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Chasing Wishes (Capturing Magic Book 1) by Jessica Sorensen (4)

Chapter 4

I haven’t felt this shocked since the day the genie made my parents vanish, and that’s saying a lot, considering how many crazy situations I’ve put myself in. I have only a handful of hours before my entire body resembles my finger, before the poison completely fills my veins and begins eating away my body. It’s going to be a painful death, one that’ll hurt like a bitch.

Tears burn the back of my eyes as reality crashes down on me.

I’m going to die.

My life is over.

Just like my parents.

And just like my parents, my life has been taken by a genie.

Anger, fear, and sadness sweep through me. I almost lose my shit. I want to hurt Asher for doing this to me. I want to scream. Cry. Then I remember I have a friend to save. I’ll be damned if I give up now.

Sucking back the tears, pain, and rage, I peer into the trunk. Inside is a polished silver lamp, trimmed with the same obsidian jewels that decorate the exterior of the trunk.

Not bothering to check for more booby traps—it’s not like it matters anymore—I scoop up the lamp and tuck it away in my pocket. Then I shut the lid, stumble to my feet, and check the time on my watch.

One more minute until the repellent on the door wears off. If I’m not outside by then, I’ll be locked in.

I rush out of the room and down the hallway, doing my best to disregard the wooziness stirring through my mind. The closer I get to the door, the more my adrenaline courses.

I can’t believe I pulled this off.

I can’t believe I’m going to die soon.

At least Jason will be okay.

At least my death won’t be for nothing.

At least he’ll get to live

“What the hell? Why is the door unsealed?” East’s voice floats from the other side of the now cracked open door.


I spin around and hightail it for the living room window. When I throw back the curtains, however, instead of a window, there are a series of holograms showing a fake view of spacious mountains and glistening lakes.

“What do you mean the door is unsealed?” Asher asks as the door creaks open more.

“I mean exactly what I said,” Easton says. “The door is unsealed.”

A beat of silence ticks by, then the door flies open and smacks against the wall. I duck down to the floor, crawling away from the window and hiding behind the sofa as the sound of stomping footsteps fills the air.

“Where are you?” Asher calls out. “Whoever you are, know that when we find you, you’re going to be punished for whatever it is you were trying to take. And the punishment will be cruel and painful. No electric cells for you. No, this punishment is going to be handled by us.”

He makes it seem like the electric cells are some sort of fantastic punishment. I guess, considering he’s a genie, it might be.

“What do you think they’re after?” Arrow asks in a much softer voice than Asher’s. “Your lamp?”

When the living room floorboards creak, I press myself closer to the back of the sofa and hug my knees to my chest.

“Either that or our little rebellion collection,” East replies cautiously.

Little rebellion collection? What the hell is that?

“Do you hear that?” East asks from the other side of the sofa.

“Heavy breathing,” Asher states. “A scared, little thief is still in this room.”

“The water fey said a girl came in here,” East states with puzzlement.

“A girl?” Asher shares his confusion.

I roll my eyes at their surprise. What? Do they think a girl isn’t capable of breaking into places or something?

When the room grows unnervingly silent, my heart begins to thunder in my chest. I place my hand over my mouth and hold my breath. Then I wait to be caught, because I know it’s going to happen. I have no way out. And while I’m currently on death row, I’m still scared shitless of the torture that awaits me when they find me. Not to mention I won’t make it out of here with the lamp.

Jason, I’m so sorry I failed you. Just like I failed my parents.

My eyes begin to water.

No, I’m not giving up yet. There has to be a way.

Think of something, Harlynn! You’ve gotten this far. Gotten the lamp

I reach inside my pocket with my green hand—the poison is spreading more rapidly than I expected—and brush my fingers along the cool steel of the lamp. I made a promise to myself the day my parents were stolen from me to never use a genie lamp for anything. But, since I’m practically a dead woman sitting, that vow really doesn’t matter anymore.

Sucking in a breath, I spring to my feet and whirl around, keeping my green hand tucked into my pocket, along with the lamp.

East is standing near the sofa and his eyes pop wide at my sudden appearance. “What the …?” He gapes at me.

Arrow, who is leaning against the kitchen counter, seems less surprised, but that’s a cyborg for you. And Asher is standing in front of the sofa and looks the exact opposite of Arrow, a mixture of emotions crossing his face, ranging from surprise, rage, to something else, something that looks an awful lot like being impressed, but I highly doubt I’m right.

