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An Unwilling Desire by Carole Mortimer (5)


‘HOW did you manage it?’

Holly turned to look at the man at her side. Zack was looking rakishly handsome in the white dinner jacket, white ruffled shirt and black trousers. ‘Manage what?’ she asked distractedly, London holding her attention as they drove through the busy streets, not looking as if it had changed much during the last five years, still the untidily sprawling city that she had once loved.

‘To get James here, of course.’ He seemed impatient with her lack of comprehension.

The four of them, Maxine and James, Robert and Holly, had driven up to London this afternoon, James having decided this morning that he would make the trip. Holly had telephoned Zack at the number he had given her earlier in the week but had been unable to reach him. Consequently he had been completely surprised to see his brother at the flat this evening when he arrived to take her out.

‘I didn’t,’ she shrugged off any of the credit being hers. ‘It was Maxine’s idea.’

Zack looked somewhat less elated. ‘Oh.’

‘Mm,’ she grimaced. ‘I think she was a little concerned about what you were doing while she’s away.’

‘I was telephoning you mostly,’ he scowled at her taunt.

‘She wasn’t too pleased about that either,’ Holly told him softly.

His hands tightened momentarily on the steering-wheel, then he visibly forced himself to relax. ‘What’s important is that James came here.’

‘Yes,’ she had to agree with that, she had known he would be pleased. ‘Although he claims he intends working—alone—while he’s here.’

‘It doesn’t matter what he does,’ Zack dismissed, ‘as long as he’s here. Next time—’

‘You’re very optimistic, considering it’s taken over a year to get him here this time.’ Her eyes were wide at his arrogance.

He shook his head. ‘Just hopeful. Next time we’ll get to work on him, try to get him out, things like that.’

Remembering the way James had disappeared into his bedroom when they arrived, and stayed there, she thought it might take a little longer than ‘next time’ to achieve what Zack wanted to achieve. James had looked very strained by the time they reached London late this afternoon, and she knew it wasn’t just the journey that had tired him, that he had wanted to see London again with its hurtful memories as little as she did.

‘You can try,’ she agreed with little enthusiasm.

‘That’s what I like about you, Holly,’ he gave her an angry glance ‘Your optimism!’

She flushed at the rebuke. ‘I don’t get let down as much my way,’ she said stiffly.

‘You don’t feel half as much either!’

She flinched. ‘When I want your advice—’

‘You’ll ask for it,’ he finished dryly. ‘I bet you’ve never asked for anything in your life,’ he scorned.

Holly recoiled as if he had hit her. ‘You might be surprised,’ she muttered.

‘I doubt that,’ he drawled, his concentration on the road ahead of them making him miss her pained reaction seconds earlier. Thank goodness!

‘Where are we going?’ Holly woodenly changed the subject.

‘To dinner at one of my favourite restaurants.’

She couldn’t argue with that, in fact she felt quite hungry; it was a long time since lunch. Zack was obviously well known at the restaurant they entered a short time later, being shown to one of the best tables in the room despite the fact that it was already very busy. Zack’s ‘favourite’ restaurant came as something of a surprise to Holly, small and intimate, the tables far enough apart to allow their occupants freedom of speech.

‘Very nice,’ she warmly complimented him once they had chosen their meal, having expected something completely different.

‘Surprised?’ He raised mocking brows, wickedly attractive in the warm glow of the subdued lighting.


Zack laughed softly. ‘I find your honesty very refreshing,’ he explained.

‘Oh, it is,’ her mouth twisted. ‘Unfortunately it just isn’t “in” this year.’

‘That depends on who you’re with,’ he held her gaze with his. ‘I happen to prefer honesty myself. For instance, I missed you this last week.’ He sipped the wine that had been poured for them.

Holly couldn’t stop the blush that stole into her cheeks. ‘No more cuts shaving, or bee-stings?’ she taunted to hide her embarrassment at such a frank admission.

‘None. Holly—’

‘How is your wrist now?’ she firmly cut across whatever he had been going to say.

‘Better,’ he dismissed, placing his hand over hers as it lay on the table, his wrist visible to her. ‘See?’

She quickly removed her hand. ‘Yes, I see. Very well, as it happens. Have you forgotten this is only pretence?’ She searched in her evening bag for a tissue she didn’t need.

