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Across My Heart (Dynasty of Murders) by Shanna Clayton (13)


As Amelia and I walk into the elevator, my heart is beating wildly in my chest. She’s dressed in a cable-knit sweater and jeans, her hair curled into loose waves, and she smells so good. Her simple presence is doing things to me I can’t explain, invading my mind and my body.

I know she wants to say something, she keeps looking over at me like it’s on the tip of her tongue, but she hasn’t mustered up the courage to speak. The elevator door slides closed, and I press the button for the lobby.

The privacy helps Amelia find her voice. “Is it selfish of me to ask you not to leave yet?”

I swallow, trying not to look at her. After what happened last night, I have to leave.

“I’ll make sure you get settled. But you don’t really need me anymore.”

She nods. “Right…okay then.”

I make the mistake of looking over my shoulder. Hurt swells in her eyes, and I feel it double straight through to my gut. She looks like a lost, little puppy, but I can’t let that shit get to me.

She’ll be fine with Leo and Viv. They’ll take care of her.

Out of all the Serras, they’re the most realistic. They’ll force Amelia to be strong. Those two live by a certain code. They religiously train with a self-defense instructor. My dad and I used to train them before he stopped working for the family. Renzo would send us to London all the time, one of his many attempts to make sure his children were well protected. They’re as prepared as they can be.

“You’re in good hands,” I say, still feeling guilty.

“Of course.” She strains her voice to make it sound like she’s fine. “Besides, you have a life. I can’t keep monopolizing all your time. I’m just your side job, one that you’re ready to be done with.”


The elevator bell dings. The door slides open.

“Seriously, it’s fine.” Stepping out ahead of me, she plasters on a fake smile. “You don’t even need to see me settled. Go now if you want.”

I grab her by the hand, stopping her. She turns to face me. “You’re not monopolizing my time, okay? And you’re not just a side job, not anymore. I’ll do whatever I can to help, you know that.”

She lowers her gaze, sighing. “Look at me. I’m acting like a brat. I should be thanking you for everything you’ve done. I’m sorry, Casper.”

Her apology makes me feel even shittier, if possible. I don’t want her feeling sorry, and I sure as hell don’t want her gratitude either. “Listen, I can’t be—”

“Ready?” Viviana appears out of nowhere. She beams, linking her arm through Amelia’s. Together they head off outside to the valet.

Leo reaches for the suitcase I’m carrying. “I’ll get my sister’s luggage.”

I twist around with it. “Keep your hands to yourself. I can carry her goddamn bag.”

He crooks a brow. “Grouchy about something, huh? Good. I’m sure you deserve whatever she said.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ignoring him, I make my way to the exit doors.

“Sure I do,” Leo says from behind me, laughter in his voice. “We’ve been friends all our lives, Cas. You’re better at faking emotions than anyone else I know. Once you can’t fake it anymore, it means something’s really crawled up your arse.”

“Shut up, Leo.”

“After the way I found you with her, I can’t say I’m not happy about this.”

“Shut up, Leo.”

I try to ignore him, but he won’t let me. He grabs hold of my arm, his expression now very serious. I let go of the suitcase handle and turn around.

“Go ahead, get it off your chest. You won’t be happy until you do.”

He’s warning me to back off when he doesn’t need to. I’ve already backed off. I know it’s his sister. I know she’s too good for me; he knows she’s too good for me, but obviously he needs to make that perfectly clear.

“I know too much about you, Cas. You’re a great friend. But when it comes to women…”

“Just say it.”

“Fine, I will. Every girl since Evie has been nothing more than a hook-up. But this is Mila, okay? Mila. I don’t want her getting mixed up in your shit. Not that I—this is coming out all wrong—”

“No, I’ve got it,” I say, swallowing. “You don’t want your sister involved with me. Heard you loud and clear.”

Leo’s jaw tightens. “Good.”

Ugh. The thing is, Leo isn’t wrong. He’s had a front seat view of my downfall from grace, watched me spiral, and has even tagged along for most of it. We’ve been friends since before all the tragedies. I’ve watched him turn to ice over the years as a result of losing his mother and Junior. He’s watched me throw away my life after losing Evie. We know. We understand. It’s what makes our friendship work. When I’m in town, we get shit-faced together and chase after nameless women. We do the same thing if we happen to be in New York at the same time. Leo knows me because he’s just like me. To him, women are meant to be enjoyed without letting things become serious. But family is a different matter. No one messes with family.

As the saying goes, familia ante omnia.

Family over all.

While we wait for the car, I check my phone. I knew both Renzo and my dad would try talking me out of bringing Amelia to London so I’d left it off all yesterday. Sure enough, there are three missed calls from my dad. One from Renzo. There are also several new texts from Davey.




