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The Naked Alpha: A Sexy Werewolf Romance by Ellie Valentina, Simply Shifters (6)


On the drive back up to the lodge, Trace felt very much like a wolf on the prowl.  His senses were heightened.  His hearing and eyesight felt sharper, his sense of the air flowing in and out of his nostrils felt more acute.  He even thought he could feel the bristling of hair on his skin and the coursing of blood in his veins.


The feeling of being a wolf on the prowl, he realized, was not unlike the feeling of being aroused and horny.  And in this case, the similarity was appropriate.


From the time he was physically ready for sex until now, Trace had spent his life engaged in, and thoroughly enjoying, casual sexual encounters.  Even though he had always done it—and done it a lot—for the sheer physical joy of it, he had always found it was best when he was engaged with the female in question.  Not “engaged” in the matrimonial sense, but “engaged” in the sense of feeling some kind of connection other than physical: a mental connection, a shared interest.  Or in the case of Crystal Shaw, the ability to laugh together.


That’s what it seemed to be.  The moment when they really connected was when they had sat in her living room and shared a laugh.  The shared joke about the forced “fairy tale” quality of the way his pack had chosen to seek a mate for him, the laughter that passed between them over the whole somewhat mortifying situation, was what had done it.  That and her ability to understand what he meant about wanting to like the person he took for his mate; not just to find her attractive, not just to want to sleep with her and produce an heir with her, but to like her as another person.  Crystal had understood that.


Well, of course she understood it.  What was not to understand?  Even at the tender and untried age of eighteen, Crystal must relate to the need to enjoy being with another person, especially the person with whom one is meant to share a bed and a life.  It was only natural she would understand, as any sensible person would.


It was the mutual understanding that was critical.  It would make all the difference in the world when Trace asked her to share with him what he most wanted her to share; when he made his desires plain and requested the pleasure and honor of being the first male to lie with her and be inside her.


And he realized, too, that it had better happen before that damned prom, because if she made it to the Revel with some randy young lycan classmate, the honor would go to that wolf and not to Trace.  Knowing this, he gunned the motor of the Corvette a little harder as he turned onto the private road up the eastern slope of the valley.


Reaching the plateau, Trace pulled the Corvette into the large, private parking lot outside the garage which was big enough for all the private vehicles of the pack.  This would be a busy space soon, filled with the cars of guests for the ball, cars that would bring up the mountain all the females who’d be presented to him, along with their families and other important people from the town.  The more he thought of what was to come, the less Trace liked it. 


He always assumed that one day he would seek out one female with whom to settle down.  But he never thought he would be seeking someone with whom to have pups, and he never expected to have the responsibility of Pack Alpha thrust upon him.  The future to which he’d looked forward was about “thrusting” of a very different kind.  Making his way around the front of the lodge, he looked down the lawn and into the now night-darkened forest beyond.  Down there was the stream where he had first seen Crystal and shown himself to her.  Down there had been the beginning of what Trace hoped would soon be his last taste of the pleasure of the life of a free wolf.  Down there…


Growling, Trace felt the fur start to break out on the nape of his neck and his shoulders and upper back, making him distinctly uncomfortable in his clothes.  He flung off his jacket, peeled away his shirt, took down his slacks, tossed off his boots and socks, practically tore away his briefs, and made himself naked to the starry night.  His human body practically burst into his wolf form, dropping him to all-fours.


  Breathing and growling heavily, he rolled in the grass, thrashing back and forth on the turf, with a long, slippery, pink wolf erection protruding between his hind legs.  Trace tossed and snuffled in the grass, thinking of all the things he wanted to show Crystal Shaw, all the things he wanted to teach her and all the things he wanted to do to her.  How glorious it would be to give Crystal her first time and enjoy his last time before the end of one life and the beginning of another.  He would make the end of Crystal’s virginity the last act of a part of life that would never come again for him.


