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Rough and Ready (Heels and Spurs Book 1) by Stacey Espino (11)


Chapter Eleven


Yukon didn’t trust strangers. He’d heard all about the looting down south when families were forced from their homes due to the storm system. There were always assholes ready to take advantage of another person’s kindness. Was this man genuinely in trouble or had he been looking for an easy target? He wasn’t from town, because if he had been, they would have welcomed him inside with open arms.

He was more irritated than anything. His intimate time with Robyn had been cut short thanks to this stranger. He’d been deep in the best kiss of his life when the man knocked on the door. Things were finally looking up for him, and he hoped what they shared hadn’t been one-sided.

That evening, Parker turned off the generator to give it a rest. They had lanterns ready around the house. Yukon took a drink of water in the kitchen, watching the moon’s glow from behind the clouds from the window. The storm was clearing, and that meant his chances with Robyn were thin to none. She’d want a ride out first thing in the morning. Unless the kiss meant something to her too.

He put his glass in the sink. Yukon should have been happy they hadn’t taken on the same damage as the farms down south. It was a blessing. Then why did he feel so shitty?

Before heading upstairs to bed, he ensured the stranger, Ed, was sleeping on the sofa. He didn’t like the idea having the man in their home, especially with Robyn under the roof.

A strip of light shined under Parker’s bedroom door, but Yukon was in no mood to hear his brother’s negativity. He went to his room and sat on the edge of the bed.

He still remembered when he’d first seen Robyn at Meg’s. There’d been instant attraction, and he knew she was the one. Only, she’d hated him then, but he hoped she saw something worthwhile in him now. He had no time to entice her, to show her the man under the skin. He needed more than a few days to court a woman properly.

Yukon was more than a struggling cowboy. He had hopes and dreams, and knew he’d give his woman all he had. But there was no time to prove a thing to Robyn, and besides, Parker was probably right. She likely wanted a man in a suit with a heavy wallet.

He took a deep breath and dropped back on his bed. Knowing she was on the other side of his bedroom wall put him in an uncomfortable predicament. He was sure the city boys couldn’t rock her in bed the way he could. Yukon wasn’t afraid to get dirty, to give her every kind of wicked pleasure. He ran a hand over his jeans, his cock aching for attention.

He slowly began to fall asleep, his daydreams of Robyn pulling him out of reality.

When he heard a creak in the hall, he bolted back up into a sitting position, his faculties rushing back as he focused on the sound.

He stood up and moved closer to the door. It was late, no lights to illuminate his room or the hallway. Only the faint glow of the moon allowed him to see shadows. The sound of a door creaking open was the final straw. He opened his bedroom door and looked down the hallway, noticing a dark figure enter Robyn’s room. It could be Parker, but it could also be Ed.

Yukon moved quietly, knowing exactly where to step to keep on the down low. When he peered in Robyn’s room, he knew the man wasn’t his brother. Parker was his size, well over six feet, and Ed had a much smaller frame.

“Lost?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

The shadow whirled around. “Oh, shit. I thought this was the bathroom.”

“Did you now? It’s still at the top of the stairs. Hasn’t moved.”

Ed walked toward the door, his arms outstretched. “I get disoriented in the dark.”

When he tried to move past him, Yukon braced his arm out to the side. “Close the door. Quietly.”

Ed did as told.

“I don’t take kindly to a stranger in my woman’s room. Makes me … uncomfortable.” He didn’t hide the threat in his voice.

“I didn’t know you were together.”

“Now you know.”

“I’ll get my ass downstairs. I won’t be any more trouble.”

He grabbed the scruff of Ed’s shirt, nearly lifting him off his feet. Yukon whispered in his ear. “Once first light comes, I want you gone. If you come up these stairs again tonight, I’ll fucking kill you.” After a shove, he waited until Ed was downstairs. The little shit didn’t protest or try to argue his innocence. Yukon was no fool. That man wanted a piece of Robyn.

Yukon would have tossed him out in the dead of night, but he knew Robyn would be safe because he’d be sleeping in her room. It was the only way to ensure Ed didn’t try to creep into her bed later in the night.

He opened her door, closing it behind him. Once his eyes adjusted, the moonlight from her window aided him in seeing which side of the bed she slept on. He carefully sat down on the opposite side and brought his legs up on the bed, settling on the extra pillow. Yukon took a breath. What was I thinking? He wouldn’t get any sleep tonight, not with Robyn less than a foot from him. Her scent was sweet and subtle, enough to arouse him. In fact, everything about their guest drove him crazy—from her dark eyes to those rounded hips. It was more than her looks, though. Vulnerability surrounded her. She had a quiet soul in need of healing. He was tired of the loud-mouthed farmer’s daughters. Girls without substance.

He wanted to be everything she needed.

Yukon closed his eyes, imagining a life with Robyn. He wasn’t a young man anymore. He was more than ready to settle down at this point in his life. His father had taught him an important lesson—growing old alone could break a man.