“You’re the one who broke in here?” Asher asks confusedly.

I lift a shoulder in a lazy shrug. “You guys told me to come back, right?”

His eyes narrow. “How did you get in here?”

I shrug again. “The door was unlocked.”

“It shouldn’t have been. I sealed it with my magic.” Burning suspicion pierces from East’s eyes. “Who are you, human? And how did you get past my magic?”

“I didn’t,” I lie. “Like I said, the door was already unlocked when I got here.”

“And you just let yourself in?” East assesses me with skepticism.

“I didn’t want to stand outside with all the everlasting smoke,” I say innocently. “It’s toxic.”

East exchanges a look with Asher, then they both glance at Arrow. Arrow heaves an exhausted and oddly human sigh, then pushes away from the counter and enters the living room. He positions himself in front of the coffee table while Asher moves to the right of the sofa and East to the left, blocking all my escape routes.

“We know you’re lying, so you might as well fess up.” Asher stalks toward me with his lean arms crossed over his solid chest. “Why are you here? Who sent you?”

“I’m here because you guys invited me.” I hold my ground, even when East closes in on me, too. “Sorry if I misinterpreted your invite. I guess I’ll leave since I’m clearly not wanted.” I step toward East to move around him, but his arms span out, blocking my path. I twist around to swing past Asher, but he wraps his fingers around my arm.

Smoke funnels in his eyes. “You’re lying. I can smell it all over you.”

I sniff the air out of pure instinct, but only the scent of sugary strawberries kisses my nostrils. “No, I’m pretty sure that’s just East’s faerie scent.”

Asher’s lips twitch as he leans in. “You have about ten seconds to fess up before I start blasting you with curses that’ll leave your skin scarred and your mind veering toward insanity.”

Anger pounds through my veins as his cruel, true genie form shows. “Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened.”

He blinks, taken aback. “You’ve been cursed by a genie before?”

“Oh, genies and I go way back,” I say bitterly. “All the way back to when one killed my parents.”

He blinks again, his hold on me loosening. Seizing the distraction, I yank my arm away and shove him back. He stumbles only an inch, but it’s enough to give me time to launch myself over the sofa and bolt toward the door.

But Arrow zips to the side at an inhuman speed and barricades my path. I slam to a halt and let out a string of curses. I’m trapped. There’s no running away from this. Time for my backup plan, one I was really hoping I didn’t have to use.

“Fine, you want to know why I broke in here?” I stick my hand into my pocket and pull out the lamp. “To steal this.”

Asher stiffens. “You made it into my trunk.”

I raise my green hand. “Obviously.”

Fury flashes in his smoky eyes. “You know that’s death poison, right? You’re going to die.”

“I know.” I lower my hand to my side. “But I’m going to get out of here before I do.”

Asher glares at me. “You’re not leaving with my lamp.”

I take a step back then wince as my back crashes into Arrow’s metal chest. “You can’t take this lamp away from me. I know the rules. I hold all the power here. And if I want to, I can wish myself away.”

“You’re not going to, though.” Asher winds around the sofa toward me, taking lazy, measured steps. “Because if you were, you would’ve already done it.” He stops in front of me, his eyes no longer smoky, but smoldering in a way that makes my stomach do strange things. “You’re not like most humans. You understand that, with every wish you make, there will be a consequence, which leaves me wondering why you went through so much trouble to steal the lamp.”

My heart lodges in my throat as he extends his hand toward my head. I wince as his fingers brush my hair and start to step to back, but end up crashing back into Arrow.

Asher smirks as he ravels a strand of my hair around his finger. “Now, the question is: how are we going to punish you?”

I snap out of my fear-induced stupor and slap his hand away. “You’re going to let me go. If you don’t, I’ll make the wish. And considering what I heard you say to East earlier, I’m pretty sure you don’t like granting wishes.” The frown that forms on his face makes me grin. “So, how about we do this the easy way?”

The muscles in Asher’s jaw spasm. “I know you won’t make the wish. You don’t want to deal with the consequences.”

I arch my brows. “You think I care about the consequences? I probably have like, what, a couple hours to live? Who gives a shit about the consequences when I’m going to die, anyway?”

