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Aquamarine (Awakened Sea Dragons Book 3) by Terry Bolryder (10)

Chapter 10

Marina was relieved for a less-formal meeting with the competing men that didn’t involve dancing or anyone trying to chop off anyone else’s head.

The queen had tried to assure her the matches were only for exhibition, to help her with her choice, but Marina was pretty sure she’d seen Arsenic trying to go in for the kill.

He wouldn’t be the first person to try and kill Mercury. Not even the first person justified in doing so. Still, Arsenic was misguided, and Mercury had proved that when he’d shown mercy to a man who’d clearly been trying to strike him down.

She’d been proud of him in that moment, and she’d been proud again when he’d been respectful after the match, bowing even though she could tell it bothered him and not spouting any spiteful words at the congregation.

Then he’d quietly retreated back to the bench, and she’d marveled at the change in him.

This was the man she’d hoped to see when she’d agreed to risk her own life for him. Hopefully, he was really taking the chance he’d been given to turn things around, and this wasn’t all just some elaborate trick.

She chided herself for such unkind thoughts as she walked into the main hall where they’d be holding the dinner. It was a large, square room with a balcony beyond it, and there was a small table set up in the center, big enough for just her and the seven contestants.

They were all already seated around the table, and she was relieved to see they were all in more or less normal clothing, rather than the nearly naked warrior garb they’d worn when fighting.

How was any woman supposed to focus on bravery and fighting skill when so much dragon muscle was on display? She resisted the urge to fan her face at the thought of Mercury fighting only in the scraps of leather Lead had worn. Too bad Mercury fought in his usual clothing, a silver tunic over black pants that fit tight over firm legs.

She glanced at the table, glad she was wearing something less formal herself. Her hair was loose over her shoulders in a mass of golden waves. She wore a black knee-length tunic dress over soft blue leggings, along with sparkly, silver heels the queen had delivered.

There were some things they had that were similar to Earth, and it made Marina feel oddly at home.

All of the men’s eyes turned to her simultaneously, but she could feel one pair that burned hotter than all the others. Her eyes darted to Mercury seated at the end of the table by himself while the others sat along both sides.

Marina took the other end, which ironically put her right across from Mercury. Something she wasn’t sure the other dragons had intended.

They exchanged some light pleasantries, with Cadmium keeping small talk going while Chromium sent her shy glances. Arsenic was glaring at his plate, tapping his fingers on the table. Zinc gave her a polite smile and listened while she chatted with Cadmium. Lead had taken to looking at her like she was some kind of treasure he couldn’t believe was in front of his eyes. Cobalt was contributing to the conversation, butting in to correct Cadmium about this or that ritual regarding the battles.

Mercury was just staring intently at her, as if his eyes were saying, It’s all right. I’ll have you later.

Her cheeks burned at the thought of it, and she cleared her throat as she looked at Cadmium, trying to remember what he’d just been saying.

“Well?” Cadmium asked. “What do you think, Marina?”

She looked around the table for a clue, her heart still pounding from thoughts of Mercury. She was glad the dragons had been forbidden from reading her mind since she couldn’t read theirs like land dragons could. “Um. I’m sorry. Can you say it again?”

“Which fight did you like most?” Cadmium asked, a mischievous twinkle in his coppery-gold eyes.

“I… I don’t know,” she said. “I’m just glad no one was hurt.”

There were disappointed murmurs all around.

“You know, Marina, we’re dragons. Powerful ones. If hurt, we’ll heal nearly immediately,” Lead said.

“He would know,” Cadmium said. “Lead’s been pounded more than anyone.”

Mercury let out a snort at that, and Marina looked at him sharply, not knowing why.

Lead looked at him, confused, then pushed a lock of dark hair off his forehead. He was still wearing a head protector that kept most of it off his face, but usually some was escaping. “It is embarrassing that we have to hear our exploits before battle,” he said. “That is something I wish we could change.”

“Tradition is tradition,” Cobalt said, folding his arms and nodding curtly. “Besides, context is important.”

Mercury had leaned back in his chair, bored yet again.

“I understand,” Lead said. “Still, sometimes… it goes on too long.” Marina could swear she saw a blush on his tanned skin as he ducked his head, avoiding her gaze.

How could such a strong, intense man look so cowed around her?

“It’s fine,” she said, wanting to change the topic. Yes, the announcement of past feats before each fight was a bit odd, but it was how things were done, and she didn’t want anyone to be embarrassed for it.

“If you want it to be less long,” Cadmium said, “then you need to stop being so awe inspiring.”

