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Outlaw of the Bears (Wild Ridge Bears Book 2) by Kimber White (12)



She knew I held something back. Anya’s eyes widened, questioning me as I held that crumpled piece of paper in my hand. To sit this close to her, hold her hand in mine, and not tell her the truth about what I knew stole something from both of us. The bond between us grew stronger, but remained fragile. But, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her. Not yet. Not until I understood Simon’s role in all of this. I couldn’t help that a part of me still felt loyalty to Wild Ridge. That loyalty still thrummed in my blood and made me who I was.

But Anya’s blood thrummed through mine as well. She said Avery was part of her clan and she was. I shut my eyes tight against the vision of what it must have been like for her at the end. She was alone. Unprotected. Her body betraying her without the proper care she needed. Anya told me she felt Avery’s death years ago. I understood that feeling all too well. As part of a bear clan, each of us could sense the death of another as a piercing stab of pain and then emptiness. This new information confirmed her fears. No human woman--Anam Cara or not--could survive the birth of a wearbear without the right kind of treatment. It was the single biggest reason why taking a mate without clan support was against bear law.

And if the child had died too? God, the horror of it all. How could Simon have been part of such a thing? How could any bear? And yet, here I was, holding Anya close to me, claiming her and perhaps putting her in harm’s way just as Simon might have done to Avery. I was no better. In fact, maybe I was worse because now I knew what could happen. I was selfish. I had to find a way to make this right.

“It’s too much,” Anya sighed against me, echoing my own thoughts though she didn’t know how deep they ran.

“I know, baby. I know.”

“I just don’t understand why she didn’t feel like she could call me or ask for help? Was she so damaged? Didn’t she trust me?”

I cradled Anya’s head against my chest. “Maybe she wanted to protect you.”

“I’m so sick of that, you know. I’m sick of people tearing themselves apart because they think they can protect me.” She sat up and faced me.


“No. I mean it. There has to be a way for us to figure this out. What have you done that’s so terrible?”

I tore a hand through my hair. Everything. That is what I wanted to answer. I’d done everything wrong where she was concerned. But, the pull of my instincts and my growing love for her were too strong to deny. Very soon, I’d need to shift and feel the woods around me. I wouldn’t go far, but if I held back the bear too much longer, I wouldn’t be able to think straight. “What happened to Avery should make that more clear to you than ever, Anya. I don’t know how or why, but if Avery was trying to deliver a were, and she was left alone to do it like that, then … well … it’s just about the worst thing a bear can do. And now I’ve done it to you.”

“You did nothing!” She flapped her hands. “God. Bear law is stupid if you ask me. You’re telling me you’re not allowed to love who you want and you’re held responsible for your dad’s dumb choices. Well, guess what? I had a shitheel for a dad too. If I were a bear, does that mean I’d have to sit in prison right along with him?”

I loved her like this. I loved her every way she came to me. Fiery passion danced in her eyes. She stood and paced with her hands folded in front of her. Her coppery hair flew out behind her as she whirled to face me again. I would kill for her. I would die for her. Soon enough, I’d probably have to do both. For now, though, we were here. Together. With a hunt, Anya’s touch, and a good night sleep, I felt like I could conquer the world.

She stood over me and tapped her foot. “You’re thinking about fucking, aren’t you?”

I laughed and it turned into a cough. She squatted down to me, her face flushed. I felt the echoes of her own desire pouring off her. “I think you are too, my love.”

She chewed her bottom lip. Her face flushed and a tiny pulse near her throat quickened. “I feel you. In here.” She pressed her hand to her chest.

“I know.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. Kinetic energy flowed between us. She called to my bear on a level that was new to her and thrilled me. God, I needed to shift. But more than that, she was right. I needed to fuck.

“We’re not done,” she gasped.

“I know that too.”

She had her shirt off and her bra unclasped. I reached up and pulled her down into my lap. I would be quick, but I wouldn’t be denied. Leaning down, I suckled her breast. Her breath hitched and she wriggled out of her jeans.

She stretched out on the sleeping bag, bringing her knees up, she spread herself wide. Dim moonlight cast her in a shimmering glow and I could see how wet she was for me. Just a touch, just my breath against her skin and she was primed for me and I was for her.

I moved between her legs, casting off my own jeans. I stroked myself. Her eyes widened and a sultry smile played on her lips. Before I could move toward her, Anya sat up and settled her mouth around me.

