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A Barbarian Bonding (The Instinct Book 2) by Marie Harte (2)


HAD THEY CALLED her smart? Mandy drew back inside the administration building’s eastern alcove, hoping she hadn’t been spotted. Smart? Ha. Mandy considered herself beyond stupid, considering she shouldn’t still be on the planet, let alone allow herself to be constantly distracted by the sexy barbarians. So much for keeping a low profile.

In the year she’d been at Welcome, she’d done her best to fit in. She discouraged attention, kept to herself, and had fended off her more serious pursuers with the silent treatment. Most of her fellow workers at the resort treated her kindly—she was in charge of handing out pay after all—and left her alone.

Yet it seemed like every time she turned around lately, someone had been leaving her gifts on her doorstep. A flower, a sweet meat, some small gift. She knew the barbarians were to blame, because they constantly watched her. On shift or off, she forever felt their gazes on her, like a weight that seduced instead of frightened.

And Lord knew, she should have been terrorized. Both males stood a good head and a half taller than her slight five foot three. They had plenty of golden muscle exposed by naught but loincloths, boots, and those animal hide arm-bracer thingies that covered them from wrist to elbow. Both possessed long, black hair kept out of their eyes by warrior braids at their temples. And the feature that truly stunned her, their golden eyes. A golden center in the middle of a white orb. She’d seen plenty of barbarians in her time on the planet, but the only one who’d had an eye color not gold was Lore. One of his eyes was green, and she found his heterochromia made him that much sexier.

The very first time she’d spotted Lore and Zehn, she’d stared, entranced. For some reason, the two recent transfers mesmerized her. They weren’t all that different from the others who’d worked security, but she’d sensed these two to be more dangerous. Thus her campaign of avoidance.

What did she get for staying out of their way? Presents. And those heated glances, as if they’d seen her naked and relished the fact. She’d never given them any hint she was receptive to their gestures, yet they didn’t seem to care.  

Kahl, one of the barbarians they’d replaced, had flirted, not minding her supposed shyness. But as much as she might have fantasized about sex with the big guy, something about him hadn’t felt right. Or perhaps she feared losing control, which she prized above all things. Lord knew the barbarians had a reputation for persuading a woman to lose all sense.

Look at her friend Lisa. At Skye. Both women had seemed independent and intelligent Earthers. And both of them were now mated to barbarians, never to leave the planet again.

The sex must be phenomenal, was all Mandy could think. She fanned herself, as much from the tropical heat as from impossible dreams about the giant warriors constantly plaguing her thoughts. Man, she missed sex. A lot.

Mandy had a nice figure, but she didn’t think herself all that amazing when it came to looks. She had plain brown hair, plain brown eyes, and boobs—her saving grace. Too bad the wrong type had always seen what lay under the surface…

She frowned, annoyed she couldn’t put that mess behind her. Lately, she’d been having nightmares, dredging up the ugliness from her past. Life should have been perfect on Ussed. Especially since no one knew she’d escaped Earth.

Mandy was smart. She spent her days in the least desired position in Welcome, working inside a building that helped the staff, far away from the splendor outdoors, as well as far away from visitors. When she did leave, she stayed to the employees’ side of the resort.

Had she been able to survive on her own in the jungle, she would have ventured east into barbarian lands. But they were sticklers about keeping offworlders out, and Mandy had no intention of sacrificing her freedom by mating into a clan. Not that they’d want her for more than a quickie anyway, but if they did, it made no sense to give up her independence to men fiercer than the ones she’d left behind.

She sighed, wishing, as always, that she was the normal, shy Earther she appeared to be. It just wasn’t in her nature. Typically, when a man leered or acted rude, she’d respond in kind. Here, she had to pretend to ignore the behavior, particularly in the case of her boss.

Had she not needed to stay in Welcome, at least for another few months, she’d have shoved Franklin’s head up his ass. But if she did that, he’d fire her, and the resort would shuttle her back to Vattikan 5, the small moon from where she’d pretended to come. The place had tight security, a heck of a lot better than Earth’s. On Vattikan 5, they’d surely spot her fake documents, discover her true identity, and return her to her owner. That could never come to pass.

Just thinking about having to go back scared her senseless and opened up a mental door she thought she’d kept closed.