‘That doesn’t mean it has to stay that way—’

‘Oh yes, it does,’ she nodded fiercely, giving up all hope of avoiding this confrontation.

‘Why?’ His eyes were darkly green.

Holly moistened her lips. ‘Because I’m not interested in it being any other way.’

‘You aren’t interested in men, period,’ Zack told her grimly. ‘God knows seventeen is a vulnerable age, and I’m sure that at the time you were hurt very much, but that was five years ago, and this is now. I want you, Holly. I want you so badly I’ve been unable to think of anything else all week.’

Her breath caught in her throat and she had trouble breathing. ‘No …’ she finally managed to choke, shaking her head.

‘It isn’t the end of the world, Holly,’ he gave her a humourless smile. ‘And if it bothers you that much I’m sure I’ll get over it,’ he added hardly.

The arrival of their food prevented her making any cutting comment to his bland dismissal of a statement that had so upset her. He had no right to tell her he wanted her and then calmly tell her he would get over it! What sort of man was he?


‘I—’ she broke off as she looked straight into the depths of his mocking green eyes. ‘Not really,’ she sighed. ‘But you’re very disconcerting. You say you want me, and then change your mind a few seconds later.’

‘No,’ Zack smiled. ‘I said I would get over it, not that I’d changed my mind. I’m not even sure if that’s true. You’re a very haunting young lady.’

‘Like in nightmares, you mean?’ she mocked.

‘Nothing like nightmares,’ his smile deepened, ‘and you know it. Now eat your food and forget I ever mentioned it.’

That was much easier said than done, especially after the way she had reacted to him last weekend. But Zack did everything he could to make her feel at ease, chatting to her as if they were old friends as they ate their meal, almost making her forget the intimacy of those few moments before dinner. Almost …

‘Thank you for a lovely evening—’ she began.

‘I’m sure they’re expecting you to invite me in,’ Zack interrupted her polite ending of the evening now that they were back outside the apartment.

‘Then they’ll be wrong, won’t they?’ she dismissed.

‘Why?’ He had turned to face her, his arm along the back of her seat.

‘It’s been a long day, I’d like to get to bed now,’ she shrugged.

‘You would prefer to kiss me goodnight out here?’ He quirked blond brows.

Holly stiffened. ‘I’d prefer not to kiss you goodnight anywhere!’ she told him waspishly.

He gave a rueful shrug. ‘The lights are still on in the lounge, which means someone has waited up for us.’

She instinctively looked up at the apartment, seeing the velvet curtains twitch back into place. ‘Maxine?’ she breathed softly, turning back to Zack.

‘I would think so,’ he nodded grimly. ‘The journey probably tired James into going to bed hours ago.’

‘Oh,’ Holly sighed. ‘So you think I should invite you in for coffee?’

‘I think it might be a good idea.’

‘Then you’d better come inside.’ She climbed out of the sports car as best she could, feeling quite ruffled by the time she emerged out on to the pavement, although Zack seemed to suffer no such indignity, not even a hair out of place as he came round to join her. ‘I wish you’d get yourself a decent car,’ she snapped as they walked up the steps together to the entrance of the elegant building.

‘Don’t malign that car,’ he gave her a pained look. ‘I’ve had it longer than I care to remember.’

‘I thought it seemed like the vehicle of a delinquent,’ she took her bad humour at having to ask him in out on him.

Zack began to chuckle softly. ‘Just for you I might change the car for something more—respectable.’

She gave him a sharp look, unsure whether or not he was serious or just mocking her. She decided it must be the latter. ‘Your idea of respectable may not be the same as mine.’ She let them into the apartment with the key James had given her earlier. ‘In fact, I’m sure it isn’t.’

‘Probably not,’ he agreed softly as they made their way to the lounge. ‘But you could always come with me and help me choose it.’

‘I don’t think so,’ she answered him in a preoccupied voice, surprised to find the lounge empty now; whoever had watched them from the window—and she felt sure it had to have been Maxine—had now gone to bed. ‘I doubt we would have the same taste, even in cars!’

Zack lounged back in an armchair. ‘You might be surprised what we have in common. How about that coffee now?’

‘Is it really necessary?’ Holly looked pointedly at the room deserted of anyone but themselves.