As Asher assesses me closely, I try to appear neutral and mildly bored, examining my currently green fingernails.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I guess you don’t care if you have my lamp or not.” He nods at East. “Take it from her, East. I mean, clearly, she doesn’t care.”

East rounds the sofa toward us. “Then what will we do with her?”

Asher tilts his head to the side as he studies me. “I haven’t decided yet.”

I hug the lamp to my chest. “No, I won’t let you take it.”

“You won’t let me take it?” East glances at Asher with an amused smile. “Did you hear that, Ash? I think she wants to play a little game of cat and mouse. Or, well, faerie and human.”

Asher’s lips twist into an almost smile, his challenging gaze remaining fused on me. “I believe she does. Perhaps you should give her a head start. I know how much you love the chase.”

East brushes his finger along the side of my neck where my pulse races. “Not as much as after I catch them.”

I fight to remain indifferent. “You say that like you’re actually going to catch me.”

“You’re human, of course I’ll catch you,” East purrs, his fluttering wings brushing against the curve of my shoulder.

“You act like I’m incompetent and helpless.” I meet his gaze. “But tell me this, if I’m so incompetent and helpless, then how did I make it past your magic seal?”

East’s lips spread into a devious grin. “That is an excellent question. Maybe after I catch you, I’ll make you tell me.”

I raise my chin with false confidence. “If you catch me.”

His grin broadens as his gaze roams back to Asher. “Can we please keep her? Just for a little while?”

“You can’t keep me,” I huff. “I’m not a pet. I’m a person.”

Asher and East ignore me.

“I’m not taking a human on tour with us, East.” Asher sighs, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Not only would we be breaking a ton of laws by taking her out of this world, but taking care of a human is a lot of work. They’re a lot of trouble, too.”

East scrubs his hand across his jawline. “What if I promised to keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble?”

Asher snorts a laugh. “Yeah, I can only imagine how that would go down.”

East dramatically presses his hand to his chest. “Hey, I know how to keep out of trouble.”

Arrow chuckles from behind me. “Sure you do.”

“You two together would be twice as much trouble than it’s worth. And, like I said, we’d be breaking a shit-ton of laws by keeping her.” Asher shakes his head. “It’s not worth it.”

East pouts. “Come on, Ash; I’m sure we could find a way to make her useful.”

“Um, hello.” I wave a hand in front of me. “No one’s keeping me, so this stupid, little argument is pointless.”

East’s wicked gaze lands on me. “Don’t pretend like you don’t want to stay with us.”

I roll my eyes. “Why the hell would I?”

East nonchalantly shrugs, though an impish smirk plays at his lips. “A lot of humans would love to be in your position right now—stuck on a world jumper vehicle with three very charming, very sexy paranormals who want to play with her. Not to mention we’re fucking rock stars.”

Cocky much?

“Well, then maybe you should go find one of those humans.” I dodge to the side to leave, but Asher sidesteps in my way again and I smack right into his bare chest.

He smells lovely, like cupcakes and frosting, neither of which I’ve tasted in years.

I’m so hungry, I could almost bite him

I shake the thought from my head. Where the hell did that thought come from?

“You’re not going anywhere,” Asher’s eye fiercely illuminate. “Not with my lamp.”

“Wanna bet?” Mustering a deep breath, I part my lips. “I wish that I

Asher covers his hand over my mouth. “Don’t,” he hisses. “It’s more dangerous than you realize.”

I glower at him, mumbling through his hand, “Let me go, and I won’t do it.”

He lowers his hand. “I’m not letting you out of here with my lamp.”

I cradle the lamp tighter to my chest. “Sucks for you since I’m leaving here with your lamp.”

Asher grinds his teeth. “Why?”

My brows furrow. “Why what?”

“Why is keeping my lamp so important to you?” He gives a pressing glance at my poisoned hand. The green, icky color has taken over half my arm now. “If you’re going to die, anyway, why does it matter if you have it?”

I give a small shrug. “Maybe I’m going to wish my death away.”

“You can try, but it won’t work. Not if I don’t want it to,” Asher says tightly. “That’s the thing about genies and wishes—we always have all the control, even when someone has our lamp.”

I know he’s right, but admitting that won’t help me get out of here.

“Maybe I found a way around that?” I challenge with an arched brow.

