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Downtime: A Titan World Novella by Karyn Lawrence (5)


Lexi put on her rings, and the tightness Parker hadn’t noticed before in his chest, eased. Her dress was put back into place and she disappeared into the bathroom. He combed a hand through his hair and sifted through his thoughts. Fucking hell. He’d wanted to go slow with her, but damn, she twisted him beyond control in all the right ways.

Not that he was complaining. The sex had been out of this world.

It was early. He still had plenty of time to execute the plans he’d laid out. Parker had gotten satisfaction, but he wasn’t . . . satisfied. Not until he’d kissed the length of her naked body and had her writhing beneath him. One orgasm, no matter how good it was, wasn’t enough. She deserved a helluva lot more.

“You were amazing tonight,” he said when she emerged from the bathroom. Shit, he needed to clarify, because she was always amazing. “Downstairs in the bar.”

“Oh.” A smile curled on her lips, and she seemed bashful. “I didn’t really do anything, other than pour my drink all over a stranger.”

“Don’t do that.”


“Sell yourself short. Your fast thinking is going to save my ass tomorrow.”

“I’m glad it worked out.” She sat down on the bed and pressed her shoulder against his. “I was nervous.”

He had been too, but didn’t want to let on. “We’ll be fine. Hard part’s over.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Are you kidding? You’ve got to get inside the room, find the right server rack, install the code, and then get out. All without being seen . . . and, oh yeah, inside a ten-minute window.”

“Piece of cake.”

She stared at him.

Parker leaned back on his hands. “I’d be lying if I said I’m not excited. On-site hacks are a rush.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

Before her Monarch program had burst onto the scene and forced her out in the open, SilverChaos had been a shadow. She’d lent BlackDawn a helping hand when he asked for it, but for years their identities were secret, even from each other.

“I like it better,” she said, “when you’re in your lair, safely behind a bank of monitors.”

“I like that, too. Especially when you’re there beside me.” He swept the curtain of her hair back, tucking it over a shoulder so she could turn and look at him. “But tomorrow won’t be a big deal. I’ll get in and get out. All the security’s electronic at the data center, not physical.” Meaning if he got caught, they’d come after him with handcuffs, not a gun.

It didn’t appear to put his wife at ease, though. Time to change the subject.

He got off the bed and grabbed the leather-bound book off the desk, which was sure to have the room service menu inside. “Let’s order dinner.”

They ate steaks and drank beer on Titan’s dime, and for the first time since their honeymoon, it felt like it was just them. Some real downtime for the new Mr. and Mrs. Black. No satellites to reposition. No mobile devices to hack and exploit. Just his gorgeous as hell wife and a king-sized bed. He’d soak it up for as long as he could. Tomorrow morning he’d get his head back in game mode.

The tray of dishes was set out in the hall, and Parker turned his focus onto her. She sat on the edge of the bed, looking like sin, and he was ready to be wicked. He stalked toward her, feeling a powerful urge to seduce. “Time to make good on my promise.”

He pulled her to her feet, and gently turned her in his arms until Lexi faced the mattress. She leaned back against his chest, molding her body to his. He dipped his head and dragged his lips along the curve of her neck. She was all soft and warm, and smelled amazing. The combination of her shampoo and her lemony lotion . . . it was every day and simple, but it drove him wild.

Because it was the scent of his woman.

The delicate zipper pull on the back of her dress looked even smaller in his large hand. He dropped it tooth by tooth, enjoying every new inch of bare skin it revealed. Christ. Just her nude back was sexy. He was a guy, and enjoyed all the highlights women’s bodies had to offer. Their legs. Their rack. Their ass. Those were all excellent, but he needed to branch out and appreciate more. The valley of her spine and narrow waist needed to be bumped up on his list of sexiest places on her body.

He grinned to himself. It was already a long fucking list.

The zipper reached the base, and he pushed the sides open. The dress slipped off her shoulders and spilled into a puddle at her feet. Seeing her nude stole his breath. It was always like the first time.

The dress was gone, and he was eager to fulfill his promise. Parker grasped her by the arms, holding her still and started his mouth at her shoulder, dropping kisses backward over her shoulder blade. She shuddered as he moved lower. Down he went, onto his knees and dragging his tongue along the ridged line in the center of her back.

“Oh my God,” she uttered. The room was silent other than her hurried breathing.

He coursed his palms down her arms and gripped her hips. She flinched and let out a soft noise of surprise when his mouth traveled a path over the globe of her ass, moving on down to the back of her thigh. All the way, until he could swirl his tongue in the hollow behind her knee.

She sighed almost inaudibly.

His stubble grated over her when he shifted to her other leg and began to move his mouth upward. Goosebumps pebbled on her skin, and he left a trail of damp kisses in his wake. His hands joined in on the fun. He massaged and caressed where his mouth had yet to go.

By the time his lips had reached her other shoulder, Lexi was trembling. Not cold, or nervous, but shaking with anticipation.

“Turn around,” he whispered at the shell of her ear. “I’m nothing, if not thorough.”

Her eyelids were heavy with desire, and color warmed across her cheekbones. Parker gently pushed her down, and she fell back on the bed, her blonde hair a splash of golden silk against the white sheets. She was so beautiful, it hurt. He’d gone slow just now, but seeing her spread out beneath him broke his restraint. He launched forward, trapping her under him, and kissed her like he meant serious business. This time as his mouth scoured her body, he wasn’t sweet or seductive. He was desperate and needy, racing from one spot to another, unable to get enough.