His frustration momentarily spent, Trace lay on his stomach in the grass and panted heavily, his wolf tongue hanging from his shiny-fanged jaws.  He drank deeply of the cool springtime night air and calmed himself a bit.  He would need his head as clear as it could be for the things he would need to do in the days before him.


 With a last deep breath, he raised himself up on his long wolf legs and released his wolf body back to his human form.  He slipped his briefs back on and did not bother to dress any more than that, simply collecting his clothes from the grass and gathering them up in a bundle, and with the bulge of a human half-erection in his briefs, he walked nearly nude up into the lodge.


Inside, Trace paused at the living room, which was a cavernous space even fully furnished as it was right now.  Soon, all the regular furniture would be cleared away, and the chairs and tables and trays would be set up around a large central area, where there would be dancing—where he would dance with his prospective brides and hope to feel something while swaying and swirling around with them besides the discomfort of being put on display like a prize.  Not that he wasn’t a prize, of course; it was just not the kind of display he had ever wanted.  There were other ways that he much preferred to display himself.  He scanned the room and sighed at what was soon to be.


At least Crystal would be there—if after considering the invitation, she decided as he hoped she would.


The lodge was quiet.  With the part of his wolf senses that he retained while human, he listened and sniffed for the rest of the pack.  They were about, here and there, in their rooms, in the dining room, in the kitchen, going about their business, raiding the refrigerator, and so forth.  His father would no doubt be up in the Alpha bedroom suite, which Trace himself would soon occupy.


 If he were lucky, Trace thought, he might be able to make it up to his own bedroom without having to stop and chat with anyone.  Trace was really in no mood for a chat tonight.  All he really wanted to do was relax now and be alone with his thoughts—one thought in particular.  His bare footfalls making no noise on the hardwood floor, he exited the living room and made for the staircase.


Gratifyingly, he managed to reach his own room without encountering anyone else, and if his luck held out, no one would come knocking at his door once he had it shut behind him.  Dropping his bundled clothes on a chair and setting his shoes down on the floor next to it, Trace peeled his briefs back off and made himself naked again.  He preferred to be naked when he was alone anyway, with or without a female.  His erection fell free and nagged at him once his briefs were off.  He sighed, all undressed with no place to go—and no place to put what strained between his thighs.  He padded over to the bed and flopped himself down onto it.


Alone in his room and alone with his thoughts, Trace absently stroked at his wood and spun himself a scene of what he most wished could happen.  He took himself in his mind back down to the living room and saw it converted to a ballroom as it would be on the appointed night.  It was all done up in golden lights—but there was no crowd.  There was only Trace, clad in a tuxedo—until she stepped into the room.


Smiling, Trace dressed Crystal in a delicate formal gown.  He decided it should not be white; white was for weddings, not for what he had in mind.  He made it a warm off-white color instead—virginal, but ready.  He had her honey-blonde hair done up, not falling on her shoulders as she had been at her house this afternoon.  He gave her a tiara of baby’s-breath flowers and a corsage on her wrist, and the kind of smile that she had worn when they laughed together. 


She was perfect.  He had set the stage and the subject just right.  In his imagination, Trace gallantly held out his hand to her, and Crystal stepped forward and took it.  And gently, he pulled her to him, putting her hand over his shoulder and slipping his arm around the small of her back, and in the courtly manner of a Prince, he wheeled Crystal into a dance around the floor.


The music came from nowhere.  He had not bothered to imagine a band and didn’t really need one; he just let the music come wafting in from some corner of his mind, and spun the two of them in time to it.  Trace basked in the glow of Crystal’s smile beaming up at him, and smiled back down at her.  They spun faster around the floor, moving in perfect sync, and he let her spin away at arm’s length with just their fingers holding each other; then, he brought her twirling back to him and gathered her up in his arms.  He dipped her like the leading man in an old movie, and she sighed as he swayed her back, then swept her back up to him once more and held her close.  For a moment, they stood still on the dance floor.


“Do you know I want you?” Trace whispered to her.


“Yes, Trace,” Crystal whispered back. 


