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Right Girl, Wrong Alpha (Brothers of the Heart Book 2) by DJ Bryce (3)


Hanging out with Mateo turned into a full-blown barbecue in his backyard.

I wasn’t complaining. Although bear shifters were more solitary than wolves, I didn’t mind hanging out, having a few beers, and shooting the shit with Mateo and his council. Plus, Mateo had a pretty cool setup, and it was a beautiful night, so it was all good.

I was kicked back, legs out in front of me, enjoying my beer and some conversation.

Gilly’s little brother, Brick, was currently peppering me with questions about my clan. He seemed like a cool enough dude, and I was always happy to talk about my clan with people who were curious, especially people who, although were no strangers to shifters, hadn’t had much interaction with bears.

That spurred a conversation about acceptance and tolerance within clans and packs, which made me wonder if, because Brick was gay, he’d been shunned by his pack somehow. The thought immediately put my back up, we didn’t tolerate ignorance in my clan, but when I saw the look Mateo was giving Brick, I thought maybe acceptance by the pack wasn’t what Brick was getting at after all.

Before I could ponder this new development further, Gilly walked in with the most adorable woman I’d ever seen. As soon as my gaze fell upon her, my heart started surging in my chest, and I sprang to my feet without even realizing it.

The urge to go to her was undeniable.

The pixie woman was carrying grocery bags, so I rushed to take them from her arms to ease her burden. In doing so, my hand brushed against her skin and an electric current shot through me. I knew she felt it too when she stilled, looked up at me with wide eyes, then released the bags and took a step back.

“I’m Logan,” I managed, my voice rough. The need to know her name was so great it almost brought me to my knees.

“The Chief?” she asked, and my chest puffed with pride that she knew me.

I nodded, then my words caught when she took another stepped back and looked to Gilly in panic.

“I have to get back to Howlers,” my still unnamed mate exclaimed, then spun on her heel and left, leaving me standing there in shock, holding the bags like a schmuck.

“Who was that?” I asked Gilly, still looking at the spot my mate had just vacated.

“Natasha, my sister,” Gilly answered, oblivious to the fact that I’d just been figuratively knocked on my ass. “She promised me she’d stay for one beer and one burger.”

“Your sister?” I asked, sudden desperate at this new information. “So, she’s promised to an Alpha?”

“No, well, not yet, but yes, we were always told that we were meant to be an Alpha’s mate… At least, that’s what our parents always told us. Who knows what the truth really is…”

“Hmmm,” I murmured, my mind reeling. No, I wasn’t a wolf, but I was still a shifter, and the equivalent to the Alpha of my clan.

There was no doubt in my mind that Natasha had indeed been born to mate with an Alpha, and that Alpha was me. She’d obviously felt the same thing and been spooked by this new twist on what she’d been raised to believe, but there was no denying the facts. She was mine and I was hers.

Still, I’d give her a little time to come to terms with things, rather than barge after her and push. It looked like I’d be spending a little more time here than originally planned, now that I had a woman to claim.

Wanting to give Natasha space, but still needing to learn more about her, I crossed to where Brick was sitting on his own, drinking a beer and looking up at the sky.

“Seat taken?” I asked, gesturing with my beer to the empty chair next to him.

“Nope, help yourself.”

I eased into the chair, stretching my legs out before me as I took in the party around us, smiling at the laughter being shared between the pack, then took a tug on my beer, before letting out a sigh.

“Nice night,” I stated, watching Brick from the corner of my eye.

His attention had diverted from the sky and had caught on Mateo, who was currently manning the grill with a huge grin on his face.

“Yup,” Brick replied distractedly.

“So, how long have you been in love with Mateo?” I asked casually, causing his head to whip so fast in my direction that I worried he’d get whiplash.

“Wha?” he muttered, his mouth hanging open. “How did you…?”

I settled back and looked out over the yard.

“Being the Chief is a funny thing. I’ve been able to spot all of the mates of my people, sometimes before they even knew it. Just one of those things… The chemistry between the two of you is a tangible thing, which makes it all the more surprising that no one else has noticed. But, after the conversation we had earlier, about the fact that to date there have only been mates of the opposite sex in your pack, I think it’s due to the fact that your people are wearing blinders. They’ve only known one way, so they only see one way. You and Mateo are going to have to make them see.”

Brick scoffed and said bitterly, “Yeah, right. Mateo won’t even admit it to himself, there’s no way he’d going to come out to his precious pack.”

I turned my face toward Brick, could see the hope and longing there, and said, “Then, first, you’re going to have to make him see. Mates are undeniable, and as hard as it may be for Mateo to accept, not only for himself, but as the leader of your pack, he won’t be able to ignore the fact that you’re his mate for long. Not only would he have to live out the rest of his days alone, but you would as well, and no shifter… Bear, wolf, cheetah, or whatever… would wish a sad and lonely existence on their mate.”