“What the frell?” Natla, her desk partner, gaped at the blaze in the trash receptacle. “Quick, Mandy, hand me the extinguisher.”

Mandy rushed to fetch it, putting out the fire—and her loss of control. “What happened?”

Natla, a Venetian with a great sense of humor and Mandy’s favorite coworker, shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe something one of the employees tossed was flammable? Hard to tell now, though.”

Damn it. Keep it together, girl. “Huh. Weird.” Mandy quickly turned the conversation to the fight she’d witnessed outside.

“What I wouldn’t give to add one of them to my harem.” Natla sighed. She had four husbands and apparently was looking for a fifth. “I tried Kahl on for size, you know.”

“You did?” Mandy gaped.

“Oh yes.” She smiled. “He tired me out. Me. He also annoyed my husbands, and I knew he’d never work into my rotation. I had to let him go to keep the peace with the guys. I tell you, you have no idea what you’re missing.” Natla paused. “So when are you going to say yes to the new guys?”

“Excuse me?”

They both paused as a few of the dock workers came in to grab their pay, then left. “You know.” Natla nodded at the door. “My favorite pair of muscle men have been eyeballing you since they got here. When are you going to say yes and put them out of their misery?”

Mandy flushed. “No way. If anything, they’re looking at me only because I’m standing near you.” Natla was gorgeous, especially by human standards. Venetians and Earthers shared common ancestry, but the Venetians had an uncommon beauty that was nearly mesmerizing to the opposite sex.

“Good try, honey. But they haven’t glanced my way once. And after seeing what Kahl could do, I wouldn’t say no to trying that pair on for size. But they just aren’t interested.” Natla grinned. “Come on. Live a little. You’ve been alone since you got here. It’s been nearly a year, Mandy… Unless I’m missing something? Is there someone special I don’t know about?”

“No. It’s just…” Mandy glanced away. “I still miss Paul.” Her imaginary dead fiancé.

Natla groaned. “I’m sorry. I should know better than to tease you. But you know you have to move on. It’s not natural for a woman to go so long without sex.” Not for a Venetian. On Venus 4, females had inhumanly high drives, thus Natla’s many husbands.

“Even for Earthers,” Natla added before Mandy could argue, “a year is too long. Look, if you’re not ready for sex, at least try for some male companionship. You can’t get much safer than barbarians. They’re famous for being super respectful of women, and especially careful of women they want to bed.”

Mandy started feeling overly warm again. “Geez, Natla. Can we talk about something else?”

Natla shrugged. “Sure. Why not? How about we talk about Lisa? What do you think she’s up to? I hear she mated Maht and is having his baby.”

“Already? She’s only been gone two months.”

“They work fast.” Natla nodded. “Sometimes the females mate with one male, sometimes they mate with two. Depends on what clan they’re with.”

“What clan are Zehn and Lore from?” As if Mandy didn’t already know, but she wanted to see what Natla had to say.

“Funny you should ask. They’re from the Vyctore Clan. From what I gather, they’re the toughest clan in the Cloud Tribe.”

Mandy knew a little about the barbarians. There were three tribes of them covering the planet. Closest to the resort were the Cloud Tribe, some fifty thousand strong. The Cloud Tribe had a bunch of clans. Apparently, Lore and Zehn came from the same clan as Kahl and Maht. She didn’t know much more about the Vyctore other than that their men had mated one of the humans working in Welcome and another who’d been about to start her job there.

A fact that didn’t sit well with the resort’s investors.

Management had been paying strict attention to their security forces. But no one could blame the barbarians for doing anything improper. Lisa and Skye had left and mated of their own volition.

But not Mandy. She had a life to enjoy, a past to ignore, and a future to plan. Away from here. Enough time had passed that she’d probably be safe to leave Ussed. That’s if she could manage a way off this planet without losing her new identity—or her control. She glanced at the waste basket and forced herself to concentrate on maintaining her inner shields.

More time passed, the routine familiar. She continued to hear talk about the barbarian skirmish with the Earthers. Zehn and Lore had become warrior favorites with her fellow employees, mostly because they hadn’t yet bedded anyone, and everyone was dying to know what they wanted in a bed partner. For all that the barbarians didn’t mingle much with the offworlders, a few of them had indulged in some heady nights in the past. Like Kahl. Natla, you sly dog.