“Will you let me show you how it is to be with a man, completely with him?”


She nodded, smiling a small, soft smile.  “Yes.  Show me, please.”


Trace lowered his face and lips to hers and took her mouth in a warm and tender kiss.  Crystal put her arms all the way around him, welcoming the touch of his lips and inviting much more.  Trace sensed the invitation and pulled gently up and out of the kiss.  He took her again by the hand and led her out of the living room.


In his mind, he had no use for the minutes that came next.  Again, as if in a film, he dissolved the scene to his bedroom and draped Crystal’s gown over the chair where in reality he had left his own clothes.  He made his tuxedo simply disappear, and stood fully naked by the bed, looking over at Crystal standing nude by her cast-off gown and shoes.  She was radiant, and from the sparkle in her eyes, he could tell she found him just as glowing.  He again held out his hand, beckoning her, and she took herself over to him.  Having Crystal again within arm’s length, he attended to the last detail and took away the tiara of flowers and took down her hair, letting it fall gracefully over her shoulders. 


“You’re mine tonight,” Trace said.  “I want to hold you and taste you and be inside you all night long.”


“Yes, Trace,” Crystal whispered again, a little more hotly than she had on the dance floor.  She was ready for him.


Trace pulled Crystal into a naked embrace, letting her soft, smooth skin press against his exposed hairy musculature for the first time.  He took her mouth in a deeper, more torrid kiss than he gave her on the dance floor, slipping her a bit of his tongue, which she accepted with growing delight.  He crushed her breasts against him and felt her nipples pebble, and moved his hands down her back to clasp the smooth, velvety roundness of her bottom.  He slid his lips against hers and squeezed her buttocks, breaking the kiss and breathing at her, “Feel me, Crystal.  Touch my ass like I’m touching yours.”


She did.  She moved her hands from his shoulders down his sides and over his hips to find his waiting buttocks.  Crystal put her hands on them and caressed them up and down, tightening her fingers on them and making his erection strain like a horse pulling in his reins.  Trace kissed her again, harder, grunting in her mouth, and slipped one hand from her backside to the most intimate place she had.


 “I told you I felt like hiding in the bushes,” he said while licking and pulling at her lips.  “This is the bush I really want to be in.”  And Crystal tingled all over with the feeling of Trace’s fingers rustling through her pubic hair.  “Mmm, it’s so soft,” he said into her mouth.  “It’s going to be so good getting on top of that.”  And he kissed her fully, enfolding her mouth with his and slipping his tongue all the way against hers.  She surrendered completely to the kiss, a promise of a still greater surrender.


Trace would wait no more.  She was ready, and so was he.  Slipping out of the kiss, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, and put her down in the middle of the spread.  He had Crystal now stretched out naked before his nakedness, and he watched her staring up in rapture at him.  Crouching over her, smiling, he looked her up and down and let her do the same to him.  “This is what you saw at the stream,” he said.  “I showed you what I wanted to give you.”  He took her hand and guided it between his legs to grasp the huge, hot, throbbing root of his maleness.  “I want you to have this,” he said.  “Doesn’t that feel good?”


“It’s wonderful,” Crystal said, her voice laden with arousal.


“It’ll feel so much better when I put it in you.  It’ll feel like the best thing in the world.”  He stroked her breasts and nipples and felt her wanting to squirm even though she lay still beneath him.  “And I want these,” he said of her breasts.  Letting her fondle his erection and feeling as if his blood were now molten lava, Trace slid his hand down her body and took his fingers to her moistened petals.  “And I especially want this.  I want to be in here—with my tongue and my fingers and my tool.  I want to be in you and come in you all night long.”


Crystal’s lips parted, and only a sound of smoldering ecstasy came out.  Trace would now turn that smolder into an inferno.  He lowered himself to her for another blazing kiss, and prepared for the real dance of the night.