The mattress shifted as she moved. “Yukon?” she whispered.

“Don’t worry, darling. I’m not trying anything funny.”

“I know. I heard.”

“You all right with me sleeping here? I have all my clothes on,” he said. “I don’t trust that drifter.”

“It’s okay.” She turned to her side, facing him. The room was too quiet. Even the static of the rain on their tin roof had silenced. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“You’re my guest. It’s my job to take care of you.”

She stayed quiet for a minute. “Parker thinks it may be more than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“He said that you liked me. Is that true?”

Yukon couldn’t wait to get his hands on his brother. Why the fuck would he say such a stupid thing to Robyn? He was lucky he hadn’t scared her off.

“Parker has a big mouth.”

“So, it’s not true?”

What should he say? Tell her Parker was a liar? Embarrass himself by telling the truth?

“You know I like you. I bought you a drink at Meg’s Longhorn, remember?”

“I remember.” She reached out, her hand resting on his bicep. His entire body went stiff. “It’s hard to believe you’d be interested in my type.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” He turned his head. “I’m a man. You’re a beautiful woman. It’s only natural.”

“I usually expect the worst from everyone.”

“That’s what city living will do to you,” he said.

“It’s all I know. I’m trying to make something of myself.”

“In what way? Around here the end goal is usually a family, not fame and fortune.”


Robyn had yet to fall asleep. It was the same drill, the anxiety of sleeping in a strange bed. There’d been so many, each with its own story she wanted to forget. She’d tossed and turned, her fears and weaknesses making themselves painfully known. Then that guy tried to sneak in her room. It was like her childhood nightmares all over again.

When Yukon took charge, it sparked something deep inside her. He’d protected her, saved her from her demons. She realized what a bitch she’d been by keeping her distance. Robyn had been judging him based on his social status when she’d come from the very bottom herself. Lower than anyone.

Now, Yukon was in her bed, and the cascade of relief sparked new desires. She didn’t want to be alone, not now or ever. She kept trying to convince herself a good man, a cowboy like Yukon wasn’t in the cards for her. All her adult life, she’d wanted a man with power, money, and influence. She wanted to create herself into something better, something strong and indestructible. A woman worth respect. A woman who mattered.

Her ideals were crashing down around her.

“Where I’m from, success in business ranks higher than starting a family.”

“Sounds sad, but then again, I’m living alone with my brother.” He chuckled, the deep sound a comfort in the darkness.

She wanted Yukon, wanted to feel his strong hands all over her body. To feel his lips again. He’d never break her heart, never cast her aside. She didn’t want him to play the gentleman another minute. His huge frame dipped the bed, his musky scent making her pussy tingle. She wanted all his clothes off, wanted to know what it felt like to be dominated by a cowboy.

“Why are you both alone? I mean, if family’s so important to you?” she asked.

“I don’t want just any woman.”

He moved onto his side, and she could feel the weight of his stare even in the dark.

“What’s your type?”

You’re my type.”

She swallowed hard, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. Yes, she’d fucked around with men in her life—businessmen, men with degrees and big wallets—but not one of them made her feel like a woman in love.

Robyn painted a fingertip down his chest, wishing it was his bare skin under her touch. When had things changed? Or was it her? She’d sworn never to settle for a working-class man. Rising to the top had been her life’s mission. Now she just wanted to fall into the strong arms of a cowboy—one with calloused hands and the bluest eyes.

“You’re holding back,” he said, still playing the gentleman. His control was starting to piss her off. A sexual tsunami was playing out inside her body, and it took all her resolve to wait for his next move.

Robyn shook her head. “I’m just playing the part,” she said. “Don’t country girls mind their manners?”

“But you’re a city girl, darlin’. And I’m not interested in any one else.” The mattress tilted as he pushed up on one arm, moving into her space. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. The scent of sandalwood titillated her senses.

She exhaled as he kissed behind her ear, his tongue slowly shelling the rim. The man was more skilled than she imagined possible. Most men wanted a quick fuck and a “get out of a relationship” card the next morning. Yukon was something different. She had a feeling he’d show her what it felt like to be worshiped by a man.

“What are you hiding?” he whispered in her ear. His lips grazed her cheek, his free hand skimming down her side. She only wore an oversized t-shirt and panties. When his fingers slipped under the bottom edge of her shirt, he ran his hand over the swell of her lower stomach … then higher. Robyn gasped when his big, rough hand cupped her bare breast. Her nipples were already hard and achy, so the simple touch sent shivers skittering all the way to her clit.

“You have soft skin.” He inched his way closer to her lips, his coarse stubble arousing her in new, indecent ways. When he kissed her, she closed her eyes, heat lashing out all the way to her extremities. Every move he made was slow, sensual, controlled. The kiss was soft and gentle, but soon became all-encompassing. She’d never known passion until today. Robyn felt completely dominated, branded, and claimed—and they hadn’t even past first base.

