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A Whole Lotta Love by Sahara Kelly, S.L. Carpenter (19)

Chapter Ten


Lissa grinned as she walked away from Steve, noting his hesitant peek into the lesbian room. He probably couldn’t get into much trouble in there. He had the wrong equipment. But he might enjoy himself, and that was pretty much what they were here for. To enjoy themselves in a uniquely free sexual environment.

She paused at the next doorway and looked inside. Aha. The Toy Room.

Several bookshelves were covered with an assortment of sexual toys, everything from the simplest of vibrators to the most complex of electronics. There were even some uniquely beautiful glass dildos, shining in their nooks and presented like Old Masters in a very exclusive museum.

A low hum sounded beneath the soft beat of some rock music, and Lissa saw a variety of people doing a variety of things with a variety of toys. Not all were women, there were men sporting cock rings, couples sharing what looked like rather intricate pieces of modern art and even the soft static crackle of what Lissa knew was called a Violet Wand.

Her eyes widened as a lightning-quick flash of light sparked from a bare breast. The woman lay supine on a table covered with black drapery, and above her loomed a man holding a longish tool with a point on one end. A cord spiraled from the other end of the device, and he smiled as he brushed the point over the woman’s flesh.

She moaned and writhed as little sparks danced over her nipples and down her belly.

Lissa wrinkled her nose. No, thanks. She’d pass on the Toy Room. Her experiences with her own toy were too recent and a little too embarrassing to relive in front of a bunch of strangers.

She walked on towards the end of the corridor and the archway that led from it. The sound level was rising, a thudding of rhythms that seemed to echo the pulse of sexuality throbbing through the house.

And throbbing through Lissa’s body. Being nearly naked, walking barefoot around a strange house and confronted with uninhibited nudity in all its glory, well…it was unique. A sexual festival, celebrating the most basic instinct of humanity. Only here, the goal wasn’t to reproduce, it was to have a damn good time.

Goddamn it. We live in one fucking narrow-minded society.

Thoughts of global strictures disappeared from Lissa’s head as she rounded the corner and passed beneath the arch into…into what?

Holy fucking shit. It’s the Garden of Eden.

With a definite twist.

Lissa had found her way into what some might call a sunroom, others a greenhouse. She knew it was probably called a conservatory in this kind of classy setup. Massive windows soared from floor to ceiling, dark now, and twinkling with droplets of condensation.

At one end, a huge bubbling stone tub wafted steam into the heated air, and it overflowed into a small swimming pool. All around it, and filling a good portion of the rest of the room were plants…green, lush vines and palm fronds, interspersed with pots of brightly colored something-or-others.

The floor was warm amazingly enough, finished with Spanish-looking tile, and as Lissa entered there was a shriek of glee from a man standing on the small diving board.

He bounced and executed a perfect dive. And he was buck-naked. If she’d been scoring him, she’d have given him a nine point five for the dive and at least a ten for his body.

Her jaw slowly dropped as she looked around. The room was overflowing with an assortment of the most beautiful naked men she’d ever seen. Muscles gleamed, cocks bobbed, asses clenched and relaxed—it was poetry, visual poetry, and it took Lissa’s breath away.

Holy shit.” She whispered the words aloud.

“Lovely, isn’t it?” A firm arm slipped around her waist, and she turned to see a man smiling down at her.

“Uhh…” Lissa blushed. “I didn’t mean to stare…”

“No, darling, go ahead. Stare away. We like our efforts to be appreciated. By anybody.” He grinned happily.

“Your efforts?”

He nodded. “Yep. Most of us belong to the same health club. We work out.”

Lissa’s eyes wandered over the naked bodies. “I’ll say.”

His laugh was infectious. “Couldn’t tell, could you?” He hugged her. “We always ask Jennifer if we can have this room. We love these parties. So…free. We can just be us, you know?”

“Yeah.” She blinked. “I know what you mean.”