Trace kissed his way down Crystal’s body, his lips feeling the fire that he was igniting in her skin.  He wanted to tell her to open her legs for him, but he could sense that her body was now his to command, and he could part her thighs himself.  He turned up the corner of his mouth in a sensuous smile as her legs came apart effortlessly when he spread them.  Now glistening before him was pink and unexplored territory.  He began by kissing it, making his lips the first ones to be wet by Crystal’s womanly moisture.  He kissed her sex, ever so carefully as not to let his tongue slip into her.  That would be for later—after he had been there with the part that most needed and wanted to go there.


Crystal let out a sound that was more like the coo of a dove than the growl of a she-wolf, further letting Trace know that she was yielding herself up to him.  Good girl, he thought, kissing the lips of her sex again and again.  “Damn, you’ve got such sexy lips down here,” he said just audibly enough for her to hear.  She arched her back slightly at his expression of approval.


 Trace licked the tip of his index finger and used it to trace the contours of her folds, just brushing his fingertips along them and making Crystal’s body flex and relax with a soft rhythm.  “Mmm, you like that?” he said.  “There are some things you’re going to like so much better.”  And with the same delicate care as he used his fingers, he brought his face forward and down, and brought the tip of his tongue to the place where a woman responds best.


 His tongue found her pleasure switch, and he flicked it there to bring forth her next reaction.  He received it instantly.  Crystal’s next sound was almost a howl.  Her fingers laced themselves through his hair and, her body spasmed with a jolt of newly discovered delight, pushing her sex into Trace’s face.  He groaned approvingly and continued teasing her pulpy switch with his tongue.


Crystal’s sounds of unfolding ecstasy continued with the work that Trace’s tongue did between her legs, introducing her to different sensations of delight by alternately running up and down her folds and returning to her buzzer.  She began to grab at his hair as if to hold herself in place that way and stop herself flying up to the ceiling.  “Oh, Trace!” she wailed.  “Yes!  Yes!  Yes!


“Mmm, yeah, baby,” he groaned, licking away at her.  “It only gets better.  Just let me lick it like this; you’ll see.”


And she did.  Every stroke of his tongue carried Crystal to a higher and higher place until he brought her as high as she could get, and she felt the pleasure spilling out of her like the stream flooding its banks.  Her legs bent up around him, her back arched fully, and she let loose the full measure of her delight, wailing out the first orgasm of her life.  Trace held her by her hips and took her sex in a full, sucking kiss, all lips and no tongue, burying his face beneath her thicket of hair.  He kept himself that way until the outpouring of Crystal’s joy subsided, and she relaxed, shuddering, back onto the bed.


Keeping his grasp on her hips, Trace kissed her dewy flower and licked her bud one more time before coming up on his elbows and looking desirously up at her.  “There, baby.  You got your first one.  Wasn’t that the best?”  Her deep breaths and half-moans were his answer.


Climbing up onto the bed beside her, Trace kissed her lips and let her taste herself on him.  Now, it was time for his needs.  Stroking her face, he said, “I want to teach you how to go down on me now.  Go down and put my stick in your mouth.  Be careful, take your time; just slide your mouth down it as far as it’ll go.  It’ll come naturally if you just ease into it.”  He kissed her again.  “Ready?”


Crystal nodded.  Trace knew that after what he had just done to her and for her, she was ready for anything, and he would have her totally free of her virginity in no time.  He stretched himself out on the bed beside her and took hold of his massive pole, pulling back the foreskin and holding it up for her.  Crystal moved down his muscular and hairy body and met what he offered her.  She found a shiny bead of man-sap welling up like a tear of anticipated joy at his wide-open eye.  “Just lick the tip first,” he directed her, “then put it in your mouth like I said.”  She did as bidden, taking just the tip of her tongue to where his bead of lubrication glistened, swirling it around the sensitive flesh and taking in the taste of his offering. 


“Mmm,” Crystal said softly, letting him know how good he tasted.


