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Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas (True Mates Standalone) by Alicia Montgomery (8)

Chapter Seven

After dinner and some hot chocolate, they watched one more movie and then Holly declared it was bedtime. Despite her protest, Hannah’s eyes were already drooping. She gave Dante a wry smile as she picked up Hannah and disappeared into the bathroom.

Not sure what to do, Dante busied himself cleaning up the kitchen. Holly’s fridge and pantry were well-stocked, which had made it easy for him to whip up a quick meal. Cheese, noodles, chicken breasts, breadcrumbs, and some spices, then voila, instant dinner. Of course, it had been quick thinking on his part to leverage his celebrity friend to get Hannah to eat, but Holly had been distressed the whole day and he wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass by if he could relieve some of that. He made a mental note to send a DVD to Evie and ask her to sign it for Hannah.

He plopped down on the couch when he was done. So, Hannah was Holly’s niece. Not that it made any difference to him. Holly was just his … what? An acquaintance, he supposed. And, the rare smiles he saw from her today made his wolf rumble in contentment—a first since he’d met Holly. His animal was hell bent on being difficult the past few days, but now it was calm. 

“Okay, sweetie,” Holly said as they came out of the bathroom. Hannah was dressed in her pajamas. “Give Dante a goodnight hug and then off to bed.”

Hannah dashed to him and launched herself into his arms. He caught her and squeezed her tight. “Goodnight, honey,” he whispered. “Sweet dreams.”

The little girl nodded and pulled away from him, then took Holly’s hand before they went into her bedroom. A few minutes later, Holly came out.

“Thank you for dinner,” she said. “And you cleaned, too.”

“Of course,” he replied. “My nonna always said, ‘a person who knows how to cook, knows how to clean.’”

“You shouldn’t have, really.”

“Then why don’t you thank me with a bottle of that Bordeaux I saw in your pantry?” 

She flashed him a wry smile. “I had to get my friend who was coming from Paris to smuggle that back here. But, I suppose getting Hannah to eat was one win in this otherwise shitty day, so I can share.” Holly walked to the kitchen, then came back with the bottle and two glasses. She set them on the coffee table and handed him the corkscrew and bottle. 

He obliged, opening it with expert ease, and then poured them both a glass. “This is good,” he said after taking a taste. 

Holly closed her eyes, her pink lips on the rim as she took a sip. He couldn’t help but watch her, as he had been doing the whole night. With her hair unbound, her body relaxed, and her defenses down, how could he not? It was like he was seeing a completely different person, not the cool, calculated chef she projected herself to be.

She let out a deep breath and set the glass down. “You didn’t have to stay, you know. I can handle Hannah.”

“I know,” he said. “But I wanted to.”

Her shoulders slumped, and she leaned back on the couch. “But tomorrow is another day. I have to figure out what I’m going to do with Hannah now. Her babysitter isn’t available until after school. I don’t know if I can take the time off from the restaurant. Sharice wouldn’t mind, but—”

“But the restaurant is your baby,” he finished. “It’s important to you.”

Her eyes dropped to the floor. “That’s awful to say, but also true. I’m a terrible person, aren’t I?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, his voice a little too forceful than he intended. “You took her in, taking care of her instead of letting her go into the system. Doesn’t sound like a terrible person to me.”

“I know, I just …” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

He put the glass down on the coffee table and scooted closer to her. “You can tell me. What happened to her parents?”

She glanced at him and hesitated for a moment before she began to speak. “Sean and Brenda—my brother and his wife—they were murdered. Some men came into their house and …” She paused, pain crossing her face. “Sean was a policeman and they suspect it was for revenge or a gang initiation of some sort.”

“And Hannah?”

“They think Brenda sacrificed herself. Woke Hannah up so she could run and then distracted the suspects so she could have enough time to escape. They found Hannah a few blocks away, huddled under some bushes. She hasn’t spoken since.”

Dante curled his fists at his side. “Did they hurt her? Is that why she can’t talk?”

“See, that’s it,” she said. “I’ve been to dozens of doctors and speech therapists in the Tri-State area. Physically, there’s nothing wrong with her. Her vocal chords are perfectly fine. She just won’t speak.”

“But what about going to a behavioral therapist?”