‘I very much doubt that Maxine will have fallen asleep just yet,’ he drawled.

‘You would be more familiar with her sleeping habits than I am!’

Her jibe wiped all humour from his face, and he sprang to his feet. ‘Maybe I won’t bother with the coffee after all.’

‘Good. I—’

‘But I’ll take my kiss goodnight!’ he rasped, pulling her towards him. ‘Oh no, you don’t, young lady!’ He nimbly avoided the knee she was bringing up instinctively, knocking her off balance and down on to the sofa. ‘I’ve been thinking about this all week,’ he muttered as his head bent.

She was defeated before it began; she knew that she too had been waiting for this. She met his kiss with equal fervour, her arms up about his neck as she held him to her, the firmness of his body pressing down into her.

The dark grey dress she wore was in one of her usually demure styles, and yet Zack wasted no time in dispensing with the buttons, revealing her breasts with their fine covering of white lace, the dark brown nipples apparent through the lighter coloured material.

As she felt his lips against first one hardened tip through the sheer material, and then the other, she knew she longed for his more intimate caresses, that she didn’t even want the lace bra between them, erotic as the sensation was. It seemed Zack didn’t either; he was searching out the back fastening as he kissed her deep on the mouth.

‘Holly, I—Oh!’ Maxine’s cold contempt as she entered the room and saw them together was like a slap on the face.

Zack swung his legs to the floor and sat up, effectively shielding Holly as she straightened her gown. ‘Did you want something, Maxine?’ he spoke in a calm voice.

The other woman seemed perfectly in control too, very beautiful in a light blue nightgown and négligé. ‘I thought you’d already gone, and Holly seemed a long time going to bed; I wondered if anything was wrong.’

His mouth twisted at the deliberate fabrication. ‘As you can see, it isn’t.’

‘No.’ She tried to get another look at Holly as he still shielded her. ‘I’ll say goodnight, then.’

‘Goodnight,’ he nodded dismissively, watching with narrowed eyes as she left the room.

‘How awful!’ Holly at last gave rein to her feelings, burying her face in her hands.

‘Maxine engineered the whole thing—’

‘That doesn’t make it any better!’ she groaned.

Zack turned to her, leaning over her as she still lay full-length on the sofa. ‘I wouldn’t worry about it,’ he advised gently. ‘I’ve walked in on worse when she and James were going out together.’

‘But this is me,’ she shuddered her distaste. ‘I don’t do things like this!’

‘Like what?’ he frowned.

‘Like—like letting comparative strangers make love to me on sofas,’ she groaned, unable to look at him, sure he must despise her as much as she despised herself.

He smoothed the short red hair from her brow. ‘I didn’t make love to you, and we aren’t strangers. I want you, and you want me, and we’re both consenting adults. What Maxine or anyone else chooses to make of this is their affair. I want you, Holly.’

‘But I—We’re doing this for James.’ She looked up at him with bewilderment.

‘Not any more,’ Zack shook his head. ‘If we can help James and Maxine along the way then that’s good, but as far as I’m concerned I’m now seeing you for myself.’

His gaze was intent. ‘Maybe that sounds selfish, but that’s the way you make me feel. I can’t keep my hands off you!’

‘You tricked me!’ she accused dazedly.

He shook his head. ‘I tricked myself, I had no idea it would turn out this way. Although I knew you’d cause me trouble the moment I looked into those violet eyes,’ he added ruefully. ‘I didn’t know how right I was!’

Her composure was returning now. ‘You aren’t trying to tell me you’re in love with me?’ she scorned with contempt.

His mouth tightened. ‘I’m telling you I’m attracted to you. Where that will lead us we’ll just have to wait and see,’ he shrugged.

‘Maxine said it’s usually as far as your bed,’ mocked Holly, in control again.

‘Sometimes it is—’

‘Mostly,’ she corrected.

‘All right, mostly,’ he ground out. ‘But nothing about you has been usual since the moment we met, so I’m not expecting this to be either. What I do know is,’ he added ruefully, ‘that if you don’t want to go to bed with me you’re perfectly capable of making sure I get the message.’

‘I certainly am,’ she said sharply.

‘Then what are you worried about?’

