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Knight Defense (Rise of the Wolf Nation Book 2) by Sydney Addae (17)



SILAS LEFT JASMINE asleep after that late night with Jarcee and headed to his office. Faye was proof the military decided to play hard-ball and he planned to win. When he first learned they had been recruited, their fates had been sealed but with everything going on, Silas hadn’t gotten around to dealing with the interlopers.

All foreign full-bloods who crossed into the States violated pack protocol by not gaining permission from the Alphas in whose states they resided. They would be terminated on sight. Determination mixed with seething anger that they would side with his enemies sealed their fate.

He contacted General Miller to deal with another issue. The White House wanted to use pack members who worked for the government to handle the pack census, even though the pack attorneys had sent Silas’ written reply which basically said hell no.  He called together, Angus, Hawke, and Jacques.

This morning you reported the use of wolves to identify wolves in the military?”

“Yes. I learned of it a couple hours ago. These foreigners and rogues will walk through rooms filled with military personnel to identify wolves.”

Silas immediately sent a broadcast warning to every member of the pack with any dealings with the military. All half-breeds were to go human deep, that would keep them from being identified. He had a special assignment for janitors, told them what he needed and alerted Jayden to prepare a secure place to receive their bounty. Next, he eased the concerns of the most vulnerable, full-bloods.

“I need to see,” he told pack members. “When the traitors enter a room, show me the traitors,” Silas told Miller the same thing as he took his seat at the table he explained to Hawke, Angus, and Jacques what was going on.

“When I see the traitors, I will secure their wolves and stop their hearts and send them to you to finish them off if necessary. There are more than one and if this is happening across the country I’ll need your help to destroy them. They will all die before anyone is identified.”

“Yes, Sir,” they said.

Silas closed his eyes and looked through the eyes of the pack, easing their fears, reminding them he was there. It had been a long time since he’d done this, it felt good to be with them. An image flickered, as a man entered a room with a couple others. Silas grabbed his wolf, he hit the floor screaming in pain and then stopped.

Another wolf entered a room, Silas did the same and passed him on to Angus who continued destroying the traitor’s heart. Seven traitors died that hour. Silas wanted them all. “Search the files that Storm brought from Lee. I want the location of every wolf working for the military.”

He looked at Jacques. “I’m sending Storm to clear them out, set up transportation.”

Jacques nodded.

Angus and Hawke brought in the boxes Storm provided and dumped it all on the table.

“We’ve had so much information to go through from Humphrey, we haven’t done anything with this,” Angus said taking a seat and pulling a folder.

“We’ve been too nice lately. Foreigners found on pack lands without permission are to disappear, permanently. Rogues have 24 hours to leave or they disappear permanently. Rebels disappear permanently.” Silas sent the mandate to his Alphas and gave a brief explanation of what happened that morning.

“Here’s something,” Hawke said looking at a monitor. “Total of around 48 recruits. Half are in training as mercenaries. The others who didn’t qualify for soldiers are the guinea pigs for Lee’s tests.”

“Where are the mercenaries located? Who’s training them?” Silas didn’t care where they came from, or who they were. This morning would be their last sunrise.

Hawke snorted. “No imagination, these guys. They’re training at the same place the Knights trained. Doing basic and simulations.” He looked at Silas. “We designed that place.”

Storm, I need you,” Silas said and deliberated on whether to send Razor as well. He’d discuss it with Storm and the team.

Yes, Sir.”

“Pull up the floor plans for Storm,” Silas told Hawke and looked at Angus. “Anything else we should know?”

Angus looked away from the documents he’d been reading and sighed. “More confirmation of what we got from Humphrey. Admiral Bents is the driving force right now, he recruited General Strait. The two of them worked overtime to get a majority of the Chiefs to vote with them. They know about Miller and have tagged his records. They’re looking for other high-ranking pack members and anyone working for the government, which is what we saw today.” He looked at Silas. “The idea to have their recruits identify pack members belonged to Lee.”

“Pity he won’t live to see it.” Silas stopped to take out another traitor who entered a room of half-breeds. The rogue died like the others.

Storm entered the room and took a seat. Silas explained what happened and how he was handling the matter. Storm’s brow rose but he didn’t speak.

“We looked through the information from Lee and have the location of the traitors and foreigners. If I had eyes on them I could destroy them.”

“How many?” Storm asked.

“There were 24 but Alpha has destroyed over 10 today. I’m not sure which group they were taken from,” Hawke said. “But I’d guess they would get rid of Lee’s people first since he’s disappeared.”

