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The Old-Fashioned Alpha by K.S. Martin (12)


“Come.” James led her through the house in the dark. “Step up.”

Jess did as she was told. “This isn’t fair. I can’t see in the dark like you.”

His fingers pressed into the small of her back.

“Turn the lights on, James. Didn’t they finish the wiring yet?”

“Wait and see.” James stopped. Golden light suddenly filled the room with a soft glow.

Jess gasped. The living room was finished and full of furniture. A vase of fresh flowers was placed in the center of the coffee table before a long traditional sofa. Jess covered her mouth with her hands.

“Not bad for a bunch of guys huh?” James pulled her toward the bedroom. Her bed was flanked by two cherry nightstands that closely resembled her bed. A dresser stood sentry on one wall, and a chest of drawers on the other. The fireplace glowed softly with the pink couch facing it.

“It’s beautiful. All of it.” She turned and threw herself into his arms. “I love it. When did you do all of this?”

“It’s not all finished yet. We have a few bedrooms, a couple of bathrooms upstairs, and the kitchen to fix up. These two rooms are done, so we can comfortably spend our evenings and nights with each other, alone.”

Jess nibbled her bottom lip. Her fingers traced the buttons of his shirt. “Ah. Is that how it is then?” She raised her eyes to meet his, and the corner of her mouth lifted.

James lifted the hem of her T-shirt over her head, blinding her to what he was about to do. Her face was hidden and her hands trapped.

“I love you,” he murmured against the soft pale skin of her breast. His tongue traced the swell of it, and she shivered. He tugged the T-shirt off and tossed it.

Jess buried her hands in his short dark hair and lifted his face to hers so she could kiss him. She sucked on his tongue when it dipped into her mouth for a taste. He groaned, and her heart soared.

He lifted her and carried her to the side of the bed. She reached back to remove her bra, but he stilled her hands. “I want to unwrap my present.”

Jess trembled. “And I want to unwrap mine.” She pulled at the hem of his shirt, tugging it from the waist of his pants.

James smiled down at her and let her have her way. She’d waited so impatiently up until now. Her fingers deftly unfastened the buttons up the front of him and slid it over his shoulders. They’d just finished a romantic dinner with wine and a dessert that she didn’t want because it kept her from this. She suspected he’d ordered it to tease her but used the excuse that Alex had nearly starved her to death.

His T-shirt was next. Jess trapped his hands the way he had hers and he chuckled. She kissed him then rubbed herself against his now-bare chest. He slipped his hands from the shirt and pulled her closer with his fingers locked in her belt loops. Her agile fingers found his belt and tugged it loose, dropping it to the floor. She was nudging him closer to the bed, but he didn’t mind. He was her willing captive.

James leaned down and kissed her neck. Jess shivered, and a growl rumbled through his chest.

“James,” she moaned.

He lifted her easily and placed her on the bed that the pack moved in and put together while they were at dinner. He knew that Jess thought that he was trying to prolong her agony, but he was actually trying to give them time to set this up. The room danced with soft light from candles scattered throughout the room and low-lit lamps. The fireplace crackled romantically, and the corner of his mouth lifted at how much care they put into this. James unfastened her jeans and slid them from her legs. She sat up to unfasten her bra, and he pushed her hands away. James worked the clasp easily and slid it from her trembling flesh.

“My present.” He grinned, then kissed her sweetly. “My future.” She smiled at his play on words. His mouth trailed soft warm kisses down her throat, over her collarbone and over the mound of her breast. “Such a wonderful gift,” he murmured against her skin. James pushed her back onto the pillows and worshipped her body. Him sucking her rosy nipples into his mouth had her back arching. Her fingers worked into his thick dark hair, holding his head in place. He blew a warm breath over her nipples and watched them clench into taut peaks. They strained toward him, and James’s eyes flashed. “I love you, sweetheart.”

His tongue traced the line of her sternum, then warm kisses trailed over her belly until he found her navel. He nipped at it, and Jess giggled then moaned when he kissed her mound through her pink lacy panties. The heat of his breath through them was maddening. He nibbled at her through the lace, and Jess wiggled her hips, unable to stand the erotic sensations. No man ever made her feel this giddy or on edge. She was ready to come out of her skin and it felt as though all of the blood in her body was pooling between her legs. She was throbbing, hot and wet. Her pulse pounded in her clit, and he was not giving any relief.

“Please, James…”

He smiled up at her over the length of her body. She was watching him tease her flesh with wide, curious eyes. James traced his tongue over her cleft through the pink lace, and she bucked. He chuckled and sent warm damp breaths over her already-searing skin. Her fingers hooked in the sides of the offending underwear, but James removed them gently and placed them at her sides.

“My present.”

“Your present is about to explode.”

