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Loving Two Dragons (The Dragon Curse Book 2) by Ariel Marie (9)

Chapter Nine

Lini knew that they didn’t have time to plan a huge mating ceremony. They could worry about the party and the celebration later. The three of them were flying to a high priest who Jaggar had made arrangements with to mate them right away.

Lini’s dragon grew weaker by the day, and if they didn’t complete the bonding soon, she feared she would succumb to the eternal sleep. Ady had picked up on her weakness the moment they had met. Her mates were doting mates who loved her, and were as desperate as she was to get them mated.

The past few days had flown by so fast that she hadn’t even had time to notify her parents that she had found them. Her mother and fathers would be disappointed that they wouldn’t be there for the ceremony, but they could plan a party for later.

She glanced over at Jaggar’s large dragon as he led the way. Ady’s dragon was on the other side of Jaggar. They flew together as a triad. Anything they would ever do in life would be together. Jaggar was their rock, their protector, and the base of their triad.

The sky was free of clouds as they headed toward the high priest’s home. Lini could see Jaggar begin to descend toward the ground, so she and Ady followed.

“This is exciting. I can’t wait to make our triad official,” Ada’s voice said through their mental link.

It had snapped into place when the three of them reached their climax together. It was like an electric charge that had went through all of them, linking them together.

“I love both of you, and can’t wait,” Lini replied mentally. She knew that it had only been a couple of days, but in the way of shifters, instalove was the normal. Their animals knew, and the human side of them accepted it.

She watched Jaggar land on the ground and look up at them as they touched down on the ground next to him. He was a dark dragon, one who was powerful and fierce. He stayed in his dragon form as they shifted first. Once he was assured they were safe, he began to transform to his human form.

She jogged over to Lini as he shifted. She didn’t like being too far away from her mates as she reached Ady’s side. Her mate’s warm bronze skin called to her.

“How are you feeling?” Ady asked. Concern lined Ady’s face as Lini wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug.

“Tired, but I’m okay,” she murmured, not wanting to let Ady go. No matter what, just the feel of her soft naked body against hers made her want her. She ran her hand down Ady’s back and ended at the swell of her ass. “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you.”

“Same here,” Ady murmured, pulling back and placing a small kiss to her lips. Ady cradled Lini’s face as she studied her. “We need to hurry. The bags under your eyes aren’t from our all-night lovemaking. The curse is starting to take you.”

“Let’s go,” Jaggar said, scooping Lini up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. She could sense the urgency in him as they began to move across the field.

“I can walk,” she said as they quickened their pace.

“Humor me,” he murmured. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck and let him carry her without an argument.

“Well, I hope the priest has clothes for us to borrow, or he’ll be mating us naked.” She laughed as she imagined what they would look like. Shifters were used to nudity. It came with being a shifter since clothes usually didn’t make it through the shifts.

“I’m sure we’re not the first dragon shifters, or shifters period, showing up wanting to be mated and be naked,” Ady said.

They arrived on the steps of the brick home. Lini fought to keep her eyes open as she grew weaker.

“Hold on, Lini. Don’t close your eyes,” Jaggar begged.

Ady pounded on the door, panic etched on her face.

“I’m up,” she murmured.

The door flew open and Lini could hear muttered words as she was whisked into the home. She tried to keep her eyes open, but she couldn’t focus. She felt her body being lowered to a soft chaise.

“Jaggar?” she called out. “Ady?”

“We’re here,” Ady answered. “Hold out your arms, Lini.”

Lini did as she was told, but she wasn’t sure why she couldn’t see clearly. She shook her head as she felt the piercing of her flesh on both arms.

“Lini, baby, bite.” Jaggar’s voice broke through the fog of her brain. Were they doing the mating ceremony, or was she dreaming?

Her fangs descended from her gums, and she felt the soft flesh in front of her.


“Baby, bite me. Hurry,” Ady said franticly. She opened her mouth and sank her teeth into her wrist. Sweet copper blood flooded her mouth, and took a few sips before letting go.

Lini felt the fog begin to disappear as she shook her head. The power of her mates’ blood began to course through her veins.

The words around her drew clear as she heard another voice muttering words and instructing Jaggar to brandish his wrists to his mates. Lini perked up at that moment as he placed his wrist in front of her.

“Lini, bite me,” Jaggar commanded.

Their mating. They were doing the mating ceremony. She fought to open her eyes, and finally, they pried open as she sank her fangs into Jaggar’s wrist. After pulling a few sips of his blood, she released his wrist, licking the pinpoint holes as her eyes connected with his.

Jaggar’s blood was the key to push off the rest of the curse. She began to feel a strength she hadn’t known in centuries return to her. Her body grew stiff as it pushed the spell of the dragon curse away from her.

She was saved.

Her mates’ blood saved her.

“Congratulations, Jaggar, Ady, and Lini. You are officially mated and bonded in the way of the dragons.”

Lini opened her eyes to find both of her mates kneeling on the floor before her. Relief flooded their faces as she sat forward on the small chaise. The high priest stood behind them with a small smile on his lips.

Her two dragons loved her.

They were officially bonded and mated, and because of them, she would not succumb to the dragon curse. She would be free to live her life doing what she was meant to do.

Love two dragons.