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Flames Among the Frost: (A Havenwood Falls Novella) by Amy Hale (15)

Chapter 15


He was beautiful. I’d never met a lava dragon, but I’d read about them. Conrad was damn amazing. Simon, on the other hand, was a fire dragon. The distinction was small, but a distinction nonetheless. Lava dragons appeared to be made of the very molten rock they were named after, where fire dragons were more like those you usually read about in fairy tales.

After a few moments of silence and a quick nuzzle of his neck, Conrad used his telepathic communication.

“I need to change back. This is too much, too fast.”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Just envision your human self, and it’ll happen.”

He looked down and noticed his clothes were shredded. “Ah, so now that makes sense.”

I nodded.

“I might have a problem. I don’t have clothes.”

I thought about it a moment. “I think I have the solution.”

We shifted to humans and ran back to the Jeep as quickly as possible.

Lucky for him, I always carried a change of clothes with me. They were pink sweat pants and a t-shirt, and they looked totally ridiculous on him, but he was thankful to have anything to cover his adorably naked ass. The sweats were snug on his hips, the elastic ankles only reaching mid-calf. He slipped the V-neck tee over his head and worked it down his torso. His muscles stretched the fabric to the point that when he bent over, it ripped up the side.

“Fuck it.” He ripped it the rest of the way off and tossed it in the back seat.

“That was pretty hot,” I said as I drove us back into town.

He grinned. “You think that’s sexy? Wait until we get back to the room, and I rip off these sweats.” He turned his eyes to me. “And then it’s your turn.”

I grinned. “I’m looking forward to that.”

“So, tell me about the cave.”

“It’s been warded so only dragons can enter. My father purchased the cave before the settlement became a town. He knew we’d need someplace we could shift and be ourselves.”

Conrad scratched his beard. “Settlement? How old is your dad?”

I smiled. “He’s pushing two hundred.”

Conrad choked. “He looks pretty good for his age.” He paused. “Wait, how old are you?”

“It’s rude to ask a woman her age. Lucky for you I don’t care. I’m one hundred and two, but everyone thinks I’m twenty-eight.”

He coughed. “Well then . . . let’s change the subject.”

I laughed. “Not into older women?”

He grinned. “Not usually, but I’m totally into you.”

“What about you? How old?” It dawned on me he might not be the younger of the two of us.

“My memories are still a little fuzzy, but I believe I’m the age I look, so thirty.” He frowned. “I’m gonna have to do some research to be sure.”

He looked a little distressed over that lack of knowledge, so I obliged his earlier request and changed the subject. “Did you know our cave has diamonds?”

He shook his head. “Really?”

“Yep, it’s where we get some of the family fortune. I’d wager it was another reason my greedy father bought it up before someone else had a chance. He doesn’t do anything half-assed. He researches the hell out of every deal he makes.” As an aside I threw in, “We don’t own the falls, just the cave.”

“So, you’re loaded and beautiful. I’m a lucky guy.” He winked and skimmed his fingers along the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“You are. And I haven’t even had a chance to show you my talents in bed.”

He closed his eyes and groaned. “You’re killing me, woman.”

We pulled up in front of the inn, and I glanced up at the window of my room. “How quickly do you think we can get up there?”

He shrugged. “Not quick enough. I don’t want to wait another minute.”

We walked into the inn, hand in hand. Conrad was on the receiving end of some odd stares, but we didn’t care. We were too lost in each other.

I was amazed at how my life had changed in just a few short days. Weeks ago I was fighting to escape the worst relationship of my life. Now here I stood, next to the man I felt sure was my soul mate. I’d never considered myself the kind of girl who would settle down. But the truth hit me square in the face. The right person can change everything. Not that I was gonna turn into Betty Crocker anytime soon, but for once, I could envision a lifetime spent with someone by my side. Someone who would love, protect, and comfort me. Someone who wouldn’t try to change me or fit me into a mold of his choosing. He wanted me just as I was. He was perfect as he was, too. And he was mine. There was no doubt. We’d connected on a level that only dragons could understand. We’d become linked in a way that was deep, meaningful, and beyond the limits of the natural world.