She crawled backward on the bed, not so subtly urging him toward his intended target, and a chuckle rumbled from him. “Don’t worry, I’ll get there.”

He kissed her breasts, her ribs, and her quivering belly, then settled in between her legs, hooking his hands beneath her thighs. It allowed him to hold her open to his kisses, and he teased them both for a few more seconds, letting his tongue trace patterns on the spot her leg met her body.

“Parker,” she whined.

His name, in her desperate voice? It was music.

Lexi jerked as his tongue gave her one long stroke, and it sounded as if he’d punched the air clean from her lungs. So, he did it again. And again. Fingertips were in his hair, tugging and pulling. Her nails scratched at his scalp, but he wasn’t about to be deterred.

He swirled his tongue over her clit. He grazed her with his teeth. In seconds, she was writhing beneath his mouth. Her hips undulated with his fluttering tongue. She was so wet and lush, he got a contact high bringing her pleasure. His cock swelled and solidified from her soft cries, until he was hard as steel and aching for her.

But it wasn’t time just yet. His wife could go all night, and so could he, as long as he paced himself. Besides, making her come was almost more fun than getting off himself. His lips closed around her clit, and he sucked at the nub until she groaned. It sounded urgent and desperate.

One finger was pressed inside her, where she was drenched in arousal, and she clamped down her inner muscles, squeezing. Parker clenched his teeth so hard, his jaw threatened to crack. The scene playing before him was scorching.

Fuck,” he whispered, drawing out the word and sliding a second finger in to join the first.

“Oh,” she gasped, heavy with appreciation. Then, there was a huge gulp of air from her when he began fucking her with his mouth and his two fingers. In and out of her slickness. Faster. Deeper. His tongue spun circles, and amplified her moans.

He worked her into a frenzied state, brought her right to the cusp and let her hang there for a long moment. His mouth on her and half his hand inside her wasn’t enough. His free hand slid up and grabbed a handful of her breast, and she took off like a missile.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned. “Yes!”

Lexi’s thighs clamped around his ears and dampened the sound of what might have been a scream. It was certainly loud enough to let the other rooms nearby know what they were doing, and he wanted to smile, only he was face-down in her pussy, and too busy enjoying her climax. She rocked against him. Her pussy clenched and squeezed, even after she slid down from her peak, flinching with aftershocks of pleasure. Pleasure he’d created in her. It made him feel powerful, giving her such an intense orgasm.

The bed shifted as he crawled up along her naked body, kissing his way to her trembling lips. Her heart was thumping furiously away in her chest, and he rested over her, giving her time to recover.

“Lose the suit,” she said between two long breaths. “Keep the glasses.”

He laughed and rose up on an arm, working to undo the button at his collar. “Yes, ma’am.”

Parker backed off the bed and made short work of getting naked. His suit was tossed onto the couch, followed by his underwear. He fisted his cock, stroking down his length while she watched him. His chest swelled with pride at the way she stared, mesmerized by his hand sliding along his shaft. Lexi gazed at him, hungry. Thirsty. Like he was the only man for her.

“If these glasses are a sure thing for getting laid, I’m always wearing them from now on.”

She grinned and crooked her finger at him. A “come here” gesture he was happy to obey.

They sighed together as his chest flattened to hers. Skin against bare skin. Her taut nipples scraped over his chest hair, teasing him. He’d learned the flavor of her skin over the past few months, and now he craved it. His mouth locked on her breasts, while his hand steadied himself to take her.

Her hands held his mouth to her and smeared the glasses he wore, all while he nipped and sucked at her full breasts. Once again, she was moaning. Her lower body gyrated against the sensitive tip of his naked cock, and he closed his eyes, holding himself back. Lexi made him feel like a teenager. Hot and horny all the fucking time. It was unreal how badly he wanted her.

She was scalding as he eased his cock inside, and the tight grip of her body had him thinking about command prompts to distract himself from how good she felt. Would he ever get used to this feeling? He hoped the answer was, “hell to the fucking nope.” Lexi and him—they were programmed for each other. The perfect compliment.

Her fingernails raked down his back, stinging as he began to move. His deep thrusts sent pleasure firing all over him, and he captured her sweet mouth with his. His wife’s kiss was an addictive drug. The slow stroke of her tongue against his made him pulse faster. Like it was spurring him on, challenging him to make her explode.

He could do that.

It hadn’t taken him long to figure out he was in love with her, but it had taken even less time to understand what he’d been put here on this earth to do. How good he was at satisfying her. He slid a hand between her and the bed, tilting her hips up to just the right angle, so when he thrust into her, Lexi cried out. Her body seized and contracted, and she shattered.

The bed rocked with her epic orgasm.

He stared down, watching the pleasure visibly roll through her face, but he had to distance himself mentally to keep from losing control. Think about tomorrow. Visualize the steps. Don’t think about how amazing it feels.

It worked. It allowed him to have her all the ways he wanted. Her on top, where he could bury his face in her breasts. Her from behind, which meant he could tangle a hand in her thick hair. Her on her back at the edge of the bed, him standing over her, able to watch the bounce of her breasts as he thrust and the slide of his thick cock as it disappeared inside her.

He’d wanted to prolong it and go all night, but it was futile. When she came a second time, it was a nuclear bomb, wiping out everything with it. Parker’s brain detached from his body and went offline. There was only the basic need to satisfy. He pounded his hips, grunting out his release as she came all around him.

He poured himself into her, spurt after spurt until there was nothing left. He didn’t know where he ended and she began. When he collapsed over her, her lips locked on his.

Her slow, deep kiss ground him to the moment.

It put him back together.