‘I’m not—’

‘Oh yes, you are.’ Zack raised his brows. ‘Perhaps you don’t think you will say no.’

She knew she wouldn’t; she was well aware of her own weakness that defeated all the self-defence classes she had taken during her last year at school. She was as attracted to Zack as he admitted being to her, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

Zack was watching her closely, noting every emotion flickering across her face. ‘I think I should go now; you’ve had a long day. Is ten o’clock okay for the studio tomorrow?’

She was so taken aback by his decision to leave that she could only nod, only realising he had gone as her breath left her in a sigh. Zack had been difficult enough to cope with before, now that he had made his intentions clear towards her he would be impossible. And he had also made it clear that James was now secondary to his own desire for her, that she couldn’t back out now if she wanted to.

* * *

The studio was exactly as she had imagined it would be, ultra-modern offices on the top floors, the actual recording studios on the lower floors.

‘It all looks very complicated.’ She tentatively touched the hundreds of control buttons on the instrument panel in the recording room, the studio beyond curiously quiet on this Saturday morning.

‘It is,’ grinned Zack, looking pleased with himself.

She gave him a curious look. ‘Can you work this thing?’

He shrugged. ‘I never ask anyone to do something I can’t do myself. I can fill in for all the key jobs in the company, from tea-boy to this.’ He touched the instrument panel almost lovingly, as if now that he was the executive he missed this close involvement with his recording stars.

‘Tea-boy?’ Holly teased him to break the moment of nostalgia, knowing herself that it never did any good to look back on the supposedly ‘good times’.

He grinned, the moment passing. ‘Of course. This place would fall apart without the tea and coffee that Ted provides.’

‘And I thought this was a modern office, vending machines included,’ mocked Holly as they left the recording studio to go up to Zack’s office.

‘Vending machines?’ he mused. ‘You want vending machines, I’ll show you vending machines.’ He stopped the lift a couple of floors beneath his own, guiding her out into the corridor. ‘Vending machines,’ he dryly indicated the machines placed along one wall, all of them with ‘Out of Order’ notices on. ‘They last an average of two days before we have to call in an engineer because they’ve broken down, hence Ted. If he breaks down we can easily replace him.’

Zack was a different man again in his own working environment, self-confident and assured, a man seriously dedicated to what he was doing, despite his casual appearance once again in faded denims and a fitted short-sleeved off-white shirt. Holly was having difficulty keeping up with the facets of this man.

His office bore more evidence of his pride in his profession—gold and platinum records on the walls, signed photographs from grateful artists who had been made into stars by this studio.

‘It must be nice to be surrounded by your succeses.’ Holly was amazed at the well-known names she could see as she slowly perused the photographs.

Zack grinned, his hands thrust into the back pockets of his denims. ‘For every success story there’s a hundred failures, but yes, I like what I do.’

She could tell that, she had been very aware of his pride as he showed her round, and she had to admit, to herself at least, that she was impressed. ‘No Ted today?’ She turned to look at him, a little thirsty after her morning looking round the studio.

‘I told you, I can fill in for him if I have to,’ he smiled. ‘But I’m ready for lunch if you are.’

‘Lunch? Oh, but—’

‘It’s after twelve,’ he checked his watch to confirm this. ‘And you aren’t expected back.’

Holly gave him an irritated look. ‘How do you know that?’

‘Because I told Maxine you wouldn’t be,’ Zack dismissed with arrogance.

Holly sighed. ‘I might have guessed. Okay, where are we going to eat?’

He raised dark blond brows. ‘You’re very amiable all of a sudden?’ He sounded suspicious.

‘About this, yes. I happen to be hungry,’ she added mischievously.

‘I should have known,’ he said ruefully. ‘Right, let’s go. I’ll take you to another of my favourite restaurants.’

She gave him an uncertain look. ‘Neither of us is dressed to eat out.’ Her own clothes, fitted trousers and a blue blouse, were as casual as his were.

‘In this restaurant we are,’ he told her mysteriously.

‘A McDonald’s!’ she said disgustedly forty-five minutes later as they left the restaurant.

Zack eyed her teasingly. ‘You enjoyed it, didn’t you?’

Her mouth curved into a smile. ‘It was delicious!’

