A groan ripped from his chest as he started pumping slowly, pushing deeper into her. The connection was unreal, and the passion that surged through her spread heat all over her body. The flames of it licked at her skin as he gripped onto her waist and pounded into her, taking her to the next level of bliss.

The first wave of orgasm slammed into her and made her feel like she’d pass out. She called out his name and reached out against the silkiness of the sheets.

He leaned down onto her and took hold of her hand while he continued to grip onto her waist.

Their eyes met and she gazed deeply into his, absorbing the way he looked as he drove into her. That brought on the next wave of orgasm and she didn’t think she could handle another. He moved even faster and they both cried out from the intense surge of passion and raw, primal emotion that rushed over them. She was still getting over the elation she felt when he came, moving faster, still, as he did.

Then they calmed, trying to catch their breath. She was sweating and so was he. His hair was wet with it.

He leaned forward and kissed her, running his hands over her breasts.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I feel amazing, Wes.” She breathed against more kisses.

He pulled in a breath and smiled. “I don’t think I can allow you to leave me tonight.”

“That works fine.” She giggled, running her hands through his hair. “I wasn’t planning on leaving.”

“Good.” The sexy smile he gave her said everything and she looked forward to the night they were going to have.

She planned to indulge on him as much as possible. It was about time she had some fun. He was something she owed to herself.




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