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One True Mate: Shifter's Calling (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Olivia Arran (11)



Tension radiated from the man in front of me, his huge body locked down tight as he stared at me. I couldn’t read his expression, could only guess from the muscle jumping in his cheek, and the muscles bunching and flexing beneath my hand, that he was actually listening to me. If I wasn’t dreaming, then this was a dream come true.

If only he’d touch me. Touch me like he had in my dreams. Driving me wild with need before giving in with a satisfied smirk. A whisper inside my head pushed me on, promising me everything would be okay. I needed Nial in my life and he needed me. This was meant to be.

“I would never hurt you, Blue.” His voice was deep and gravelly, and a shiver tickled the base of my spine.

I believed him. “Then don’t.”

Pain twisted his smile. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Just you.” Time paused as we stared at each other.

Then his arms were around me, his mouth catching mine, his growl branding his lips into my skin. Setting me on the counter, his large body pushed between my legs, hands curving around to cup my ass and tug me closer, until I rocked against him, his mouth still devouring mine. Nipping at my lips, his tongue dove between my teeth, one hand coming up to tangle in my hair. “I will never hurt you, sweetheart,” he groaned, kissing his way down my neck as he pressed against me, rubbing with a delicious friction that had a gasp escaping and heat spiraling through my limbs.

Reaching out, I tugged at his hair, until he looked up at me, eyes hooded and lips pressed against my breast. “Then don’t abandon me.” Despite my best efforts, pain leaked into my voice, fueled by years of loneliness and self doubt. I yanked the feelings back, pulling them tight against my skin with everything I had, but it was too late.

He saw. He knew. “Never.” It was a vow, sworn against my skin.

The door burst open, furry bodies filling the gap.

Nial spun around, putting himself between me and the wolven. “What is it?” Nial frowned. The larger wolf cocked his head and whined. After a few minutes of silence, I’d had enough. Sliding down off the counter, I pushed past Nial, folded my arms and raised an eyebrow. It worked with delinquent teenagers, so it should be good enough for a grown man and a couple of grown … wolven.

“They say we disappeared.” Nial sounded puzzled.

Huh. “But we were right here.”

A brief moment, then, “They could hear us—” he winced, smothering a chuckle, then continued, “—our breathing, our heartbeats, then we were gone.”

“The blanket,” I whispered. At his look of confusion, I explained, “It’s like I can make the air really heavy around me and it muffles stuff.” His expression didn’t clear. “I did it when you were outside my door last night. And then right now when I was scared of you seeing…” When I hadn’t wanted you to see my pain, I finished silently.

I forced myself to sneak a peek. At least he wasn’t looking at me like I was going crazy. Then again, this was a man who could actually turn into a wolf!

“Show me, sweetheart.”

Okay, then. Concentrating, I pulled the air to me and layered it around myself, imagining it getting heavy and thick.

One of the wolfen barked twice.

“Wow!” Nial moved his hand toward me, pointing his finger until it poked my arm. “You’re kind of blurry, like I’m not looking directly at you, or there’s some kind of fog around you. There’s some resistance as well. Let it go, sweetheart. We need to have a sit down and try and figure out what this—your—power is.”

I let the air disperse. “It’s my safety blanket. When I hide, if they can’t see me, they can’t find me.”

He nodded, leading us into the living room. “I bet their eyes just skipped right over you, right?” At my nod, he continued, “So, it’s the air around you that you manipulate?”

Curling my legs up and tucking them under my butt, I replied, “I can make it thicker.”

“That explains what happened to the foxen last night.”

“Then you distracted me.”

He waved off my accusation and pulled out his phone. “Are you okay with another trip to the station? Wade might be able to help us figure this out.” His eyes flitted to the wolven, who were laid on the floor by the door. “Yes, we’ll pick you both up some breakfast on the way.” His nose scrunched up in disgust. “No, I don’t think mayo is a food group, Trent.”

The wolfen I now knew was Trent growled, cocking his head.

“Fine, I’ll get you steak and mayo.” At my look, Nial shrugged. “They eat human food, mainly meat, and turns out Trent loves his condiments.”

Another growl.

“Sorry, just mayo.”

Uncurling, I managed not to laugh. “I’ll go get dressed. Are we okay to go for coffee after?”

Nial paused, obviously deep in a very serious discussion about the merits of mayonnaise with Trent and Troy. “Sure, sweetheart.” Catching my hand, he tugged me closer, until I landed on his lap. “Wherever you go, I’m there.” Releasing me from a hot, but too brief kiss, he lifted me back to my feet, steadying me until I’d found my balance.

“I said I’d meet a friend.”

He cocked his head, looking so much like Trent, I did a double take. Must be a wolven thing. “Jess?” At my nod, he smiled. “I’ve always wanted to meet her. Sounds like fun.”

“You haven’t met her yet,” I warned. My best friend would eat him for lunch.

* * *

“You are such a bad friend,” Jess cried, her face dropping into her hands and fingers dragging through her purple hair until it spiked up in tufts. This week it was violet tipped and spiked, last month it was sea green and huge curls. With Jess, you never knew what you were going to get.