Now that his dragon had emerged, he’d have to register with the Court, but that should be an easy task.

I was truly happy, even with all the other shit life threw at me. I had someone who would stand by my side as I jumped those hurdles that before I’d always had to face alone.

My room was closest to the stairs, but Conrad needed clothes that fit him. I pushed him forward as we treaded the short hallway that led to his door. Conrad swung it open. My blood froze in my veins, and my stomach soured. Brandt Sawyer sat on the overstuffed chair in Conrad’s room. The lockbox I’d buried on his lap.

“Hello, sweetheart. I’ve missed you.” Brandt’s smile was wide, but the sentiment didn’t reach his eyes. He was furious with me.

“How in the hell?” I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn’t cooperate. My feet were rooted in place.

I sensed Conrad tense up next to me. I’d have to explain why this strange man was here, sitting on his bed, using terms of endearment toward me. How did he find me? How did he know I’d be with Conrad?

Brandt held up the box, and I felt the bile rise in my throat. “Thanks for your help, Conrad. I couldn’t have located this without you.”

The words didn’t register immediately, but my hand went slack in Conrad’s grip.

“Why are you here?” Conrad demanded between clenched teeth.

Brandt stood. “Well, you know what they say. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” He handed the box to a large man standing to his left. I assumed the bodyguard-looking buffoon was one of his goons from the bar. “You were taking far too long, Conrad. I didn’t pay you to play house.”

His stare went straight to our clasped hands.

I stepped back. “Conrad? What is he talking about?”

I was going to be sick. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t want to believe it.

“Jetta, let me explain.” Pain filled his expression.

“You son of a bitch.” My hurt and anger bubbled to the surface. I couldn’t believe I’d let my guard down again. I’d trusted him.

“Aw, how touching. You really must have had her going, Conrad. She doesn’t usually become so emotional over the men she screws.” Brandt’s barb hit its mark. Conrad lunged at Brandt, but the oversized bodyguard beside him stopped him from reaching the smug-faced prick now standing by the bed. I could tell Conrad was fighting for control of his emotions. With his dragon and memories back, he needed a tight rein to avoid an incident.

Brandt motioned for me to come closer. “Let’s explain to Conrad how important it is that you, and he, cooperate with me.”

I stepped in the room and shut the door behind me. Brandt wasn’t going to tell Conrad anything he didn’t already know, but if he left town with the contents of that box . . . none of our kind would be safe.

“Have a seat, Conrad. I have a few things you should see.” Brandt unlocked the box and pulled out a large manila envelope. Inside was a sandwich-sized zip-lock bag containing bloody white scales. I cringed as I remembered the events that led up to him cutting those scales off my tail. Conrad hadn’t moved, so Brandt nodded to the larger man. “Chance, would you mind?”

Chance pushed Conrad to sit on the bed.

“Do you know what these are, Conrad?” Brandt shook the bag in front of Conrad’s face. “No, of course you don’t. How could you?” He pulled a cell phone from the box next. “I could tell you, but you’d never believe me. So how about I show you?”

Brandt moved to sit next to Conrad and lowered the phone into Conrad’s field of vision. I didn’t need to see the video he was about to display. I’d lived it.

“Brace yourself.” Brandt tapped play. I saw the change in lighting flash across Conrad’s face as the audio took me back to that night.

I’d gone to dinner with Brandt after a couple of weeks of him badgering me for a date. After dinner, we’d gone back to the club to discuss a new set. I’d wanted to change my act up a bit to keep it fresh for the regular patrons. Brandt wasn’t interested in work. I’d grown angry and stormed out the back door. He’d chased me outside and pushed me against a wall. I pushed back but couldn’t shove him off me. In a panic, I’d shifted. That’s where the video began.

