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Grizzly Mountain (Arcadian Bears Book 1) by Becca Jameson (4)

Chapter Four

“You’re sure about this?” Heather asked five minutes later as Isaiah pulled the truck up to another gorgeous cabin in the woods. It wasn’t as large as his parents’ home, but it appeared to have the same builder because it had a similar look.

“Positive.” He turned off the engine and jumped down from the truck before she had a chance to say anything else. Two seconds later, she was once again in his arms.

She could get used to being pressed against his chest. It unnerved her how attracted she was to him, but it felt…right. Which made her more nervous.

As she held on to his neck, she spoke again. “I hope you don’t feel somehow obligated to take care of me because of a scratch. I’ll be fine. It wasn’t your fault.”

He frowned. “It sort of was my fault.”

“How do you figure? Did you lure that bear out of the woods and taunt it into attacking me?” Huh. Actually, he did indeed seem to taunt the bear.

“No. I didn’t lure the bear. You’re right.” He didn’t comment on the taunting part as he climbed the steps to his equally amazing porch and then opened the front door and carried her inside.

“If you’re going to carry me everywhere, I might milk this sprained ankle for a while.” Holy shit. Did I say that out loud?

He tipped his head toward her and winked, sharing another of his half smiles. “Milk it, baby. It’s definitely no hardship holding you in my arms.”

She flushed. Her entire body was on fire. She was still wearing nothing over her upper body but the ripped shirt missing one sleeve. No coat. It was warmer outside than it had been during the night, but still should have been too chilly to go without at least a jacket. But hers had been ruined. And for some reason, she was not cold.

This sexual banter between them was crazy. She’d even started it. Who the hell was she today?

Once again she found herself whisked right through the living room without a chance to notice a single piece of furniture or décor. Her gaze was still pinned on his face.

What she did notice was his scent permeating the entire space, making her grip her knees together and squirm in his embrace. Since when was she so drawn to a man’s scent?

Since never.

Of course, part of the reason she was so attracted to Isaiah surely had to do with how long it had been since she’d last had a steady boyfriend, which correlated precisely with how long it had been since she’d had sex. Over two years.

She’d been busy making a name for herself in her field, with no time for dating and even less time for the sort of men she usually met at work. The people in her Portland office were so nerdy and serious all the time. Most of them were married, and in some cases she shuddered to think what their wives were like.

She had hoped her prospects in Alberta would be better. Then again, she’d been in the province only two days and she was currently being carried through a sexy man’s home. Maybe this job choice had been exactly perfect. And maybe she had been wrong to beat herself up all night over a sprained ankle. Blessings came in strange wrapping paper.

When Heather finally tore her gaze off the man who met her sexual banter tit for tat, she found herself in a bathroom.

Isaiah tipped her to one side and set her on the counter.

She grabbed the edges. “Uhh…” What the hell were they doing in the bathroom?

Isaiah ignored her to reach for the faucet on the gorgeous whirlpool tub. He turned it on, touched the water, and then turned toward her. “I figure you’d like to bathe, and you probably wouldn’t be able to stand easily in the shower.”

He was right. She felt disgusting under her hiking pants and the now torn, long-sleeved thermal shirt.

God, she was a mess. Her concentration was shot, and she blamed his absurdly sexy body for every lost brain cell. “A bath would be perfect.” She glanced around the room. It was a dream bathroom. His house had to be either newly renovated or brand new because everything in the room was shiny and perfect, from the granite in white and brown swirls to the white cabinets and the glass shower. There were nozzles coming out of the walls in that shower. If she had the ability to stand, she would love to check it out.

Isaiah opened a narrow door next to what she assumed was a small separate toilet room. He pulled out a huge, plush, white towel and set it on the counter. “I don’t have any girly shampoo or whatever you’re used to, but we can fix that later. For now, can you make do with mine?”

She startled. “Of course. I’m not that picky. Soap is soap.”

He smiled again and approached, almost as if he were stalking her. When he reached her, he set his hands on her thighs. “You got this?”

“What if I don’t?” she taunted, again clearly no longer the owner of her own body. She tucked her lips in between her teeth as if that would suck the words back.

