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A Little Secret About Love (Silver Ridge Series Book 2) by Karice Bolton (18)



Chapter Eighteen



Just as Dina had previously confirmed with ten pregnancy sticks, she was pregnant. She knew she was in good hands with the doctor, and now she merely had to convince herself that she needed to tell Sam fairly soon. A wave of confidence flooded through her as she thought about getting her courage up to do precisely that.

After all, he did just adopt a puppy.

Dina glanced at her reflection in her bathroom mirror, and her smile of confidence wavered at the last thought.

A puppy.

The man had been clear as day about what he did and didn’t want in life, and a family wasn’t on his wish list, and a puppy was a lot different than a baby.

Not that she had planned on handing him one on a platter, but she did hope he’d want to be a part of her baby’s life on some level.

Her baby.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the sink. She really was having a baby.

Things would have to change. She’d have to work less, hire more people, and somehow make this baby understand that it would be the most loved baby on the planet. Dina’s hand slowly canvased over her belly and she let out a sigh.

Sometimes secrets were a good thing and tonight would be all about this secret.

Keeping this secret.

Dina glanced at her phone. She had fifteen minutes before she had to be at Sam’s, and she suddenly wanted to use every single second leading up to her date to sleep.

But she knew if she went anywhere near her bed, she wouldn’t get up until morning so she made her way out of the bathroom just as the doorbell rang.

It was around seven o’clock and she wasn’t expecting any deliveries, which had her slightly nervous. She really wasn’t up for any more surprises.

Dina peeked through the living room window and a mixture of relief and excitement spilled through her.

James Paulson, twin brother of her other best friend, Tami Paulson, was beaming on her porch. His tussled blond hair and sparkling blue eyes matched his sister’s perfectly and so did his kind and generous spirit.

He’d always been one of those men she could talk to and had never worried about judgment. He’d had his own fair share of interesting stories to keep them all amused over the years, so she never felt bad about letting him in on her own secret or two.

Dina quickly yanked open the door and James came in for a hug, spinning her around, before setting her back down.

“What in the world are you doing in Silver Ridge?” Dina asked, nearly breathless from excitement.

“My sister knew I’d be in Seattle for the week and wanted me to spy on you.” His smile only widened as he took a step back, still holding Dina’s hand. “Tami thinks you’re hiding something from her.”

“Does she now?” Dina’s brow arched as she waved James inside.

Apparently, Autumn had done a good job of keeping her secret.

Autumn, Dina, and Tami had all lived together in Los Angeles and over the years became best friends. In fact, if anyone were going to follow Autumn up to Silver Ridge, Dina had thought it would have been Tami who’d wind up in the mountain town.

Obviously, she was wrong.

“Well, I’m not hiding a thing.” Dina cleared her throat.

James laughed and rolled his luggage inside. “Then why’d you clear your throat?”

Dina chuckled and rolled her eyes.

“You’re dating someone?” James asked, glancing around her little cottage for clues.

Dina shrugged. “Not really. Although, I am supposed to meet someone for dinner.”

“Don’t let me hold you back.” James threw his hands into the air and chuckled.

“Why don’t you come with me?” Dina grabbed his hand away from his suitcase and squeezed it. “You must be starving and you’re always entertaining.”

“No. I’m exhausted from flying and driving.”

“I’m sure you’re hungry though.”

“Actually, I’m not. I had two cheeseburgers on the way up.” He leaned against the foyer table and grinned. “So who’s the lucky man?”

“Who said it’s a guy?” Dina laughed and scrunched her nose.

“Your makeup is all done and you’re glowing.” James folded his arms across his chest. “So who is he?”

“He’s just a friend with absolutely no interest in relationships so he’s perfect.”

“Perfect for what?” James’ brows shot up.

“For me.” Dina shrugged. “I need practice with the opposite sex with no promise of a commitment.”

“You never lead a dull life.” James shook his head and let his gaze settle on Dina. “But there’s something different about you.”

“It’s the town,” she assured him. “It relaxes me and business is booming.”

“You’re sure that’s it?” He straightened and glanced around the living room.

“Positive.” Dina gave him another hug and pointed at the couch. “You can sleep there. Sheets are down the hall in the closet, but I’ll probably be back far before you need them.”

“Whatever you say.” James laughed and winked at her.

“You know I don’t just randomly sleep with men. They need to ask me to marry them first,” she teased. A blush crept along her cheeks as she thought about her life-changing predicament.

James’ brows rose and he hid a smile.

“I’m not going to sleep with my dinner date.”

“I never said you did or would.” His laughter filled her tiny home and she rolled her eyes yet again.

“There’s food in the fridge.” She gave him a quick hug, grabbed her purse and keys, and headed out the door.

Dina turned around one last time and saw him moving his suitcase out of the foyer. She was pretty sure he didn’t know she was pregnant, but he did use a term like glow, and Dina wasn’t a person who glowed. Maybe he was baiting her.

