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Fae Bound by J.R. James (10)

Chapter 10

My mouth hung open in shock as I looked around at my new world. We exited under a stone arch, just like the gatekeeper explained. We were standing on an island that was much bigger than it seemed on our map. I would say it was comparable to the size of Silver Forest’s shopping district. It was surrounded by crystal clear water. Over the water there were four bridges evenly spaced. Each led to a different section of land. I could clearly label each of the lands just by sight alone.


The grass under our feet was a shade of green I had never seen on Earth. The flowers growing over the plateau were vibrant shades of different colors. Essentially any color imaginable was displayed in a hue that didn’t seem real. Atop the plateau was a stone platform with stone stairs leading up from the island. The plateau took up about half of the island. There weren’t any trees here, so I was able to take in the whole view unobstructed, aside from the plateau.


I could see the frosty grass in the lands of Winter. Summer was vibrant and sunny, greenery covering every inch of ground. Spring was an array of colors, much like our island. Though it seemed to be lightly raining at the moment. It was odd that each land had different weather. Autumn was beautiful with its deep mix of red, yellow and brown leaves. The colors were not as vibrant, but hardly dull. If this was the edge of the lands, I couldn’t wait to explore them in their entirety. We couldn’t see too far into the lands, they were vast and trees blocked the way. We weren’t even able to see the Court Castles from our location.


“Welcome to Faerie, my Queen.” Allwyn said with a bow. I didn’t have words yet, I simply smiled back and continued to take in everything.


“Shall we set up camp?” A Fae I hadn’t been introduced too yet, asked of Allwyn. It was already known that Allwyn was my personal guard, so everyone directed questions to him. They seemed afraid to interrupt me.


“What do we have for a makeshift kitchen?” I inquired before Allwyn could answer.


“Andras will help you with that. He wanted to try and build a cold room.” He informed me before turning to the man. “Gather anyone wanting to help and we will get tents set up.”


“Andras?” I shouted into the crowd. He emerged a few seconds later, looking for me.


“Are you ready to try and save the food?” He asked excitedly. I nodded and he led me to a spot just shy of the middle of the lower ground. “Alright, Bella. We need to create an underground room to keep our food cold. If we don’t succeed we may not be able to eat. Remember that and let it motivate you.” He said in a serious tone. I took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. He was right, I couldn’t let the people down already.


“In order to use magic, you have to try and connect with the element you wish to use. For earth you simply try and connect with the land and picture what you wish to accomplish. First you need to connect with your magic. Think of it as a part of your body, it’s source is pooled deep into your center. Feel for that rush of power and pull it forward. When you feel it rushing through your veins, you are ready.”  Andras explained and took a healthy step away.


I closed my eyes and tried to feel for the magic pool he described. Once I felt it, I didn’t know how I could have overlooked it. Pool seemed too calm of a word, it was more like a swirling fireball in the pit of my stomach. Once I found it I pictured it dispersing through my body and tried to call it forward. I was growing frustrated after the third attempt.


“Relax, you are trying way to hard.” Andras’ voice was low and relaxing. I nodded and took a calming breath. I tried to focus on my magic source and tried to pull it forward again. That time I felt it waver, but nothing more. I took another calming breath and without putting much thought into it, I pulled it forward again. This time it burst through my body, almost knocking me forward. As it reached the tips of my fingers and the soles of my feet I felt a pulling sensation all around me, adding to the pulsing magic in my body.


I opened my eyes to see the mouths hanging open of the silent crowd. I could see a wavering light that was seeping into my body from the air around me and up through the ground below. It all flowed into my body for several minutes until I felt like I might burst. As I reached the point of my vision blurring and feeling like I may pass out, I felt the pull stop and the magic calmed a little.


“Faerie recognizes you and is restoring and adding to your magic.” Andras announced in awe. He bowed then, his nose practically touching the ground. The rest of the crowd, including the mortals and Jacob, followed his action. I met Allwyn’s eyes from the back of the crowd. He raised from his bow and fixed me with an intense gaze. I couldn’t read his emotions behind it, which still unsettled me. I will just choose to believe he was impressed by my badass abilities.


“Now, you need to concentrate on the element you wish to use and connect with it. Start with the ground below you and picture in your mind what you intend it to do.” Andras explained as he stood up straight again. I nodded and turned to the patch of land I wished to alter.


I pictured a room under the ground that was tall enough for someone to enter. The only thing above ground would be the descending stone stairs into the room below. I figured keeping a solid layer of dirt above it would keep the food colder. I Pictured a smooth stone floor and stone walls, to keep our food from getting covered in dirt.