“There is no way around it; trust me.” His relentless gaze makes me squirm. “So, tell me the truth. Why do you want my lamp so badly?”

I smash my lips together, my heart slamming against my chest. I could make the wish and cross my fingers that it works out in my benefit. More than likely, though, it’ll end in disaster. Or, I could tell him the truth and maybe, just maybe, find a way to strike a bargain. I hate the thought of doing so—bargaining with a genie—but it might be the only way to save Jason.

“I made a deal with the underground mafia,” I say, loathing how my voice slightly trembles. “If I don’t bring them this lamp, they’ll kill my best friend.”

Asher’s expression is blank as his gaze briefly flicks in East’s direction before landing back on me. “How did your friend get in trouble with the underground mafia?”

“He became addicted to faerie euphoric dust and started stealing it from them,” I explain. “He’s a good guy. He just messed up.”

Asher’s gaze travels to my hand. “And yet, you’re the one who’s going to end up dying.”

I raise my chin. “Yeah, so? I’d rather die than let another person I care about die.”

“Another person?” he questions, a pierced brow curving upward. “You mean your parents?”

I press my lips together, refusing to answer. I’ve already told him too much about me.

The three of them remain silent, exchanging indecipherable looks. I hide my unease and tuck it away with my fear. The last thing I want is for them to know how nervous I am.

Finally, Asher tears his gaze away from Arrow and East and focuses on me. “So, were you the one who started the everlasting fire?” When I make no effort to answer him, not wanting to divulge my secrets, a half-smile appears on his lips. “And you got past our sealed door.” It’s not a question. “Seems like you’ve done this sort of thing before.”

“What? Steal a genie lamp?” I laugh hollowly. “Yeah, no. I try to stay away from genies as much as possible.”

The smile on his lips fades ever so slightly. “You said one killed your parents. What did you mean by that, exactly?”

I grind my teeth until my jaw aches. “I mean exactly that—one killed my parents.”

“How, though?” he inquires carefully.

I shake my head. “I’m not going to talk about this with you.”

His jaw muscles spasm again, a hint of internal agony flashing in his eyes. “Fair enough. I won’t make you talk about something that upsets you this much.”

I can’t conceal my surprise at his easiness to let the subject drop. “How very un-genie-like of you.”

“Asher isn’t like most genies,” East chimes in. “You’ll soon learn that.”

“No, I won’t,” I say, partly relieved by that fact and partly sad, but only because … “I’m going to be dead soon, remember?”

Asher trades a quick look with Arrow and East. “Maybe you won’t.”

Confusion swirls inside me. “Are you saying the poison isn’t deadly?”

Asher shakes his head. “No, it is. But I could use magic to kill off the poison and let you live.”

I open and flex my hand, trying to keep my anxiousness under control. “And what would I have to do in return?”

His eyes glint with vibrant blue flames. “Who says I’m not going to do this out of the kindness of my heart?”

I fight back a laugh. “I really doubt you are.”

The flames in his eyes dim as he heaves a sigh. “All right, I’m not. But only because we need your help.”

My gaze skims across the faerie, the cyborg, then lands back on the genie. “The three of you need help from me?”

Asher nods. “With stealing a few items.”

That’s what they want from me in exchange for my life? For me to steal a few items?

“That’s it?” I question. “That’s all you want from me in exchange for my life?”

Asher nods again. “That’s it.”

I shiver as East’s wing tickles the side of my arm.

“And to let me play with you occasionally,” he adds, earning him a glare from Asher.

“We’ll have to bind the deal in magic,” Asher tells me. “It will make sure that, if I give you your life back, you will retrieve the items we need. If you don’t, you’ll die.”

I inch away from East as his wing continues to stroke my arm. “That still doesn’t help me save my friend from the underground mafia.”

Asher rubs his jawline, seeming to consider something. “I’m not going to give my lamp to the underground mafia leader. But I can add your friend’s freedom to the binding spell, which means, if you break our deal, not only will you die, so will your friend.”

I swallow hard, feeling less sure about this deal. I mean, I don’t plan on trying to double-cross Asher or anything, but I’m not even sure what he wants me to steal.

“These objects you want me to steal, what are they? And why can’t you steal them yourselves—” Pain abruptly sears up my arm as the poison rises to my shoulder and neck, making me dizzy. I bite down on my tongue to stop myself from crying out, not wanting to look weak in front of them.