But not Mandy.

Deep down, she lamented her growing loneliness, even while knowing she’d done the right thing. No barbarian, alien, or Earther would tempt her into making that colossal mistake again. Sex, while pleasurable, could be dangerous for a woman like her. In more ways than one.

The day progressed, and through an open window, Mandy saw the suns begin to set. She and Natla finished working some logistical concerns for new employees, meal shortages for the night shift, and payments due to certain staff members not on the regular rotation.

Once the office emptied, she and Natla closed up. “Do you ever wonder what the barbarians think of us?” Mandy speculated.

“I know what they think of you.” Natla winked. “But I’m sure they find the rest of us primitive. Our reliance on technology isn’t something they’re fond of. I’ve been at the resort going on three years. I’ve met my share of them, and most have been polite and pleasant, but nothing you’d call friendly outside of a sexual liaison here or there. They tolerate us because of the treaty, but until lately, they’ve never looked at us as equals, like someone to take to mate.” A noted reference to Lisa and Skye.

Yet one more reason to stay away from the sexy giants. Mandy had grown up being considered nothing but property. No way she’d do that again.

Annoyed at the thought, Mandy growled, “Funny, because they’re the ones who seem primitive to me.” They wore loincloths, for goodness sake.

Natla shook her head. “It’s all about perspective, I guess. Now let’s get out of here and talk more tomorrow. Husbands 2 and 4 are off tonight. I’ve got plans.” Natla wiggled her eyebrows.

Mandy laughed and walked Natla to her cabana, then continued on her path toward her own. She’d accepted the unit farthest from the resort for privacy reasons. Though near enough to her neighboring Welcome attendants, her unit was located around a bend, giving her a small semblance of privacy, as well as access to a hidden lagoon she often lounged in when off work.

So far from the center of the resort, and situated behind a rock wall accessed only by a small opening she had to crawl through to access, Mandy spent her evenings under the moonlight, surrounded by nothing but warm water, sweet flowers, and lush greenery.

The three moons overhead promised a bright night, and after taking a short meal in the form of a nutrition bar, she grabbed a synth towel and walked toward her grotto. Peace and quiet, finally.

She shifted around the bush shielding the entrance, then crawled through the stone opening. A few feet inside, just as she started to get to rise, she heard rustling in front of her. She froze. The murmur of low voices came to her. What sounded like… Zehn and Lore?

Though they’d left her small gifts before, they’d never intruded at night, and certainly never near her grotto. She crawled the short distance to the shrubs surrounding her tiny lagoon and peered over them, astounded to see the giant warriors in her special spot. How had they fit through the entrance? Had they been spying on her to find her hidden paradise?

“I do not need this. I can wait,” she heard Lore say. The quieter of the two, he seemed more intense than his partner.

Both males dwarfed her. Their breadth of shoulder, sheer mass, and muscular frames intimidated the heck out of her. It didn’t help that both men were drool-worthy. The flesh-colored tribal tattoo on Lore’s chest darkened, then faded as suddenly.

Zehn’s coloring echoed Lore’s, pulsing with a hint of red before fading.

She couldn’t stop herself from crawling closer, then froze when she cracked a stick underfoot.

The barbarians didn’t seem to notice, intent on each other.

She felt something in the air, a sweltering of energy that seemed to reach out and caress her like the softest breeze.

“You cannot go so long. You know this.” Zehn sounded concerned.

So beautiful, was all she could think as they took off their clothes. What little they wore, their boots, arm-bracers, and loincloths pooled on the ground. To her astonishment, Lore stepped closer to Zehn, his entire body stiff. Yes, entire body. The man was hung like a Gongonzee donkey, and so close to Zehn, he caught his huge erection between their bodies.

Not a problem for Zehn, apparently, because the large male drew Lore in for a kiss.

No wonder the guys hadn’t bedded any of the females. They were gay. That made so much—sad—sense.

The kissing turned ravenous, and she felt their need as if the pair had been fondling her. She never would have guessed how sexy it could be to watch other people get it on. Then again, these two weren’t just people. The muscles flexing and glowing under the bright moonlight overhead tantalized her with the temptation to touch.