Lead shook his head. “Whatever. I do what I do for honor, not for anyone to know.”

“Isn’t that what honor is, though?” Mercury asked drily. “Wanting people to honor you?”

“No,” Lead said sharply, sending a stern look at Mercury. “Honor is what you do when no one is looking. Honor is doing the right thing no matter what, because it is right.”

“Must be nice to have such a black-and-white view of right and wrong,” Mercury said, propping his feet up on the table, horrifying Marina and probably the others.

Lead stood in his chair. “I demand you respect this table.”

Mercury narrowed his eyes on Lead. “Make me.”

Zinc stood abruptly, sending a pleading glance at Lead. “Please. Let’s just get back to dinner. This is about Marina, after all.”

Lead sat back down, and Mercury, looking slightly chagrined, removed his boots from the table.

Dinner was served at that moment, and as everyone ate, small talk reigned once again, with Cadmium asking Marina what she thought of Drakkaris and the dragons all taking turns telling her what she should see on the planet.

When dinner was finished and they were waiting for dessert, Zinc came to the head of the table and extended his hand, asking her to come out on the balcony with him for some air.

She sensed a stiffening among the other dragons, but none would dare naysay the future king.

Mercury was just glaring, and she knew he wouldn’t stop her, but she would probably hear about it later. He would also be keeping a side eye on them as long as they were away from the table.

They walked through a pair of propped-open side doors and onto a balcony. Cool, humid night air washed over her as she looked out on the lush, unfamiliar landscape.

She could see forests, shimmering lakes, and cities from this high perch above it all, and while it was beautiful, it didn’t feel like home.

Then again, nothing felt like home like Earth’s ocean, and she’d already been willing to give that up.

“What are you thinking?” Zinc asked. “I must admit it is difficult not being able to read your mind.”

She smiled at him ruefully. “I’m sorry. I was just thinking that it’s beautiful here but so foreign to me.”

“I know,” Zinc said, putting a hand over hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting her go. She didn’t sense any sexual motivation from him, just a simple, polite way of giving comfort. “I’m sure it is odd being in a new place. For Mercury as well, though he was here before and doesn’t remember.”

He was?”

“He wasn’t born on Earth, obviously,” Zinc said. “His family and mine were close. Then his parents went to Earth, searching for options for a mate for him, and… well. You know the rest, as much as anyone.” He turned to face the ballroom, where the dragons seemed to be getting into a heated conversation about accomplishments and the way the tournament should be run.

Mercury was just grinning at the chaos. He glanced over at Marina and Zinc, and his smile fell, but then he jerked his gaze back to the scene in front of him.

Marina appreciated that. She didn’t need whatever was between them to be more obvious than it already was.

“So anyone in particular catching your eye so far?” Zinc asked, pinning her with a knowing gaze.

Startled, she looked up into his dark-gray eyes, surprised to see a silver line around the center of the pupil. His dark-gray hair was longer than Mercury’s and curled around his collar in soft waves.

“I… No,” she said, not knowing what to say. She liked Mercury. Maybe it was even more than that. But logistically, she didn’t know how things could work for them. People hated him here and on Earth, and where would they even go together?

Plus, he wasn’t willing to come to terms with his past, and how could she be with him if he didn’t?

Still, there was something that drew her to him. That had from the moment she met him, even if it seemed all wrong.

Her dragon just couldn’t walk away.

“What’s on your mind now?” Zinc asked curiously.

“I don’t know. There are a million things. Did you know that on my planet, I lived in the ocean as a water dragon?” She turned back to the balcony and looked out on the land. “The oceans are beautiful there. Green and blue and grey. I love them so much.” She looked up at him. “What are your oceans like?”

“Much different,” he said. “Some are light blue. Most are purple because of the metals at the base of them.”

“If there is so much metal, how come people aren’t dying?”

Lead shrugged. “The toxic metals are contained within dragons. We create a shield around them even when we release them, using them in attacks. The only ones they can hurt are ourselves.”

“It doesn’t make much sense,” she said.

“Yes, it does,” Zinc said. “It is our power, and we are the ones responsible for taking the risks that come with it in exchange for the ability to protect those we care about.”

“I see,” she said.

“That’s why we have to find mates,” Zinc said. “Once we have that one person to protect above all others, we gain even more strength. Even more reason to hold back whatever is inside us from reaching our hearts.”

“What happens when it reaches your heart?” she asked.

“When a dragon is despondent, when they don’t have enough reason to… care… the poison reaches deep inside them. It changes them.” Zinc looked over his shoulder at the ballroom. “Mercury is a good example.”

