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Their Mate (Daughters of Olympus Book 2) by Charlie Hart, Anastasia James (9)

Chapter 9


My blood boils as I leave the cave and storm into the woods. My arm still hurts from last night’s bear attack, but thankfully the wound wasn’t deep, and the bleeding stopped quickly.

As I push my way through the thick trees, I make sure to avoid tripping over fallen branches and exposed roots. Above me, the sky is heavy with fog, but I can make out the hint of a mountain range to my north. Beyond that, I have no freaking clue where I am. And while I stuffed trail mix, energy bars, and a half dozen water bottles into my back pack before peacing out, eventually I’ll need more water. Assuming there’s a river coming off the mountain somewhere, I head that way. Fuming as I walk.

I don’t know what hippy-dippy sex-travaganza happened last night. I must have been seriously deranged after killing Ray because I slept with not only one stranger—but three of them.

I know I’m a mess—I always have been—but then River, Callum, and East held me, and kissed me, and made me feel so fucking good. I don’t regret what happened in that cave—hell no—in fact I’m depressed over the fact that I know there won’t ever be a sexual experience in my life that will top it. But then I remember the way they spoke this morning… like they owned me. Like I was theirs—it gave me the heebie-jeebies.

I get it. We live in different worlds. I’m from the real one and they are from some vortex where men shift into wolves and run as a pack. Alice didn’t fall down this fucking hole.

And the whole “mate” thing. I mean, come on. We screw once and now I am their one true mate? It’s too much to wrap my mind around.

Besides, I’m fighting for survival here. I don’t have time to fuss over them—no matter how rock solid and chiseled their bodies were. I have my own life to worry about. If the police decide to come hunt me down, the forest behind Sadie’s house is the first place they are going to look.

I braid my hair as I walk, securing it with a black band, and try to erase the guys from my mind. Every time I try to think of something else though, my mind returns to River’s eyes on mine, to Callum’s mouth on my breasts, to East’s cock in my mouth.

“Gah,” I scream at the sky, sending a flock of birds in the air. I am just so freaking frustrated. I’m not saying my life should be easy… but I just want to catch a break. And I know last night I experienced something most women dream about—but that's not the kind of break my body and heart really craves.

I want to be able to set down my backpack without fear of a shopkeeper yelling at me for stealing a loaf of bread. I want to change my clothes in a room other than a public bathroom. I want to take off my shoes and know I am home.

Instead, I am in alone. In Alaska. In the fucking wilderness.

Finding a clearing, I sit down on a boulder and rest. Reaching for a bottle of water, I try to remain calm. Drinking half of it, I roll my shoulders back—trying to focus on the fact I’m alive and intelligent. I’ve gotten this far— I can do the next part too. Whatever that is.

Through the trees, I see a flash of fur. For a moment I think maybe the guys have shifted to wolves and have come for me. I’m preparing myself to go off on them again when the bear from last night crashes through the clearing.

Immediately, my entire body is charged. Shoulders, legs, feet, fists. There’s no way in hell this beast is going to get another chance to bite me. No way in hell.

I crouch down, ready to take her on. The fire in my belly grows and the ground seems to quake. The forest rumbles, matching the way I feel inside, the same way I felt before I lashed out against Ray. Angry and alone and threatened. I feel like the orphan girl I’ve never forgotten—me against the world. This bear is not going to win. Hell no.

Instead of retreating, I’m compelled to lunge for her. I want to attack a big ass bear. What the hell is going on with me?

I leap forward and as I do my skin begins to morph, change before my eyes, my legs begin to shake as they transform. Grey fur emerges as I whip my fists toward the bear, my fingers change too, claws come out and my face morphs, my nose suddenly keenly aware of the animals around me, and my eyes zoom in on the bear’s presence. My body… it shifts.

I am a wolf.

And I am fucking furious.

Growling with all my might at the bear, I rip at her, wanting her to feel the pain I’ve always carried. The trauma of having no one and being forgotten. For being pushed aside and left out. I lash at the bear, directing all my anger, all my rage at her.

Maybe it’s misplaced—but she started this fight.

Now I will finish it. My claws rip at her.

Blood coats her black coat, glistening in the midday sun as I pounce. She seems to have stopped fighting back. Instead, she whimpers, not a growl. She pulls back, practically running away. And I run after her, wanting her to know exactly how I feel—but she is gone, moving faster and knowing this forest better than I.

I look around, having found myself near a river, and I dip my head into the stream of water.

And that’s when I begin to hyperventilate. For the record, when you’re a wolf and you hyperventilate, it’s displayed in a strange way. One second I’m drinking water from the river—lapping it up with my actual tongue— and the next I’m on my belly, head buried in my paws.

Yes, paws. Because I’m a wolf.

Or something.

What did those motherfuckers do to me last night?

I don’t know how to get out of this form and return to Remedy.

I lift my head, trying to slow my breathing, and from this low spot on the forest floor, I see sunlight trickling through the branches, the water burbling down the river, the birds overhead taking flight—and I feel and hear it all. Everything around me is heightened. And for a moment I wonder if maybe it’s better this way. Maybe living as a wolf is better than being Remedy, girl on the run. Maybe this shift solves all my problems. Like every single one of them. Except you know, the no longer being human part.

Alone in my thoughts, I don’t notice at first that I’m surrounded.

This time though, it isn’t the mama bear coming after me.

It’s the wolves. All three of them.

And they stare at me, and deep inside I can sense that something has changed. Something vital.

They look at me, in wolf form, and I know what I am.
