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A Vampire’s Thirst: Hunter by Bella Roccaforte (10)

Chapter 10

Rook listens at the door, trying to discern the voices. She wishes she could turn invisible like Alfrigg. She spies her backpack on the floor and goes to it to dig out her pocket knife. She shrugs, thinking it’s better than lobbing toilet paper at whoever’s on the other side of the door.

A soft tapping on the door startles her, “Hey, Rook, it’s Samuel.”

Her body relaxes at hearing his voice. She opens the door, jumping into his arms, “Oh my God, I thought you were…”

“Vamps can’t get in here,” Alfrigg says with an edge of irritation in his tone. “Wolves either, the only reason this one got in is because I let him.”

“And I appreciate that,” Samuel says, stepping back from Rook. “I figured you were halfway to Biloxi by now, then Percy called me.”

Rook’s heart warms at thought that Percy really didn’t want to betray her, but he was caught between a rock and a set of fangs. “I’m thankful for that. I need to get out of here, they’re really pissed about Jeziah.” She swallows hard, “It’s not my fault…”

“I know it isn’t.” Samuel offers her a kind smile, “I’ve put in a call to the home office.”

“You think those dirty vamps in The Directive are going to help? They’ll put her down in no time at all.” Alfrigg protests Samuel’s decision.

“No, I’ve called the home office.” He tilts his head downward, “I know that I can’t trust Bryson to do the right thing. But I’m hoping that getting Clarence here might be able to save her.”

Alfrigg lets out a sarcastic laugh, “That’s even worse. The less they know about her existence the better. If you’ve already called Clarence, we’ve got to move fast to get her out of here. You know what they’ll do.” The alarm in Alfrigg’s voice is contagious.

Rook’s eyes dart between them, “Who the hell is Clarence and what are they going to do to me?”

“Clarence is a higher up in the Directive. He’s going to make sure you stay safe.” Samuel believes his own words.

“What do they usually do with rooks?” she asks in a small voice.

“It depends, that’s like asking what they do with vampires, werewolves or mages.” Samuel shrugs, “Until I met you, I thought rooks were a fairy tale.”

Rook chuckles, “Same about you.”

“Yeah, we’re pretty good about keeping things on the DL, but in New Orleans it’s a whole different ball game.” He rolls his eyes, “Do yourself a favor and stay out of Vegas.”

Rook ticks her brow, “Noted.”

“It’s going to be okay. If you abide by the law, you’ll be fine.”

“What law?” she asks, wondering what her affliction has gotten her into. “Is it against the law to piss off a vampire? How about a vampire dying when he tries to kill you?”

“I’ve not dealt with this, but I’m sure as long as you don’t use your power for evil, you’ll be protected,” Samuel says, walking down the hallway. “You’re technically a supernatural and fall under the same laws and protections.”

Rook clicks her tongue and dons a disbelieving smile, “I wouldn’t call this a power.”

“Everyone else would,” Alfrigg says as he hurries to hide something on his alchemy table.

“You’re powerful, you can’t be tracked or scented and if they drink your blood, they’re dead. That’s a lot of power,” Samuel says, sitting on the love seat.

Rook feels a sense of disorientation realizing that Samuel isn’t having to crouch, it’s as though the ceiling is higher. She shoots Alfrigg a questioning look.

Alfrigg shrugs, “My home is far more hospitable than I am.”

Rook shakes her head, “If I live to a hundred I’ll never get used to all the magic that exists in this world.”

“You’re not going to live to see your next birthday if you allow The Directive to get involved. If they find you, they’ll take you out if too many vamps die.” Alfrigg’s prejudice against The Directive is palpable, “I’m telling you, you can’t trust any of ‘em.”

Samuel flashes Alfrigg a disapproving look and turns to Rook, softening his expression, “Do you trust me?”

Rook thinks about it for a good long minute, “Yeah, I do.”

“Then trust that it’s going to be okay,” he says, leaning forward. “I’m not sure when Clarence will get here, but you sit tight here with Alfrigg until I come back. You’ll be safe here and he makes a hell of a meatloaf.”

Rook crinkles her nose, “Ew, meatloaf?”

“What? You don’t like meatloaf?” Samuel seems surprised.

“No, I do not,” she answers with certainty. “I always made it a point to stay at my best friend’s house on meatloaf night.”

Alfrigg interjects with confidence, “That’s because–”

Rook stops him, “Because I’ve never had your meatloaf? Yeah, I’ve heard that shit before, too. I’m not a meatloaf person.”

“Suit yourself,” Samuel gives Alfrigg an expectant glance, “But I’ll have some anytime he wants to offer it up.”

“Oh, for pity's sake, give me a few minutes.” Alfrigg hobbles to the kitchen on the other side of the cottage.

Samuel leans in closer to Rook, “You sit tight. Alfrigg can be a bit peculiar and doesn’t trust many, but when you’ve lived as long as he has, you’ve likely been screwed over once or twice.”

“I’m only twenty-two and I’ve been screwed over more than once or twice.” Rook rolls her eyes.

“I’m serious, though, you need to stay here where you’ll be safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Samuel is firm but gentle.

“I want to get to Biloxi.” She pins him with wide eyes, “I want to bust Augustus for what he’s doing. Isn’t that important, too?”