He moaned. Moaned. Closing his eyes, he tipped his head back, elongating his neck.

She had the sudden desire to run her tongue along the tight muscles of his neck and lick a line up to his mouth or down to his chest. The flannel shirt he wore revealed the slightest sprinkling of hair sticking out the top. She would give anything to see his chest.

When he lowered his face, he met her gaze, not laughing. “Baby, there are so many things we need to talk about, but first you should relax a few minutes, soak in the water. You’ll feel so much better.”

She nodded.

“Now, if you need any help getting undressed and into the tub…”

Heat raced up her cheeks again. She gripped her knees together again also. Why did the timbre of his voice reach her clit?

He sobered a bit and righted himself, still gripping her thighs, but no longer leaning into her quite as closely. “Listen, if I’m overstepping my bounds let me know. I’m not going to lie. I’m attracted to you. And this banter we have going on is sexy as hell. But I also don’t want you to be uncomfortable in my home. So, please, tell me to back off.”

As if God had given her a sign, a neon sign, she reached for Isaiah’s neck with both hands and hauled his face toward hers. Without allowing herself to overthink things, she set her gaze on his lips and drew them all the way to hers.

His mouth was warm, and his lips parted when she touched them with her own. At first her kiss was tentative, nibbling along his fuller mouth, enjoying the first blatant sexual connection.

His fingers tightened on her thighs, making her moan into his mouth. That was when he angled his head to one side and deepened the kiss, taking full control. His tongue slid between her lips to devour her as if he were starving. His hand slid along her thighs and around to her hips to haul her closer to the edge of the counter.

Her heart raced as he nudged her legs apart with his thighs and situated himself between her knees.

The subtle tingling in her clit became a full roar of need. Her panties grew wet from her arousal and rubbed maddeningly against her swollen clit. She gripped his neck tighter, holding him as if he might get away if she let go.

She couldn’t breathe, and she didn’t want to. All she wanted was for this moment in time to freeze right here and never end. She didn’t want to know more or less about the man kissing her. The timing for this connection was perfect. She knew everything about Isaiah that would lure her to him and nothing about him that would later annoy her.

He had a kind and giving spirit, rushing to the rescue of a stranger in the woods and even confronting an enormous angry bear to save her.

He loved his parents and his sibling.

He was sexy as hell.

His pensive brooding gave him a mysterious quality that caused a ball of desire to build in her stomach.

He was doting. Any woman would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend. Considering how well he treated a perfect stranger, he would no doubt be the most adoring lover on earth.

Whatever faults he had, she didn’t know them yet. Was he a slob? His bathroom would attest to the opposite. Did he eat with his mouth open? Leave the toilet seat up? Was he an obnoxious drunk?

Was he a shitty lover? After all, why didn’t he have a woman? Did he roll over after reaching his own orgasm and fall asleep? She found that hard to believe.

His hands curled into her back, hauling her closer as he continued to kiss the sense out of her. When did he completely take over? She didn’t care. His dominance was even hotter than his tentativeness.

When they finally broke free, it was a slow parting that ended with Isaiah easing his mouth off hers but continuing to kiss her lips and then placing a line of kisses toward her ear.

She shuddered when his mouth landed on her lobe and his warm breath filled her ear. “What was that?”

“A kiss?” Her voice sounded as though it belonged to another woman. She didn’t recognize it.

He chuckled against her, leaning closer. “That was way more than a kiss, you little imp. That was a claiming.”

A claiming? Hmmm. Maybe he had a point. Perhaps she wanted him to know definitively how she felt so there would be no confusion. Or maybe she had hit her head so hard in a fall in the woods that she was currently in a coma, dreaming up this delicious mountain man holding her in his arms.

His mouth still on her ear, he whispered, “I’m going to close my eyes now, release you, and walk out of this room before I lose all control and take things too far. You’re going to get into that tub that’s probably overflowing and soak in the warm water.”

“Okay,” she managed to reply.

In an instant he released her. Two seconds later, he was gone, pulling the door closed behind him.

She couldn’t move. Was it possible the kiss had never happened? She lifted her shaky fingers to her lips and touched the swollen flesh. Nope. It was real.