“I’m Randy, by the way.”

Lissa couldn’t help glancing down at his swollen and very healthy-looking cock. “No kidding.”

He laughed again. “You’re a hoot. I like you.” He urged her further into the room. “Come play with us.”

“But…I’m…I mean…you’re…” Lissa’s words stuttered to a shocked standstill.

Randy smiled. “Oh, we won’t fuck you. That’s not our choice. But it doesn’t mean we don’t like you. Or women in general. We like ‘em. Even love a few of ‘em. In the purest sense though.” He tugged her after him. “Come on. I’ll show you.”


What the hell could he show her that she hadn’t already seen? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this was the gay room, or garden, or whatever. That these beautifully honed bodies were going to be pleasuring each other.

As they moved through the foliage and past a table loaded with fruits, Lissa bit back a chuckle. This whole place was loaded with fruits.

“I know. Cute touch, isn’t it?” Randy had noticed her amusement.

“It is. You know, I can’t get over how…open you are with this.” She nodded around her. “Like the lesbian room, too. It’s all—sort of in your face type stuff.”

“You were expecting dark and shadowy rooms full of groping, gasping heteros?” Randy’s eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“Yes. No. Maybe.” She sighed. “I really didn’t know what to expect.”

There was another round of applause as another diver demonstrated his skills, but not quite so effectively, since he managed to splash several of his audience members—and their members. There was laughter, booing, lots of extraordinarily dirty comments about the reason for the splash and Lissa grinned.

A frat party. A gay frat party. The fraternity that only accepted gorgeous, cover-model look-alikes. Man, this was some kind of fantasy heaven. Sadly, it was a look-but-don’t-touch heaven. Well, hell. Nothing was perfect. Not even this particular heaven.

“Darlings, look who I’ve found. A playmate.” Randy stopped at a chaise lounge, where two men lolled and sipped things with umbrellas in them.

They both smiled, dazzling Lissa for an instant. Sheesh. Even their goddamned teeth were perfect.

She smiled back. “Hi. I’m Lissa.” And I’m so not going to drop my eyes below your necks.

“This is Stan, and this is Roger.” Randy waved his hand over appropriate heads. “Stan can bench press more than the rest of us. It’s his only claim to fame.”

Stan’s golden hair shook as he chuckled. “That’s not what you said earlier, Randy darling.” He sighed dramatically and clutched a hand to his heart. “How quickly they forget.”

Roger stood and reached over to the table. Lissa forgot her promise to herself, and looked. Oh, my. Another really, really nice cock jutted out from smooth skin, balls swinging contentedly beneath. “Here, sweetie. Try this. I just whipped up a batch in the blender.”

Lissa dragged her gaze off his crotch and studied the glass. “Umm…”

“It’s okay. Nonalcoholic. Mostly fruits.” Roger encouraged her. “There is wine available, but we have a sort of unwritten rule. Alcohol and pools aren’t really a good mix, so most of us stick with the healthy stuff.” He raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow as his eyes twinkled at her. “And the fun stuff.”

She couldn’t help it. She laughed back. These guys were…flat-out adorable. One sip of the drink and she hummed her delight. “Oh, shit, Roger—this is fabulous.”

“Sit, darling.” Randy squeezed her onto the chaise between himself and Stan. “Enjoy. Look around. Ask questions. We love to share. We love to have fun. Why keep it to ourselves?”

“Okay. Yes.” Lissa drank some more. And couldn’t think of a single thing to ask, or even to say. She was sitting between two gorgeous naked men, with a third standing too close for comfort. And his crotch was shaved bare, too.

Roger smirked. “I know what you want to ask.”

“You do?”

“Yep.” He winked at Randy.

Randy winked back. “And I bet I know why.” He leaned over and quickly whisked up the front of Lissa’s robe, dropping it back down almost immediately, and giving a hugely theatrical shudder. “Oh, God, darlings. Foliage.”