He laughed and peeled the delicate lace off. “We don’t want that.” James pushed her thighs apart and sank his tongue into her core. Jess cried out and crushed the crisp white sheets in her fists. His hot wet tongue worked through her folds slowly until it found the small bundle of nerves. He kissed her there and then suckled the pink pearl gently.

Jess’s body bowed off the bed. Her heart tried to jackhammer itself out of her ribcage, and lightning raced fire and arousal through her veins. Her body seized then, and went rigid with the earth-shattering orgasm that ripped through her with the strength of a thousand giants. Jess thought she might have blacked out then after the shower of rainbow-colored sparks behind her eyes. She woke with James beside her, leaving soft kisses on her shoulder a few minutes later.

“Hi, sweetness,” he murmured against her skin.

“What happened?” she whispered.

“Something that will happen over and over again, I hope.” James’s mouth crushed hers then. He eased onto her, and she wrapped her legs around him. “I love, you Jessica.”

“I love you, too.” She smiled and reached between them to find his flesh. “I want you.”

He nodded and let her place his cock inside her.

“I want you now.”

James pushed into her slowly, letting her get accustomed to his girth. He pulled back and eased forward, gently repeating the action until he buried himself in her to the hilt. She loved this feeling, loved feeling him fill her up, and loved how he stretched her. Fire worked its way through her muscles, and her toes curled. She hadn’t completely recovered yet from the last orgasm, and it felt as though it was only taking a rest but now began spinning her again. Lighting her up and coursing through her veins, preparing to send her spiraling over the edge of something more powerful.

“Easy, baby,” James murmured against her neck. He moved against her, and Jess’s body clung to him, inside and out. “You feel incredible fisting me like that, sweetheart.” His slick skin slid erotically over hers. His lower abdomen bumped her clit with every thrust, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her.

Jess’s nails raked his back as the orgasm rocketed over her nerves and controlled her body. Wet heat filled her center and throbbed its way through her veins. Her back bowed again, and his name was a declaration on her lips. She felt his bite and came again just as violently. He’d been right, it didn’t hurt, it had sent thrills through her, and lights danced behind her eyes.

James’s body quaked above her then stilled. “Are you okay?” he finally asked, kissing her lips tenderly and gazing into her eyes.

She smiled and nodded.

“Good…wife, mate.”

Jess nibbled her bottom lip and grinned. “Husband…mate.” She tried the word out and decided that she liked it. Her eyes slid closed as he gathered her close and curled his body protectively around hers.

Mine,” he said, resting his chin on top of her head, and they slept.


Jess woke to the most amazing sensations. Her legs trembled and wet heat pooled between them. Her eyes cracked open, then looked around at the lovely room he’d made for them, and smiled. Sunshine filtered into the room through the blinds, and the sheers lifted in the fragrant warm breeze. He was right. About all of it.Everything had been perfect. Everything he’d done and said. Every sensation, tremor, and thrill he’d brought to her body was perfect. She was glad that he’d made her wait. Jess looked down at him now and found navy-blue eyes studying her. She gave him a small shy smile.

His tongue dipped into her cleft then wrapped around her still-sensitive clitoris.

“Ah!” she cried out.

He chuckled against her tender flesh, and she felt it echo through her body as every cell reacted to it. He nibbled at her softness and nuzzled the line between her thigh and that sensitive flesh.

Jess wiggled, and his hands stilled her, holding her hips. Light pressure from his fingertips warmed her skin there. His lips found the tiny pink pearl and sucked at it, his teeth grazing it lightly, and Jess nearly rocketed from the bed. Her body was suddenly a mass of hot, writhing, exploding sensation. Her fingers and toes curled at once, and her heart pounded with the climax. The orgasm pounded its way through her veins, filling her with extreme, intense pleasure. She felt lighter and like her bones had melted into jelly.

“Good morning, love.” He smiled then kissed her mound. His humid breath warmed her sensitive flesh then cooled it. She reached for him, and James eagerly crawled up her body, watching her. “How are you feeling this morning?”


He kissed her smile. “I can fix that.” He sank into her. Her eyes slid closed, and she sighed.

“Look at me, Jess. I want to watch you when you fall apart.” He thrust into her tight, still-pulsing channel. His eyes never left hers. She watched them flash to amber, and she stretched up to kiss him as her body quaked with the second delicious orgasm he gave her. James pulled out of her and turned her over, then entered her in the way of the wolves.

Jess cried out. “So deep,” she murmured, and pushed back against him, letting him fill her completely. “James…” she murmured. His tongue traced her backbone, and he left smoldering kisses across her shoulders. Jess guided his hand to her center and turned her head to watch him.

James smiled wolfishly and traced circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves that matched the rhythm of his hips.