She split her fingers, grinning at me. “Seriously, how did you—” her voice fell to a low hiss, “—keep him from me?”

Smothering a laugh, I glanced over at Nial, who was over at the counter. We’d escaped the station after several people had tried to figure out what the hell it was I could do, and failed. I also now knew that all shiften had heightened senses, including hearing, which meant that he was right now listening and probably finding this highly amusing. “Don’t you mean ‘how did I keep him a secret’ from you?”

She screwed up her face, as if thinking hard. “Well, maybe. Can you find one for me, too?” she asked in a hopeful voice.

Troy barked, laying his muzzle on her lap and giving her big eyes.

My laughter escaped at the devious glint in his eyes. His brother sniffed the air, then settled into a low crouch, keep an eye on the main door. How Nial had convinced the proprietor to let the wolven inside, I’d never know, but he had. “Shhhh, he’s coming.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “I bet he is.”

“Not recently,” I replied, affecting a haughty voice and giving her a wink.

Nial made a choking noise over by the counter, heat creeping into his cheeks.

“Ooooh, that tickles!” Jess shrieked when Troy chuffed his laughter onto her legs, her hand coming down to scratch between his ears. “You’re a big boy, aren’t you?” Troy’s tongue lolled out in a doggy—sorry, wolfy—grin.

This time Nial’s laughter could clearly be heard. Threading his way through the tables, he balanced two cups of coffee and Jess’ chia tea easily, seemingly oblivious to the admiring glances being thrown his way. Setting them down, he took the spare seat, giving Troy a warning glance that probably involved some telepathy, given the frown digging into Nial’s brow. Giving up, he turned to Jess. “Blue tells me that you two have known each other for a long time.”

Sipping her tea, my best friend in the entire world nodded. She glanced at me in silent question, and I nodded. I didn’t plan on keeping any of it from him, and Jess spilling the beans might make it a little easier. At least I wouldn’t have to try and find the words. “We were placed in the same home when we were little.”

Without flinching, Nial blew the steam off his mug. “How young were you both?”

This time I answered. “Three.”

He spluttered, coffee sloshing over the side of his mug. “Shit, sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” We spoke at the same time, giving the same answer we always gave if our past ever came up. People always apologized, as if that would change the fact that it had happened. We’d dealt with it, like we’d dealt with everything else life had thrown at the pair of us. Fighters, that’s what Jess had called us from the moment she’d found her voice again. Personally, I thought survivors was more accurate, but it didn’t sound kick-ass enough for my friend.

After filling Nial in on the highlights of my life, which were few and far between, Jess settled into digging the dirt. “What do you do, Nial?”

“He’s a cop,” I answered, before he had chance to open his mouth. He flashed me a grin, as if to say what did you think I was going to say? Wolfen? Sorry, I mouthed at him, miming zipping my lips shut and throwing away the key. Catching my hand, he twined his fingers through mine, bringing them to rest on the table as he continued to answer Jess’ rapid fire questions. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, our hands, that is, not Jess’ questions. They were highly amusing and downright crossing the line, half of the time, but I stored away each little detail of Nial’s life as she dug them out. That he’d never got along with his family. I’d known that one, he’d explained last night about the prophecy and his father being the one to ‘hear’ it. And, yes, I used mental quotes, not really understanding the whole prophecy thing. But it was one thing to hear that his father hadn’t been that interested in him and to hear the pain he carefully hid behind each word. To see the hurt in his eyes as he mentioned his brother and how they hadn’t spoken in months. It was only when Jess quizzed him on his move to the States that he brightened up, the first real smile coming to his face.

“And you two met … how?” Jess stroked Troy’s head, the large wolfen's eyes closed in something that looked like bliss.

Nial indicated that I take the lead and I hesitated. I’d never lied to Jess before, but this wasn’t something that I could easily explain. I wasn’t even sure if I was allowed to explain it to a human, so I opted for a version of the truth. “I was running

Jess held up a hand. “Wait. You don’t run. Ever. It’s a hazard.”

“I know, I know. But I was running and I tripped

“Ahhhh, now it makes sense.”

Giving her a glare, I finally finished the very short, but very interrupted story, “—and Nial caught me.”

“Wait, you fell into his arms?”

“Pretty much.”

She chewed her bottom lip. “What were you running from?”

“Couldn’t I have just been jogging?” The look she gave me told me clearly I couldn’t have just been jogging. I couldn’t very well tell her that I’d been running, scared of some large growling creature that had been stalking me through an imaginary woods, could I? Which was probably a shiften, looking back now. “The store was about to close.”

“Ah, gotcha.” Completely acceptable reason in her eyes.

“We went for a drink and the rest is history.”

She looked happy for me, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. Laying my hand over hers, I squeezed. “I was going to tell you but…” I thought it was all a dream?

“I left town for a bit, work business and I couldn’t get a message to Blue. She was probably pissed at me,” Nial interjected.

“I know that’s your kryptonite, being left behind, but you still could have told me. I’d have verbally kicked his ass with you.” Jess looked a little less hurt, thankfully.

“I’ll tell you every time he pisses me off from now on, I promise.”

She sniffed. “Pinky promise?”

