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Snow's Huntsman: A Fairytale Retelling by Mila Crawford, Aria Cole (7)

Epilogue One

Snow-One Year Later

After a year of me being on my own, experiencing what life out of my father’s house felt like, Hunter and I were finally moving in together. I opted out of signing my lease for another years, and he’d gotten rid of his sparse place. We’d searched for an apartment at fist, but decided on a home. What was the point of not going that route when we both knew we were in this for the long haul?

“The way the sun is hitting your face right now makes you look so beautiful. It makes me want to rip those clothes off you and make you a little dirty,” Hunter whispered in my ear and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

I snuggled in closer to him, our new bedroom as empty as his previous one had been. But I’d change that sooner enough. Before long this house would be warm and inviting, a place we both called home.

“You're so bad,” I said on a chuckle. “What are the plans tonight?”

“Besides getting you naked?” He laughed softly at the expression I gave him.

“That’s always on your mind,” I whispered and sighed in contentment.

“After dinner we’re going for a quick drive. I want to show you something.” He moved his fingertips along my arm and goosebumps popped out over my flesh.

“As much as that sounds fantastic, there is so much unpacking left to do.” Although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to say screw doing actual work and just spend the day in bed with him.

“There’s plenty of time for that.”

Once Hunter had his mind set on something, there was no changing it, and it was clear he wouldn’t be swayed in this. But that was a trait I loved about him.

“I love you,” he whispered against my temple.

“And I love you,” I said in response and kissed his chest, right where my head rested.

This man was my forever and I was his.

* * *


Being nervous was something I wasn’t used to, wasn’t something that impacted me at all, yet here I was about to ask Mr. White a question that could go either way, that would change my entire life.

I’d known I wanted Snow from the moment I saw her. She was put on this earth for me, and there was no doubt in my mind about that. Mr. Snow seemed very supportive of our relationship, yet he wasn’t very happy about the fact that I hadn’t made it official. It was clear he liked me being with her, seeing as I’d rather die than let anything happen to the woman I loved.

I wanted the world to know that she belonged to me.

“Come on in, Hunter.”  

I took a seat on the deep chocolate brown leather chair opposite his mahogany desk. His office was very much representative of the man, warm, rich earth tone colors and classic furniture that was both sturdy and presented very well. He poured two shots of whiskey and passed me one of the clear crystal glasses.

The businessman looked tired, but he did have a lot on his shoulders. The death of his wife had really taken a toll on him. That was one of the reasons I wanted to get a place close to the estate. I knew how important he was to Snow and vice versa.  I wanted to make sure he was taken care of and that Snow could visit daily.

“Mr. White, I’ve been with your daughter for awhile now and have loved her for far longer than I even want to admit.” Damn, I was nervous. “I’d die for her, kill for her.”

He nodded in approval. “I know, son.”

I ran my sweaty palms on my thighs and exhaled. Shit, if anyone could make me feel on edge it was the man sitting in front of me. “I feel that I can make her happy, and I know I can keep her safe.”

He leaned back in the chair, his expression not showing what he thought.

“It was important for me to see you tonight because…” I felt my chest tighten as the words were poised right there at the tip of my tongue.

“Go on,” he urged and I knew that he was already fully aware of what I was about to ask.

“I came here to get your blessing to ask Snow for her hand in marriage, Mr. White.” I felt so on edge right now. I wasn't used to this shit. As soon as the words left my mouth, I waited for this man whom I respected so much to say yes.

Long moments passed.

“Damn, Hunter. I was wondering when you’d grow a set and marry my little girl.”

I felt the tension leave me as I stared at Snow’s father grinning at me.

“And I think you can drop that Mr. White bullshit.” He grinned wider. “You’re family, have been for a long time, well before you got with my daughter.” Robert got up and came around the table. I rose to show respect, still waiting to see what he’d say.

“There isn’t a man alive I’d rather see with my daughter. Of course you have my blessing, Hunter.”

* * *


“Why do I have to wear a blindfold? This isn’t some kinky sex thing, is it?”

I laughed as Snow kept going on and on with a long list of questions. When we got to the destination, I cut the engine, climbed out of the SUV, and went over to her side of the car. Once I had her out of the car with the door shut, I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed the nape of her neck, which had my cock throbbing in my pants. But I knew right this moment wasn’t the time for that. I removed the blindfold and heard Snow gasp.

* * *


A hundred candles surrounded a blanket covered in champagne, flowers and chocolate. Hunter had done all of this, made this romantic spot by the beach for just the two of us. He was big and strong, an alpha all the way, but with me he showed this gentle side.

Next thing I knew, I was swept up in Hunter’s arms and he was carrying me to the blanket. He brought his lips to mine in a soft kiss. He set me down, but before I could ask what was going on, he was on his knee in front of me. I covered my mouth with my hand, knowing exactly what this was. I wouldn’t cry though. I couldn't. I had to show a little bit of strength, let him know I had my shit together.

He took out a velvet box, opened the lid, and I felt tears fill my eyes as I stared at the ring inside.

It was my mother’s.

“I asked your father for your hand in marriage, and when he approved he said he wanted me to give you this, wanted you to wear it like your mother did.”

I couldn't stop the tears now.

“Snow White, I have loved you in one way or another from the moment I saw you. You are everything I could imagine in a partner. You are beautiful inside and out and most of all, you make me a better man. I want to give you everything because you’re my everything.” I wiped the tears away and smiled. “Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?”

“Yes,” I half said and half sobbed. He stood, a grin covering his mouth. He put my mother's engagement ring on my hand and I felt my heart swell. I stared at the ring, at the clean-cut princess diamond that I had looked at in awe as a child.

I loved him, and at that moment, I knew just how much.