Where the fuck are you dude?

I shake my head. Davey is an overgrown twelve-year-old. Annoying as hell, but loveable all the same.

Spoke to your pops. I’m on my way to London. Crisis situation.

His last text came in four hours ago. If he meant what he said, he’s already on the plane. Davey doesn’t waste time when it comes to skipping town. Knowing him, that’s exactly what he’s doing, too. This latest girl probably freaked him out, sent him into what he thinks is a crisis, and now he’s bailing on her. To find me. His bro.

I press my fingers to my temples. Dealing with Davey means drinking, gambling, and doing a lot of stupid, thrill-seeking shit like rock climbing and skydiving, or whatever other insane idea he’s come up with. Usually, I’m down for anything that gets my heart beating. But not this time. I’m too caught up in Amelia’s world. Leaving her with her Leo and Viviana isn’t good enough. I still want to do some digging. I won’t be able to sleep until her would-be killer is found.

The valet pulls Leo’s Beemer around. Viviana corners me as I’m putting our suitcases in the trunk. “Casper…” she says in a low voice, making sure Amelia doesn’t overhear. But Amelia has already gotten into the car, and Leo shuts the door behind her.

Good fucking grief. Not her, too.

Maybe she’ll go away.

Maybe she’ll think I don’t hear her, and—


I look up at the sky. Just kill me now. “What is it, Viv?”

“It’s about Amelia.”

“Of course it is.”

She grabs my wrist, pulling me a few feet away from the car. “She’s sensitive. You’d never know it because she doesn’t cry or do all the girly emotional stuff.”

“Uh…” I don’t know what to do with that. “Okay.”

“If anything did happen between you two, it’s important to her. She might be playing it off like it’s not, but it is.”

Why does my heart feel like it’s being squeezed? Hearing Amelia might have those kinds of feelings should send me running. Instead I want to haul her off and keep her all to myself.

“Viv, I know you’re looking out for your sister, but you don’t have to worry. Really.”

“Maybe I’m looking out for you, too.” She purses her lips. “Have you told her about Evie?”

A fiery, stabbing pain shoots through my chest. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Because Evie is nobody’s fucking business,” I snap, a little too harshly.

Viviana doesn’t back down. The girl’s spine is made of steel. “You don’t have to bite my head off. It was just a question.” She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose, looking too much like Amelia for comfort. “You’re allowed to move on, you know. It’s been three years—just not with my sister.”

Frustrated, I walk back to the car, slamming the trunk closed. “Glad you’re here to lay out the rules.”

“There’s no need to be a jerk. This is for your sake, not hers.”

I laugh once, not believing that for a second. “And why’s that?”

“Because moving on from a dead girl to one who has a target on her back is not a good idea.”

Dammit if she doesn’t go straight for the chokehold.

She chews on the inside of her cheek. “I refuse to look at this world through rose-colored glasses. I love Amelia. I really do. But the killer has an excellent track record. Leo and I are going to fight like hell to keep her alive. We’ll do whatever it takes. But after everything you’ve been through, you need stability.”

There’s that fucking word again. Stability. What does she know about it anyway? She belongs to one of the most unstable families I’ve ever known. “I’m doing just fine, but thanks for your concern.”

“I care about you, you know. You’re like a brother to me. One that’s lucky enough to not share my last name. In a perfect world, I’d try playing matchmaker myself.”

Leo sticks his head out of the car window. “You two coming or what?”

Viviana shuffles her pointed black boots. “How long are you planning to stick around?”

“Just for tonight.”

“You’re welcome to stay longer, if you want. Everyone thinks of the basement as the Casper bedroom anyway.”

“Appreciate the offer, but I can’t.”

Several seconds pass before she throws her hands up in defeat. “You win. It’s probably for the best anyway. But before you leave, I want to know everything that happened in Florida. We’ll rendezvous in the study later tonight. Deal?”

I nod in agreement.

A rendezvous is a private Serra sleuthing session. They meet late at night to go through all of their files, discuss new information, potential leads, and then try to come up with theories. I’ve been itching to get my hands on those files to complete my sketch of their family tree. Outsiders have tried to solve the Serra murders before. Detectives still pull the cold cases every now and then, trying to chase down new leads. I’m not breaking new ground. My inattention to detail doesn’t exactly make me Sherlock fucking Holmes, either. But sometimes I have the ability to see the bigger picture. Sometimes I see what others can’t. All I know is I have to try.

Evie couldn’t be saved, and it just about broke me.

For Amelia, I can’t not try.