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Royal Mate (Misty Woods Dragons) by Juniper Hart (17)


King Henry eyed his son-in-law skeptically.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man with your body eat as much as you do,” he commented, and Maximus grinned at the middle-aged man with a mouthful of roasted potatoes.

The weather had cooperated perfectly, as it tended to do on Luxe, and Maximus gazed toward the beach where his new bride sat, surrounded by well-wishers as the waves of the Pacific lapped teasingly toward her.

“I’m sorry your father was ill and missed the festivities,” King Henry said, sitting back in his chair, his clear blue eyes fastened on Maximus. The dragon tensed at the sound of his father’s name, but he made no indication of the mounting stress in his body.

“He is sorry he missed this, too,” Maximus replied smoothly, wiping his face with a white linen napkin. “And my brothers.”

“You know,” Poet’s father continued, apparently determined to drive his point home. “You can tell a lot about someone by their family.”

“I would normally agree,” Maximus said, shifting his gaze back toward Poet. His heart skipped as it tended to do whenever he caught a glimpse of her beauty, but he had never seen her look as lovely as she did at that moment, the dusky light bouncing off her up-do, her white wedding dress glimmering against the jewel-like waters of the ocean beyond.

She doesn’t seem real, Maximus thought, his eyes glimmering when Poet looked up to catch his eye and wave him toward her.

“But?” King Henry asked. “Sounded like you were going to add a disclaimer following that.”

“Well, I don’t know, sir,” Maximus said, reluctantly glancing at the man across the long, festive table. “I don’t think I would ever have guessed that Poet was your daughter, knowing what I know about her now.”

King Henry chuckled, but Maximus somehow sensed there was little mirth in his laugh. “I’m not sure if that was an insult or a compliment.”

Maximus shook his head. “Neither, sir. She does not fit the profile of a princess, does she?”

“No,” the king admitted. “She does not. She never has.”

Maximus rose to his feet and looked at the king apologetically.

“I’m afraid my wife seems to be summoning me with her eyes,” he told the man. “Shall we continue this later?”

“You can count on it,” King Henry replied, and his tone was unmistakable.

Maximus slipped away from the wedding table and headed toward his bride, who waited for him on the beach with her hand outstretched. Not that he could blame the king: if some strange man swept into his daughter’s life in a whirlwind and married her after three months, he would surely be suspicious, too.

He knew the king had run background checks on him, but there was nothing that the old man could find that would cause him alarm—not really.

I may not be a billionaire like some of my brothers, Maximus thought, but my descent from royalty is carefully documented, and it is enough to please any king. There is no reason for him to suspect me as anything but a good match to Poet.

As he wandered toward her, the feeling of sand between his bare toes, he still could not help wondering if he was a good match for her or if he had unnecessarily put his bride in danger.

“You have that look in your eye again,” Poet murmured once he was within her reach, taking his hands.

“What look?” Maximus demanded, but he knew exactly what she was talking about.

“The one that says you regret ever finding me and stalking me.” The teasing in her voice only partially masked the sound of wistfulness beneath it, and Maximus yanked her body to him as the nearby guests cooed at the couple, snapping pictures at their exquisiteness.

“I never stalked you,” he reminded her, laughing. “And I don’t regret a single minute of being with you—while you’ve been safe.”

“You act as if your presence has caused me nothing but pain,” Poet whispered, her sparkling eyes filled with adoration for him. “And we both know that’s not true.”

“It’s our wedding day,” Maximus said firmly. “Let’s enjoy it without it being overshadowed by a bunch of ‘what-ifs.’ We do that enough to ourselves day-to-day.”

“No,” Poet corrected. “You do that to yourself. I am constantly grateful for the fact that you have found me and kept me safe, despite the risk and loss you have endured.”

They stared at one another, their eyes an identical shade of crystalline blue.

“I promise to start looking at the future with optimism,” Maximus vowed, his lips brushing against hers. “After all, you are my future, and all I can see is light in your eyes.”

Poet threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply as the crowd erupted into a sea of applause.

“They think we’re putting on a show for them,” Poet giggled. “Imagine how disgusted they’re going to be when they realize that we are going to be like this forever.”

Maximus’ heart paused at the word. “Hopefully,” he murmured. “Hopefully forever.”

“Stop it,” Poet scolded him. “Ruby will find a way.”

Maximus forced a smile, but before he could answer, a sharp bark at their feet caught his attention. Chauncey growled angrily and yapped at them.

“Do you think this mutt will ever get used to me?” Maximus laughed, leaning down to tease the Cocker Spaniel. Chauncey barked louder and backed away as Maximus’ palms neared his face.

“He’ll come around,” Poet assured him, eyeing her pet with affection. “He still has to get used to the idea of sharing my love with anyone else.”

But Maximus was no longer listening, his gaze fixed on the small dog. As Chauncey bared his teeth, his breath caught in his throat.

“Poet,” he whispered, pointing at the animal. “Look…”

She turned her head to glance at where he was looking. “What is it?”

Maximus could not speak, watching as Chauncey’s eyes began to glow a bright amber, his tail becoming elongated.

“Oh, my God…”

Without thinking, he snatched the dog under his arm and bolted down the beach, Poet in hot pursuit, the train of her dress trailing in the white sand.

“Where are you going?” one of the guests called. “It’s almost time for cake!”

“We’ll be right back!” Poet promised, hurrying after her husband as he rounded the cove.

It was not a moment too soon: the small animal began to transform before their eyes. His fur exploded into an armor of scales, a tiny shriek escaping his mouth now filled with razor-sharp teeth.

“Holy shit!” Maximus gasped as Chauncey flew from his arms, his wings protruding from his back as he flapped over the beach. “He’s a dragon!”

Indeed, the small dog had become a creature unlike anything Maximus had ever seen, his body pumping against the wind as he screeched at them in defiance.

“How—how did this happen?” Poet questioned, but Maximus had no answer, only a sweeping sense of hope.

“Maybe from when he bit me?” he thought aloud. He and his wife exchanged a look, Poet’s face registering the same burst of encouragement that he was feeling.

“If Chauncey can become a dragon,” she whispered, slipping her hand into his, “then there must be a way for me, too.”

Maximus nodded, his eyes transfixed on the beast flapping about almost comically.

“We need to find Ruby and bring her Chauncey,” he choked, and Poet laughed happily, tears filling her eyes.

“We’re going to make this happen,” she choked.

For the first time since they had returned from visiting the witch, Maximus was filled with a true sense that they would be safe.

If Ruby could figure out what had turned Chauncey, she could find a way to transform Poet, too. And if Poet was a dragon, King Rui would never be able to touch her.

He may even learn to embrace her, given her royal blood, Maximus thought hopefully, though that might be a long time coming. First things first: Poet’s safety.

“Get your dog,” Maximus instructed. “We have to get back to Ruby.”

Poet looked at him with huge, excited eyes. “We’re going to be together forever,” she whispered, her face filled with awe.

“We are,” he assured her. “Just like I promised you.”

Poet buried her face in his chest, tears spilling down her cheeks, and Maximus stroked her back, staring out into the ocean as the dragon-dog swept through the salty air, learning his newfound powers.

Maximus could finally appreciate the glory of the landscape, because it no longer held the threat of Rui appearing on the horizon.

It’s over now, he thought, exhaling sharply as he held Poet tightly against him.

“No tears,” he mumbled teasingly, kissing her forehead. “We have everything now.”

Poet pulled back and wiped her eyes, smiling up at him.

“Oh, you fool,” she laughed. “We had everything from the first minute you found me.”

And Maximus realized that she was right.

* * *