Gripping her little finger with mine, I nodded. “Pinky promise.”

Jess grinned. Turning to Nial, she shook her head. “You’d better be on your best behavior from now on, buster.”

“I plan on it.”

Problem was, I couldn’t decide whether that felt like a threat or a promise.

* * *

“You were really nice to her,” I mused, partially distracted by his arm around my shoulders and the way his hip brushed against my waist as we walked. The man was as tall as a tree and I fit right under his arm, like he’d been made for me. I’d never felt as safe as I felt right now, flanked by two huge badass wolven and cuddled up to a man who looked like he could defeat Superman with a flick of his finger.

“She’s nice.” He sounded distracted, his eyes flicking around the street, taking everything in.

“What is it?” Squinting, I pushed my glasses further up my nose, but it didn’t help. Early evening had come and dusk had stolen the light, casting long shadows on every corner.

“Nothing, sweetheart, I’m just being careful.”

We made our way up to my apartment, and after checking everything was okay, they eventually let me inside. Shrugging off my jacket, I slung it over a chair.

“What’s that?” Nial was staring at my neck.

I looked down. “What, this?” Fingering my necklace, I held it up so he could see. Usually, it was tucked away beneath my clothes and I took it off to sleep, but it must have gotten caught on my hair, as it often did. Shaped like a wolf on one side, an angel on the other, if it slid up the chain, it had lots of edges just waiting to get caught and my hair was snarly on a good day. “My mom gave me it. One of the only things she did leave me.” That, the tiny battered suitcase, and my first name. I didn’t bother to keep the bitterness from my voice. I was pretty sure that if it had been worth anything, she would have sold it for drugs or booze, but it was a trinket, nothing more.

Sliding his hands under the chain, Nial lifted it so it hung between us. The wolf stared at me, bronze eyes looking out at me. For the first time, I noticed the discoloration on the metal, a lighter patch around the wolf’s eye. “Your father made this pendant,” he eventually said. “He left one for each of his children with their mothers, to pass on to their daughters when they were ready.”

A tightness clutched my chest at the thought of the father I’d never seen. Would never see. I mean, an angel? I was sure he was way too busy to visit his earthly children. I also wondered if he’d ever paid child support? “Why?” The question encompassed everything and nothing all at the same time. The vast empty yearning of a small child wondering how they came to be in a harsh world all alone. Given a pendant instead of love, who did that?

“I’ve been told that he did something to them. That they’re special in some way?” He cursed under his breath, shaking his head and turned to the wolven. “You’re right, Trent, Wade will know. Or Ella.” Turning his attention back to me, he let go of the pendant, letting it fall gently against my chest. “We’ll call in tomorrow and see what we can find out.”

“Uh, I have work tomorrow,” I pointed out.

He scowled, but didn’t say a word, accepting my adjustment to our plans with a curt nod. “After work then,” he conceded, taking a seat on the couch.

Good. He couldn’t barge into my life and start telling me what to do, not when he was all about the not claiming me as his mate because of that silly prophecy. Wait … but did I want him to claim me? Shaking off the thought, I stroked the edges of the metal, warmed from being against my skin. “Are you planning on coming to work with me?”

“Sweetheart, I need to protect you.” The thought of him following me around had my stomach performing somersaults. But he couldn’t come to work with me forever, how would I do my job?

“What if I learned to defend myself?”

The wolven barked, and I swear they were laughing at me. “Against Khain? A demon?” At least Nial had the decency to ask with a straight face.

I stuck my chin out. “I have powers.” Not that I really had a clue what they were, but still … powers. Booyah!

“We still need to figure out what you can do, sweetheart.” Catching my hand, he tugged me toward him, the corner of his mouth sliding up into the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen. “Shall we practice?”

“What exactly?” I let him guide me, until I straddled his hips, his strong hands resting gently on my waist. Glancing around, I noted the wolven had made themselves scarce, thankfully.

He arched an eyebrow, all innocence. “Your powers, of course.”

Leaning forward, I placed us nose to nose, until I could see every spark of gold in his eyes, could feel his breath dusting my lips. “I can practice both,” I whispered as one of his hands slid up my back to cup the nape of my neck.

“I love a woman who can multi-task,” he growled.

Rocking forward, I reveled in his low groan. “And I’ve yet to meet a man who can.”

“Sweetheart, I’m all about the multitasking.”

Gathering the air around me, I tugged it closer, weighing it down until it settled on us like a blanket. Our lips touched, tongues colliding on matching groans, his hips jerked beneath me as I pressed into him. Arching my back under his hands, I dug my fingers into his hair as he kissed his way down my neck to my breasts, dragging my necklace out of his way as a shudder ran through me. The air thickened even more, sliding against my skin, pressing down against the trail of heat his kisses left behind. I could do this. Even now, whatever it was that I could do, this strange power, it felt stronger. Easier. As if Nial was the missing piece and I now understood. His tongue curled around my nipple and I gasped, hand clasping at the warm metal nestled in my hand for safekeeping.

The world went black.

I swallowed my scream, pushing back the wave of nausea.

Nial was gone. I was alone.

A growl sounded in the dark. This time, I didn’t hold back the scream.




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