Zehn’s ass should have a shrine built to it, it was that spectacular. Their arms locked around each other, and more tattoos swirled over their shoulders, the colors fluctuating, rhythmic and pulsating faster.

“Was…okay,” Lore growled when Zehn kissed his way down Lore’s throat. “Still steady.”

“No.” Zehn continued to kiss lower. “Not okay. Phelthar connecting us all. So hot…” Mandy held her breath, wondering just how low Zehn planned to go.

She had her answer as he knelt before Lore.

Mother of Galactic Night, when he kissed the tip of Lore’s cock, she thought she’d spontaneously combust. The air grew warmer around her, and she knew she needed to contain her energy before they realized she was near.

As if he’d sensed her panic, Lore looked over at the bushes she hid behind. Then he cupped the back of Zehn’s head in the sexiest move she’d ever seen. “More.” He pulled Zehn closer, and she watched as one huge, scary, kneeling barbarian deep-throated his friend.

Lore tilted his head back and let out a long moan.

Mandy didn’t want to watch anymore, because the more she saw, the more difficult it was to keep her distance from the sexy pair. She was burning up but unable to look away. Her entire body throbbed, her nipples stiff points, her sex slick with desire for the men pleasuring each other.

Before the heat could consume the vegetation around her, it left her in a rush, and she gasped, for once free of the fury within.

Lore started pumping into Zehn’s mouth, his low grunts and groans exciting in the extreme.

Then the heat returned, but this time it centered between her legs. She felt sexual desire burning her up, no hint of real danger to anything but her libido. Panting in time with Lore, she felt herself cresting an orgasm without any stimulation but the sight of the barbarians in lust. Except she caught and held on the precipice, so close, but not there. Not yet.

Lore swore and stiffened, and she knew he’d just come in Zehn’s mouth. To her astonishment, he stared over at her once more, both eyes now eyes glowing a deep green. Could he see her through the shrubbery?

She didn’t have much time to wonder, because Zehn stood and turned Lore to brace himself against a nearby tree. From their position, she had the perfect view, watching from the side as Zehn shoved his friend’s feet wider.

Oh, God. He’s going to fuck him. Right here. In front of me. 

The desire within surged once more, that pesky orgasm so close she could almost touch it.

Zehn grasped his huge member and nudged at Lore’s ass, then pushed. She watched him power in and out of his partner, the sex raw, lusty, and stunningly powerful. A strange excitement filled her, as if she experienced the same building arousal, the same climb toward climax as Zehn strained and gripped Lore’s hips, pounding away. Then he shouted and jerked, pouring into his partner.

The heat continued to expand, her body no longer her own as she was finally swept away in an orgasm that made her see stars. She had no idea if she’d screamed or just thought she had, but since the men remained joined together and hadn’t moved, she must have imagined it.

Zehn withdrew from Lore, groaned, and milked himself of more seed over Lore’s ass. He wiped himself against Lore’s lower back, then stepped away, breathing hard.

Lore turned, and the pair cleaned up in the lagoon. “Soon,” Lore said and patted his friend on the shoulder. “She’s already tied to us. But soon she’ll be ready for more.”

Zehn nodded. They dressed and paused, then turned as one to stare at her shrubbery, where she continued to kneel, trembling, needy, and confused. They nodded. To her? Then walked away, deeper into the cave that should have had no exit.

After a moment, she stood and had to blink to clear her vision. She walked after them, trying to find where they’d gone. To her surprise, hidden behind a wall of trees she found a large gap between the massive boulders surrounding her refuge. To access it, a person would need to come from the jungle to the south of the resort. Which explained why no employee or visitor had ever found it, as offworlders always remained in occupied areas. But the barbarians never ventured far from their quarters across the compound, so how had they spotted it?

And they’d nodded to her.

Hell. They’d known she was there. She could feel it.

But what did that mean?

Had they been performing for an audience? Did they want her to join in next time? Would they—wait. Next time?

“I’m seriously perverted, getting off on two men sexing it up. Bad, bad, Mandy.” She grumbled to herself, undressed, and soaked away her worries, still not sure what it meant that she’d lost her fire, or that she’d climaxed from watching the men.

She didn’t know which alarmed her more. Because she wanted to see the pair in action again.

Yep. That confirms it. I am very, very stupid. And I’ve stayed here much longer than I should have. It’s time to leave.