“That’s good, baby,” he grunted back.  “Now go on, take more…”


She did just that.  Tentatively at first, then more assuredly, Crystal took first the head of Trace’s maleness into her mouth, then worked her way down the shaft.  Its thickness made her open her jaws as wide as they would go.  The feeling of it, the taste of the hardened flesh, the sliding of the foreskin, and the throb of the shaft against her tongue were delectable.  In a long moment of discovery, Crystal had two-thirds of his length in her mouth and made him growl loudly, hurling a curse of pleasure up to the ceiling.  “Yes!” Trace grunted and bellowed.  “Suck it!  Suck it…!


Crystal continued to do as she was told, casting off her innocence and pulling on Trace with her mouth as if she had been giving head for years.  He wrapped his big and powerful legs around her and bucked with the rhythm of her sucking.  He felt her growing pleasure and her increasing confidence with every pull and suck, and he gathered up her hair in his hands and ran his fingers through it as she went along.  Trace grunted, panted, and cursed at the way she pleasured him.  She was doing it as if she had never been a virgin, as if she had been born ready for a man’s piece.  And he filled the air with his profane, sexy expressions of approval.


“My balls!” Trace groaned.  “Play with my balls!”  Crystal complied, taking his man-marbles in their fleshy pouch into her hand and tenderly caressing and cupping them, finding them as hot as what she was sliding her mouth up and down upon.  “Yeah,” he groaned on.  “That’s it.  Now lick my balls and suck them.”  She was reluctant to do this new thing because of how delicious his erection was, but Crystal let it slip from her mouth and probed deeper with her face between his legs, letting her tongue and her lips find Trace’s sac.  Her sucking of his most sensitive treasure made Trace flex and relax his legs rhythmically around her, embracing her with his thighs while she worked on his soft jewels.  Damn, he thought, you are a natural.  He let this pleasure go on for a while, sensing she was enjoying it as much as he, until he felt the demand build up in his pulsating pole, a demand that would go unheeded no longer.  Trace reared up on one elbow and told her, “Lie back down.  I’m gonna break that little cherry of yours and screw you now.”


Crystal obeyed his command at once, returning to her prone position on the bed.  Moving like the hungry beast he was in his other form, Trace put himself on top of her and moved his huge shaft to her opening.  Crystal fixed her eyes on his.  She grasped his broad shoulders with a blazing look of readiness on her face.  She licked her lips.  He kissed her mouth.


 She felt something massive and blunt and moist moving into the wetness under her bush.  With a push and a glide, Trace moved his pulsing piece into her, and Crystal’s entire being exploded with this new, unfolding pleasure that surpassed anything she had yet known.  She knew at once that her inner seal had been burst, and that Trace now had her completely—just as she had him.


He came down all the way on top of her, holding her mouth with his and fully sheathing himself in her tight, wet groove.  She wrapped herself around him and bid farewell to her maidenhood.  The first thrust of his mighty staff into her took Crystal into a new world. 


Without restraint or inhibition, Trace pushed and pumped himself inside her.  “Feel that, baby?” he grunted hotly and lustily into her mouth.  “Feel how good that is?”  The incoherent sound of bliss that Crystal made was his answer.  “Yeah, baby, yeah.  I’m screwing you now.  Yeah, that’s me screwing you.  That’s so f…ing good.”


He started to bang and pound her faster, harder, bringing the full force of his desire onto her.  “Mmm, yeah, that’s me in you.  That’s me getting it all the way in you.  So deep…uuuhhh, yeah, so deep, so good.  You feel so good in there…”  Trace sucked at her mouth in hungry kisses, which she returned by licking and sucking at his lips.  “Damn, that’s good,” he moaned on, plundering her mouth.  “You want that tool in you, don’t you?  Tell me you want it.”


“Yes,” she whined desperately, consumed with pleasure, feeling her entire body rock with the impacts of his crotch against her mound and the way she expanded inside from his thrusting.  The way his length and thickness plunged in and out of her, the way his incredible body felt on top of her, the hotness of his breath against her face, were now Crystal’s world.