Conrad frowned as he watched the visual evidence of my dragon’s existence. Brandt’s voice was loud and clear over the phone’s speaker.

“What the hell are you?” he shrieked as his shaky hands worked the camera.

My responding growl was clear and predatory.

“Well, whatever you are, Jetta Mills, I’ve now got proof.” You could hear the click of Brandt’s switchblade. He lunged for me and missed. I’d done my best to escape, praying no one had seen me yet and I could shift back to my human form. As I turned my back on Brandt, he swiped at my tail and removed a few scales in the process. Instinct kicked in, and I jerked my tail back and forth, causing Brandt to slice the skin on his own cheek.

I moved behind a neighboring building that was thankfully abandoned and shifted to my human self. My back was bloody where he’d taken the scales. Brandt had captured the whole thing on his phone.

Brandt stopped the video. “I’m sure now you can see why I not only wanted the lockbox back, but also Jetta.” He shook his head, clearly enjoying his victory. “You had no idea you were being duped by a monster.”

He put the phone back into the box and placed the scales on top of it. “Jetta, love, why don’t you tell Conrad the rest.”

I cleared my throat. “It’s not hard to guess what a douchebag like you would do with that kind of evidence.”

Conrad refused to look at me. Damn him. This was his fault. Fury renewed within me, and I decided he deserved to hear every excruciating detail. He needed to know who’d he’d aligned himself with. He needed to understand what his betrayal could cost me, and what it had just cost him.

I crossed my arms in front of me. “Brandt found me hiding behind a bush, bare-ass naked and bleeding. He had my scales in a handkerchief and the cell phone in his hand. I knew he had me. He forced me back into the club through the rear door, then allowed me to grab a change of clothes from the small area I called my dressing room.” I took a deep breath. “We were both bleeding.”

I fought back my own rage as I recalled his actions. “He downloaded the additional video from the security feed to his phone, which shows the entire indent, including my shifting from human to dragon. He then locked the evidence up in that box and put it in the safe. Then he told me I would not only continue to be his main act, but that he owned me, body and soul, or he’d show the world what I really was. I argued with him, and he called the police, claiming I’d broken into his safe and attacked him.”

Brandt shrugged. “I thought a few hours in lockup would cool your jets. I knew they wouldn’t believe a word you’d said. Hell, half the cops in that jurisdiction are on my payroll.” He chuckled. “I could have kept you in there indefinitely, had I chosen to do so. You needed to see the kind of power I can wield, Jetta. I’m a king.”

I glared at him.

“And then you decided to break into my safe for real and go on the run.” He nodded at Conrad. “That’s where you stepped in, Mr. Monroe.” Brandt looked at me. “He’s been keeping me apprised of his progress, for the most part. Then after a text from him wanting to renegotiate, I’d realized he’d fallen for you and wasn’t going to cooperate with the rest of the plan. Finding this shithole town was a pain in the ass. We did some digging into the subject of dragons and found an individual with his own connections here. He lives right here in Havenwood Falls and travels out of town regularly for . . . business. He was willing to sell us the information we needed to find you both. We flew into Grand Junction, then met our new friend at a rest stop. With the right monetary motivation, he happily led us right into town. You can’t outsmart me, sweetheart.” His lecherous smile was vile and made me want to puke.

I knew the kind of person Brandt was describing. We had an underground element, such as Bradly, that would sell out their own grandmother if it brought them a profit. A handful who snuck in and out of town on short trips to do business, keeping their activities hidden as much as possible. Some dirt bag accepting money for a guide into town didn’t surprise me much, but if caught, they’d face banishment—or worse. I did find it remarkable that Brandt was successful. A stranger in town, who wasn’t welcomed by the town itself, was a rarity.

Once again, Brandt proved to be the lowest form of life in existence. Still, Conrad’s deceit was more painful than anything Brandt had done to me. Brandt had cut my skin and tried to steal my dignity, but Conrad had shattered my heart.