I threw my head back and let out a growl that echoed across the cave walls. I leaned back and steadied myself with my hand against the rock. Anya sucked me deep, my balls twitched as she worked me. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was mine.

I laced my fingers through her hair as she picked up the pace. In another second, I might lose control completely and I think that’s exactly what she had in mind. Then she came off me, her mouth making a popping sound that nearly drove me mad. My breath came hot and heavy, flaring through my nostrils. The bear was so close. My vision darkened and I knew she could see my bear eyes. She arched her back and let out a little gasp that almost drove me over the edge.

My Anya was a wild thing almost as much as I was. My nature called to hers, stirred her in ways that were new and exciting. And she was wet. So wet. Her pussy swelled as she stroked herself with two fingers, opening even further for me.

“I can’t hold out,” she whispered. I smiled, leaning down I nipped her earlobe. She thrust her hips forward and I slid my cock deep inside of her. Anya wrapped her legs around me. She was warm and wet and felt like heaven. She also hadn’t been joking. Almost as soon as I entered her, I felt her walls tighten around me. Her swollen little clit grew hard as she strained to take me in even deeper. I held myself still inside of her as she ground her hips against me and found the friction she needed. I dug my fingers into the soft earth as she cried out my name into the night and came for me in wave after wave.

So good. So sweet. So forbidden. Anya wrapped her arms and legs around me as I started the slow, pounding rhythm I needed. It seemed I couldn’t hold out either. As she dug her nails down my back, I spilled my seed inside of her, my juices mingling with hers. God, she made me weak and strong all at once. With every thrust, I renewed my promise. I wouldn’t let her end up like Avery. I would find a way to keep her safe. She would never be alone. She drew blood, heightening my own pleasure. I resisted the urge to bite her again. She was strong and wild, but she was still human. Even in passion, I could never hurt her.

Then, I curled myself around her. The night called. My bear called. But for now, we would sleep, safe and warm in the cave I’d made for her.


 A shockwave went through me. The stars seemed to come alive, stabbing into my heart. Anya slept beside me, snoring slightly. The moon cast her in a blue glow and the curve of her bare breasts shone white.

“Anya,” I shook her gently. “Baby. Wake up. Get dressed.”

“Mmm.” She blinked and looked up at me. In the span of a heartbeat, she caught my alarm. “What is it?”

“Trouble.” I said, sliding my jeans back on. I put my body between her and the cave entrance while she quickly found her clothes.

He came from the east, charging through the trees. I stood my ground.

“Dammit, Tobias!” My voice came out as a low, threatening snarl.

His eyes flashed white as he stood a few yards away from me, out of breath. His own bear rippled just below the surface. Anya came behind me, putting a light hand on my shoulder.

“Show some manners, Cullen,” Tobias said. “For once.”

“You must be Tobias,” Anya said. Her own voice had a threatening tone. She nipped my ear and whispered. “Is this the asshole who sucker punched you the other night? He looks about a hundred and seven years old.”

Tobias laughed. Of course he could hear every word she said. I felt Anya’s skin warm against mine as she blushed. I couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle myself. I pinched her bottom and pushed her back behind me.

“Not a good time,” I said.

“There’s no time.” Tobias walked toward us into the clearing. “I see you haven’t listened to a damn word I said. Well, I’m happy for you both. Or I would be, if you weren’t about to get yourselves killed.”

“I’ve heard all of this before. Things aren’t as simple as you make them out to be. Anya’s my …”

“Save it.” Tobias put up a hand. “I tried to tell you. Dammit. I tried to literally knock some sense into you. You’re young. You haven’t seen what I have. You think you know better. Well, maybe you’re right. I sure as hell hope so for both of your sakes. Meantime, you gotta get out of here.”

“And go where?” I asked.

Tobias’s face fell. He didn’t have an answer. “Well, you sure haven’t made that any easier have you. If you’d done what I said, maybe there would have been a place for you in the Yukon. Maybe. Now? Shit.”

“Why not?” Anya said. “I don’t understand. If your mother still lives there, why can’t we go there?”

“Darlin’ let’s just say things are a little Alpha bear heavy in the Yukon. Plus, there are rules to these things and you two have broken just about every damn one. Any hope Cullen had of convincing them up there that he’s a team player … well … they’re gonna think he’s got too much of his daddy in him now. Maybe he does.”