East must notice, though, because his wing begins soothingly stroking my arm. “Just make the deal with him … Wait, you never told us your name.”

“And I’m not going to.” The quiver in my voice reveals my discomfort and vulnerability.

“Make that part of the deal, too,” East tells Asher. “I want to know this lovely human’s name.”

I put my green hand on my hip and twist to face him. “What’s your fascination with me? You know I’m just like every other human, right?”

East’s petal-thin wings glint against the chandelier’s lighting. “No, you’re not. You’re a human who started an everlasting fire, turned my advances down, got past my seal, and broke into Asher’s trunk. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you were a very clever elf, but you’re way too pretty.”

I resist an eye roll. “You know, I’ve heard rumors that faeries were flirts. Those rumors didn’t do the truth justice.”

He winks at me. “We can be quite charming when we want to be. You’ll see.”

“I haven’t agreed to the bargain yet,” I remind him, turning back to a now frowning and confused Asher. “And I’m not going to until you tell me what objects you want me to steal and why you can’t steal them yourself.”

“I can’t tell you what the objects are yet,” Asher replies. When I open my mouth to argue, he adds, “Not because I don’t want to. I just can’t while we’re here in this world.”

My brows knit. “Wait … Are you saying I have to leave this world to do this?”

Asher nods. “This is our last day on tour in this world and the objects aren’t here.”

Both nervousness and excitement rush through me. I’ve always dreamt of seeing other places, of getting away from the rulers and the poverty that plagues every inch of this hellhole of a sphere I live on. Before, there was never a possibility of it being possible.

“Humans aren’t allowed outside this world,” I say. “It’s against the law.”

“We’ll just have to make sure we don’t get caught smuggling you out.” Asher steps toward me, invading my personal space.

I start to step to the side, but my arm bumps into East’s chest. With Arrow standing right behind me, I’m left wedged between the three of them with barely any breathing room. Their scents overwhelm me, all sugary, strawberry cupcakes and frosting mixed with Arrow’s cinnamon and vanilla. The scent is mouthwatering and kind of making me hungry.

I swallow down the urge to breathe in deeper. “And what happens if we get caught?”

“We won’t,” Asher assures me, raveling a strand of my hair around his finger. “We promise we won’t.”

“I don’t trust genies.” A shiver courses through me as East’s velvety soft wing strokes the arch of my neck.

“Trust me, then,” East whispers in my ear.

I want to push them all away, but my arms remain frozen at my sides.

While I’m usually a badass, the combination of their yummy scents, soft touches, the magic most paranormals emit, along with the poison in my body is making me lightheaded and weak.

“I don’t trust faeries, either,” I manage to get out.

“Then trust me.” Arrow places his hands on my shoulders, his metal fingers cool against my overly warm, poisoned skin. “Cyborgs don’t lie.”

“I know.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Look, I want to make the deal. Or, well, want might be a strong word. More like, I’m considering. But I need to at least know a little bit about why I’m going to be your own little personal thief. I mean, why can’t you just steal these objects on your own? You’re paranormals who I’m sure are very powerful.”

“These objects are protected with all sorts of curses and spells to keep paranormals away.” Asher lightly tugs on a strand of my hair, drawing my attention to him. “They aren’t protected against humans. And since you clearly know your way around thievery, you should be able to get the objects we need.”

“Oh.” My lips part to fire more questions when the pain of the poison suddenly amplifies.

A cry rips from my throat as I collapse to the floor, tears stinging my eyes. As I claw at the hardwood flooring, I realize both my hands and arms are now green. Further observation reveals my legs are, too.

Has my time come to an end? Is this death I taste in my mouth?

“Make the bargain,” Asher says as he crouches beside me and strokes his fingers up and down my back. “Make the bargain, and the pain will go away and your friend will be free.”

Rasping breaths rip from my chest as I look into his eyes. While most genies’ gazes carry coldness, Asher’s conveys a drop of remorse mixed with guilt. Does he feel bad about what he’s doing to me? Would he save me, anyway, if I didn’t make the bargain?

I’ll probably never know the answers because, as the stabbing pain beneath my flesh begins to increase, I surrender to the inevitable and nod.

“Fine,” I grit out. “Let’s make a bargain.”




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