Jess’s body shook. The sensation of standing at the edge of a mountaintop filled her once more, as if she were about to step out into the clouds. Her heart pounded, and her breaths were heavy. Her body had never done this before. She’d always been finished after one climax, but he’d brought them out of her multiple times, something no one had ever done for her. He was about to coax another from her. Her body ached for him to satisfy it once again. She felt so greedy and wanton, but it didn’t matter because the pleasure was indescribable.


James felt her anticipation and held out as long as he could. He wanted her body sated. When he could not wait another second, he brushed his tongue over his mark on her neck.

Jess shook violently with the climax. “James!” she cried, and collapsed onto the bed. He chuckled and kissed her temple then her cheek. He climbed out of the bed, not wanting to leave, but his mate needed sustenance to keep her strength up. James had plans to occupy her body and soul all day.

“Stay here and rest. I’ll bring you breakfast in a little while. Okay?” he murmured in her ear, kissing her cheek again.

She gave him a “mmm hmm” and drifted on her post-orgasmic haze.

After pulling a pair of shorts on, James walked down the hall to the kitchen. His wasn’t ready to use yet since it had no stove or plumbing. Soon, he thought. Soon he and Jess would get started on that family that he so desperately craved. His mate was perfect. He sighed and opened the fridge. He got eggs, ham, bacon, butter, and instant hash browns out and laid them on the counter. He turned the stove on and got several pans out, smiling to himself.

His mate was well satisfied and waiting for him to provide for her. These times were different than in his father’s day. James’s father was an older wolf when James was born, nearly two hundred. His mother wasn’t much younger. James had older siblings. Hell, he had nieces and nephews that were older than he was. James was a surprise. His mother didn’t think pregnancy was possible at her age. Well, surprise! James grinned. His father taught him that it was his responsibility to take care of his mate, to see to her every need, to ensure her satisfaction and to give life to her every desire.

Wolves now carried on much like humans, but not James. He was an old-fashioned wolf and went about things in an old-fashioned way. His father adored his mother and catered to her every whim. In turn, he was a very happy and satisfied wolf. He told James that the old adage was true: happy wife, happy life. He also said that a satisfied mate would bend over backward to give him anything and everything that a wolf could want. James knew this to be true by how happy his parents were and how unhappy many wolves were today.

His father told him that there was one out there, the other half of his soul. He said to wait for her. That it would be worth it. He was right. James was ecstatic that he’d waited. Jess was perfect. The bacon and ham sizzled, the potatoes were browning, and scrambled eggs were waiting their turn.

The hair on the back of James’s neck stood up and he felt the energy in the house shift. Someone was scared out of their wits. Someone was on the verge of something awful. James sniffed the air and tuned his senses in. The pack was coming toward the kitchen. He sensed them and knew they would be wolves by the time they got to the room. They had sensed it, too.

James turned and saw Freddy in front. He was anxious, and then James knew what happened. Jess! his mind screamed. “Watch the stove!” James shifted into the big wolf with the wicked yellow eyes and headed back to his wing.

She ambled toward him, and she was frightened. She didn’t have control of her gait, and she stumbled into a doorjamb then whimpered.

James approached her cautiously. He didn’t want to frighten her. Jess was a good-sized wolf, and not at all what he expected. He’d imagined that if it happened, she would be dainty and timid.

She snarled at him, lowered her head and ears aggressively. Her tail was down but twitching anxiously, and she stalked forward. James sat. He was the Alpha here. Let her come. He kept his head up proudly, then heard the pack behind him. She stopped and glared at them. Her snarl and growl grew more vicious and loud coming from the open back of her throat. Wow. She was going to be fun.

James never considered this temperament in a mate, but he had to admit, it was exciting. This she-wolf was an Alpha. Never in a million years would he have guessed that his Jess, his timid Jess, would be an Alpha. James panted and watched her. The pack snarled behind him, and he growled over his shoulder. They sat and they watched obediently, except Freddy. He, in his human form, tended the stove but kept looking over his shoulder at the new Alpha she-wolf. James sensed that big bad Freddy was a little scared of her. He should be. This new Alpha was out for the first time. At Jess’s age, this had to be quite the surprise for her.

She was less than two feet away and unaccustomed to her new body. She could still deliver a vicious bite. James could launch himself at her and make her submit, but he wanted to see what she would do. Jess scented the air around him and lowered her head again. At least the growling had stopped. Jess looked over his shoulder, past him, and snarled at the pack. They stayed silent and submissive. James looked back, and they’d lowered their heads in respect. She may be female, but she was still an Alpha and would not back down from a fight, at least James didn’t think so.

She circled James, sniffing. He waited. She neared his face and stared into his eyes. She was beautiful. The most beautiful she wolf he’d ever seen. She rubbed her muzzle along his jaw and licked his nose. James stood up on all fours, and she switched her tail in his face then backed into him. Holy hell! That was an invitation, but not here and not in full view of the pack. He headed her back toward the bedroom. He yipped at the pack, giving them a command to stay, then he followed her. This was her first shift, and he should’ve been there to help her through it. He’d failed her, but how could he have known that it was going to happen and that it would be that fast?