I clenched my teeth. I wanted to argue Tobias’s point. I was nothing like my father. I would never betray the clan like he had. All I ever wanted was to work my claim in the Wild Ridge copper mines for the good of the group. Every last one of them knew that. The vote had been so close. A virtual tie, until Simon threw Clan Marshall’s vote into the mix. I let out a bitter laugh. If I’d known what Simon had done, would I have thrown it in his face then? I could have asked to nullify his vote. Better yet, I might have even asked for a new vote on Simon’s banishment. But, things were different now. I understood things weren’t always so black and white. If they hadn’t voted to banish me before, they might now with what I’d done with Anya. In that flash of a second, her words echoed through me. Sometimes bear law can be very, very stupid.

“You’re coming close to being out of options, son,” Tobias said. “I’m afraid I’ve done just about all I can for you if you won’t listen to sense. Does she know what this life is going to mean for her?”

I felt Anya’s breath against my neck. I looked down and shook my head.

“I know enough.” Anya said. “But we’ve made our choice.”

Tobias muttered under his breath and kicked the dirt. “Well, then I wish you luck. That’s all I can really do at this point. Get used to being on the run. You’ll never be able to settle down in one place for too long. Not where there are bears around. I’d say go north. As far north as she can stand the weather.”

I nodded. “What about you?”

Tobias shrugged. “It’s time for me to head home. You got any message you want to send to anybody you care about?”

I thought for a moment, knowing I should say something. But, nothing came to me just then. Thank you was the best I could do. In his own infuriating way, Tobias had tried to help me. I stepped forward to shake his hand but never get the chance. Tobias sensed it too and let out a predatory growl as he turned toward the trees. We were surrounded.

Anya trembled behind me as her own senses started to perk up as an echo of mine. Arkady came through the trees first, followed by Stefan, his right-hand man. There were seven of them altogether. Four of them came from the other direction and stood on either side of Anya and me at the mouth of the cave.

Tobias took a step toward me, placing himself in the middle of Arkady’s men and me. He took a neutral stance both in position and posture. This wasn’t his fight. I was alone and Anya was exposed. Fear and predatory rage coursed through me. My body wanted to fight. It would be suicide and maybe a death sentence for Tobias if he tried to step in. Tobias threw me a glance that said, “I told you so.” Maybe he was right. There was no bigger fool than me. If it came to a fight, I couldn’t take on seven, even if Tobias decided to throw his lot with me.

“I’ve been patient long enough,” Arkady said, coming forward. He stood about six yards from me, with Tobias in the middle. “And you’ve taken something that doesn’t belong to you. For that alone, I could kill you.”

“Now, hold up,” Tobias said. I reached back and put my hand on Anya’s hip, holding her tight against my back. There was no place to run. We had the cave behind us. A dead end.

“Stay out of it, Yukon,” Arkady said.

“What’s your plan here, Constantine?” Tobias growled.

“My plan? Old man, that bear has trespassed through my territory long enough. Now, he stands there with my property and his scent all over her.”

“I’m not your property,” Anya shouted. I squeezed her thigh. She couldn’t know, but the pheromones she was throwing off could send any one of these bears into a frenzy at any moment. God, I’d been so stupid thinking we’d come far enough away.

“You know damn well, Cullen has a claim on her.” Tobias said. “Now I think enough bear law has been broken for one day, don’t you?”

“This isn’t your territory,” I said, stepping out of the mouth of the cave. I signaled with my hand to Anya to stay back in the shadows. “You don’t belong here any more than I do.”

“He’s right,” Tobias said. “That muddies the waters and you know it.”

“What do you plan to do about it,” Arkady laughed. “Look around. You’re outnumbered.”

“Question is, what do you plan to do about it?” Tobias shouted. “You gonna kill him? You gonna kill me too? Now maybe you do have a legitimate beef with Cullen. I tried to warn him to move off. He’s stubborn. He’s young. So yeah, you kill him where he stands, maybe it doesn’t ruffle any feathers and you go about your way. But if you kill me too, and son, I’m telling you right now that’s what you’re going to have to do … that’s going to bring attention down on you I’m guessing you don’t want. I’m no threat to you. You can probably get away with killing as many of your own clansmen as you want. If they’re stupid enough to keep following you, that’s on them. You kill me, that’s a whole different story.”