‘You may eat a lot,’ he mocked, ‘but at least this way you won’t cost me a fortune. You’re a cheap date, Holly Macey,’ he taunted.

‘Lucky for you I’m feeling all contented and full after my meal,’ she pretended anger, really too satiated with good food to take offence at his remarks, ‘otherwise I might be forced to retaliate.’

‘The fact that you haven’t tells me a lot.’

Holly flushed, stiffening slightly. ‘That I like McDonald’s?’

He shook his head. ‘That you feel more relaxed with me. Now tonight—’

‘Tonight?’ She hadn’t had time to correct him about that last erroneous statement before he said something else that made her wary. ‘I’ve spent most of the day with you, I’m not seeing you tonight too!’

‘Of course you are,’ he told her with ease. ‘Who else would I take with me?’

‘With you where?’ She looked at him with suspicion.

‘There’s a promotional party I have to go to—well, actually I’m giving it, and—’

‘No,’ she cut in decisively, her mouth a stubborn line as she prepared to argue with him.

‘Now don’t be silly, Holly,’ he cajoled. ‘There’ll only be a few people there—’

‘A few hundred,’ she snapped.

Zack sighed. ‘All right, a few hundred. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of crowds?’

London crowds she was! The scandal that had been caused five years ago had been mainly confined to the family, but that wasn’t to say she wouldn’t one day meet someone who knew all the facts of her relationship with Alex. ‘I don’t happen to like London parties,’ she amended.

‘When did you last go to one?’

She flushed. ‘That isn’t the point—’

‘How do they differ from other parties?’

‘They just do,’ she snapped.

‘If you say so,’ he said in a placating voice. ‘But I’m committed into going.’

‘That doesn’t mean I have to go with you.’

Zack sighed at her stubbornness. ‘I want you to,’ he stated simply. ‘We don’t have to stay long, just so that I show my face for a few minutes.’

Holly blushed at his reminder that his interest in her was now very personal. ‘I don’t want to ruin the evening for you,’ she said awkwardly.

‘It will be ruined if you don’t come with me.’

She had invited such an answer with her coy response, she realised that now, although Zack seemed perfectly sincere. ‘We wouldn’t stay long?’ she repeated, knowing in that moment that she had once again weakened where this man was concerned. And he knew it too!

* * *

What to wear for that type of sophisticated party, that was the problem that faced Holly later. She had brought a couple of evening dresses with her because of last night, but neither the grey nor the black were really suitable, neither giving her the confidence she would need as Zack’s companion for the evening.

She was grateful for the interruption of the knock on her bedroom door, although she became a little wary when Maxine walked into the room. She hadn’t seen the other woman since last night, Maxine having her breakfast in bed this morning as usual, and Holly leaving the apartment before either James or Maxine had put in an appearance.

Maxine’s brows rose at the two evening gowns lying across the bed. ‘Going out?’

‘Er—yes.’ She felt even more uncomfortable than ever with the other woman. ‘To a party, with Zack.’

‘Of course.’ Maxine pushed the black gown aside to sit on the side of the bed. ‘Which one are you thinking of wearing’ She looked critically at the gowns.

Holly grimaced. ‘I can’t decide.’

‘No.’ Maxine’s tone of voice seemed to imply that there wasn’t much to choose between them—that neither was very exciting!

But Holly already knew that, they had both been chosen for that very reason! ‘Which would you suggest?’ She stubbornly refused to be insulted.

Maxine shrugged uninterestedly. ‘The black, I suppose, you wore the grey last night.’

‘Hm.’ She held it up in front of her, already knowing it did little for her.

Maxine obviously agreed with her. ‘I’d lend you something of mine, but …’ she trailed off pointedly.

Holly was well aware of the difference in their height and figures, and she didn’t understand Zack’s attraction to her if he had once been involved with Maxine, as he implied that he had. ‘This gown will do,’ she put it on a chair and hung the grey back in the wardrobe.

‘If you’re sure …’ said Maxine in a bored voice.

She flushed at the deliberate slight. ‘I’m sure,’ she replied tightly. ‘Now did you want me for something? Does James need me?’ She hadn’t seen her employer yet today either.

‘Not that I know of,’ the other woman dismissed. ‘He hasn’t left his room all day,’ she added disgustedly. ‘No, I came to see how your visit to the studio went.’