Hawke went over the layout of the facility, the security systems, and training courses and they discussed the best way to carry out the assignment.

Silas wasn’t sure how Storm and Razor would work in the field together. “What if I sent Razor with you? Do you think that would work? Be faster? In and out?”

Storm didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “I don’t know.” He looked at Silas. “I’ve never worked successfully on a mission with anyone, then again, Razor mirrors my speed and skillset.” He shrugged. “It’s a tossup. Whatever you decide is fine with me.”

Silas looked at Angus and then Hawke. “What do you think? Is there enough room for the two of them to work in tandem?” They looked at the floor plan again.

“Cameras have to be corrupted, sent to the clouds and I’ll take it from there. Then override the security controls. One person can handle those, I suppose,” Hawke said.

“The other can look out and then they split, go in a systematic pattern,” Angus pointed at the monitor, “cleaning out the room.”

That plan made sense. “Can you handle the electronics?” Silas asked Storm.

“Yes, Sir.”

Silas called Razor and demanded his presence. When the man balked, Silas commanded him again as his Alpha.

Razor agreed.

Sir?” General Miller said.


Whatever you’re doing has caused panic in the ranks. I’ve been blocked from speaking to Admiral Blue and General Williams for now. They’re in an emergency meeting to discuss the deaths of 12 full-bloods who died of heart attacks. They want to blame you but can’t make themselves believe your hand is that long.” Pride rang through General Miller’s voice. Silas should’ve stepped up sooner to assist the pack in the military but had been trying to get along.

How’s the morale of the pack?”

“High, extremely high. You protected us and even though we can’t celebrate openly, there are a lot of smiles and preening today. Maybe a run tonight would be good.”

“Order one on protected lands for anyone who wants to join you. I’ll inform Alpha Jayden.”

“Thank you, Sir. It did my heart good to see the bodies of those traitors carried out.

“If you see any more, I want to know about it immediately.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Razor and Trista arrived. Silas left the conference room and entered his private office.

“Have a seat.” He motioned to the two chairs in front of his desk and looked down at them.

“When you petitioned to become members of my pack it was with the understanding that there is one Alpha, me.”

“Yes, we understood that,” Trista said taking Razor’s hand.

“Why is it when I call, you think you can say no?” Silas crossed his arms over his chest.

Trista’s mouth opened and closed.

“I assumed we had a choice,” Razor said.

“Pack is not a democracy,” Silas said not interesting in babysitting the couple. Either they get it together, follow pack rules, or they would leave. With everything he had to deal with, he didn’t care what they decided.

“No. No, it’s not.” Razor looked at Trista and then at Silas. “I don’t have much experience with the pack, the little I’ve had wasn’t very good. Maybe we should’ve asked more questions before seeking permission to join.”

“Yes. That’s a good thing.” Silas stood. “Permission denied for joining this pack until you prove to me you understand what being a part of a pack means.” He turned to leave.

Trista looked upset. “What does that mean? Can’t we live here? Or work at the museum?”

“You’ve been living here for several months already, I’ll give you 30 more days to become acclimated to pack living,” Silas said.

“I thought we had,” Trista said, looking confused. “Is this because Razor didn’t come yesterday?”

“That’s a part of it.”

“We were having intimate moments,” she said, her cheeks red.

“So are pack members all over this country. But when I call, they stop whatever they’re doing and answer. For one, they know I wouldn’t call unless it was important to the pack. Pack first. Second, I’m not interested in excuses. I leave my mate every day to make sure you; your mate and your den are safe. Everyone pulls their weight for the safety and wellbeing of all. If I need your special skill set, then you have one response and only one. Yes. Is that understood?”

Razor’s gaze sharpened, he stood and dropped to his knees. “You are right, Alpha. Forgive me and my den. We will not make this mistake again.” Trista was a little slower to follow but eventually, they were both on their knees in front of Silas.

“You have 30 days to prove to me you’re an asset to the pack. Trista, Renee speaks very highly of your skills in the museum. Continue working alongside her to rebuild it and surpass its former glory.”

Her face glowed. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Razor your skillset is that of an assassin.” Silas looked at Trista who frowned but didn’t speak. “Is my assessment incorrect?”

Razor glanced at Trista. “No, Sir. We’d like to change it to something less violent, but you are right. It’s where I excel.”

“Will there be problems in your den if I use you in that capacity?” Silas wasn’t interested in drama or power struggles.

After a few moments of silence, Razor spoke. “Alpha, whatever you require of us, we will do.” Trista took Razor’s hand and met Silas’ gaze.