“Don’t you think I’ve tried everything?” She sat up straighter and slapped her palms on her knees. “I’ve tried therapy. Talking to her. Threatening her. Bribing her. But she just won’t talk, and I don’t know why. I just want her to get better, and I don’t want to fail. I’ve never failed at anything, but I’m afraid … I can’t fail her, can’t you see? She’s all I have left of Sean!” 

Her eyes were shiny with unspilled tears, and she bent her head down to avoid his gaze. It tore his heart out to see her like this. Slowly, he reached out to her, wrapping his hands around her wrists to pull her up to him. Tears glistened on her pale, heart-shaped faced. “You haven’t failed her. She’s healthy and seems somewhat happy, considering what she’s been through. And that’s because of you. You made sure she had a home, stopped her from being put into foster care. God knows what could have happened to her there. You probably had to give up a lot to be here with her. I’m sure your brother and sister-in-law, wherever they are, are happy that you’re here for Hannah.”

“I …”

Pain pricked at him, seeing her like this. Unable to stop himself, he leaned down and touched his lips to hers. He waited for her to protest or push him away, but instead she let out a low moan that sent desire spiraling straight through him as her lips yielded to his. 

As he continued to kiss her, he let go of her wrists. She slid her palms up his chest and around his neck. He moved his hands to her waist to pull her closer. He pushed his tongue against the seam of her mouth, willing her to open to him. When she did, he darted his tongue inside, taking a tentative taste. God, she was delicious, and her lavender and vanilla scent was driving him wild, like a drug that shot straight to his brain, firing off the right synapses. No, it wasn’t just her scent. It was all of her.

Feeling bold, he pulled her onto his lap, making her thighs straddle him. She let out a gasp when his erection brushed against her core, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted her so bad. Wanted to know how her skin would feel against his and what it would be like to be inside her. His hands pushed her sweater up from her waist tentatively, exposing a strip of skin on her lower back. When his fingers touched her there, she arched her back and pressed her core to him, making him groan in pleasure.

“Dante,” she whispered, throwing her head back as he pushed his hips up, rubbing his erection against her. The sound of his name on her lips made something primal rise in him, and he wanted nothing more than to hear it over and over again. He skimmed his mouth over the column of her neck, exploring the velvety soft skin as his hands boldly slid under her sweater. Her skin was warm, and his hands found the swell of her breasts. Easing the lacy cups of her bra aside, his fingers played over her nipples, brushing them to hardness.

Suddenly, her back stiffened and she froze. She scrambled off him, getting to her feet. “I can’t … I’m sorry.”

He groaned at the loss of her warm body. “Holly … I’m …” What? He wasn’t sorry for kissing her, that was for sure. 

Holly stood over him, looking so achingly beautiful with her hair mussed, lips swollen, and cheeks pink. “We can’t do this. I hardly know you.”

“Then get to know me,” he said, standing up. He reached out for her, but she shrank away, wrapping her arms around her middle.

“I just …” She glanced over to Hannah’s bedroom door. “I have to focus on her. She’s my priority and this,” she waved between them, “this would complicate things.”

“It doesn’t have to,” he insisted, but she put her hand up to stop him from getting closer.

“Please go, Dante.”

Dante stared at her, the pain in his chest blooming and threatening to take over. No, something in him protested. But she was right, and he had to respect that. If she wasn’t ready, he couldn’t force himself into her life. It wasn’t just about her.  

Tamping down the feelings that were swirling inside him, he turned around and strode to the door, not bothering to turn around to say goodbye or look at her. 


“Yo, Dante,” Enzo called as he pushed through the kitchen doors. “Dante!”

“Huh?” Dante looked up from his simmering pot of tomato sauce. “What?”

“Jeeze, what’s gotten into you?” His brother shook his head. “You’ve been like a fucking head case all morning.”

Dante shrugged. “Nothing.” Nothing at all, he thought. But he wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince. It was hard, leaving Holly’s place like that last night. He thought he could forget about her, even stopped by Blood Moon, the local club Lycans frequented, to maybe try and pick up friendlier company. But no. None of the women there caught his eye. Besides, his wolf was raging and even the other Lycans at the club had steered clear of him. He went home alone, his mind filled with memories of lavender and vanilla and soft skin.