She gaped at Zinc. Was that why

“Not that it excuses him,” Zinc said. “Mercury has to be responsible for his past and all he’s done. But yes, the poison played a role, I’m sure. It didn’t help that it seems his parents didn’t survive the trip and he has no memory of them. That means no one could even warn him about the poison. Tell him to be on guard against it.”

“How can he even guard against it?” she asked.

“By keeping his heart strong. By thinking of others. By having and feeling love.”

“Yes, if that’s the case, I’m surprised he’s not dead. I haven’t heard of anyone he doesn’t hate.”

Zinc looked at her cryptically. “I can think of at least one.”

She flushed at that, looking at the mountains in the distance. “What about you, Zinc? Why are you competing?”

Zinc’s face went still as he contemplated his answer, leaning heavily on the balcony. He was so much taller than her, but there was a gentleness about him that just felt safe.

It wasn’t the kind of rough, all-encompassing safety Mercury gave her, but it was safe all the same.

“I’m doing it for the same reasons as the others,” Zinc said. “For honor and the privilege of being your mate. And besides, you’re a very beautiful dragon.” He gave her a charming grin at that, but she didn’t quite buy it.

“No, but really?” she asked.

“No, really,” he said. “You’re beautiful, Marina. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”


“But… I guess I should be honest and say I don’t have a choice. I must find a mate, and if there is one available, I must do my best to fight for her. Otherwise, I don’t have much time.”

“What do you mean?” she asked. “Your poison?”

He nodded.

“Can’t you control it?”

“To an extent,” he said, dipping his head slightly. Then he lifted his gaze and stared out at his kingdom, looking proud. “But don’t worry about that, Marina. All of the dragons here are in trouble, but it isn’t your fault or your problem. You already gave up your freedom for one troubled dragon. You don’t have to worry about the rest.”

“I can’t help it,” she said. “So what happens to the dragons I don’t choose?”

“I don’t honestly know,” he said. “We go on fighting. We go on keeping our hearts strong through our love and loyalty to each other, to the kingdom in general, in order to keep the poison away from our hearts. And we wait.”

“I think it’s sad, though,” she said. “For all of you, mating is just a way to keep from dying. It isn’t about your heart.”

He looked at her in confusion. “Yes, it is.”

“No, I mean it’s not about your feelings. Yes, it’s about not going mate-lust crazy or ending up poisoned, but I mean, that’s not what choosing a life partner should be about.”

Zinc turned around to face the ballroom, leaning his elbows on the railing behind him. He looked more relaxed and frank, and his polite mask was dropped. “What should it be about, then?”

“Love,” she said. “Finding someone your heart longs to be with because you like them, because they feel right. Because your dragon wants to chase them.”

Her eyes wandered to Mercury as she said it, and she felt his gaze boring into hers.

She jerked her attention back to Zinc. “That’s what I think anyway.”

“Interesting,” Zinc said. “I had never thought about it that way. I would guess it has been many generations since any dragons have thought about it that way.” His expression was almost wistful. “Options. Time to find someone right for you. That sounds as unreal to me as your green oceans.”

She laughed. “The oceans are beautiful, and being able to fall in love is, too.”

Zinc nodded. “Well, it was good to hear about the customs on your world, but we better be getting back before one of the other dragons guts me for taking too much of your time.”

“No, it’s fine,” she said, giving him a smile as they walked back into the dining room. She noticed Cadmium watching them worriedly, and he relaxed slightly when Zinc was seated again at the table.

There was an odd sort of connection between them, almost like Cadmium watched out for Zinc a lot, which was odd because Zinc seemed more than capable.

Cadmium smiled at her. “So, Marina. Tell us about Earth.”

She looked up at Mercury, who cocked his head, waiting for her response. All of the dragons were waiting with rapt attention.

“Well, we have blue-green oceans,” she said. “The most beautiful things in the world.”

Shocked murmurs turned into more questions, and Marina smiled and got into the conversation, trying not to think about everything Zinc had said. About how all of these wonderful men were in trouble, yet all she could think about was Mercury and wanting to be with him.

After her conversation with Zinc, she was more and more sure.

Mercury was right. It wasn’t pity for him or a selfless desire to save him when no one else would. Sure, all of that played a part, along with the softness of her heart.

But the real reason, the one she hadn’t allowed herself to speak aloud even in her own heart, was that she was pretty damn sure the villainous, unstable mercury dragon was meant to be her mate.




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