I could feel the rumble as the ground next to me shifted and changed. After the ground grew silent I sent thoughts of gratitude to the land and finally opened my eyes. I was now standing in front of a set of stairs descending into a stone doorway. I walked down the stairs and emerged into a stone room. It was only about six foot wide and eight foot deep, but it would work for us. Andras soon followed me.


“My Queen, I am beyond impressed.” He exclaimed as he studied my work. “I’ve never seen someone successfully use magic this quickly before.”


“Andras, do you have bioluminescent plants here?” I asked, thinking how dark it would be at nightfall.


“We have glowing mushrooms in the caves below, along with glowing flowers in the Winter Lands.” He explained. I closed my eyes to try and give us light.


This time I didn’t have to do much to pull my magic forward, I just remembered how it felt and willed it to come. In seconds I felt it flowing through my body. I connected to the land once more and thought about what I wanted. I tried to picture the mushrooms in a manageable size, because I knew so little of this realm. My luck I would conjure one and it would be the size of the entire room. I pictured them lining the edge of the room and covering the ceiling.


“Well done!” Andras cheered and I opened my eyes. Glowing blue mushrooms cast a soft blue light throughout the room. I smiled as I took in my work. I heard a whistle of appreciation behind me and turned to see Jacob. I ran to him and threw myself into his arms.


“Look what I did! I’m a Fae badass!” I yelled and hugged him. He danced me around in a circle before releasing me.


“You really are, Queenie. This place is amazing, and its only a glorified refrigerator. Imagine what we can accomplish over time.” He exclaimed as he touched one of the mushrooms. “These are a nice touch.” He smirked.


“I will go have the people bring you the food, if you two would like to organize it?” Andras said as he started up the stairs.


“Perfect, thank you.” I replied. He walked away and I could hear him yelling orders to people in the distance.


“How are you doing?” I asked Jacob. He smiled at me and shook his head.


“Will you ever believe me, that I’m happy I came here?” He asked. I gave a guilty grin, he knew me too well.


“I’m glad I’m not dealing with this mind explosion alone. You are the perfect prince for Faerie.” I gave him a grin and linked my arm in his.


“I am. We always knew I was royalty at heart.” He replied, holding his head high and marching me around like a gentleman. I giggled and forgot all about my worries. “At least I’m not the only human. I hope the others know it’s okay to bring their mates if they are human.” He had a point.


“When we are finished I will go find Allwyn and ask for the stone.” I reassured him. We were interrupted then by a procession of Fae bringing down armfuls of goods. The last Fae carried down three folding camp tables. I set them up on three sides of the room and we loaded the food on top. Some of the bigger items were stacked in the corners. Everyone filed back out, with another stupid bow to me. I couldn’t stand all of the bowing.


Now all we needed was the ice to keep it cool. I pulled Jacob to the entrance of the room and called forth my magic. I tried to connect with the winter magic, the same way I connected to the land. I thought of brilliant snow and frosty winds until I felt decently connected to it. It was a different feeling, and I almost felt the temperature drop in the area. I pictured a pillar in the center of the room, from floor to ceiling made of ice. I tried to make it thick so it would last for longer. I wasn’t sure if magic dissipated over time or not. I opened my eyes and appreciated my newest creation. It wasn’t as perfect as I imagined but it worked all the same.


“Nice! Now let’s go find Allwyn before getting to work on food.” I announced and Jacob led me up the stairs. While we were working, clearly Allwyn and his group were busy as well. At least ten large tents were set up in two rows. Someone had reconnected with their magic as well and formed a small cluster of trees on either side of the tents, probably so people had privacy to do their business. It was practical thinking since I hadn’t even considered that.


I found Allwyn near one of the front tents and stopped him. “Allwyn, can you take me to the spring place of power, and bring the communication stone?” I asked quietly. He nodded and motioned the man and woman who entered the portal with him, to come over.


“The queen requires a moment in the Spring Lands. Would you two like to join us as part of her guard?” He asked formally.


“I would be honored.” The man said with a bow to me. The woman gave a bow as well.


“Thank you, friends. Please call me Bella while we are working together. I’m not used to such formality. Your names?” I asked and I looked at them.


“I am called Serena, Queen Bella.” The woman replied. I guess it was better than the usual greeting of my queen or your highness.


“I am Landon.” The man said with a nod. Allwyn gestured for us to follow, as they formed a triangle around me, with Allwyn as the front man.


“I have no idea what animals or dangers are around, but the journey should only be near an hour long.” He informed us as he led on. The rain had cleared and a cool breeze blew through the land. I admired the vibrant colors around me. Spring  had flowers and grass growing up to a tree line, then a path led through the trees to the land beyond.