“Well, guess who’s here to cheer you up?” Enzo said.

“Uncle Dante! Uncle Dante!” 

Two children—a boy and girl—zoomed into the kitchen, laughing as they careened into Dante’s legs.

“Hello, munchkins,” he greeted as he scooped up Adrianna and Lucas into his arms. They both had the same mop of dark hair and mismatched green and blue eyes, just like his and Frankie’s. Sometimes, when he was out alone with them, people thought they were his kids. “How are my favorite twins?”

“How many other twins do you know?” Lucas asked. Aside from us and Uncle Enzo and Uncle Matt?

Youre so smart, you know that? he said with a grin. Whered you come from? 

Adrianna giggled. “We just got out of school, and Nonna Gianna and Shane picked us up.”

“Oh really?” He swung his head around and saw his great-aunt accompanied by the twins’ nanny/bodyguard. The tall, blond man in the dark suit held the door open as Gianna toddled inside, carrying a white box tied with a green ribbon. She gave the younger man a nod of thanks. 

“Nonna, nice to see you decided to stay in New York,” he greeted as he walked to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Yes, well, Frankie convinced me to stay. Said I’d be doing her a favor if I could watch the twins while she takes Julianna to her doctor’s appointment. Even lent me this hunk to drive me around,” she said, nodding to Shane. 

“It’s my pleasure, ma’am” he said, flashing her a brilliant smile. “I’ll be in the car; just holler if you need me.” He nodded to Dante and Enzo, then ducked out of the kitchen.

“If only I was thirty years younger,” Gianna said with a shake of her head. “Anyway,” she turned to Dante, a sly grin on her face, “what time did you get home, young man?” 

Dante winced. “Nonna …”

“Were you out past your bedtime, Uncle Dante?” Lucas asked.

With a sigh, he placed the two children on the floor. “Why don’t you two go and see what Greg is doing? I think he’s rolling out the pasta and making bowties.”

“Cool!” Adrianna said, grabbing her brother’s hand and pulling him to the other side of the kitchen.

“So, where were you last night?” Enzo asked. 

“He was with that chef lady,” Gianna supplied before Dante could protest. “Stayed at her place for dinner.”

“That … you mean from across the street?” Enzo exclaimed. “She’s a babe! And you went home with her? Way to go! I thought she was a cold bi—” A growl from Dante made him stop. “Er, tough cookie.”

“It’s not what you think,” Dante said. He relayed the story to them about Hannah, but left out the last part. “And then, after Hannah’s bedtime, I went home. Alone.” Technically true. And very true. 

“But are you going to see her again?” Gianna asked, a twinkle in her eye. “I saw the sparks between you two.

“Ooh, sparks,” Enzo joked. “Are things gonna get hot and heavy then?”

“Stop it,” he said. “She’s not interested.”

“How do you know?” Gianna inquired. “She’s single; so are you.”

“That’s not it. She’s just got … too much stuff going on.”

“So?” Gianna frowned. “You stubborn young people. Just wait until you get to my age. You’ll see how much time you’ve wasted.”

“Nonna,” he warned.

Ah, basta. Madre de dio. Do I have to do everything around here?”

“Nonna, what are you planning?” Dante asked.

“Leave this up to me, my boy,” Gianna said, patting the white box next to her. “I made some zeppoles before I picked up the twins. I was planning to go over there and give them to Holly.”

He slapped his hand on his forehead. “Nonna, no!”

“Lucas! Adrianna!” she called to the children. “Guess what, we’re going on a little field trip!” The two children let out cheers of excitement and ran back to the old lady.

“Nonna, please,” Dante groaned. “Don’t make this worse.”

But the old lady ignored him and grabbed the two kids, disappearing into the dining room.

“Nonna!” he called, removing his apron. He had to stop them. Holly didn’t want any intrusions into her life, and he had to respect that, no matter how much he wanted her.

“Chef!” Jorge called, rushing into the kitchen. “We need you in the back.”

“Fuck,” he cursed. He looked at Enzo. “If they’re not back in 20 minutes and I’m not done here, do me a favor and go get her, okay?”

“Sure thing, bro.”