“Good. I’m glad to hear it. I have an assignment for you. Go into the conference room for a briefing.

Trista’s eyes widened as her mate helped her up. “I’ll see you later?” She looked at Silas and back at Razor.

“I will contact you,” Razor said and kissed her before leaving the office.

Trista exhaled. “Thank you, Alpha. He, we needed this. A sense of direction and belonging. It’s like things clicked, we have a purpose.”

“You’re welcome, Trista,” Silas said standing. “I meant what I said, you’re doing a great job, continue with your art and assistance.”

“Thank you for that.” She waved as Security guided her out the building.

Silas re-entered the conference room. Angus was going over the plans with Razor while Hawke went over the equipment with Storm.

“Once I give the okay that we’re controlling both the security systems and cameras then you split up to clean house,” Hawke said. “Keep these scanners on you at all times. If they beep, that means there’s something, either a camera or alarm. Stop, so we can deal with it. I’ll be monitoring everything from here.”

“Can I see that?” Razor asked.

Hawke handed him the device. “How well does this hold up when we’re moving... fast?”

“Good question,” Hawke sat back and stared at the device. “It may be useless but it’s good to have just in case.”

Razor asked a few more questions about the operation, impressing Silas with his knowledge. Then Storm and Razor fine-tuned their plans to make it run smoother between them.

“Once you land, I’ll link with both of you,” Silas said drawing their attention. “I’ll be an extra pair of eyes and will not withdraw until you are on the plane returning home.”

“Yes, Alpha,” they each said and then jumped when he merged with them.

“This is how it will feel, I will see everything you see and will sense things around you. I’ll be dropping bodies as well, don’t stop, continue the mission, in and out. I want this done fast.”

Razor grinned. “I can do fast.”


“SIR?” Alpha Jayden contacted Silas.

“Jayden, what’s going on?”

“I received reports from several pack members that a human has been admitted to testing at the main military hospital in Bethesda. She’s mated but they could not identify the scent.”

“Shit,” Silas said. “Name?”

“Staff Sergeant Faye Larson. Do you know her?”

“Yes, she’s Jarcee’s mate. What kind of tests?”

“She was taken to a classified area, I’ll have someone pull the records and let you know.”

“Also I need to know if they’re keeping her and where.” Jarcee would shit bricks if his mate didn’t return soon.

Yes, Sir. My apologies to Jarcee, we’ll help any way we can.”

Silas sat back in his chair and stared at the wall. The twins and Cameron would be away for five more days. Cain, David, and the Knights were in Canada talking to pack members. Adam and Bella were returning to Europe in the morning. Jackie and Quinn had gone on a hiking trip in the mountains. And Renee had been giving him the side eye since Storm returned from the last mission. It was going to be a long day.



“How did it go? Are you settled?” Silas didn't want details, but he needed to know Jarcee’s state of mind.

Yes, but I didn’t explain being mated or anything that could be used against her. She’s not built to withhold information and I don’t want them tearing her apart to understand how mates work. That’s information I don’t think they need to have.”

Silas agreed but wouldn’t have instructed Jarcee to withhold that information from his mate. Jarcee’s decision showed a high level of maturity and pack loyalty.

“In this situation, it may be best for her not to know.” Silas paused and told him about his recent communications from Alpha Jayden.

“She didn’t contact me,” Jarcee said.

“Chances are she was instructed not to.” Or couldn’t, Silas thought.

“Alpha Jayden’s people are monitoring the situation?”

Silas understood how difficult it was for Jarcee, a natural protector, to allow someone else to watch over his mate. Faye must have asked Jarcee to let this play out.

“Yes. He will contact me once they access her files. I’ll let you know what tests she underwent and when she leaves the facility.”

“If she does not return tonight, I will go find her.”

“Is that what you and your mate decided?”

“No. She asked me to not intervene.” Jarcee explained Faye planned to retire and hoped they’d relieve her of duty since the operation was compromised.

That was wishful thinking on Jarcee’s mate’s part. If she told her superior she had met him and Jasmine at Jarcee’s last night, they would realize Jarcee was a key player. They’d use that to their advantage to work their mission.

Right now, he needed to keep Jarcee at home and away from that military hospital in Maryland. “What do you plan to do?” Silas gave Jarcee another opportunity to change his plans.

I’ll try and wait but I’m not sure my beast will allow it.”

“If she’s not on the way home by four? Five? I’ll help you.” Silas didn’t say how he’d help his friend, but he would intervene. He couldn’t allow Jarcee to become a one-man wrecking ball in such a high-profile place.

Jarcee agreed.