Their tongues played a sensual game, Yukon’s hulking frame pressing harder against her by the minute. Things escalated quickly, their mutual desire spiraling out of control. She couldn’t kiss and touch him enough.

“Take this off,” she said between kisses, tugging at his flannel shirt. He complied without hesitation, sitting up on his knees and yanking off the shirt without unbuttoning it. Only a hint of moonlight cast into the guest room, enough to highlight the hard planes of his muscles. God, she wanted him.

She reached up, beckoning him to lower his body over hers. She needed him more than breath. He unbuckled his belt, the metal clang and whip of leather followed by a zipper lowering. Yukon dropped down, supporting his weight on his strong arms. She felt completely enveloped by his presence and male heat.

“You drive me crazy,” he said. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you’d be mine.”

They kissed and explored each other’s bodies. He reached down the front of her panties, his hand cupping her pussy. She arched up into his touch, needing more. “Yukon…”

“So ripe.” He slipped two fingers into her pussy, pushing all the way in to his knuckles. She mewled and stirred beneath him. He moved his fingers in just the right way, enough to leave her hanging desperately on a precipice. “You want more, baby?”


“Such a hot little cunt.” Yukon took his fingers away, leaving her wanting. He kicked off his jeans and removed all her clothing. They were both naked, exposed, both ready to go all the way. He was such a tempting mix of nice and naughty.

When he lowered over her, she smoothed her hands all over his hard back, unable to get enough of him. He didn’t have an ounce of fat, just homegrown muscle on muscle. “Give it to me,” she said, beyond caring what she sounded like. She felt more animal than woman.

“I’m all yours.” He slid the head of his cock up and down her slit. Her pussy was already soaking, had been since he lay down on her bed. When he pushed the tip of his cock past her entrance, she gasped at his size. She remembered her conversations with Shelly about dick size, and this cowboy would take the first-place trophy. “Relax for me, sweet thing,” he said.

The man knew he was huge, likely experienced on taking his time with women. She didn’t want to play nice. She wanted it all, every inch of him.

He kept working her body, easing inside her, teasing her erogenous zones with his tongue. Once fully inside her, he hooked his arms under her shoulders and gave a final push, confirming she’d taken every inch. He growled his approval, and she could feel the pulse of his cock inside her. She’d never felt so full and satisfied in her life, and he hadn’t even started.

“You okay?” he asked.

She pulled his neck down and kissed his lips, giving him a little nip. “I’ve never been with a cowboy.”

“You don’t know what you’ve been missing.”

They devoured each other. He began to pump into her, no cell inside her left untouched. She wrapped her legs around his hips, urging him for more. He was a machine, fucking her with the stamina of a stud horse. It amazed her, being with such a capable lover.

Within minutes, the old wooden bed was creaking, the headboard knocking against the wall. She didn’t care. Actually, she didn’t care about anything—not yesterday or tomorrow—so unlike her. All that mattered was Yukon and his skills beneath the blankets.


Yukon had wanted to play the gentleman but knew he also had limited time to win Robyn over. Once she put her little hands on him, all bets were off. He could practically feel her desire, her need, and he wasn’t going to deny her.

He loved everything about her body, and he wanted to explore every soft curve. Yukon needed a woman with strong hips and tits that overflowed in his hands. He’d been pent up since he’d first set eyes on her, so it took all his resolve not to ram into her from the starting gate. Instead, he eased into her pussy with all the patience he could muster. His city girl was hot and tight, hugging his cock like a glove. Her kisses were addicting, so much more than any woman he’d fucked around with. He wanted to own her, to be her man. Yukon wasn’t rich, but he’d show her that cowboys could outbest any educated man in bed and beyond.

“I love fucking you,” he said between breaths. Robyn was a minx, prodding him with her heels, arching to meet him thrust for thrust. Parker was right, the quiet ones were the wildest in the bedroom.

The bed nearly shattered into splinters. He pistoned in and out of her cunt, his cock never so hard and eager. He swore he could go all night long. When she began to tremble, he reached between them to tease her clit.

“I’m going to come,” she said, seeking his lips again. He couldn’t deny her a thing. Her kisses went deeper than lust. He could feel her need and vulnerability mixed with the passion.

Parker was wrong. They were meant for each other.

As her body convulsed with an orgasm, he rammed her hard, filling her to overflowing. He helped her ride out the waves, savoring the sound of her squeals and feminine moans. Only when he knew she was fully sated did he allow himself to let go.

His release was intense, pulsing on and on as he filled her with his seed. He dropped to the side, pulling her with him, his cock still deep inside her. The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.

“That was perfect,” he said. Yukon ran his hand through her hair, getting the moistened hairs off her face. “How do you feel about cowboys now?”

She smirked but didn’t say anything. Robyn shifted more comfortably into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. As she fell asleep in his arms, he knew she’d stolen his heart.




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