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Sassy Ever After: Her Fierce Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Ariel Marie (17)

Chapter Seventeen

Willow ran as fast as she could into the cave. She knew that Feno would be able to handle the wolves.

The dark shadows of the cave surrounded her as she made her way farther into it. She could see a light up ahead and knew that she would find Delia there.

The growls grew closer, causing her to push herself faster. She cried out as her foot caught on something in the dark that sent her sprawling through the air and crashed to the ground. Her palms and knees burned as the ground scraped her skin.

The growling appeared right behind her. She turned over, finding a new wolf behind her, slowly approaching her.

The leader.

He must have shifted and come after her. She could see his eyes in the darkness with the help of the soft glow of the light behind her. She could see his muscles tense as he prepared to launch himself at her. Letting the energy reach her fingertips, she flung her hands up as he leapt into the air. Her powers flew from the tips of her fingers, freezing him in place. Swinging her arms around, she slammed his body into the wall of the cave.

A yip filled the air as his body slammed to the ground, unmoving. Scrambling, she took off toward the light, ignoring the pain from her palms and knees.

She rounded a corner and released a cry of relief.

Delia sat on the ground, ropes tied around her. Concerned lined the familiar face of her grandmother as she rushed to her side.

“Willow,” her grandmother cried out. Willow fell to her knees, ignoring the stinging from her cuts as she wrapped her arms around her grandmother.

“Grandmother,” she cried out, squeezing her to her.

“Hurry, child.” Her grandmother pulled back. “Release me so we can get out of here. We can rejoice when we’re safely away.”

Willow nodded and began trying to work on freeing her grandmother from the binds.

“I’m so sorry,” she cried, working the knots in the rope, trying to loosen them.

“You don’t have to apologize. None of this is your fault,” Delia urged. “Now hurry. That wolf’s coming.”

A rumble caused the ground to shake, and Willow glanced up as the wolf appeared, but it’s attention was on something behind it. She could feel the power of Feno flowing through the air.

“It’s your dragon,” Delia announced as the ropes finally fell to the ground. They scrambled over and huddled against the wall, just as the wolf turned back to them. It didn’t get the chance to charge at them before Feno appeared behind it, throwing his body on top of the wolf.

Willow gasped as she watched her mate wrestle the wolf to the ground. She moved toward them, but Delia grabbed her arm.

“Let him handle the wolf.”

Her eyes locked on the pair as they tussled back and forth, before Feno flipped them and gained control. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him grab the wolf’s jaw as it snapped at him. He pulled hard, snapping the jaw wide apart, killing the wolf instantly. The wolf’s body slumped still against the cave floor.

“Feno!” she cried out, rushing to his side. She flung her body at him as he stood, uncaring that he was covered in blood. “Are you injured?”

She pulled back and tried to assess him to see if he would need her help in healing.

“I’m fine,” he murmured as he looked over her head. “Delia. It’s good to see you.”

“Likewise, Feno. I thank you for rescuing me. But we need to go. I need to find out who the traitor is in my coven.” Her grandmother moved to their side, her eyes softening as she looked at the two of them.

“Grandmother, did you know all those years ago when you would tell me stories of dragons, and that my mate would be one?” Willow asked, leaning into Feno’s strong embrace.

“I wasn’t for sure, but I was able to put two and two together. We can talk about my premonition later. We have a traitor in our coven, and it’s time we found out who.”

Feno paced the floor in the kitchen of his condo. Delia and Willow were sitting at the kitchen table, speaking in hushed tones. Once they had arrived at his condo, he had assured that his mate’s grandmother got a shower, had fresh clothes and food. Instead of resting since being captured, the high priestess was planning her revenge.

“Tonight, we’ll need to go to Blue Moon Coven and have them aid us. I’m sure Daire will help me,” Delia announced.

“The Blue Moon have already pledged their help,” Willow informed her. “What do you want them to do?”

“My dear, I don’t know why our own coven has turned on you and me, but we will get to the bottom of it. I can’t imagine the entire coven has turned. I have a feeling that it’s one person, but I need proof. I need to see the traitor with my own eyes.”

Willow nodded as she listened to her grandmother. Her eyes caught Feno’s, and he could see the pain in her eyes. His dragon didn’t like the pain that was there, but at the moment, there was nothing he could do but support her.

“Willow, we’re going to use you as bait,” Delia declared as she reached across the table and took her hand.

“What?” he snapped, pausing to stare at the woman. Had she lost her mind?

“We’re only going to tell my coven that the Blue Moon are holding her for her crimes for taking me out. We won’t even give away that I’m rescued, even though they may already know since they won’t be able to contact the rogue leader. We must do this now. No one will touch my granddaughter.”

He settled down at this information. His dragon was ready to defend his mate and refuse to let her be a part of a scheme that would harm her.

“It’s okay, Feno. I too want to know why my coven turned on us.” Willow petted Delia’s hand as she smiled at the woman.

“Feno, I would never put my granddaughter in direct harm,” Delia noted, her eyes turning to him. “I believe it to be one of the elders, and believe me, they will pay dearly for what they’ve done.”

“Whatever you need from me, Delia, you may have,” he offered. He would help them capture whoever had tried to ban his mate from her coven.

“Unfortunately, this is between witches. I won’t really need your help. This I can handle.” The elder witch turned to him, and he knew that she could. He glanced at Willow and saw the same determination on her face. He pitied the witch that turned on these two. “But I would need to use your phone so that I may call on Daire.”