She narrowed her eyes as his connected with hers, and she gave a brief wave before walking out her front door into the cold, night air.

Nah, he didn’t know. Her paranoia was all in her head.

Her best friend, Tami, meant well and probably sensed something from Autumn but couldn’t get it out of her so she felt she needed to send in reinforcements. It didn’t help that Dina hadn’t reached out much since she learned she was pregnant, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret from Tami and she wasn’t ready yet.

Dina climbed in her little hatchback and drove up the narrow road leading to larger, more luxurious estates until she finally spotted Sam’s address and started down the long driveway.

The moment his home came into view, it became easy to remember that he was part owner of the Silver Ridge Ski Resort. The massive log home sat overlooking the mountain and a wraparound deck circled the home. Several cobblestone fireplaces released smoke into the air as she parked in front of the garage and took a deep breath.

She didn’t know why an entire wave of nerves mixed with surprise and excitement slammed into her from being in front of Sam’s house, but she knew she needed to get control of herself.

As she talked herself into leaving the comfort and security of her car, she let out a little chuckle, rubbed her belly, and started walking toward the front door. Dina didn’t even need to ring the doorbell for Sam to open the door, Romeo in hand, as they both stared at her.

Dina smiled and became oddly nervous when she realized Sam had been waiting for her. On one hand, she wanted to believe that he might have a thing for her, but on the other, she was smart enough to realize that Sam had a thing for many.

“I’ve missed Romeo,” Dina said, scratching behind his ear.

The little dog’s tongue tumbled out and his tail wagged, completely eager to greet Dina as the familiar wave of attraction rolled off Sam and hit Dina hard.

“Only Romeo?” Sam asked, brow arching.

“He has a cuter haircut.” Dina teased and Sam shook his head.

“I’m sure I can convince the pet groomer to cut my hair in the same style too,” Sam said, welcoming her in.

“Whatever floats your boat but don’t do it on account of me.” Dina smiled and couldn’t help but notice how comfortable she felt with Sam and his dog.

Sam shook his head and laughed. “Hope you’re hungry.”

The moment she stepped inside his home, she felt everything Sam wrap around her. His home was masculine and grand, a lot like Sam, yet she detected a soft side hidden here and there. Or he merely had a great designer who knew how to toss some pillows on the couches to break it up a bit.

Dina glanced at Sam, unable to believe how attractive he was, and held onto the last thought. Sam wasn’t perfect. No one was and she definitely didn’t want to start falling for him even more because the man knew how to make his home nice. Although, the more she looked around, the harder it was to reconcile that he was an eternal bachelor. Dina glanced up toward the ceiling while continuing to pet Romeo.

Several large beams anchored the loft overlooking the two-story foyer and created an arch into the great room.

“That’s got to be a nice hideout.”

“It is.”

There were two large rugs in the great room, along with a playpen.

“Your home is beautiful.” Dina scratched Romeo’s right ear again and the pup yipped with glee.

“It does the job.” Sam smiled, leading her deeper into his home.

“I’d certainly hope so.” Dina chuckled as they made their way into the kitchen.

“Hope you like chicken tortilla soup and fresh bread.”

“Sounds amazing. And fresh as in you made the bread?” Dina’s stomach growled, and she glanced around wondering if Sam could hear it.

“It’s not tough. Just a bit of flour, water, and yeast.” He beamed and placed Romeo on the floor and washed his hands.

“How’s Romeo doing with the new playpen?” Dina asked, leaning against the granite countertops.

“Thanks to Beth, Romeo is a new little man. I just keep putting my foot down, and he seems to respect my authority.”

“At least someone does,” Dina teased as she took in Sam’s gourmet kitchen.

“Exactly.” Sam laughed and offered Dina a glass of wine.

“I’ve decided to keep my wits about me around you.” Dina smiled, taking a glass of water instead.

“Is that so?” Sam’s blue eyes twinkled with mischief. “Am I a bad influence?”

“Hard to say.” Dina took a sip of water and watched Romeo wander over to the playpen. “I certainly find myself in odd predicaments around you.”

“Me?” Sam’s brows shot up. “How do you figure?”

“Well, I was pretending to ski indoors.” Dina set her glass down and fidgeted slightly.

“Which reminds me that we need to pick up where we left off.” Sam stirred the soup, and Dina cleared her throat as she walked over to Sam.

“We might have to hold off for a little while.” Dina got a sudden urge to tell Sam about her pregnancy, but when his eyes connected with hers she had immediate second thoughts.

“You can’t chicken out already.” Sam shook his head. “Not on my watch.”

Dina chuckled as she noticed Romeo pacing around the outside of his playpen, staring at his squeaky squirrel toy. “Looks like Romeo is in search of his Juliet. Should I put him in his abode?”

“That would be great. Thanks.” Sam shook some tortilla chips into a bowl as Dina wandered over to little Romeo and placed him in his playpen.

Romeo immediately leaped around tossing the tiny, stuffed squirrel into the air, yipping with joy.