Her lope was much steadier, and she headed into the bedroom. She was gaining control. He admired her ability to adapt to her new skin.

James shifted into his human form and closed the door. “Jess?”

Her eyes snapped up to meet his.

“Good. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I should’ve been with you. I know this is all very confusing and you were probably in a lot of pain. I want you to shift back.” He waited, and she looked up at him, confused. “You have to try, sweetheart. You have to learn to control your form and your wolf.”

He waited, and she sat, staring at him. Her pink tongue came out and licked her muzzle. James put his hand on her shoulder and used the tone of voice that only Alphas know. “Shift!”

She shimmered, bones and tendons cracked, popped, and then she slowly came back to herself.

James cringed. He knew that probably hurt, not so much because it was painful, but the unfamiliarity of it. He knew what to stretch and bend because he’d done it a million times, but she hadn’t. Her natural reaction would be to fight it, tighten up, and that made it hurt. “Okay, next time I want you to remember to keep your clothes on. I know we were just in bed here, but try to remember to dress when you are going to shift. If you’d shifted back in front of the pack, they’d be seeing this, and I don’t think my heart could take that just yet.” He winked at her.

Jess looked down at herself, confused.

“Are you okay?” James pulled her into his arms.

She nodded.

“You are something to be reckoned with in your wolf form. I had no idea you could be so…scary.”

“What? What do you mean ‘scary’? And what do you mean ‘wolf’?” Jess trembled.

“Oh, she’s been trapped in there a long time hoping to get out and she has a real attitude. I liked it, curiously.” He grinned at her.

Jess nibbled her lip.

“How about that breakfast that I promised, and then we will call your mom to let her know it’s a bouncing baby she-wolf? After that, we’ll practice your shift until you can do it alone and with control.”

Jess’s stomach growled loudly.

“Oh, and you have to eat a lot since your metabolism is going to change now, but the best part is that you probably won’t have to work out nearly as much. Come on, let’s eat.” James pulled her up and kissed her. “Jess, are you okay? You aren’t saying much.”

“I’m not sure what to say. I’m kind of freaked out right now.”

James hugged her.

“What do I look like?”

He smiled.

“And why don’t I remember anything?”

“Heaven.” She flushed crimson and smacked him. “You are a large red wolf with green eyes. Which is unusual, because reds are usually small wolves. You, though, are tall, heavily muscled, and fearsome. You’re almost as big as me, which means that we are going to have some ferocious pups.”

Jess gasped.

“No, don’t panic, it will be fine. I promise. I don’t know why you don’t remember, unless it’s because she completely took over. We’ll work on it, sweetheart.” He wrapped her robe around her and led her back to the kitchen, where breakfast was in full swing. Freddy operated the stove and Austin operated the toaster. Every pan on the stove was full of something.

Jess looked at the buffet worriedly.

“This is what breakfast looks like around here, and since you just had your first shift they know you are starved.”

“Have a seat, Jess.” Freddy flipped pancakes. “My first shift, I was hungry enough to eat a bear. So I’m making you my special first shift plate. Pancakes, toast, eggs, ham, bacon, sausage with a side of hash browns and a bowl of grits. I’m having the same to help you celebrate.” He winked, and Jess laughed.

“I’ll never eat all of that.”

Freddy gave her a knowing look.

“I won’t, I can’t.”

“Tell you what, eat what you like, and the Cap will clean your plate. By the way, that is one spectacular wolf you got hiding in there.” Freddy handed her and James their plates and went back to the stove. The rest of the pack lounged around the massive table, sipping coffee and waiting for breakfast. Each of them gave her a nod of respect when she sat.

“I don’t remember anything, I hope I didn’t hurt anyone.”

There were several snorts around the table.


“Chances of you hurting a full-grown male are pretty slim, sweetness, unless he’s hurt or small. Don’t worry about that. We are all very capable of handling ourselves. They will defer to you, though, because you are not only the Alpha’s mate, but an Alpha. The pack will respect its Alpha, it’s ingrained in their DNA.”

“What if this happens at work, James?” Jess was terrified.

“Don’t worry, we will work on it. Eat now. I can hear the pounds dropping from you.”

“I wish,” she muttered.

“I’m serious. Super metabolism now. Eat. A lot.”

Jess forked egg into her mouth and moaned, realizing then how hungry she was.

Eyes snapped up around the table, and James growled. “Jess.”

She looked at him.

“I love those sounds you make, sweetness, but I want to be the only one who hears them,” he murmured and kissed her temple.

Jess went back to her breakfast, her face hot. She was starving, so embarrassed or not, she was eating!




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