She lifted her good foot and pulled off her shoe. Easing her trembling body off the counter, she balanced on her good leg, pulled her shirt over her head, and unbuttoned her pants. She let them fall to the floor and stepped out, hopping on the one leg while gripping the edge of the counter.

A glance at the tub indicated it was full, and she lurched forward and turned off the faucet.

Tempting steam rose off the surface, calling to her. She quickly shed her sports bra and panties, and then tugged off her socks.

Forcing herself to concentrate on the task instead of the kiss, she eased into the perfect water and sighed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, not the least bit interested in reaching for soap or shampoo yet.

For long moments she lay there, unable to resist a mental replay of what had happened between them. They had chemistry. There was no doubt. Was it a damsel-in-distress syndrome? Who the hell cared?

It was undeniably hot. She was a warm-blooded human who had needs that hadn’t been met in far too long. She was about to spend two days relaxing in his home. Why not make the most of it?

Because you aren’t this kind of woman, Heather.

You don’t hook up with strangers and fuck on the first date.

This wasn’t even a date. She didn’t know what it was.

Her sex gripped. She couldn’t remember ever being this aroused. To torture herself further, she smoothed her hand up her thigh and between her legs. The second she drew a finger between her folds, she moaned.

Her eyes flew open at the intrusive sound. She jerked her fingers away from her pussy. Jesus, Heather, get a grip. You can’t masturbate in the man’s bathroom.

A soft knock on the door startled her. Had he heard her moaning?

“Heather? You okay? Need anything?”

“I’m good.” Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I’m okay. Just relaxing.”

“I’m gonna make you something to eat. You’re probably starving.”

“Okay.” Her stomach growled as if on cue.

As he walked away, she reached for the soap. First she tackled her arm. The soap burned on the angry red lines, but she would live. After washing the rest of her body, avoiding her pussy altogether, she grabbed the shampoo. There was a bottle of conditioner too. She didn’t care what brand they were or how manly they might smell, she needed conditioner or it would take two hours to comb through her tangled hair.

She pulled the band from her ponytail and dropped it next to the tub. Her arms were shaking. From low blood sugar or lust or the adrenaline spike, or was it the scratch on her arm?

She still felt uneasy about Isaiah’s entire family’s reaction to the claw marks. If he wasn’t going to tell her what the possible indications were, she needed to Google them and find out for herself. He had to have a computer in the house somewhere, but did he have Internet out here? As far as she could tell, they were in the middle of nowhere. Probably the closest neighbor was his parents.

The idea of being totally isolated and alone with Isaiah Arthur made her shiver in both arousal and concern.

She wasn’t worried about her safety. Instinct told her he was a good man. She’d met the majority of his immediate family, for heaven’s sake, and they knew where she was. Unless both his parents and his brother were in the habit of aiding in the quest to lure stranded hikers into their fancy mountain cabins to rape and murder them, she was safe.

The park warden even knew where she was.

And her mother.

No. Isaiah was one of the good guys. As she dipped her head back to rinse the conditioner off her hair, she gave a silent prayer that he wasn’t too good of a guy because she was totally not in the mood for good.

By the time she managed to let the water out of the tub, wrap the enormous towel around her much smaller body, and drag a comb she found through her long hair, she was exhausted.

She was also stuck. Hopping out of the room on one foot would be foolish. She would fall and break her neck. She needed help. “Isaiah?” Hearing nothing for several seconds, she tried again, louder. “Isaiah?”

Footsteps. Moments later, he was at the door, easing it open. “Can I come in?”


He opened the door all the way, let his gaze run up and down her frame where she perched on the edge of the tub, and swallowed.

“I didn’t want to hop on my bare foot through the house. I’d probably break my neck.”

He rushed forward as though needing the prompt. She seriously wouldn’t mind keeping the sprained ankle if it meant having this giant sweep her off her feet dozens of times a day to carry her from room to room.

Without a word, he tucked her against his chest and effortlessly stepped into the bedroom. She thought he would take her to the living room or kitchen, but instead he lowered her onto his bed. “Changed the sheets while you were in there.”

She glanced around his space, learning that he liked dark wood and dark colors. He didn’t have many items that weren’t necessities, like pictures or knickknacks, but he did have one rather large abstract painting on the wall across from the bed. The colors matched the room. Black and navy and gray.