I listened as we entered the trees, but there wasn’t a single sound from any animals in the area. I couldn’t help but feel unsettled by that. I reasoned with myself that I shouldn’t be shocked, we knew there was unbalance in Faerie.


“The lack of noise is worrisome.” Serena said quietly. The silence made us all want to whisper.


“It’s to be expected, the lands aren’t healed yet.” I offered. Allwyn nodded his agreement. We continued on until we broke through the trees. I gasped again as I took in our surroundings. The land in front of us was like a giant garden.


In the middle of the garden was an odd stone structure. It looked like someone made intricate pillars and folded them into the center where they touched. You could see through it and in the middle was a stone altar of some sort. Flowers of all shapes, sizes and colors surrounded it. The gardens were vast, spreading out as far as we could see. A path wove around the stone structure and a pond, before it  led further into the distance, ending at a large gate and stone wall.


“The Court of Spring is beyond those gates. It’s so odd to be home.” Allwyn’s voice was choked with emotion, I walked forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. He awkwardly patted my hand and I let go before I could make him uncomfortable. We walked through the path to the garden, though it took another fifteen minutes to reach the stone structure.


I knew we had reached our destination as soon as I stepped between the stone pillars. I could feel the power radiating off of the stone. What I thought was an alter was just a low stone circle. I walked forward and sat, crossing my legs yoga style on the platform. My guards stayed on the ground outside of the structure and surrounded it in protective stances.


I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I tried to focus on the land around me. I could feel the land’s pain. I knew I had to do something to change it. I tried to call my magic and focused on sending healing magic directly into the land. I pushed until I felt myself falling off of the stone stool. I didn’t even have enough energy to stop myself from bashing my head


“Arabella!” Allwyn yelled when he heard the thump of my body falling off of the bench.


“Did it work?” My voice was weak and wavering. I tried to look around, but the darkness took me.



I heard the crowd getting worked up about something, and left the camp kitchen to check it out. When I saw Allwyn carrying Bella in his arms I took off at a run.

“What happened?” I screamed when I was close enough to be heard over the crowd. Allwyn didn’t answer, he just tipped his head to the side for me to follow. After he passed through the doorway of a tent, I closed it behind us. “What happened?” I repeated.


“I am honestly unsure. She was at the point of power and was meditating, then she just fell over. I’m not sure if she knocked herself unconscious when she fell or she exerted too much magic at once.” He looked as freaked out as I felt.


I watched her chest rise and fall. Her breathing was even and her coloring wasn’t looking any more pale then usual, though with her new coloring it wasn’t easy to tell.


“Will you stay with her? I need to finish cooking for our people.” I asked.


“I will always stay by her.” He said in a serious tone, before sitting on the bed roll next to hers.


“Can I ask you a question?” I asked, giving him a curious look. He took to my best friend awfully fast. Especially since he despised us at first. Something about him just didn’t settle well with me. He met my gaze and nodded.


“What are your intentions with my best friend?” I asked bluntly. I was not one for subtlety and despite my general outgoing and happy exterior, I protect my people, and Bella, she’s my favorite person.


“I’m her personal guard, I will protect her with my life.” He said simply, like that answered my question at all. I forget sometimes, he doesn’t really understand subtlety.


“Okay, that’s clearly not what I mean. I’m well aware you are her self-appointed guard. I mean do you want to be with her?” I tried again, trying not to get annoyed.


“I’m her guard, of course I want to be near her. Imagine if I wasn’t when this happened.” He replied, clearly confused at what I was saying.


“Okay, one more time.” I took a calming breath. “Do you want to be with her in a romantic sense? Be her boyfriend? Is that more clear?” His mouth dropped open at my words and I saw a slight blush in his cheeks.


“Honestly? I want nothing more. It can’t happen though. She is royalty, she needs to find someone who is equal to her station. That is not me. I’m not even near the same level as her.” I could see the vulnerability in his usually serious and guarded features.


“We weren’t raised like that. She won’t care about that. I’m just warning you now, if you try, you better be serious. She doesn’t need an asshole, she needs someone who boosts her confidence and helps her feel like the badass bitch she is. Is that you? If so then go for it. I’m feistier then I look though, don’t hurt her.” I warned with a hard gaze. He looked like he wanted to laugh, then realized I was being serious. He nodded his agreement and I left him with his thoughts.


I made my way back to the camp kitchen, we were doing a simple roasted vegetable dish, but I left it to go see to Bella. I noticed Andras stirring the vegetables as I approached. I couldn’t help but smile, he was growing on me.