‘Very well, thank you,’ she answered stiffly.

‘Good.’ Maxine stood up, obviously not satisfied with that reply at all. ‘I’ll leave you to get ready for your evening out, I wouldn’t want you to be late.’

A feeling of remorse washed over her. ‘Er—What will you do this evening?’ Surely Zack wouldn’t mind if she invited his sister-in-law along?

The other woman looked at her with angry eyes. ‘I do have other friends in London besides Zack,’ she snapped.

‘Of course—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—’

‘I know exactly what you meant to do, Holly,’ Maxine said vehemently. ‘But I can assure you that I shall be far from lonely tonight. And once Zack has finished amusing himself with you he’ll remember who his true friends are!’


‘I have to go,’ she rasped angrily. ‘I’ll be going out myself soon.’

Holly was shaking very badly by the time the door closed behind the other woman. She had only meant to be friendly by inviting Maxine to the party, sure Zack wouldn’t mind just this once, but this scene with Maxine was reminiscent of scenes from the past. Then she had run away and left a wake of pain and confusion behind her, this time she would stick it out to the stubborn end.

Once again Zack was looking rakishly attractive when he called for her at eight-thirty, his green velvet jacket a perfect match for the darkness of his eyes, his shirt snowy white, his bow-tie the same velvet of his jacket, black trousers moulded to the lean length of his legs. Next to him Holly felt decidedly dowdy in the shapeless black dress, wishing she had chosen to wear the grey after all—at least that didn’t make her look like a schoolmistress!

She welcomed Zack’s comment of how beautiful she looked with scepticism. ‘I think it’s debatable which one of us looks more beautiful,’ she told him dryly, fitting into the car with as much ease as he did tonight, while Zack drove competently at her side.

He laughed softly. ‘It’s nice to see you haven’t lost that brittle sense of humour.’

Holly quirked auburn brows. ‘Should I have done?’

He shrugged, the soft aroma of his aftershave tangy and pleasant to the senses. ‘You’re looking a little pale tonight, so I would guess at some sort of scene with Maxine.’

The incident with Maxine was only part of the trouble; it had been the memories of the past that had upset her the most. ‘Not really a scene,’ she dismissed. She just wondered how the visit to the studio had gone.’

‘I’ll bet she did!’

‘She’s confused, Zack,’ sighed Holly. ‘Angry with James for giving up when he has so much to fight for, angry with you for deserting her, and most of all angry with me because she thinks I’ve taken you from her.’

‘I was never hers to take,’ he said grimly.

‘Never?’ she prompted softly.

‘I may have been once,’ he dismissed with impatience. ‘But that was years ago, before she married James.’

Holly felt inward relief at the knowledge. She had realised both brothers’ interest in Maxine at some time, she just hadn’t known quite where Zack fitted in, before or after James. It felt good to know that even then he had been loyal to his brother.

‘I’ll tell you about it some time,’ he rasped now.

‘I think I’d like that,’ she said softly.

They were driving in the heart of London now, Zack parking his car behind a club that even Holly knew was ‘the’ place of the moment. She felt her nervousness grow as they approached the entrance, and was terrified of going inside.

‘You look as if you’re about to face the firing squad,’ Zack chided at her pale appearance.

‘I feel like it too,’ she shuddered in reaction.

He looked genuinely concerned now. ‘If you would rather not go …’

‘No,’ she shook her head firmly, ‘I’ll come with you.’

‘Good girl!’ He bent his head, his lips brushing across hers with butterfly softness. ‘You have more colour now.’ He gently touched her cheek.

‘You might have more colour in one eye if you try that again,’ she mocked.

His arm was firm about her waist as he held her to his side. ‘I knew you’d come back fighting,’ he grinned. ‘Okay, let’s go in and face the mob.’

It was a glittering noisy party, everyone greeting Zack by name, a number of people eyeing her curiously, although Zack’s air of possession where she was concerned prevented any questions being asked directly. She found during the next hour that beneath the glitter and outrageous clothing some of the people were normal human beings, that some of them were even quite nice.

‘I don’t see Bobbie yet,’ Zack muttered with a frowning glance around the room.

‘Bobbie?’ she questioned above the loud music.