Lissa blinked. “Huh?”

“Hair. Pubes. Bush.” Randy fanned himself. “That god-awful stuff that gets stuck between one’s teeth at totally the wrong moment.”

Okay. This was real high on the weird scale. “Um.” Lissa sought refuge by finishing her drink. She sucked in a breath. “Well, seeing as you brought it up, yeah.”

“We depilate, sweetie. We happen to like it, the feel of it. I even had a Brazilian wax job once, or whatever you want to call it. A bit icky, and it smarts something fierce, but the results? Aaaahhh.”

Stan ran a hand over his baby-smooth groin. “Honestly, Lissa. It works real well. You should try it.”

Lissa shook her head. If anybody’d told her she’d be sitting with three naked men and discussing bikini waxing, she’d never ever have believed it. “Maybe I will sometime.”

Stan’s hand strayed to Roger’s silky bare crotch. “See? No nubbies.”

“Well, I should hope not. The day this is referred to as a nubbie, I shall end it all.” Roger’s hand covered Stan’s and moved it to his cock.

The air around the group changed from lighthearted to erotic in an instant. Lissa felt a little shiver of excitement run through Randy, and it transferred itself to her. Watching those two strong hands caressing that beautiful cock…well, it was arousing. So sue me.

Randy moved closer. “Let’s play.” He looked into Lissa’s eyes. “Together.”


“Toys, my dears. Where’s our toys?”

Lissa found herself tugged into an alcove, surrounded by greenery. There was a high bench in it, covered with several puffy cushions, and to one side a shelf with an assortment of things on it, amongst which Lissa recognized condoms.

“Um, guys? I don’t…how…what…” Lissa was confused. Stan and Randy were sheathing their cocks, stroking themselves, and Roger was rearranging the pillows.

“We’re gonna ‘rodger’ Roger.” Stan grinned. “And you’re going to help.”

“Here.” Randy passed her a hand.

“Yikes.” She jumped and nearly dropped it.

“Careful. That’s expensive.” Randy curled her fingers around it. “Ever seen one of these before?”

Lissa shook her head. It was a very lifelike hand, made of some fleshy plastic stuff. Protruding from the palm was a short vibratory-looking pointy thing.

“It’s a butt plug. The latest model.” He turned it over in his hand. “See? This gets inserted…” He pointed to the vibrator. “And you turn it on here.” He pressed the little fingertip.

The whole thing started thrumming, and the fingers moved slightly in Lissa’s grasp. “Oh. My. God.” She stared at it, fascinated.

“Now.” Stan helped Roger as he leaned over the bench, resting his torso on the cushions. “The three of us are going to have a wonderful time for ourselves. And you, darling…”

Lissa looked at them. Oh, shit. No way in hell was she gonna ram this up her ass.

Randy giggled. “Your face. It’s a picture. Wish you could see your expression right now.”

Lissa choked.

“No, sweetie. It’s not for you. It’s for me.” Randy took it from her and spread a generous amount of lubricant on it from a tube he’d grabbed off the shelf. When it was covered to his satisfaction, he passed the tube to Stan.

“You’ll be the cream cheese on top of us bagels. The butter that decorates the crumpets. The frosting—if I may be pardoned the analogy—on us cupcakes.”

“And soon, please…” The whisper came from Roger. He was bent over the bench, with Stan applying lubricant to his ass. “Oh, God, that’s good.” He writhed and closed his eyes, muscles sliding beneath his shining skin.

“Yes, hurry up, Randy.” Stan moved closer, spreading lubricant on his sheathed cock. “I’m getting hot for this love hole.”

Randy laughed. “Darling, any hole is a love hole for you.” He turned to Lissa. “Stand behind me, sweetie. I’ll show you what to do.”

Lissa swallowed. She was committed. She was here to explore sexuality, and she liked these guys. They certainly weren’t going to rape her, or even fuck her, so what did she have to lose?
