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Marked by Pain (The Marked Series Book 2) by Cece Rose, G. Bailey (21)

Chapter 22


“It feels like I haven't seen this place in forever. The last time I was here I had Kelly at my side,” I say quietly as we drive up to the academy. The old building looks like it could fall right off the cliff, and yet, it looks nothing like that inside. The typical Scottish cold and wet weather makes everything seem darker, even if it’s the middle of the day.

“She speaks, I wondered how long it would take. You haven’t said a word to me since I met you at the ferry,” Enzo says dryly. I kick the back of his seat, enjoying the shocked glare he turns to give me.

“My brother and best friend are still with that psychopath!” I shout at him, my earlier anger flaring again, but Locke puts his hand on my shoulder, grounding me.

“They are our friends as well, and we will get them back,” Locke reminds me.

“Enzo, was Ryan in that state when you got him out?” I ask.

“Do you really want the answer to that, Crowe?” he says, almost gently this time, his dry tone from before gone. It’s nothing like I'm used to hearing him speak to me.

“No, I don't, but I need to know,” I reply.

“Yes, he was,” he says, and I look away, as Mr Daniels parks the car in front of the academy. I wait for Locke to get out, before sliding out myself, and walking straight up the old steps to the cave entrance.

“Miss Crowe, it is a pleasure to see you again, and looking well,” Mr Lockhart says as he walks out the cave, making me stop in my tracks. I feel the twins stand next to me, and I watch as Mr Lockhart looks over at Mr Daniels.

“Mr Daniels, is everyone okay? Do the healers need to be called?” he asks, looking at our ripped and dust-covered clothes. Mr Daniels has blood on his shirt, not his own, but Mr Lockhart wouldn't know that.

“Not needed, but a meeting is,” he says, walking over to Mr Lockhart, who looks back at me.

“I will call Miss Curwood and some of the teachers. They are all that are here as the rest are part of the current attack.”

“Have they taken the base?”

“Yes, but it seems that there were escape vehicles we were not aware of, and many escaped, including Alaric, his son and Kelly Curwood,” Mr Lockhart says, and Locke wraps an arm around me as I try to think of something, anything else. We don't know where they are, so how the fuck can I help them now?

“Come in, come in. You must all be tired and need some rest,”

“I don't need to rest, what I need is to get to this meeting to plan a way to save my brother and best friend,” I say, stepping out of Locke's embrace, and walking up the steps to Mr Lockhart.

“I don't believe that's the best idea, Miss Crowe,” he disagrees.

“Let her, this is about her and her family after all,” Mr Daniels suggests, stepping closer and reaching down to link our hands together.

“Personal relationships between students and teachers are not allowed,” Mr Lockhart says, shaking his head.

“I'm no teacher and I've never really been one, now let's sort this meeting out,” he says, turning and pulling me with him into the caves.

“Kenzie?” I hear my name whispered around the corner of the cave, just before East appears. He runs to me as I let go of Mr Daniels.

“East,” I shout in relief, throwing my arms around his neck as he holds me close.

“Fuck, I've been so worried,” he says, pulling back so he can kiss me

“I'm back,” I whisper against his lips and he grips me to his chest again. I turn my head to the side, opening my eyes to see Mr Daniels standing in the shadows, watching us. He smiles, before walking down deeper into the caves.

* * *

“What the hell is she doing here?” I say, glaring across the room at Stella who leans against the wall, watching me with a big smirk on her lipstick covered lips. We just left East, Enzo, and the twins in the cafeteria to come here for the emergency meeting they called. I look around the room, seeing most of the teachers I had, even if my classes feel like years ago already.

“Stella's parents are undercover with the rebels, they’re guards. She might have information for us,” Mr Daniels tells me. I try not to look at her as I take a seat on the massive table, and Mr Daniels sits down next to me

“It is good to have you back at Marked Academy, Miss Crowe,” Miss Tinder says, sitting opposite me and I can feel that not a word she just said was true.

“Your hair is growing back nicely I see,” I say with a smile, and she smacks her hand on the table, her eyes burning with hate.

“Enough childish conversations, I want to hear what happened last night and why we are missing two of our people,” Mrs Curwood says as she comes into the room, sitting at the top of the table next to Mr Lockhart. It hurts to see her, as she looks so much like Kelly. They have the same curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and even similarities with their faces. Mrs Curwood is nothing like her daughter; she is as heartless as they get.

“Two people? One of those people is your daughter,” I say, and she waves a hand at me dismissively.

“I wasn’t asking you,” she replies emotionlessly, “Mr Daniels, please tell me the events that happened and how you escaped.” I hold in the urge to snap at her as Mr Daniels puts his hand on my knee, rubbing circles in comfort.

“We escaped using the tunnels. I couldn't get Kelly or Ryan away as we were separated, and they were too far from the entrance.”

“Fine, but I want a detailed report of every event in the compound, and your escape,” she says, lifting two pieces of paper off the table.