“You’re going to swim in Joselyn’s clothes. The things my mom grabbed are nearly useless. She’s too tall for you.”

Heather lifted both brows, not bothering to answer that. “But your brother’s getting my stuff from the motel anyway.”

“Yes. And he’s going to pay your bill and close it out also. No sense paying for a room you aren’t in.”

True. She could always get another one.

“I made you some soup. It’s from a can, but you shouldn’t overdo it right now.”

“And why is that? You still haven’t told me why you’re so worried about a few scratches on my arm.”

Isaiah blew out a breath and lowered onto the side of the bed. He reached across her, grabbed a few more pillows, and then wrapped a huge hand behind her neck to lift her forward and tuck the soft clouds behind her so she was more propped up. “There are a lot of things I haven’t told you. And I’ll get to all of them. One at a time. Trust me?” He reached for her hand, held it tightly in his, and sat back to meet her gaze.

“So far. But now would be a good time to start talking.”

He nodded. “Agreed. Let me grab the soup and bring it in here, and then I’ll talk while you eat.”


When he let go of her hand to leave the room, she irrationally missed the contact. The same feeling had consumed her when he’d left the bathroom.

In less than a minute, he was back, a steaming bowl of soup in one hand, a bottle of water in the other. He set the water on the bedside table and handed her the soup carefully. “It’s hot.”

“I see that.”

When he eased himself back onto the bed, avoiding jostling her any more than necessary, he set his hand on her shin. “How’s your foot?”

“Hurts. I’m ignoring it. Start talking.” She brought a spoonful of the chicken noodle soup to her lips and blew on it, eyeing him so he would know she didn’t want him to stall any longer.

This arrangement was way beyond weird. She was currently sitting on the bed of a man she met a few hours ago, wrapped in nothing but a towel and eating a bowl of soup, as if they did this sort of thing every day.

He rubbed her leg possessively. Absentmindedly. Also as if he did so every day. She sorely wished that were true.

A knock sounded at the front door, and Heather lowered her spoon. “That can’t be Wyatt already. He hasn’t had time to get down the mountain and back yet.”

“It’s not. I’ll be right back.” Isaiah pushed off the bed and disappeared before she could ask him how the hell he knew who was or wasn’t at the door.

She listened as closely as she could, but all she heard were low murmured voices. Sometimes it seemed like no one spoke at all. She remembered him carrying her down a hall to get to his bedroom, but how long was it?

She heard the front door shut, but Isaiah didn’t return, which meant he probably went outside. She finished her soup, set the bowl on the bedside table, and grabbed the water. She felt better. Surprisingly, her ankle was no longer throbbing. The scratch on her arm burned more than its appearance would indicate, but it wasn’t bleeding. Seriously. It was a scratch. Sure, it came from a bear claw, but even if there was a risk of infection, it wouldn’t happen for more than a week. There was no reason to wig out over it.

She relaxed into the pillows and closed her eyes while she waited for Isaiah to return. So tired…

Should she allow herself to rest while he was gone? Where was he anyway?

After a few deep breaths, she calmed, and sleep dragged her under whether she wanted it to or not.

After Isaiah closed the door behind him, he followed the four members of the Arcadian Council down the steps to his front yard. For a moment, he took in the serenity that was his property—or had been until today. He hadn’t wanted to disturb the local foliage, so few of the trees had been removed to build his home.

He owned two acres, but he’d carefully selected this spot in a natural clearing at the highest point where he had an unbelievable view of the mountains and valleys surrounding him. With the exception of several saplings and about six full-grown pine trees, his home was surrounded by about twenty-five yards of grass on all sides. At this point in the season, everything was still a lush green that had yet to make a turn toward winter.

The four men in front of him stood with their feet planted wide, their arms crossed, and their brows furrowed. They were each in their sixties, but time had been kind to them.

The alpha of the group, Lawrence, broke the silence. “We understand a human has been compromised and she’s in your care.”

Isaiah fought the urge to chuckle at Lawrence’s word choice. Compromised? That wasn’t the first word that came to his mind when he recollected the moment Jack Tarben attacked her, forever altering her universe.

