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The Four Horsemen: Chaos by LJ Swallow (16)



Xander doesn't get his wish to snoop around because when we arrive at the main building people are funnelled towards a large room, ready for a talk from the guy we're dying to meet. I've never attended a business conference, and I'm unsure of etiquette. As we enter the old building, we're shown a low table beneath an old coat of arms where lanyards and foundation brochures are placed. The same girl as before stands by the table hands us small plastic bags as we approach.

Ewan peers inside as we walk towards the room we're shepherded to. "What is this shit?"

"Pens." Joss pulls one out then rummages around inside the bag. "Hey, Xan look."

Xander refused to take his bag, and when Joss throws a soft pink ball at his head, his face sours.

"Stress ball!" laughs Joss. "I think you should have this."

"Grow up," mutters Xander and passes him, leaving the item on the floor.

A young woman nearby laughs and bends to pick it up. "Looks like he might need this."

Her long red hair and freckles match her Scottish accent. "I'm Breanna." She holds a hand out to Joss. "Nice to meet you."

I wait for Joss's charming smile, but when he takes her hand, his eyes widen.

Crap. Demon? We've only been here an hour.

He returns Breanna’s greeting, and she nods at the rest of us as she passes by. She stands out and not because of her unusual hair colour, but due to the casual jeans and heavy blue jumper amongst the business-attired delegates.

"Joss?" asks Heath.

"I think she’s a demon. In fact I’m pretty sure she is, but I also think I know her." Confusion lines Joss's face as he stares after the woman.

"As long as she isn't a past hook-up," replies Heath.

"Didn’t you hear me?” he snaps. “Demon?”

“Whoa. Touchy.”

Joss chews on his lips as he watches her go. “She probably just has one of those faces."

"What faces?" asks Ewan.

"Just... familiar." Joss shakes himself out of his thoughts.

“Odd you’d come across a demon a second time,” Seth puts in. “I thought you killed them?”

A passing man, dressed in slacks and a shirt with a yellow jumper draped over his shoulder, double takes at Seth’s words.

“Shut up,” growls Ewan.

Xander strides off. "Yeah, come on."

I exchange a look with Joss. I detected something too, but not as strongly. Breanna would be aware that shaking hands with Joss means he’d be aware what she is. Why not disguise herself?

In the large room, we sit on a row of upholstered chairs and wait for Alasdair to take his place at the lectern set up at the front. This isn't what I expected, but what did I expect? Seth spends time rooting through his bag and examining the contents. I'm becoming used to his avoidance tactics, but also I wish he'd try to involve himself more. I know the guys are intimidating, but they need to forge more trust.

When Xander announced he'd share a room with Seth, I didn't miss Seth's horrified look. The reason why is obvious—Xander's obsessed with the guy and convinced he'll run. Does he still think Seth's involved in Casey's disappearance?

A man appears and stands at the lectern. He's middle-aged, hair peppered with grey, and his eyes a slate-blue colour to match his buttoned shirt. He holds the demeanour of someone who's used to attention, and his immaculate clothes would give Seth a run for his money.

The buzz of conversation stops as he greets everybody in a faded Scottish accent. "Good afternoon, and I'd like to welcome you all to my humble home and thank you for joining me. I hope you'll learn enough about my projects to turn your generous donations into regular contributions."

He projects a warm and friendly smile across the room and elicits some laughter.

"Let me explain a little more about my recent project and plans for the estate. Some of you have already found the new accommodation, which I hope you'll find very comfortable. Some of the staff who’ll be working with the clients will take you for a short tour of the new facilities tomorrow and explain our program. We don't have any clients here yet, but I know there are representatives from hospitals and community services here. I hope you all find time to talk. We have some functions arranged, starting with tonight’s meet and greet, and I hope to chat with some of you there.”

The guys remain silent throughout the remainder of his speech, and I listen carefully. My lie detecting skills will be questioned by the four, especially since we already spotted one demon, and I pick up nothing but the truth. Seth makes notes on the back of the brochure we were given, whereas Heath leans forward elbows on knees, and hands beneath his chin listening as intently as me.

I sense Joss's continuing unease, as he holds the stress ball between his hands and digs his nails in. He scans the room after we sit, his gaze landing on the demon girl perched on a seat at the end in the front row.

Alasdair finishes his power point presentation with an announcement about tonight's cocktail party and another hope we'll all be able to network with each other. Some stop and chat outside as we leave the room, business professionals who could mutually benefit from networking.

Then there's us.

I hope nobody asks me what my job is; if they do, I'll ask my "partner" to explain.

Ewan stands, arms crossed as he watches the delegates pass from the room. He's attempted “casual business” clothing but can't pull the look off in the same way the others manage. Maybe it's his refusal to tame his unruly hair, or the tattoos poking out from under his black shirt. Mostly, it's his attitude—the guy looks like he wants to run rather than network.

The urge to kiss him, to take his hand and tell him not to stress pushes through, but I stop myself. We need another conversation, but each time I try, he changes the subject. Now we're sharing a room for two nights, the conversation won't be avoided much longer.

Behind me, Xander leans in to read the notice pinned to a tall metal stand, beside the black-clothed table containing the bags and business cards.

"The businesses attending are listed. Nova Pharm is one of them and a few others I recognise."

"Anybody's names?" asks Heath.


"Looks like we'll be attending the cocktail party," I reply. "Will you recognise anybody if they are connected to the Order or the fae?"

Xander steps back. "Some. Mostly we know names, not faces. If Breanna is a demon, I’m sure we’ll soon find more"

Ewan holds up his lanyard hung by a blue cord with the company name printed. "We can look at their names. I still have the lists on my laptop."

"Lots of mingling then." Ewan pulls a face at Joss's words.

A group pass by, chatting and oblivious as they walk along the maroon-carpeted hallway towards stairs with a wrought iron bannister, sweeping up into another part of the house.

"I'm not ending this evening without taking a bloody good look round this place," Xander says in a low voice. "That Alasdair guy has something to hide, however friendly and human he is."

"What are you expecting to find?" asks Seth.

"Answers," retorts Xander.

Delegate staff, wearing different coloured lanyards, mingle with the attendees stationed by the stairs and hallways. They're not security, but there's an air that they're keeping people out of other parts of the house. Understandable, there must be a lot of valuable items in here, but I share Xander's curiosity and hope more answers lie within these walls.

"I'm headed back to the room to change," says Ewan, pulling at his shirt collar.

"I don't think jeans and Converse are included in tonight's dress code," Joss replies. "Sorry, mate."

"For fuck's sake. Well, I'm going back to rest then."

"No idea why you insisted on riding your bike up here in this weather," says Heath. "Crazy."

Ignoring Heath, Ewan heads away, as if remaining in the building a moment longer might suffocate him as much as his shirt collar.