“He’s got a good home. You’re really a good puppy dad,” Dina said, spinning around to see Sam watching her.

A blush quickly ran up her cheeks and she looked away.

“And you’re really stunning,” Sam said, his eyes staying on her.

Dina chuckled and looked down at her outfit. She was already wearing leggings and an oversized sweater most days and today was no exception.

“I never knew a pink sweater and grey leggings to be a real turn on for most men.” She walked over to the bowl of tortilla chips and had one and then another and another.

“You’re in Silver Ridge. We like smart girls who like staying warm and not freezing to death.” Sam took a chip. “Self survival is a real turn on in these parts.”

Dina laughed. “I’ll have to remember that for any other mountain men I run into.”

“Are you planning on running into a lot?” Sam’s brows arched and a smile touched his lips.

Dina shrugged and laughed. “I’m too busy now to worry about much of anything other than sewing dresses and veils.” She dipped her chip in guacamole and nearly ate the whole chip in one bite. “But I’m sure someday I might start dating.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed on hers, and he pulled out a chair for her to sit in next to the chips and dips. “Really.”

“I think so.” She nodded, telling herself to stay away from relationship talk. “It’s not that I’m opposed to relationships. I’m just taking a hiatus, which is why you were perfect.”

“Were?” He took a step closer as she scooped another chunk of guacamole on her corn chip. “I’m not perfect now?” he teased, running his finger along her cheek. His touch nearly undid every cell in Dina’s body as her mind flashed back to the night they spent together.

Dina’s eyes locked on his and pure desire drilled through her. It didn’t take much being in Sam’s presence and the chemistry between them wasn’t decreasing in the slightest, but she didn’t want him to know how much he affected her.

“You’re perfect, Sam, just as you are, but I think we’re probably looking for two very different things in life.” She ate another chip and a surge of nausea came from nowhere. Her gaze dropped to the table as a cold sweat covered every inch of her body.

“I did get a puppy,” he offered.

“You did,” she said softly, trying to force the nausea away. “But I don’t think a puppy means that you’re ready for everything a relationship can bring.” She braced herself and took a deep breath in.

“Not that I’m looking for a relationship,” she added.

“You okay?” Sam asked, brushing a piece of hair that had fallen over her face. “You look really green.”

“I feel really green,” Dina muttered as the thought of guacamole covering his kitchen suddenly entered her mind. “You know...” She stood from the chair. “I’m so sorry, but I think I need to get home.”

Sam quickly darted over to the stove and turned off the burner before returning his attention back to Dina.

“I can’t let you drive home like this,” he told her as he made his way back to her side.

Dina held her head as another wave of sickness spread through her. She drew a deep breath and leaned against Sam as her head spun and her stomach roiled with a nausea she’d never experienced before.

“I’ve got it. I’ll be fine,” Dina barely muttered.

Fear churned through her veins as she thought about getting sick in front of Sam. There were a lot of ways she imagined tonight going wrong, but this certainly wasn’t one of them.

“Sorry, but I’m taking you home.” Sam shook his head and grabbed his car keys. “Your car will be safe here and I can run it down tomorrow.”

“I’m so sorry. The soup smelled so good and the bread…” Although, the thought now officially did her in.

“Judging by your reaction to the guacamole, I’m not sure I’d want you eating the soup.” Sam grimaced and helped Dina through his house and into his SUV. The short journey was a blur as she focused on keeping her insides away from the outside.

Dina groaned as soon as he shut the door and she buckled herself in. Every inch of her body felt as if it had been spun through a hurricane, and all she’d done was eat one of her favorite foods. But what she wanted most was make it to her house without throwing up in front of Sam.

Was that too much to ask?

Sam climbed in the SUV and glanced at her.

“Even when you’re sicker than a dog, you’re beautiful.”

“You are a real charmer.” Dina propped her elbow against the door and steadied her breathing so she wouldn’t get sick in his car. That would be far worse than his house.

“What can I say?” He gripped the steering wheel tightly and glanced over at Dina. “I’m really sorry about the guacamole.”

“It’s not your fault,” she assured him. “I’m sure it’s just a quick bug or something.”

She held in a laugh as she thought about Emilia’s blog and the dozens of articles she’d read on it. She was certain Emilia hadn’t covered any scenario like this one on her blog.

By the time he pulled into her driveway, her hair was sticking to her scalp and a line of sweat dotted her upper lip. It was only a matter of time before she’d be greeting the porcelain goddess. If she’d been in the car by herself, she probably would have ripped off her sweater and driven in her bra with the air-conditioning blasting.

“Thank you for everything. We’ll have to do a rain check.” Dina opened the door before Sam had a chance to even get out of the car. Another jolt of nausea struck deep within her belly and she slammed the door, quickly making her way to the porch.

The front door opened and James’ jaw dropped as he saw Dina and then glanced over her shoulder to see Sam staring at them both. James gave a quick wave and helped Dina inside just as she danced with the guacamole again, promising herself she’d never touch the green stuff again.




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