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Searching for His Mate by Ariel Marie (10)


Izek sat on the bed in the local emergency room, where it was standard protocol to get checked out at the local supernatural hospital after an injury. They wanted to ensure that he was okay. Whenever a police officer was harmed in the line of duty, it was mandated that they were assessed by a physician to ensure that they would be okay to remain on active duty.

According to the physician, he would give him a clean bill of health. The bullet had gone straight through, and all the scans showed that there was no damage to his internal organs, thanks to his shifter abilities.

Stacia was in another room, having been ordered by her brother to be seen as well. She went, moaning and groaning when he agreed with her brother and she lost the fight. Landon promised to stay with her until he could be discharged.

“Are they going to let you out of here?” Javri asked as he entered into the room.

His friend tossed him a duffle bag. He rustled through it, finding it full of clean clothes. After shifting and jumping into the fight, Izek didn’t have the chance to grab his clothes from the cabin. One of the paramedics that brought him to the hospital had an extra pair of pants that he was able to borrow.

“Of course,” he chuckled as he watched his friend lean against the wall. “It will take a little bit more than a human bullet to take me out.”

“I’m just glad that everything worked out,” Javri nodded. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

“Thanks,” Izek said with a chuckle as he stood up and began to dress. Nudity in front of his longtime friend was not an issue. In the shifter world, nudity came with the lifestyle.

“Are you two going to tie the knot in the way of the humans?”

“A wedding? Yes…maybe…I don’t know. We hadn’t made it that far in discussions after mating before everything went to hell,” Izek said, pulling the gray GFPD T-shirt over his head.

His back still ached slightly where Stacia had marked him, making him hers forever. If he had his way, he’d walk around with no shirt on so that the entire world could see his mating mark. He couldn’t wait to get to her side. His bear was for the first time whining, because it had been a couple hours since they’d seen her.

“Mr. Compano, here are your discharge papers.” Jaynie, his nurse, flew into the room, shaking papers in her hand. He didn’t miss how Javri’s eyes followed Jaynie’s every move. She was a beautiful African American woman with flawless caramel skin, and curves that apparently had caught the attention of his friend.

“Thanks, Jaynie,” Izek said as he signed the paperwork, giving him his freedom.

“It was a pleasure to meet you,” Jaynie said with a smile. “Do I need to get you a wheelchair?”

“I think the old man needs one,” Javri commented with a cough.

“Like hell I do.” Izek scowled and flipped his friend off. “Hell will freeze over before someone has to push me around.”

Jaynie let loose a musical laugh, and Izek found it funny that Javri hadn’t taken his eyes off her yet. Izek smirked at the lovestruck look in his friend’s eyes. He stepped into his shoes and tossed his paperwork into the bag before zipping it shut.

“Just point me in the direction of Stacia Sagona’s room.”

Izek quickly found Stacia’s room after leaving his lovestruck friend with Jaynie. He knocked on the door before pushing it open, to find his mate sitting on the side of her bed, dressed identical to him. Javri must have dropped by and gave her some clothes. He’d have to remember to thank him.

Her family was scattered around the room. Landon and their father, Lakis Sagona, stood and walked in his direction.

“Thank you for bringing my sister back,” Landon said, offering his hand. Izek took the alpha’s hand in a strong, crushing grip.

“No problem. It was my pleasure,” he said, his eyes meeting his mate’s from across the room as she spoke softly with her mother.

“I agree. I don’t know how we could repay you,” Lakis said, offering his hand. Izek shook the hand of the former clan alpha. “Our daughter has shared with us the wonderful news. Welcome to the family, son,” the former alpha said, crushing him in manly hug.

“Thank you, sir,” Izek said, receiving a pat on his back from Landon as he finally made it to Stacia’s side. Her mother, Saba, was the older version of his mate. It was like looking at her in the future. Saba Sagona was a fierce alpha mate, beautiful, and gave her all for their clan. He had the utmost respect for her.

“Welcome to the family, Izek,” Saba said with a wide smile and open arms. She squeezed him tight before letting him go. “We were just waiting for the discharge papers. We’ll go pull the car around. Her nurse should be here shortly.”

Izek nodded and waved to the Sagona’s as they made their way out of the small hospital room.

“Hey,” Stacia said, standing from the bed.

“Hey, yourself.” He gathered her into his arms. It had only been a couple of hours since they separated, but to him and his bear, it seemed like an eternity. He dipped his head, and she met him in a short kiss.

“What is running through your mind?” she asked, twining her fingers behind his head. She stared up at him, patiently waiting for his answer. His hands settled on her lower back, and he loved how her body perfectly molded to his.

“I know that we have completed the mating bond, but I was wanting to know if you would want to have a human wedding as well?” he asked, unsure of what she would want to do. It wasn’t uncommon for shifters to have weddings; it gave them an excuse to party with their family and friends. He didn’t care if she did or didn’t. He was just as happy with the mating. Her eyes lit up bright as a grin spread across her face.

“Are you kidding me? Of course I want a wedding!” she exclaimed, jumping up and down. She placed a kiss on his lips that left no doubt that he had made the correct decision to follow his bear.