‘Our supposed guest of honour. I might have known she’d be late; Bobbie likes to make an entrance,’ he said dryly.

It was already after ten now; Holly wondered when this ‘entrance’ was going to be! Although this was still early by London standards, she knew that, it just seemed to her that if the party was being given for the other woman she could have at least turned up earlier than this.

‘If she doesn’t soon put in an appearance she’s going to find she’s the only one here,’ Zack muttered angrily a short time later, obviously losing patience with the absent Bobbie.

Holly sipped the white wine which was all she had had to drink all evening. ‘I shouldn’t worry about it too much,’ she consoled. ‘The party seems to be going fine without her.’

‘That’s the trouble,’ he scowled. ‘Where is the damned girl?’ he muttered. ‘There are reporters here who aren’t going to wait for her much longer.’

‘Reporters?’ It hadn’t occurred to her that any of this glittering crowd were members of the press.

‘You can hardly give a promotional party without publicity,’ Zack explained impatiently.

‘I suppose not. But I’m sure—’

‘At last!’ he breathed angrily, Holly forgotten, his gaze towards the door. ‘Excuse me for a moment.’ He looked down at her with hard eyes. ‘I’m just going to tell our guest of honour how delighted I am she could allow us all a little of her time.’

His fury boded ill for the late Bobbie, another indication that he took his work very seriously. Nevertheless, Holly could feel a little pity for his unpunctual star, watching as he strode across the room with forceful movements. The young woman he greeted at the door was already surrounded by enthusiastic acquaintances, although they stepped aside to allow Zack through. No one would have been wise to argue with him at that moment, and they knew it.

Holly was given a clear view of their guest of honour as Zack joined the other woman, blonde hair streaked with silver that matched the glittering sheath of a dress that plunged almost to her navel in the front and yet covered her arms and back as completely as if she had been a nun. It was an outrageous dress, revealing that little, if anything, was worn beneath it, designed to make sure no one overlooked its wearer. And no one did! She was a really beautiful woman, slightly younger than Holly, she would think, her make-up darkly dramatic, her pouting mouth emphasised by the bright red lip-gloss.

There was something familiar about that mouth, something familiar about the whole sultry face and body. Bobbie …? Oh, dear God, not Roberta!

Holly watched Zack and the other woman as if in a dream now, barely aware of them coming towards her, of the way Bobbie clung to Zack’s arm. But Zack seemed to have forgiven the other woman for her lateness now, his lazy smile firmly back in place as he spoke to the young girl at his side.

Brown eyes narrowed as the two women confronted each other for the first time in years, instant recognition flickering in their vindictive depths.

‘Holly, I want you to meet my newest star, Bobbie Chance. Bobbie, this is a very good friend of mine, Holly Macey,’ Zack made the introductions in complete ignorance of the tensison that reverberated between the two women.

‘Holly,’ Bobbie snapped tautly.

‘Roberta,’ Holly nodded warily.

The pouting red mouth twisted derisively. ‘I haven’t been called that since I was at school.’

‘But that was when I knew you,’ Holly reminded her stiffly.

‘Yes,’ Bobbie confirmed hardly. ‘I hardly recognised you, Holly, you’ve changed.’

‘So have you.’

‘But for the better, I hope.’ Her tone implied that that wasn’t true of Holly.

She flushed at the intended insult. ‘Of course.’ She was as aware as Bobbie of how she had changed in the intervening years, how she had changed from a carefree young girl into a mature woman in a matter of days.

Zack was watching the two of them with puzzled eyes. ‘You two actually know each other?’

‘Oh yes,’ Bobbie said hardly. ‘Holly and I know each other very well.’

‘But—how?’ he frowned at this turn of events. ‘Were the two of you at school together?’

‘Among other things,’ Bobbie drawled, a sudden spiteful mockery in her face as she looked at the stricken Holly.

She moistened stiff lips, desperate to stop Bobbie telling Zack the truth, and very much afraid the other woman was determined to do so. ‘Bobbie—’

‘Hasn’t your “good friend” Holly told you that she broke up my father’s marriage?’ Bobbie cut in with sarcasm, obviously enjoying Holly’s pained gasp of dismay.

Holly felt all colour leave her face, knowing as Zack turned to her with disbelieving eyes how guilty she must look to him. And she was.