“It is, but right now, my main goal is making sure that you get out of this alive.” Samuel looks toward the kitchen and lowers his voice. “You’re a key witness in what’s happening. You’re the only one that will talk. I can’t prove anything without you. If we can convince Clarence that Augustus is trafficking humans, Clarence will make sure that Augustus is taken out. He’s a pain in the ass, and I really don’t like him, but he’s fair and he’s honest.”

“You’re not going to drop the whole Augustus thing?” she asks, squinting to watch for the truth in his answer.

“Not a fucking chance,” he says with gravel in his voice. “I’ve been trying to bust him for decades, but he’s always managed to stay a step ahead.”

“Okay, then I’ll talk to this Clarence character.” Rook thinks about everything she’s heard Alfrigg say about The Directive, “But I want your word that you won’t let them hurt me.”

“You have my word.” A hearty laugh lightens his bright green eyes, “It may even land you a job if you want it, you know, official-like.”

Rook’s expression twists and she hugs her midsection before lurching forward.

Alfrigg comes into the sitting area, handing a plate full of meatloaf to Samuel, “I’d have the same reaction at the thought of working for those wankers.”

Samuel grins with a hearty laugh, “She can be a little dramatic.”

Rook groans in pain looking up at them, her eyes are clouded over in white. She tries to speak but the pain streaking through her entire body renders her silent.

“Oh shit.” Samuel drops the plate on the couch and goes to Rook, “What’s happening?”

Her pleading expression tears at Samuel’s insides. She mouths the words, “Help me,” before collapsing completely.

Rook opens her eyes, everything’s hazy and blurred. She squeezes her eyes shut a few times to clear the haze. She looks around, trying to recognize where she is.

There are mountains, a large body of water and there’s a chill in the air. She takes a few steps to the edge of the precipice, then backs away slowly after seeing the long drop to the ocean below. She turns for the tree line in search of answers as to where she is.

The silhouette of a man appears as a shadow in the distance. She halts her steps, remaining quiet.

As the man comes into focus, there’s a deep sense of familiarity overcoming her. He’s tall and well built, dressed in a tunic with various blades sheathed in holsters across his chest. His flicks his blond braids back revealing his sparkling eyes, deep blue, and her being fills with warmth and comfort watching the hungry smile dance across his lips.

He strides with purpose toward her and loops his arm around her waist, pulling her to him.

“Found you.” He rests a sultry growl in her ear, his hot breath setting her on fire.

She feels as though this is where she belongs. His hand presses into the small of her back. It’s driving her crazy, as though he’s touching her in a place no other man could ever reach.

Moisture pools between her legs under her skirt. She wants him, desperately.

“So you found me,” she replies. “Now what?”

“Now I take you,” he says, dragging his teeth from her lobe down her neck. He stands straight up, towering over her, “You’re mine.”

She nods, “I am.” Her knees go weak and heat spirals straight to her core.

He takes her in closer, pressing his lips hard against hers, savage yet loving. Rook’s lips part to give him entry. His tongue dances inside her mouth, exploring, circling and playing with hers. She can’t stop herself from biting against his full lips.

He growls and moans with pleasure, running his hand under her skirt. Up her thigh. His fingers slide between her wet folds, “I can smell how much you want me.”

Their eyes meet, and she remains silent, allowing the pleasure of his touch to saturate her on a cellular level.

She jumps when he finds the small bundle of nerves inside her folds, “That’s the spot, you like that?”

A breath hitches in her throat, “Yes.”

His fingers explore deeper, sliding into her opening, pushing in and out with the perfect amount of force.

Her body writhes, and he lowers her to the ground on a soft patch of grass. He undresses with haste. Her eyes widen watching him reveal his chiseled chest covered in tattoos. Her mouth waters as she drinks down his form. The walls of her pussy jump at the thought to him being inside her.

He kneels, lifts her skirt and hovers her, rubbing the head of his cock outside of her soft cleft. “You want this?”

She doesn’t speak, her only answer her hips rising to meet him. He pulls away slightly and kisses from her mound of pleasure up to her belly, stopping at each breast, taking one puckered nipple into his teeth, then the next. The muscles in his arms flex and jump with his movements over her.

Rook’s back arches against the ground, writhing to take his cock into her. She’s ready and needs him to fill her.

His tongue dances up to her lips and he nibbles them hungrily and plunges himself inside her. She loves the feeling of him stretching her open. He looks at her expectantly, letting her take control from the bottom. She slowly moves her hips, tilting herself into him. Her smooth wet walls rub against his steely length.

He doesn’t want to hold back from taking her in the primal way he wants.

Taking control, he slides himself nearly all the way out, then in again, grinding against her clit with each thrust.

Rook gets lost in the ecstasy of his movements, feeling every inch of him sliding in and out. He grabs hair at the nape of her neck, tugging just how she likes it.

His body moves with precision, watching and matching her desire. Responding to every facial expression. When she tenses and closes her eyes, he keeps going.

“Harder,” she spouts out through labored breaths.

She loops her hands around, digging her fingers into his tight ass, pulling him into her with as much force as she can muster.

He takes her neck in his hands gently. “Look at me,” he demands.

Rook opens her eyes and is lost in his gaze. A ghost of a smile lights her expression, his blue orbs penetrating her soul as his cock owns her body.

“I want you to give me a son,” he growls, spilling into her.

The warm liquid is the final piece to the puzzle of her orgasm. She comes with him, whimpering loudly as she feels his body twitch out of control.

He leans down to her, kissing her neck and he whispers in her ear, “My goddess.”