“Thanks for keeping dinner from burning.” I said as I approached. He turned and flashed me a soft smile.


“I saw what was happening and I knew you were cooking until Queen Bella came back. So I rushed over here to take over while you tended to her. Is there anything I can do to help now that you are back?” He stepped away from the pan of roasting vegetables. They looked like they were close to finished.


“Do you think this is enough for everyone? I don’t want to leave our people hungry.” I frowned at what I prepared. I pulled out several loaves of bread and started cutting, but Andras never answered. I glanced over and he was starting at me with an odd look. “What?! Is something on me?” I twisted around but didn’t see anything odd.


“No, I just like how you said our people. And yes, that’s plenty.” He said with a grin, before turning back to the paper bowls and stacking them on the serving table. Now it was my turn to be shocked. I guess we were flirting now? I could work with that.


I finished cutting up the bread and announced to the crowd that food was served. I turned to Andras and motioned him over.


“Help me take food over to Queenie and Allwyn?” I asked, he nodded and took two bowls from me. I grabbed two more and led the way to her tent. She was still passed out so I handed the bowls and bottled water to Allwyn. I stepped back out and Andras handed me one of the bowls. “Thanks, want to have dinner with me?”


“I know just the spot.” He led me over to the closest bridge and sat down with his feet dangling over the edge. They were high enough that no creepy river monsters could bite our feet off. I shuddered at that thought as I sat down next to him.


“So, tell me about your life before the war.” It seemed so weird that this quiet landscape was once a world full of people and animals.


“It was a quiet life. I worked in the main Library of Summer. It was a glorious building, brimming with books. I was in charge of research projects for the court and distributing books to the schools. It was wonderful.” He had a far away look in his eyes and big smile while he described his work. He was a beautiful man. The Fae were an attractive people as a whole, but he had a quiet fierceness to his personality that made him even more attractive.


“What about family?” I asked quietly. He didn’t seem to mind my question, he just stared at the water and continued to describe his life.


“It was just me and my sister. My parents died many years before the war. She worked in the kitchens at the castle. The castle was the first to fall and she didn’t make it. She was an exuberant person. Always making those around her laugh, but she protected her family with an almost feral fierceness. She came to the library one day to bring me my favorite sweets from the kitchens. One of the tutors from the school was yelling and calling me incompetent. I don’t handle confrontations well, so I was letting him get his anger out before explaining for a fifth time that I sent him exactly what he asked for. She walked right up to him, half his size, and tore into him until he was apologizing and walking out scared. It was magnificent. You remind me of her.” He said as he gave me a glance before turning back to his view. His far away look was now marred with sadness. I was stupid to ask about them. I reached over and took his hand, giving it a squeeze for reassurance. He looked at me shocked and I quickly let go.


“Sorry, I thought it would be ok. I was just trying to offer you some comfort, since I stupidly brought up your past.” I mumbled, I started to get up and leave but he pulled me back down.


“Don’t be silly, I was just surprised. Please don’t leave.” He gave me a pleading look and I settled back into my seat. “Tell me about your family?”


“There isn’t much to tell. My parents kicked me out the day I told them I was gay. They refused to see reason. I was thankfully old enough to go off to college, so I left. Other than Sam, Bella was my only family. Now she is all I have. That’s why I wanted to come here. I couldn’t let her leave me behind, and I had nothing worth staying for on Earth. I left my apartment for Sam.” I explained. He looked so sad for me. “It’s really okay, I’m stronger because of it. Being Gay isn’t exactly accepted on Earth.”


“I’m so sorry. It wasn’t a problem here, unless you were royal. I’m sorry about Sam.” He added. We ate in silence for a few minutes before I continued on.


“Don’t be sorry about Sam. He stopped loving me and didn’t have the nerve to tell me. We were doomed for a while and I tried to fix it. I’m honestly not as sad as I thought I would be. I’m happy with things now.” I reassured him.


“I’m happy you are here.” Andras said as he took my hand. I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my lips.


My people on Earth. I want you to be aware if you have human mates or children, that they are welcome in Faerie. We will protect them as our own. Make sure you explain that they will be too weak to return to Earth again, so their choice is final. I await your arrival. Be well, my brothers and sisters.


I yelped and almost fell into the water when I heard Bella’s voice in my head. How the hell am I hearing this? Andras laughed as he kept me from falling forward.


“You are Fae now, so you hear her too. I guess you should go see to her. I enjoyed our dinner.” He said with a smile. I waved to him and hurried off to Bella’s tent. I couldn’t help but smiling as I walked through the camp. Andras made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a long time, even with Sam.





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