“We have no information of the whereabouts of the rebels at this time, but we expect to have some soon, thanks to Stella's parents,” she says, putting the papers down and I stand up, watching them all turn towards me.

“They won't give up until they find me, because they want the twelfth power. Now, don't you all think it’s time I know what it is?” I say and they all look at each other, equal looks of nervousness and panic.

“I will tell you, but not here,” Mr Daniels says, standing up, and taking my hand as several teachers gasp.

“Excuse us for the night, it has been a long day as I'm sure you all know. We will discuss our options in the morning after Stella has had time to contact her parents,” Mr Daniels says, not waiting for a response as he puts his arm around my waist, and leads me out the room.

“You know what the twelfth power is and you never told me?” I ask, feeling a little hurt.

“I couldn't while we were there, not when there was a chance someone could hear and let Alaric know I told you,” he replies.

“I get it, I just feel like my life is full of more secrets and pain than anything else,” I reply. He pulls me closer as we walk outside the academy, and through the woods.

“It's not always going to be like this, I will make sure of it,” he whispers to me, a promise if I've ever heard one.

“Your cabin?” I ask.

“I asked the others to come, and stay here tonight. It’s safer than in the main buildings and we have room, but you're in my bed,” he whispers the end part in my ear.

“Okay,” I chuckle. We walk up to his cabin, where the lights are already on, and he lets me go to open the door.

“Hey, how did it go?” Locke says, stepping out the kitchen with only some shorts on and a bag of crisps in his hand.

“Good,” I reply, seeing East and Enzo step out of one of the bedrooms, with Logan following them.

“Time for some answers, why don't you start?” I ask, turning to Mr Daniels and he nods. I walk past them all and take a seat on one of the chairs, crossing my legs as they all stare at me, and then look back at Mr Daniels.

“The twelfth power is said to be the power to open a portal between Earth and Ariziadia,” Mr Daniels says, and none of us can utter a single word as he explains. “The council knows what the power can do, well those at the top do anyway. They keep it from everyone, both due to the fact it's so rare for anyone to be marked with the twelfth mark, and that the mark can cause devastation. You're essentially splitting the barrier between the worlds, and that can go wrong, causing damage to both worlds.”

After letting the fact that I can open a portal between worlds set in, I feel like I have a million questions, and no idea which to begin with. Mr Daniels takes a seat on one of the sofas.

“Are you okay, Kenz?” East asks softly.

“I'm...fuck, I have so many questions.” I turn back to face Mr Daniels. “Why wouldn't the council use people with the twelfth mark to go to Ariziadia? Why would they act like it isn't even a real place if they know there's a freaking power to get there? Is that how the marked came to earth in the first place?” The questions all seem to tumble out of my mouth in a string of word-vomit.

“Firstly, because of the risks involved, both for the marked, and for those around them. Secondly, it's much easier for people to accept it's a story. It being real generates a lot of questions that they don't have the answers too. And finally, we believe so.” He pauses as everyone else sits down to. “There's an ancient text they keep hidden in a vault underneath the main council building in London. I’ve never seen it myself, I don't have the clearance for that, but I've heard there’s a lot in there, more than they'd ever admit to having information on. One of the sections in the text includes the telling of the crossing, they spent many years working on the translation. It doesn't state how they did it, just how they prepared, and how they found the world here, but the twelfth mark is shown at the top of the page,” he explains. As he finishes, I let out a deep breath. Damn.

“That's a lot of information to process,” I say.

“Do you have any more questions?” he asks.

“Tons,” I admit, and then I can't hold in the yawn that escapes.

“It can wait, she needs sleep,” Enzo says protectively.

“But I need to know--”

“You can know tomorrow. You need rest,” Locke says, agreeing with Enzo as he cuts me off. I hear a phone buzzing and I look around as Mr Daniels pulls his phone out of his jean pocket.

“I have to go back up to the school. Will you five be okay without me?” he asks, and we all nod. He doesn't look happy to be leaving at all. He stands, walking over to the door, I follow after him.

“Going somewhere, Kenz?” East asks with a knowing smirk.

“I'm just saying goodbye, I'll be back inside in a second,” I answer, following him out the door. I shut it behind us for a little privacy. “What do they need you for?”

“Nothing they couldn't have done themselves, I'm sure,” he answers dryly, grabbing me by the waist, and pulling me to him. I tilt my head up as he leans down to kiss me. His hands grip my hips tightly as we kiss. His phone starts vibrating again, interrupting us, and I groan.

“Can't they wait five minutes?” I mutter.

“If I stay any longer, I definitely wouldn't be leaving in five minutes,” he replies, making me laugh lightly.

“Go on then, I'll see you later,” I say, and then give him another quick kiss.

“I'll hurry back,” he replies, he walks backwards as he steps away, his green eyes watching me intently, before finally turning away as I open the door again.