Arkady’s eyes flashed and narrowed. He knew as well as I did, Tobias was right. For that brief moment, I could forgive him for the sucker punch the other night. But, it was a false threat. There was no way I’d let him take Anya out of here without a fight. Even if it was one I couldn’t win. There was only one thing left to do. I stepped around Tobias and got in Arkady’s face. I knew what I had to do.

“I challenge you,” I said, my voice booming through the wooded valley.

Arkady’s eyes widened and he took a step back. If nothing else, I got the reaction I wanted. He hadn’t seen that coming.

“Dammit, boy,” Tobias muttered between clenched teeth. “Don’t do this.”

“It’s my right.” I turned back to him. “You’re my witness. So are the rest of Arkady’s clan.”

“What are you doing?” Anya shouted.

“Committing suicide,” Arkady answered.

I stood my ground, locking eyes with Arkady. My bear fought to get out and I saw Arkady’s eyes flash red as his bear called to him too. Tobias turned to Anya.

“They’re both Alphas,” he told Anya. “Your boy just challenged Arkady to a fight to the death. Winner takes all.”

“I won’t allow it!” Anya came out from the shadows of the cave. My blood boiled and my vision clouded. Tobias put a hand out and grabbed me by the arm.

“Steady, boy,” he whispered. “You go bear now, you might get her killed right along with you.”

“What is it that you want?” Anya said to Arkady. “Me? Is that it?”

I couldn’t see straight. Even Tobias’s steadying hand wasn’t enough to quell my simmering rage. If I shifted this close to Arkady, all hell would break loose. Arkady’s eyes flicked to the four bears who’d stood at the mouth of the cave. They moved fast. As I felt the shift start to overcome me, they grabbed me by the arms and held me back. I let out a hard breath and struggled to maintain control.

“I accept your challenge,” Arkady said.

“Well, now that ain’t a fair fight and that ain’t how it works,” Tobias said. “An Alpha challenge is fought one on one. Not clan on one.”

“I know the rules,” Arkady said. “I accept the challenge, but I set the time and place.”

Tobias let out a sigh. He moved and stood in front of me. I strained against the grip of Arkady’s men. “There’s time to take it back,” he said. “You go down this path, there’s no going back. Think long and hard if this is what you want.”

“It’s the only way,” I said. And it was. A life on the run was no life at all for Anya. A direct challenge to Arkady was the only chance I had.

“Jesus, boy. Even if you win, the others don’t have to follow you. Chances are they’ll gang up on you and tear you apart even if you get the best of Arkady. You’ll have to fight ‘em all, one by one.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do,” I spat.

“I’ll go with you!” Anya shouted. My vision darkened then turned blood red. The men holding me tightened their grip. My own bear rippled and my claws came out. I had to keep control. Had to. I couldn’t trust that the rest of them wouldn’t put Anya in danger. She was too close. One misstep. One careless swipe of a paw and she’d be dead.

“Set the time and place for the challenge,” Tobias shouted, turning back to Arkady. “That’s your right.”

Arkady crossed his arms. He got in my face, his polar bear eyes flashing red. “Tomorrow night,” he said. “On the riverbanks just outside of town. I think you know the place. And in case you try to run, until then, she stays with me.”

“Over my dead body, you asshole!” I struggled against the four men holding me. I couldn’t throw them off. My heart raced with alarm. Anya stayed calm.

“Fine,” Arkady said. “Kill him now. I don’t trust him anyway.”

“No!” Anya screamed. “No. Don’t kill him. I’ll go with you. If you honor your word. If you honor the challenge. You meet Cullen tomorrow night. But you don’t touch me. Do you understand? I choose Cullen. Not you. In front of all of these witnesses and Tobias too. Unless you want the rest of the clans to know you’re in the habit of forcing women. I’m guessing that would draw attention down on you that you can’t afford either.”

My breath came out hard. My captors drew blood as I pulled against them. Anya stood brave and fierce with her feet planted wide and her arms across her chest.

Arkady nodded. “I’m a man of my word. I accept your challenge. In the meantime, listen to the old man. He talks sense.”

Arkady pulled Anya to his side. Her eyes flared as she looked back at me. A warning. A promise. I could only see through the red haze of bloodlust. Then blackness came as one of them smashed a rock against my head.