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Love Sparkles in Fortune's Bay: A Fortune's Bay Novella by Julie Archer (5)

Chapter 5

Piper padded downstairs into the kitchen in search of coffee. Her first couple of nights at Bayview House had been less than restful; she’d woken at every sound, convinced there was someone in the house. She now knew that the security system was more complex than Fort Knox, having finally gotten around to reading the full instructions. Then she’d slept later than planned because she wasn’t used to the relative silence of the surroundings. Bayview House was so different to Josh’s place where, on her first morning there, she’d barged into the bathroom to find his roommate, Seb, naked, because there was no lock on the door. Or the first night she’d arrived and there was nothing to eat and she’d had to heat up leftover pizza for dinner.

The morning sun streamed in through the huge windows overlooking the bay and it was already warm. While the coffee brewed, Piper flung open the door to the balcony and stepped out. The sun beat down on her skin and she turned to face the sky, basking in the heat. Not for the first time, she pinched herself, unable to believe her good fortune of living in a mansion that belonged to an actual rock star. Albeit that it was a temporary arrangement.

She poured herself a mug and took it over to the squishy sofas on the other side of the room. There were papers strewn over the coffee table with instructions as to the different things she needed to do. She couldn’t face reading them and switched on the TV instead, flipping through the channels until she found something that held her interest. Piper stared at the screen, watching without really seeing the contestants on Project Runway. It made her think about her jewelry designs. The ones she had shown to the fashion team at Who’s Got Style had received great comments and promises to feature them in the magazine, but nothing ever came of it. When the eliminated contestant broke down as she was told she was leaving the competition, Piper’s own eyes instinctively filled with tears. They weren’t tears of sadness, but of determination. Now was a great time for her to start over and really make something of her dreams.

Just as she was about to get her sketch pad, her phone buzzed with a text from Josh, asking her if she was okay. Piper started to type out a reply, but thought better of it and called him instead.

“If by okay you mean waking up every twenty minutes thinking there was a madman in the bedroom, then I’m okay,” she said as soon as he answered.

Josh laughed. “Good to hear. I mean, that you’re okay, not that there might be a madman in your bedroom.”

“I’m fine.” Piper paused. “What are you up to tonight? Do you want to come over for dinner? Maybe ask Seb and his girlfriend?”

“Not lonely already?”

Piper didn’t even bother to answer. She was already planning her day: a trip into town for supplies, the afternoon sketching, and then preparing dinner. After a few glasses of wine, she might even get to have a better night’s sleep.

“Just so happens I have the night off. I’ll check out Seb’s plans and message you later,” said Josh. “Even if he and Milla can’t make it, I’m still coming. Can’t wait to see where you’re working.”

“Remember you can’t tell anyone about it,” warned Piper. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Half an hour later, she was in town. The walk from Bayview House had taken a little longer than anticipated and she was hot and sweaty. She took her time browsing around the grocery store, selecting things for a simple supper, along with a couple of bottles of wine. It had been a while since she’d cooked for anyone other than herself and she was looking forward to it. Because of her late start, it was almost lunchtime when she checked the time. She decided to grab something from the bakery and head out to Providence Park for half an hour or so before heading back.

“Piper Jarrett? What are you doing back in the Bay?”

The familiar voice from behind her caused her to spin around. Standing in front of her was Bronte Sheridan, an old classmate.

“Hey, Bronte! How are you?”

The redhead gestured to the bookstore next to the bakery. “I’m on my lunch break and needed a caffeine fix. Do you want to join me?”

It was great to see a familiar face. “That would be lovely. We can catch up.”

They queued, chatting about other friends and acquaintances until it was their turn to be served. Once they’d purchased lunchtime snacks, they headed over to the park and found an unoccupied bench near the children’s play area.

“Where are you working?” Bronte asked. “I know it’s not always easy finding work around here.”

Piper hesitated. She didn’t think that Bronte would go screaming to the gossip magazines if she told her what she was doing. “Well, I came across a job for a house sitter. It’s a massive house on the waterfront and the owner isn’t around much.”

“Ah, one of those second homes that tourists come to stay in. Although why would they need a house sitter?”

“Not exactly. I guess the owner will be back when he’s finished on tour.”

“Oh. My God.” The penny dropped for Bronte. “You’re house-sitting for Mal Colten!”

“Ssssshhh, don’t let everyone know.” Piper looked around at the few people in the park near enough to have heard Bronte’s screech. Judging by their reactions, they either didn’t have a clue who he was or they hadn’t actually heard her.

“I can’t believe you’re working for Fortune’s Bay’s most famous resident. Have you met him yet?”

“He’s going to be away on tour for ages. His old housekeeper will be back by then anyway. She’s gone to look after her sick mother or something.”

Bronte was bouncing around like an excited puppy. “What’s his bedroom like? And his bathroom? God, just imagine him naked…”

Piper laughed. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t already had all of those thoughts. “I don’t know. I’m not allowed up to his floor.” She sighed. “He has an entire floor for his bedroom, and if the views from my room are anything to go by, then I imagine the ones from his are incredible.”

“Honey, if you were in his bedroom, I doubt you would be looking at the views.”

“Bronte!” Piper brought her hand up to her mouth. “I’m probably never going to meet the guy anyway.”

“You could totally sneak up to his room, right? I mean if he’s not going to be there, then who would know?”

Despite the tempting prospect, Piper knew she wouldn’t do that. She screwed up the bag her sandwich came in and tossed it into the trash.

Bronte followed suit and stood up. “I really need to get back to the shop. I’ll see you again soon. Don’t forget to keep me posted on all the Mal Colten gossip.”