 She was melting into him, feeling them turn to a single, heaving body with every buck and thrust and blow of his big, powerful piston inside her.  She moved her thighs back and forth against his hips, spurring him on to thrust as hard and deep as he could, and he gave her all that he had.  Trace took her savagely and ecstatically, showing her what their bodies and their sex were for.  “Yes…!” she wailed on.  “Yes…!


“Mmm, yeah,” said Trace, keeping at her, plunging and slamming his length into Crystal’s tightening wetness without letting up.  He kissed and licked at her neck now, moaning, “Yeah, you like getting screwed like this, don’t you?  You’re gonna let me be on top of you and stick this thing in you all night, aren’t you?  Aren’t you, baby?”


Crystal was too consumed with pleasure to answer in words.  Seized and possessed by what Trace was doing inside her, it was all she could do to cling to him and let him take her where they both wanted.  She moaned and whimpered at him, sounding as if she were dying and being born at once.  Sensing what he was doing to her, Trace kept doing it.  He did it hard, and she took it, her body begging for more and more of him.


“I’m getting close,” he moaned at her.  “God, so close.  I’m gonna come in you, Crystal.  I’m gonna shoot my cream in you.  Yeah…oh, yeah…”  And he slammed into her and held himself in her, making her coil and tighten herself around him as if she had grabbed a live wire.  He did it again and again, ramming his piston into her channel and holding it all the way in, preparing both of them for his ultimate moment.


 It struck with one last mighty blow, Trace’s maleness thrusting hard into her from tip to sac, his crotch pressing hard against her mound, his seed erupting into her like a volcano and pouring into her womb like hot white lava.  He shouted a curse of passion at the top of his lungs and released himself into her with everything he had in his balls…


And, lying on his back on the bed, Trace snapped his eyes wide open at the sensation of his hot white custard gushing out from his piece at the urge of his stroking fingers.  Instantly, his stomach and abdomen were covered with it, and they ran from the cobblestones of his abs down his skin and onto the bedspread.


His body descending into the little death after his self-pleasuring, Trace relaxed, feeling himself spinning down out of his climax.  The feeling of his slippery outpouring on his skin was satisfying in its own way—but there was always something he would rather have done with it when he took himself to a solo orgasm.  And now, there was unquestionably somewhere he would rather have put it.


Shutting his eyes, Trace recaptured in his mind the fantasy of having Crystal with him in this bed.  He felt his tool softening, not in his hand but inside her no-longer-maiden womanhood, and felt himself slip out of her.  In his mind, he rolled from atop Crystal and took her in his arms in a single motion, taking her mouth in a lingering and simmering kiss and feeling her arms enwrap him again, accepting him completely.


Holding his imagination of Crystal close to him, breathing deeply of the scent of their perspiration and his pungent seed, Trace said, “We’re not going to sleep, Crystal.  We’ll get under the covers, but we’re not going to sleep.  I’m gonna keep sticking it in you and creaming in you all night long.  I’ve got you now.  I’ve got you.” 


Crystal kissed his lips, his neck, and his chest, her sign of further acceptance and total surrender.  Slowly, the fantasy faded in Trace’s mind, leaving only the desire.


Grudgingly, Trace picked himself up from the bed, his seed rolling down his body.  He needed to get back across the room to his dresser drawers and find a handkerchief with which to wipe himself down.  He could wipe away what he’d just shot forth onto his skin, but he could not wipe away what he really wanted to do with it.


Returning to the bed with the handkerchief and running it up and down his stomach, pretending it was Crystal’s hands and tongue against him instead of the piece of silk, Trace settled down, knowing he would be erect again soon and expecting he would have to go into a second round in his mind—for want of a second round for real.  He was that horny, and it was all for her.


The fantasy of Crystal Shaw had been pleasing enough, but of course the reality would be even better.  Trace fully expected that it would not happen exactly the way he imagined it.  There was always a difference between fantasy and reality.


But he still fully expected that it would happen.  It remained only to find the way.