In addition, it was ludicrous for these four council members to pretend they didn’t know exactly who was inside the house and what her status was. They would have scented her from a great distance and were indisputably clear on her current state.

Nevertheless, Isaiah played their game. “Indeed.” He, too, planted his feet wide and crossed his arms. He straightened his back so that he stood at his full height. Every man in front of him was as tall and built as he was, however. The standoff was all bluster.

The reality was these were members of the Arcadian Council. Whatever they declared would be law. Isaiah had no leg to stand on, and he was perfectly aware of every nuance of this meeting.

Isaiah also knew he needed to make his intentions clear before the council members decreed something authoritative that went against Isaiah’s desires. With that in mind, he spoke his next words in a preemptive attempt to buy time. The more information he was willing to share, the better his chances were of gaining much-needed time.

“Her name is Heather Simmons. She moved to Silvertip two days ago. She knows no one. She’s no threat to a single living being. She was scratched against her will, and she’s currently in the early stages of transformation. It would be in her best interest to rest here while her body makes the changes she didn’t ask for.”

Lawrence narrowed his gaze. “How kind of you to provide her shelter during this difficult time.” His voice was filled with sarcasm. Not shocking. All four of the men in front of Isaiah would easily be able to discern Isaiah’s intentions.

“It goes without saying that I have a vested interest in Heather’s transition. You don’t need me to tell you that.” Full disclosure. No secrets. Not the slightest hint of mystery.

“Indeed. And I’m sure you’re also aware of the penalties among our people for infringing on the free will of any being, human or shifter,” Lawrence pointed out.

“Of course. And I resent the implication that I would ever do anything as underhanded as influence the will of the woman under my care. I’ll remind you that I’m not the criminal here. I’m not the one who attacked Heather and changed her course. I’m the Good Samaritan who has every intention of ensuring the next phase of her life is as seamless as possible.”

Another member of the council, Charles, spoke next. “There’s no need to get defensive, Isaiah. Our intentions are the same as yours. We’re on the same team.”

Isaiah nodded sharply and redirected the conversation. “What’s being done to apprehend Jack Tarben?”

“Everything in our power,” Charles continued. “Besides the members of your family and the Tarbens, we have others helping in the search. He will be apprehended, and justice will be served.”

Lawrence took over. “Our more pressing concern is with the human.”

“And as I’ve stated, you have my word she won’t be pressured by me or anyone else to make decisions against her will.” When Isaiah said anyone else, he intentionally left the vague inference that he referred to the rest of his family or perhaps the council themselves.

Lawrence’s face hardened again. “Be careful, son. We intend to work with you on this issue, but remember we are watching closely, and your words are not misunderstood. Any decisions made with regard to the welfare of Ms. Simmons will be handed down by the council.

“Your generous offer to aid her in this difficult time is appreciated, and it is agreed she would fare better in your home under the care of your family than taking the risk of her transitioning during the journey to the North in the presence of total strangers.”

Isaiah nodded. “Then I’m sure you’ll agree I need to get back inside to see to Heather’s care.”

“And you’ll agree that you need to be mindful of the importance of ensuring this matter doesn’t leak to another human being.”

“Of course. I’ve already considered the issues surrounding the problem. Heather called her parents this morning and let them know she was safe and recuperating in a location without cell service.”

“Excellent,” Lawrence continued. “If it’s all the same to you, the four of us will remain here to ensure her safety.”

Isaiah fought the urge to chuckle sardonically at Lawrence’s choice of words. He also fought to block that impulse so as not to offend the council members in the precarious dance. These men had no particular interest in the safety of Heather Simmons. Their main goal was to protect the species. That went without saying.

Charles spoke again. “Be aware, Isaiah, that our time is valuable. Further decisions have not been made at this time, but we’re giving you this respite as a courtesy. We’ll remain discreetly on your property for now. Not indefinitely. When further instructions are relayed, we’ll act without delay.”

Discreetly? Isaiah wanted to point out that there was nothing discreet about these four burly council members and their formidable presence. But he bit his tongue. He needed to take the olive branch and hope he could accomplish everything necessary before they decided to remove Heather from his home. For her safety.




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