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The Resolved Warrior (Navy Seal Romances) by Jennifer Youngblood (4)

Chapter 5

Two Days Later

He was standing on the cliff side, watching the sunrise when Agatha found him.

“It’s almost as stunning as me,” she said quietly.

“Yes,” he agreed, smiling, “it is.”

She turned to study him. “The breakfast thing … making all of Doug’s favorite foods. You had me blooming worried.” She hesitated. “I was afraid you might be thinking of …” She pantomimed a rope tightening around her neck and pulled a grotesque face.

His eyes rounded. “How did you know?”

Her features tightened. “Because I’m a smart old broad. I know you, sometimes better than you know yourself.” She pulled her jacket tighter round her.

Sutton nodded, looking out at the ocean spreading before them like an endless blanket of glitter.

“Dougie died doing what he loved.”

The words caught him off guard as he jerked.

“He was happy. Dougie dreamed of becoming a SEAL from the time he was a lad.”

He swallowed. “I know.” Sutton couldn’t stop a tear from escaping the corner of his eye.

She touched her heart. “And even though he’s gone, I still feel that sweet boy.” She paused. “Dougie would want you to buck up and be happy too.”

The truth of Agatha’s words seeped into Sutton like a healing salve. “I know,” he said quietly. A comfortable silence settled between them. An image of Doug’s friend Corbin Spencer came to mind. He’d been more than a friend, in truth. They were SEAL brothers, had gone through BUD/s training together and served in the same platoon. Even though the Navy had sealed the records surrounding the mission that had taken Doug’s life, Sutton pulled a few strings to get the information. Corbin lost it when Doug was killed and went on a shooting rampage, nearly got himself discharged. Shortly after the incident, Corbin left the SEALs. Sutton had to wonder where Corbin was now. And the others from SEAL Team Seven for that matter. It gave life to the idea forming in his mind.

Agatha ran her perceptive eyes over him. “You’re different.”

Sutton cocked his head. “How so?”

“There’s a new light in your eyes. A resolve that wasn’t there before. You found it, didn’t you?”


“Peace. And your miracle.”

He didn’t need to answer. She could see it in his eyes.

She gave him a tender smile. “I’m pleased as punch.”

He watched the fiery ball of the sun lift higher, chasing the last of the darkness away. This thing with Leslie had made him see things differently—given him a sense of empowerment that gave way to responsibility. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. An idea had been percolating inside him, and once he unleashed the words, there’d be no calling them back. “I want to do something, and I’m going to need your help.”

Agatha cocked an eyebrow, a hint of amusement coming over her lined face. “I live to serve.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Four days ago made six months that Doug’s been gone. I want to honor him. I want to use my resources to help people in impossible situations.”

She chuckled. “Who are you and what have you done with Sutton Smith?”

He sighed. “I’m serious.”

She gave him a sheepish grin. “Okay, you can never go wrong with easing sorrow.”

“What I’m about to propose is not without an element of risk. And I’ll need your help every step of the way.”

A twinkle lit her eyes. “You mean something other than doing washing your undies and buttering your toast?”

He pulled a face. “Did you really just go there?”

She touched his arm and winked. “I’m closing my mouth and opening my ears.”

Excitement coursed through Sutton’s veins. This was right … something he could sink his teeth into. He could make a real difference in people’s lives. In some small way, help right the wrong of Doug’s death with every person he helped. “It’s an ongoing project, of sorts. We’ll assemble a team of experts to privately help people with problems that are outside of the scope of the police. People who are fearing for their lives, kidnap victims, blackmail, sabotage. Anything, really.”

“What kind of experts are you talking about?”

The suspicious look on Agatha’s face caused a bubble of laughter to rise in his throat. He could only imagine what his friend must be thinking. Probably that he’d lost his mind. “Since we’re doing it to honor Doug’s memory, there’s really only one option. Retired SEALs. Doug’s team. Those brothers Doug loved so much, who loved him in return.” A wry grin touched his lips. “Chances are, they need to be part of a miracle or two as well.” His mind rushed ahead. “We’ll need to do some renovations on the house, but in a stealthy way so that people won’t realize we’re building a fortress.”

She rumbled out a laugh. “Like Batman?”


Her jaw dropped when she realized he wasn’t teasing.

“I have the perfect cover,” he went on to explain. “A social-climbing philanthropist. No one will suspect a thing.” His eyes met hers. “I want to use my resources for good. There are people out there who are desperate for help.” He balled his fist. “And we have the power to help them.”

“This is crazy,” she uttered.

He pinned her with a look. “You said that the tragedy I suffered would work for my good. That I was one of the great ones.” His voice hitched. “That God could use me to help others.” He took in a breath. “Well, it took a miracle, but I’m starting to believe it. And now I need you to stand by my side.”

She stood eyeing him. “So if you’re Batman … I’m Robin.”

“I don’t think that’s it exactly.” Hope sprang in his chest. He could tell Agatha was actually considering his proposal.

She bunched her brows. “I never really fancied Robin. Too much of a ninny, in my opinion.”

He laughed. “Okay, then how about the Batman played by Christian Bale? Where Michael Cain is his caretaker and right-hand man.”

“I do like Michael Cain.” Her eyes danced. “He’s a lovely specimen of a man.”

“Alfred it is. Alfred you are.”

Agatha let out a deviant giggle. “I’d prefer to be catwoman, but then I’d have to stuff myself into that tiny costume.” She wrinkled her nose. “Not a pretty sight.” They both laughed. Agatha grew serious. “Sutton Smith, I knew you’d figure it out eventually.” Her eyes shone. “You’re a warrior in every one of those fine-honed muscles. Doug would be proud.”

Sutton stroked his chin for a moment then snapped his fingers. “That’s it!”


“The Warrior Project.”

She looked impressed. “It does have a nice ring to it. The Warrior Project,” she mused. Agatha straightened her shoulders. “All right. When do we start?”


“Very well. But first let’s have breakfast. Your usual toast and coffee?”

“That would be lovely.” Sutton glanced at the sunrise once more, a renewed sense of vigor wicking through his veins.

Today was the start of a bold new venture. The beginning of many tomorrows to come.